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The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3)

Page 22

by Melissa Adams

  But on the other hand, I wonder if I could live with her having relationships with all of us if that would mean no risk of losing her.

  Could we coexist for the sake of being with her?

  Her soft voice interrupts my thoughts.

  “Landon, please stay with me tonight. We don't have to do anything but I wanna sleep in your arms.”


  The Eye Of The Storm


  THE NEXT FEW WEEKS go by in a strange, peaceful routine: the guys and I pass every drug test and Aubrey keeps making sure that she's the only one handing us drinks before a game.

  Tyler seems to be an ok kinda guy and shows up at every game, since he might be transferring schools he decided to ditch football and just play lacrosse in the New Year for Aylesbury, if his father signs the contract with RGS (Richmond Global Security).

  He seems to hang out with Margaux all the time and I’m grateful because that seems to keep her unwanted attentions away from me and I can concentrate on Aubrey, on making our relationship grow and making amends for my stupid behaviour.

  I know that she hasn't forgiven me completely but she seems to warm up to me a little more every day.

  The only thorns in my backside are the others who are as relentless as I am in pursuing the girl I love.

  It's Friday today and I’m in the best mood I’ve been in since the end of the summer: we're gonna play an away game in San Diego tonight and a few of us have decided to stay at Tripp’s house in Temecula.

  He's throwing a huge party, the opposing team and cheer squad will be invited too and I summoned all my courage and asked Aubrey to be my date tonight.

  She said yes and I admit that a part of me was surprised, I thought she'd make me beg.

  Obviously I’ll have to tread carefully because I really wanna show her that I care and that I won't repeat the same mistakes that almost ended everything between us.

  I saw the others’ expressions when I asked her: Teague and Knox seemed very annoyed, while Landon observed us with a pensive expression.

  I'm thinking ‘fuck ‘em’, they wouldn't have even had a chance with Aubrey if I hadn't behaved like an asshat and ‘ruined everything with her’ when I almost walk into Margaux, coming out of a storage room where the cheerleaders keep all their equipment.

  “Hey Devs.”

  I nod in her direction but she obviously wants to talk to me because she asks me if I’d be her date tonight.

  “Uhm, I thought we’d talked about it a few weeks ago. You're a great girl Margaux, but I like Aubrey. Like, seriously like her so it wouldn't be fair to treat you like a hookup.”

  Our blonde cheerleader captain takes one step closer to me:

  “And I thought that I was clear that unless you give me a reason to, I won't be able to keep people from gossiping about your family and how you grew up.”

  I shrug and suddenly I don't feel sorry about turning her down anymore.

  “Say whatever the fuck you want, Margaux. I told Aubrey everything and she doesn't care about how much money I had growing up or about my mom’s questionable morals. Plus, I thought you and Tyler were an item.”

  “I only hooked up with Tyler to make you mad. He's all right but I like you. Devon.”

  “I’m sorry. I already asked Aubrey to tonight's party.”

  Margaux folds her arms over her chest and narrows her eyes in a venomous gaze.

  “Really? And she said yes? I know she's been fucking my brother and Teague is all over her constantly, so I'm betting she's fucking him too. And she came to my party as Landon's date. So, is she fucking you all? Is that what you're into? If you want, I can ask Macy and Rachel and we can have some fun together. Or is it that you're into other guys?”

  I don't dignify Margaux's provocation with a comment and tell her I gotta go.

  “You're falling for her innocent act Devon, but she isn't a nice girl. She doesn't come from a nice family, you could do much better. You’ll come crawling back to me when you’ll realise that she's a fucking ho.”

  I walk away without engaging with her any further but the exchange with Margaux has left a weird feeling in my gut.

  And then it hits me: what if she drugged our drinks?

  At first I think that it doesn't make sense because popularity to her is obviously very important, so my QB1 position obviously makes me more desirable.

  But what if she just wanted to make trouble between me and Aubrey?

  I need to find out if she said anything to her, but I need to tread carefully because she's Knox's sister and I doubt he’ll tolerate any kind of accusations towards her.

  I hate the idea of talking to Aubrey about this on our date but that's my only opportunity to carve out some alone time with her, because normally the others are always around.


  OUR TEAM WINS AGAIN: both Knox and Devon get the chance to play and they both score a touchdown, propelling our team towards the playoffs for the State Championship.

  As I’m waiting for the guys after the game, I'm talking to Tyler and I’m surprised to see that he isn't taking Margaux to the party tonight but his date is actually Macy.

  I don't ask because it's none of my business who he sees but I don't miss the pissed look on Margaux's face when Tyler opens his car door for Macy.

  Knox's sister has been unusually quiet tonight and I caught her looking at me a few times.

  I asked Knox what he said to her because obviously she's seen me showing up at parties and school events on Knox’s arm but also with Landon or Teague.

  Knox told me to let him worry about Margaux, so I didn't tell her about me dating all the guys for now but I’ve caught her staring at me more and more recently.

  We haven't really talked much beyond official cheer team business after she tried to comfort me in the girls bathroom a few weeks ago.

  But I don't think she cares much about who I date, because she made it clear that day that Knox wasn't a relationship kind of guy, so much so that she led me to believe that Knox had totally lost interest in me after we slept together.

  I was relieved to discover that she was wrong and that Knox wants a serious relationship with me, because despite this making my choice harder, I really like Knox.

  I like everything about him: he's handsome, smart, thoughtful, and so fucking sexy!

  I spent a whole night with him last weekend and things between us are only getting hotter.

  I try not to think about having to choose because my attraction for Teague isn't any weaker and after his apology a few weeks ago, our physical relationship has been growing and he took me out on a family outing. So I got to meet his parents and his younger brothers.

  I was ambivalent about it: on one end, getting to know the guys better is the only way for me to make a choice but I felt embarrassed meeting his family when I know that I’m not dating Teague exclusively.

  He told me to let him and the others worry about their families and I’m relieved that none of them are trying to put any pressure on me to choose quickly.

  Landon is the only one I confided in about my complete inability to choose and I admit that things between us have been progressing fast and my feelings for him are growing every day.

  Probably the fact that he knows how I really feel is a huge factor because when I’m with him, I feel less guilty.

  We haven't slept together but we’ve been exploring each other and the attraction between us is growing stronger and stronger and it's becoming harder not to cross the line that he's clearly drawn.

  I know that if I slept with him he’d think that I made my choice, so I’ve been letting him lead the way when it comes to how close he wants to get on a physical level.

  And then there's Devon: I didn't make things easy for him, I meant it when I said that he has to earn my trust after the way he behaved with me.

  He's definitely doing everything right.

  He's kind, charming, doting on me every chance he gets, making it clear in front of
everyone that he cares about me.

  It's the total opposite to how he behaved after that last night on the beach.

  I could stay mad at him and make him really pay for how he treated me, but while I haven't been going out of my way to spend time with him like with the others, I can't deny that I do have strong feelings for Devon.

  Especially since he's got back that warmth in his eyes, that way of looking at me that made me fall for him on the beach.

  At first we seemed to have issues when we went to a party together and I was there specifically as one of the guys’ date.

  The others seemed to always wanna hover around, not respecting the fact that I was on a date with someone else.

  But they must have figured this out among themselves because lately, they make sure that I can spend quality time with the guy who asked me out even if we’re all in the same room.

  So tonight after the game, I ride to Tripp’s house with Devon and when we get there the guys make themselves scarce, hanging out with their teammates or playing party games with the other team.

  Devon guides me towards the living room where several couples are dancing and asks me to dance with him.

  I say yes and when a slow song starts and he surrounds me with his arms, it's almost as if I were magically transported back to South Carolina when we went to this little dive bar that had live music and danced in each other's arms all night.

  And I’m almost unprepared for the onslaught of feelings that invades me being so close to Devon again after a long time.

  He still has that subtle ocean scent, carried by the wind on the beach: clean, vibrant, and sexy.

  I rest my head on his chest while we dance, closing my eyes and inhaling his scent, my nose and lips on the crook of his neck.

  His body feels strong and solid against mine and I feel that undeniable attraction, that made me decide to go all the way with him last summer.

  He opens his eyes and I feel his dark green gaze on me and I can't help but melt when he smiles at me.

  He whispers in my ear, and my skin erupts into goosebumps as his warm breath tickles the sensitive spot behind my ear.

  “Baby, there's something I need to talk to you about, can we find some privacy?”

  I nod and take the hand he offers me as we walk away from the dance area.

  I don't know what he wants to tell me or if it's just an excuse to be alone with me but right now I don't really care if it's the latter, because I really want to kiss him and I’d rather not do that in front of an audience.

  I spot Tyler making out with Macy in a corner at the edge of the dance floor but his gaze is fixed on me as Devon and I walk by.

  I also see Margaux standing at the opposite corner of the room and her eyes shift from Tyler to me and Devon.

  Her lips are flattened in a thin line and she doesn't look pleased to be on her own.

  I know that my hanging out with all four of my guys has definitely attracted the attention of a lot of people at school and I heard some snide comments from a few girls on the cheer team.

  I feel relieved to be away from her scrutiny: Margaux has never been intentionally mean to me but she makes me nervous because I witnessed more than once how she treats the people who cross her in some way.

  And I catch her staring at me intently.

  I guess I need to find out what Knox told her because in all honesty, I understand how the situation can look and if I ever felt that someone was cheating on one of my siblings my claws would definitely show.

  The hallway immediately outside the living room is lined with people drinking and talking and with couples kissing, so Devon steers me towards the stairs.

  We open one of the many doors lining the long corridor of the first floor and we see a girl obviously giving head to her partner.

  “Hey, fuck you!”

  He shouts aggressively and we shut the door and move on.

  We get similar results with a few of the other doors until we find a bathroom at the end of the hallway that is fortunately unoccupied.

  Devon locks the door behind us and then turns to look at me.

  “So, what did you wanna tell me?”

  He sighs and takes a step towards me, taking one of my hands in his, stroking the skin between my thumb and my index finger in a soothing circular motion.

  “I’ve been considering this for a while Aubrey, and after how I almost blew my chance to even be friends with you because of my distrust, I hesitated to speak up but after what happened earlier—”

  If I expected some kind of love declaration or some hot advance I’m sorely disappointed and for a second, I worry that he's back thinking that I was the one to drug him, Teague, and Landon.

  But his suspicions aren't directed towards me.

  “Did Margaux touch those drinks, the day we failed that drug test?”

  I nod.

  “Yeah. She actually asked me to help her, Macy and Rachel to give those drinks out. She gave me the cooler with yours.”


  “Why? Do you think she could've been involved—”

  He shakes his head and tells me that he thinks that she could be the one who did it.

  “I don't know, Devon. I thought about it but I'm not convinced. She loves the team and she takes her cheer captain role extremely seriously.”

  So seriously that she suggested I blow Teague to ‘lift his morale’.

  I don't say that out loud.

  “I thought that maybe Macy or Rachel could be involved or know something? They were really mad at Teague and Landon for refusing their rally girl offers to, uhm ... blow them.”

  Devon smirks for a second but then he returns to being serious and he tells me how Margaux has been throwing herself at him since school started.

  “Yeah, I know that she definitely likes you. She asked me once or twice if we were more than friends and at the time I said no.”

  Devon’s voice lowers to a whisper as he asks me:

  “What about now? Are we more than friends now?”

  My gaze meets his head on.

  “Maybe. It depends.”

  “On what?”

  I tell him the truth.

  “On you letting me in, Devon. For real this time. No lies and no assumptions that I won't understand you or where you come from.”

  His arms close around me and his lips find mine in a kiss that starts as sweet and hesitant and grows hot and intense when I don't reject him.

  His tongue pries my lips open and I taste his sweet flavour that will always bring me back to the summer, to those warm, romantic nights on the beach.

  He kisses me breathless, every swipe of his tongue against mine chipping at my resentment towards him, reminding me how he made me feel before things started to go wrong.

  When we part, he cups my jaw and groans as if he were in pain.

  “Baby, I wanna keep kissing you but first, I have to tell you what happened with Margaux. I promised no more secrets and no more bullshit and believe me, I always keep my promises. Especially because I know that if I didn't, I’d lose you.”

  He tells me about the aggressive way Margaux has been pursuing him and how she basically threatened to tell everyone about his parents legal battle and how he grew up poor.

  “She told me that if I agreed to date her, she’d make sure that the cheerleaders that know about it would keep their mouth shut. And then she implied that you’d never give me the time of day if you knew.”

  “Is this why you came to my house to tell me about your parents a couple of weeks ago?”

  He nods and his eyes are shadowed by worry.

  “Yes. I knew I had to tell you if I wanted you to give me a second chance, and I was hesitant because I was worried that you'd really think that I wasn't worthy of you.”


  I scold him and he nods.

  “I know, I was so fucking wrong to think that you’d care about money and status and all that meaningless shit. But I—”

nbsp; I don't blame him completely, I see lots of the girls at school weigh up a guy's net-worth before even agreeing to a single date.

  “Aubrey, what if she fucked with those drinks because she was jealous when she realised that you're the one that I want?”

  I admit that Margaux seems the vindictive type but would she go that far because she felt rejected?

  And would she try to get me blamed for it?

  In a way it's possible because when Devon hated me, that would eliminate me as a possible rival to Devon’s attentions.

  I’m about to tell him my considerations, when Devon asks me:

  “There's another thought that has been swirling in my mind and I have to ask you this, Aubrey.”

  It can't be anything good, judging by the darkness in his eyes.

  “Do you think that Knox could be involved in any way?”

  I begin to protest but he explains that Knox and Margaux are really close.

  “He’s really protective of his sister and if she asked for his help ... especially because in a way, with me out of the way, Knox got a spot on the starting team.”

  “No. Knox is a good, honest guy. He would never play dirty to get ahead. And you're right that he loves Margaux but he knows that his sister’s a real handful and he totally disapproves of her ‘mean girl ways’. And even admitting that he’d given into helping her, he’d never allow her to try to blame it on me.”

  Devon seems convinced.

  “Ok. I’m sorry but I had to ask you this, baby. I see how close you are to Knox and I don't want you to get hurt.”

  I take a step away from him, bothered by the distrust between my guys.

  I know that despite being teammates, they aren't exactly friends and that lately they've been hanging out with each other more because of me.

  I guess a part of me still hopes that they could become friends like Abi’s guys, or like Alex, Sam, and Tuna.

  If that happened, maybe I could convince them that I could love them all.

  But the look in Devon’s eyes tells me clearly that while they play football together and they tolerate each other for my sake, they lack the trust that's indispensable for the kind of relationship I yearn for.


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