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Loving Edits

Page 18

by Mickie B. Ashling

  The sound of the rolling garage door pulled Mick out of his thoughts and back into the present. They were home.

  TONO frowned as soon as he saw Paul pushing Mick’s wheelchair.

  “Where’s Samuel?”

  “I let him go around lunchtime. He had other things he needed to do.” Mick smiled at Tono and raised his arms in an inviting gesture. Tono bent down and kissed him on the lips.

  “Did you get the new laptop?”

  Mick nodded. “It’s pretty fancy; I think I’m going to enjoy it.”

  “Just don’t be throwing it against hard surfaces, and you will.”

  Mick stuck out his tongue playfully, a little embarrassed by the reminder of last night’s meltdown. Tono smiled, which was a relief. He appeared to be in a better frame of mind since he’d last seen him. He hoped Tono would confide in him later and discuss whatever it was that had put him in the foul mood. In the meantime, he was going to enjoy a mellower partner.

  “You want a beer, Pol?”

  Paul nodded, raising his eyebrows in surprise. Mick was taken aback as well. The last thing he’d expected was an invitation after seeing Tono scowling when they walked in. He’d been certain that Tono would ask Paul to leave. Instead, he was actually being gracious.

  “Let’s watch some TV,” Mick suggested. Tono enjoyed watching soccer, and thanks to their kickass cable provider, they were able to watch sports from all over the world. He was pretty sure there’d be a soccer game somewhere in the western hemisphere.

  “Go ahead,” Tono invited, “I’ll get some snacks.”

  “Sounds good,” Mick said. He pushed on his wheels, gliding forward effortlessly. The hardwood floors were perfect for his needs, and he objected when Paul took the handles, trying to help. “Don’t, sweetheart. Let me do this on my own.”

  “Okay.” Paul followed him instead and threw himself on the sofa as soon as they got to the living room. “I had too much lunch,” he announced. “I’m actually sleepy.”

  “Close your eyes and take a power nap,” Mick said. “I’ll wake you up in thirty minutes.”

  BY THE time Tono came back with a bowl of chips and salsa, Paul was fast asleep on the sofa. He looked harmless in repose, a napping god whose facial features were chiseled to perfection. His nose was straight and proportioned to his face, and his lips curled up at the edges, pink and plump, a little too tempting in Tono’s opinion. His blond hair fell in soft waves over his forehead, and because his eyes were closed and unable to peer at Tono with disdain, he looked innocent and inviting.

  “He’s pretty, huh?” Mick smiled, noticing the way Tono was looking at Paul.

  Tono shrugged. “Is he sick?”

  “No, just full. We had a big lunch.”

  “Oh? Where’d you eat?”

  “Samuel and I stopped by Alcott Press, and Paul took me to lunch.”

  “What about Samuel?”

  “No, he had to leave before we started eating.”

  “I see,” Tono grunted, unhappy again.

  “Majo, don’t.”

  “Don’t what? I’m not doing anything.”

  “You’re being territorial.”

  “Coño, Mick!”

  “Come here,” Mick said, turning his chair toward Tono. “Get me out of this contraption and take me to bed. I’ve missed you.”

  “Cariño, it’s only been one day.”

  “One day too long.”

  Tono stepped forward and lifted Mick easily out of the chair. He walked with him to their bedroom and laid him down on top of the bedspread. He began to cover Mick’s face with soft kisses. Tono’s hand glanced over the features he loved, touching Mick reverently, the way he used to touch the images of angels in church when he was a young man. He smoothed the dark curls off Mick’s forehead and kissed the tanned skin which remained unlined, mocking the very idea of death and disease. Mick had never been more beautiful, and Tono’s heart grew heavy, knowing that all the love he had to give wouldn’t stave off the progression of his insidious disease. He pressed his mouth to succulent lips that opened for him, moving over each curve with methodical precision, an attempt to memorize and retain this moment to be recalled some day. His hands roamed over Mick’s body, and he lifted his T-shirt, uncovering the taught stomach that rippled under his touch. He tugged at Mick’s zipper, loving the eager gasp that escaped from Mick’s mouth as he begged for more. Tono’s excitement grew as Mick’s body blossomed; his swollen cock peeked out from the opening in his boxers, the rosy tip moist with fluid seeping out from his slit.

  “Majo, please.” Mick’s voice grew deeper with need as he lifted his hips in supplication, pushing up as far as he could manage and then keening softly when Tono finally engulfed his cock.

  Tono’s breath felt hot in his throat as the tears threatened to overflow. His love for this man was all-consuming and almost painful; it was impossible to contemplate that it would be cut short.

  Mick urged him to go faster and deeper while his aggressive hands raked through Tono’s hair, tugging and twining the soft curls. Tono released Mick’s cock, despite the protesting cry, and he removed their shirts and pants. Finally, when the floor was littered with clothing, Tono repositioned himself so he lay on top of Mick, bracing his body with his elbows so as not to put too much weight on him. They began to trade deep kisses again while they rubbed against each other. Tono was on fire, stoking Mick like an ember, ready to ignite them both.

  They heard a cough, and both looked toward the door. Paul was watching them with such a longing gaze that Tono couldn’t look away. Paul’s effect on him was primal; the need to possess, and be possessed, coursed through him as surely as the blood pumping through his veins. Every part of his body thirsted for Paul’s touch, making him realize, once again, that he was willing to put his doubts aside. Mick tensed, no doubt waiting for Tono’s vehement objection, but he sighed with relief when Tono reached out to the blond whose sleepy blue eyes widened in surprise.

  “Come,” Tono said, voicing his consent. He buried his face against Mick’s neck, waiting to feel Paul getting on the bed. He didn’t need to watch him strip; he already knew that Paul’s cock, the perfect instrument of pleasure, would be straining against his stomach. Paul’s chest was molded in the right places, his abs surprisingly tight for a pencil-pusher, his legs rock hard and shapely. Tono could see this without opening his eyes, and his breathing stuttered when he felt Paul’s hand caressing his ass. Tono began the slow slide down Mick’s torso, ending up at his groin and savoring the musky scent as he buried his face in the crispy, black curls.

  Tono slipped Mick into his mouth and began to suck on the engorged head, moaning with pleasure. He paused when he felt Paul parting his ass cheeks, and Tono growled when Paul’s rigid tongue burrowed into his secret place. “Hijo de―” He pushed against Paul and spread his legs wider.

  “Love me, majo,” Mick’s voice broke through, reminding him to finish what he was doing before Paul joined them.

  Tono was losing his rhythm due to Paul’s steady assault on the tender skin between his asshole and his balls. He felt Paul suckling and biting gently while Mick began to thrust in and out of his mouth. Tono gave it up to both men, allowing Mick to control his own motions while Paul continued to twirl his tongue around Tono’s puckered flesh. He breached the tight muscles with his probing tongue, a delicious invasion causing Tono to cry out, signaling his compliance. Paul became more aggressive, sucking at each of Tono’s balls, rolling them around his mouth while tugging at himself, trying to satisfy his own needs.

  “Pol,” Tono growled, “fuck me.”

  “Do it, sweetheart,” Mick encouraged, goading Paul to pull away from the pair.

  Paul fumbled his way around the nightstand, feeling for the lube and praying he’d find a condom as well. He found the lube but no condom. He howled in frustration and quickly grabbed his pants, groping for the condoms he always carried in his pocket. He rolled one on with trembling hands, smashing the tube of lubricant in
the center without thinking. A blob of the shiny stuff squirted out, and he rubbed Tono’s ass and his now sheathed cock with the excess, positioning himself at Tono’s quivering hole.

  He inched his way in carefully, assuming, and rightfully so, that Tono hardly ever bottomed, but Tono helped him by pushing against Paul, plucking at his hips with fevered hands as Paul was sucked into the tight channel. He was as deep as he could get, hitting the tiny walnut-sized gland on the first try, and he felt Tono buck underneath him. Paul clutched Tono’s hips with both hands and hung on, desperate to get them both off. Tono’s head bobbed up and down as he continued to service Mick, who was writhing and moaning underneath him.

  Paul let go of one hip and snaked his hand around Tono’s body to wrap his long fingers around Tono’s cock, which swung heavily between his legs. He cried out when he felt Paul’s hand, and he started to come in a steady stream, causing his muscles to clamp around Paul’s cock, sending him over the edge as well. Paul filled the condom with jets of hot semen while Mick continued to sound out his pleasure. He shuddered through his orgasm as Tono swallowed around him.

  Chapter 27

  THEY were boneless in each other’s arms, a tangle of limbs entwined one over the other. Tono’s cheek rested high on Mick’s thigh, nestled close to his groin. He could feel Mick’s pulse beating steadily through the warm skin. Paul was draped over him like a warm blanket, sighing with contentment. Tono felt Paul stroking him gently. His touch was soothing and almost made it easy to lose the guilt that was starting to surface.

  “You’re beautiful,” Paul whispered.

  Tono turned his head and allowed Paul to kiss him full on his mouth. He was still floaty from his orgasm, so the reality that Mick was watching him kiss his former lover didn’t bother him. The pleasure of being sandwiched between two gorgeous men superseded whatever qualms he’d had when they’d started this session.

  “You’re both beautiful,” Mick exclaimed, reaching up to caress Paul’s back as Paul and Tono continued to exchange kisses that were becoming more and more intense. Tono tore his mouth away from Paul’s and latched onto Mick’s with a deep moan serving to goad his lover into opening up for him. “Majo―”

  “Te quiero, cariño,” Tono murmured.

  “I know,” Mick exhaled.

  Paul slid off Tono’s back and scooted up the bed, pressing his head against Mick’s neck. When Tono pulled back to catch a breath, Paul took his turn with Mick, kissing him deeply while Tono’s strong hands kneaded his buttocks. Tono took handfuls of it, squeezing the taut skin, leaving red finger marks as the tenderness morphed into blazing passion once again. Mick’s kisses turned aggressive, and Paul found himself on the receiving end of a man intent on experiencing everything tonight. Mick’s desire was demanding, and when he turned to Paul and said “fuck me” in that compelling voice he’d used years ago, Paul was transported back to a time when Mick was healthy and the only thing they had to worry about was keeping the condom supply replenished. Tonight he was the aggressor, covering every bit of him with torrid kisses. His hands roamed over Paul’s body, ending up at his groin, where he cupped his balls and toyed with them confidently. He pulled back for a second to suck on his middle finger before he invaded Paul, who spread his legs for him without question. Mick was pleased that Paul’s cock was revived, and he sought the tiny gland that would make this moment that much sweeter.

  Tono felt his own passion rising again, and he moved toward the sexy twosome wanting desperately to be a part of the coupling, to intertwine and lose himself in their embrace. Every bit of resistance was gone, and all he could think of was joining in the sexual puzzle. Paul shifted his attention to him long enough to whisper in his ear. “Let me fuck Mick while you fuck me.” Tono’s response was instant and positive, free of restraints; the mere thought of Paul’s suggestion was wildly appealing.

  “Condom?” Tono hissed, fumbling for the lube.

  Paul kissed him quickly and handed Tono a condom with the lube, but not before he slathered a healthy dollop on his own sheathed cock. He wiped the residue on Mick and then placed each of Mick’s long legs on his shoulders, giving him easier access.

  “Sweetheart,” Mick sighed, pulling Paul’s head down briefly so he could kiss him. “Fuck me hard, Pauly.”

  “Jesus, Mick,” Paul faltered, and his heart thumped hard against his chest as he felt Tono grabbing his hips and positioning himself. Tono demanded entrance, and he cried out when he breached him forcefully, just as Paul stabbed into Mick, who keened loudly.

  All three paused, adjusting to this new position, but soon they began to move again, working up to a steady push and pull, completely in tune with one another. Their cries and whispers escalated, in direct response to the thrusting, as they soon found their tempo. The room erupted with sounds of pleasure, and the odor of three men in full arousal permeated the tight quarters.

  “Harder, sweetheart,” Mick goaded. “Don’t hold back.”

  Paul slammed into Mick, balls deep and rough, acceding to his every wish. His pleasure was magnified by the dual assault, creating rippling waves of pleasure, as he possessed Mick forcefully while Tono’s rock-hard shaft claimed him. He moaned when Tono hit his gland the first time, but he cried out and began to buck when he did it again. Mick’s hands were clutching at Paul’s upper arms just as he attained his goal, and he came in a gush of hot come that sprayed Paul’s chest and neck, pushing Paul to orgasm as well.

  Tono let out a strangled growl as every inch of his distended cock was crushed by Paul’s muscles squeezing around him like a sweet vice. Tono bit Paul’s shoulder, an automatic reaction to stifle the roar that would have broken sound barriers if unleashed.

  “Coño, Pol,” Tono huffed, thrusting violently until every drop of hot liquid filled the head of the condom.

  Mick wrapped his arms around Paul and squeezed.

  “Cariño.” Tono was blissfully satisfied, and he reached down over Paul’s shoulder to fondle Mick’s cheek.

  Mick tried to meet him halfway but was unable to touch him because of the way they were positioned, one on top of the other. Tono moved to accommodate everyone, and soon they were lying on their sides, spooned up against each other with Mick in the middle.

  “God, that was fucking hot,” Paul sighed, trying to keep his eyes open.

  Tono nodded, agreeing silently.

  “Love you both so much.” Mick exhaled and fell asleep instantly.

  IT WAS early evening when Mick awoke to find himself alone in the big bed. His mind went back to the scene they’d had earlier, and he was overcome with emotion. He began to cry softly, suffused with joy but a little confused by his tears. He admitted that lately they seemed to come for no reason. Maybe this was his body’s new way of dealing with joy, since jumping up and down was no longer an option. He was peacefully content with what had transpired, and he fervently hoped that Tono would be okay with it as well.

  The door opened and Paul walked in. He smiled when he saw that Mick was awake, and he sat on the edge of the bed, bending down to kiss him.

  “Hey,” he said gently, “what’s with the tears?”

  “Sweetheart… I’m happy, that’s all. It was incredible.”

  “It was beautiful in every way,” Paul agreed, pushing a lock of dark hair away from Mick’s forehead. He kissed him again, licking away every salty tear, profoundly touched by his renewed love for Mick. He pondered their situation. So many years wasted—the realization hit him like a blow to the gut. If he had known Mick would end up this way, would he have behaved differently? Would it have altered the eventual outcome? Mick interrupted his deep thoughts with his question.

  “Where’s Tono?”

  “He went down to the gym. I guess he needed to do a little treadmill to clear his head.”

  “Did he seem okay to you?”

  “He didn’t say much. Kind of grunted at me―you know how he gets.”

  Mick frowned. “I’m worried that he’s feeling guilty about this

  “You’re not allowed to worry about anything except putting one word in front of another.”

  “Always on the job.” Mick grinned.

  “Hey, we’re on a tight schedule, and I want your book sitting on the shelves for Christmas.”

  “It’ll get done, sweetheart. I promise,” Mick replied sincerely, easing Paul’s concerns.

  “You want me to go find your partner?”

  “You mean our partner?”

  “I’m not sure we’re at that point, but thank you for including me.”

  Mick held Paul’s hand and soaked up the sight of the blond who looked at him so lovingly. “You will always be included if I have anything to say about it.”

  Paul kissed him, with a little more heat this time. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, hmm?”

  “Paul, aren’t you okay with this?”

  “Mick, I want you to be happy, and if two of us in your bed will do it, then yes, I’m okay with this. But, it’s not me who’s the problem, is it?”

  “I think that he’s a step closer to accepting this after tonight.”

  “Let’s hope you’re right. I’ll go and get him; we can have a nice dinner to celebrate. Sound good?”

  “Okay. Hand me my laptop on your way out, will you?”

  “Good boy.”

  “Love you, Paul.”

  “Love you, too, babe.”

  TONO’S sweat poured off him in big drops as he pounded the speed bag. He was hoping the exercise would calm him and make the conflicting thoughts stop pinging back and forth in his head like a pinball machine. One minute he was basking in the joy of a union that felt right in every way, the next he was rebelling and horrified with what had just happened.

  He’d left the apartment in a rush, unwilling to face Paul after the magic of their lovemaking began to dissipate. He couldn’t look at Mick either; he would see right through him. How could he tell his partner that he suddenly had feelings for a man he’d bad-mouthed for months? Would Mick think he’d been lying all along, protesting his radical ideas of being in a relationship with two men, when in actuality he was falling for Paul in every way? Such an admission was impossible to contemplate.


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