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Scourge of Souls: The Realms Book Four: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

Page 25

by C. M. Carney

  You have learned the Spell Emancipation.

  Sphere: Soul Magic - Tier: Apprentice.

  Emancipation allows an Apprentice level practitioner of Soul Magic to free a stolen or trapped soul whether by a device or another being. Be warned, a soul that lacks a body or other vessel to occupy will move on from the Mortal Realm and continue upon the soul’s journey "earned" in life.

  Mana Cost: 100 Casting Time: 5 seconds.

  Duration: Instantaneous Cooldown: 5 minutes.

  Emancipation was the second Apprentice Tier spell Gryph had learned, but unlike the vile feeling of despair he felt upon learning Soul Rend, this spell filled him with a warm light. The word “earned” was disconcerting, adding substance to the belief that souls would pass into one of the other Realms upon death. As Gryph understood it, one’s actions in life determined the destination of their soul upon death. It was karma in action.

  Finally, Gryph looked down on the real prize. Nestled inside a felt lined wooden box were a half dozen gemstones that glowed with an interior blue-white glow. Above them lay a larger black stone that shimmered with an internal glow.

  You have found Port Icons (x6).

  Port Icons are imbued gemstones created by the ancient Nimmerian High Men to power and open Port Gates.

  The Icons shimmered with intense light, and unlike the damaged one Yrriel had provided them, all six were intact and fully charged. Gryph gently pulled a stone from its nook and felt the crackling energy inside them. For a moment he just stared into the scintillating gem, his heart thudding in his chest. Until this moment he had feared that his return to the Barrow, his entire quest to save Brynn, had been a fool’s errand built on false hope. Now, for the first time, there was a chance.

  Gryph lifted the larger stone and triggered Identify.

  You have found a Nimmerian Knowledge Cache.

  Nimmerian Knowledge Caches are powerfully imbued gemstones that contain important information. To activate one must hold the Cache in their palm and push a small amount of mana into the device.

  This cache contains a detailed map and rune combinations for the Nimmerian Port Gate system.

  NOTE: This cache is locked. Only the current master can unlock this cache.

  Current Master: Ouzeriuo.

  Gryph’s stomach dropped when he read the last part of the description. Locked? Shit. How does one unlock it if the current master is dead? Despair filled Gryph. If he was going to save Brynn, getting access to the cache was vital.

  “What is it?” Ovrym asked, drawn by the look on Gryph’s face.



  Gryph explained their dilemma, and every one of them felt victory swallowed by the dark jaws of defeat. Lex complained, again, about having to walk. Errat smiled and said he liked walking. Ovrym placed a firm hand on Gryph’s shoulder, saying volumes without speaking a word. Tifala stood firm, stoically absorbing the news that her quest to find Wick had grown more difficult. Simon took the news with typical teenage selfishness.

  “Yeah, feeling real bad about the mission failure. So what now? Guess you guys will head home. No reason to hang around here.”

  Gryph turned an irritated gaze to Simon and was about to lecture him when Vonn walked up, hand extended. “May I?” the half-elf asked, looking down on the Nimmerian Cache. Gryph hesitated for the merest of moments before nodding. Vonn picked up the stone lightly, like a man lifting an injured baby bird. Then he turned and tossed the Cache at Simon.

  Panic surged in Gryph as the priceless stone flew towards the undead teen. Would the jumpy revenant catch the stone? Could the Cache be damaged? Why did Vonn throw it? The stone sailed and Simon screeched and reached his hands out, bobbling the glinting jewel once, twice, three times before finally securing it in a skeletal hand.

  “Dude, what the hell was….?” Simon’s eye-lights raged brighter in anger and then dimmed into slits as he cocked his skull to the side as understanding filled him. “Oh.”

  “Simon?” Gryph said in an intent voice, sparing a brief glance of ire for Vonn. The rogue simply grinned, showing no sign that Gryph’s anger touched him. Gryph turned back to Simon. “Simon!”

  “Yeah, yeah, I heard ya. Gimme a sec here.” His eye-lights dimmed as if he were looking at something only he can see. Several heartbeats passed and finally he opened his eyes again. He grinned and then stared at Vonn. “How did you know that’d work?”

  “Hunch,” Vonn said, shrugging his shoulders.

  “What worked?” Gryph asked, his irritation boiling over.

  “I unlocked it,” Simon said with a grin. “When I caught the Cache a prompt popped up asking me if I wanted to access the contents.”

  “But you’re not Ouzeriuo,” Lex said.

  “But this body was.” Simon moved a skeletal hand up and down his robed form like a model showing off a sports car. His joy turned to despair as the full extent of what he’d said filled his mind. “I'll never be rid of him.” His shoulders slumped. “I’m stuck in a prison, a stupid half rotten skull prison.” Simon sighed, a motion which continued to unnerve Gryph and the player feared the Cache would fall from Simon’s limp fingers.

  Ovrym, realizing the same danger grabbed the stone from Simon before it could clatter to the ground and handed it to Gryph. Gryph clenched it but kept his eyes on Simon. “Kid, I cannot begin to understand how you feel, but he is gone, and you are still here. That has to count for something?”

  “I guess,” Simon muttered, plopping himself down onto a stone bench with an audible clatter of old bones.

  “If there is a way to free you from his body, we will find it, together.” Simon turned his gaze to Gryph, the fire’s in his eyes burning a little brighter.

  “Promise?” Simon asked.

  “I promise to try to find you a new body,” Gryph said.

  “Pinky swear?” Simon asked, extending the bone of his right hand.

  Gryph inhaled deeply and took the lich’s pinky in his own. “Pinky swear.”

  You have made a Binding Vow to Simon, the Barrow King.

  Vows are powerful promises made binding. They are enforced by the ancient magics of the Realms and will inflict severe penalties if the Vow is broken. Gryph has promised to do all he can find Simon a new body.

  Difficulty: Unknown - Reward: Unknown - XP: Unknown - Time Table: Open - Penalty for Failure: Unknown

  “Shit, pinky swears are binding vows?”

  “Don’t mess with the pinky dude,” Lex said. “The pinky don’t play.”

  “Add it to my endless list of quests.” Gryph said and then gave Simon a reassuring look that said, ‘yes I will still help you, even if I feel tricked into it.’

  Simon grinned again. “If you can, make my body big and muscly, like our pal Errat here.” He smacked the back of his hand against Errat’s chest and winked. “Ladies like muscly big guys.”

  “Good, Errat has lots of muscles.” He looked at Lex. “Perhaps friend Lex can show us how to talk to the ladies. He tells Errat he is quite the ladies’ man.”

  “If you want your night to end with a knife in the head, then that’s an excellent idea,” Vonn said. Errat grinned and Simon gave Lex a big thumbs up.

  “What would you even do with a lady? Or a guy for that matter. You don’t have the required …” Lex waved his hand in front of his crotch. “Equipment.”

  “Errat is very crafty. Perhaps, with friend Lex’s help, I could build my own equipment?”

  Lex held his hands wide apart. “I am not pinky swearing to that.” He looked at Errat and Simon, who were both grinning at him. “And besides, you guys would make the worst wingmen of all time,” Lex muttered.

  Gryph chuckled and returned his attention to the Cache. True to his word Simon had unlocked it allowing Gryph to lay claim to the ancient repository of knowledge.

  You have completed the Hidden Quest Reclaim Lost Knowledge.

  You have earned 100,000 XP.

  You have acquired a map and the rune codes for
the ancient Nimmerian Port Gate Network and the Port Icons (6) to power them.

  Reward: You now have the capability of traversing vast distances nearly instantaneously.

  You have reduced Raathiel’s XP Deficit.

  You have reduced Raathiel’s XP deficit by 100,000 XP. Current XP Deficit: - 2,500,000

  Gryph grinned as the true power of what he’d found sank in. This could well be the deciding factor in the war to come, Gryph thought. He focused and a huge map opened in his virtual vision, overlaid over his own. The new map showed the entire network of Nimmerian Port Gates and for the first time Gryph understood how huge Korynn was. Across the face of the world were several continents. He shared the map with the others.

  Although Ovrym was from the Outer Realms and was arguably the most well-travelled, it was Vonn who had seen the most of Korynn. But even he was amazed by the true extent of the ancient High Men’s network of gateways. There were hundreds if not thousands of gates in the network. The rogue scowled as he examined the map.

  “What is it?” Gryph asked.

  Vonn pointed at a gate in what looked to be a large city that Gryph’s Gift of Tongues translated as Talis Elan. “This city, in fact this entire landmass, is under water.”

  “Why would they build a city at the bottom of an ocean?” Lex asked.

  “They didn’t. This map details the world before the Ruin,” Vonn said. “And this, is the world as it exists today.” Vonn shared his own map. It was much more detailed than the pathetic map Gryph had built since entering the Realms, but still far less extensive than the outdated Nimmerian map. The half-elf drew them together, overlaying the Nimmerian map with his own. “I knew the Ruin was devastating, but this proves it was far worse than generally believed.”

  Where there had once been mountains, there were now seas. Where verdant forests had stretched from shore to shore, there was now desert. Entire land masses had sunk, and others had risen. If Gryph hadn’t known otherwise, he’d have assumed he were looking at two different planets.

  “Holy crap,” Lex said upon seeing the true extent of the world ravaging damage caused by the Ruin.

  “You are more right than you know,” Vonn said. “A war between the gods caused the Ruin.”

  Morrigan, Gryph thought. He knew virtually nothing about the Old Gods or the New, only that their war had resulted in both the Ruin and Morrigan being banished to Earth, where he became the man Alistair Bechard and, upon his return to the Realms, the High God Aluran. If this map was accurate, and he had no reason to think it was not, then the last battle versus Morrigan had nearly destroyed the world. So it's a good thing I’m planning on taking the fight to him. Am I a fool? He looked at his companions, those who had become his friends, and the true extent of his arrogance became apparent. Am I leading them to their deaths?

  We must do what must be done. The Colonel’s voice filled his mind again, and Gryph knew the phantom voice spoke true. Aluran was a clear and present danger to every sentient being on Korynn, and Gryph suspected that the High God would eventually turn his gaze to the other Realms. What if he tried to invade Earth? He may play the role of a noble and just god well, but Gryph had seen what Morrigan once was, and Lex had exposed what Aluran still was, deep down in his heart of hearts.

  He would not leave Brynn at the mercy of such a man, no matter the costs. What if the cost is a second Ruin, or something worse? The possibility dug at his soul for several long moments, but he cast the doubts aside. There was no time to worry about such hypotheticals. He now had the means to fulfill his mission. With Vonn’s aid they found the location and runic code for the gate near Harlan’s Watch. He looked at his assembled friends, each one waiting on his lead.

  “Let’s go fuck with a god,” Gryph said.


  With the Port Icons in tow, Gryph and the gang made their way back to the Barrow’s throne room. Gryph considered telling Simon his days of calling himself the new Barrow King were over, so the undead kiddo didn’t start believing he was in charge, but then decided they had larger problems. Plus, what kid doesn’t want to play undead king from time to time. It might even help frighten any would be invaders seeking their fame and fortune inside the Barrow.

  By the time they arrived at the Port Gate a somber mood had overtaken the group. Everyone knew Tifala would head off on her own, and though they all understood her reasons, not a man among them was eager to see the powerful Life Master leave. Surprisingly, Lex seemed to be taking it the worst.

  “You sure you can’t come with us part of the way,” Lex begged, his often whiny voice dipping down into the realm of the pathetic, like the uncool teenage boy begging the hot cheerleader to go to the prom with him. Gryph couldn’t blame him. He felt the same way, but he knew Tifala needed to see her quest to find Wick to its end, even if he hated the idea, even if he believed it was a fool’s quest.

  The NPC’s request was no more successful than the unpopular teen, but she did stretch up onto her toes and gave Lex a gentle kiss on the forehead. “You keep him safe for me Lex.”

  “I’ll do my best ma’am.” For once there was no hint of jest in the short Ordonian’s voice.

  Tifala said goodbye to the others and walked up to Gryph. He knelt and looked her right in the eye and she took his face in her small, warm hands. She choked up and Gryph shook his head no. “This is the path you must walk, and I have faith that we will meet again.”

  Tifala nodded as tears welled in her eyes. She let Gryph wipe them away before a powerful strength filled her once more. “I cannot know what the future will bring you, but I know you will stay true to who you are.” She smacked him firmly on the chest with her balled fist. “Stay strong. Trust in your friends. You have the power to shatter the Realms or remake them. Learn to tame that power, direct it, or it will control you.”

  “No pressure,” Gryph said with a wry grin that was only partially in jest.

  “None at all,” Tifala said. Her shoulders grew heavy as if the true burden of the quest she was about to venture on had lowered its weight upon her for the first time. Gryph reached out and gripped her shoulder.

  “Find our boy.” Gryph placed one of the precious Port Icons in her palm, causing her to look up in shock. “And when you have, come home to us.” She almost protested, but then nodded. Gryph held a hand out, hovering near her forehead and waited for her permission. After a moment she nodded, accepting both the Icon and a partial map of the Nimmerian Port Gate system. He considered giving her the entire ancient network, but that knowledge could get her killed.

  Tifala turned away for the briefest of moments before rushing back into Gryph’s arms. The tall player gripped the diminutive gnome tightly and his chest went tight. After several long seconds she pulled away and set herself before the stone arch.

  Gryph placed the Icon, ordered it to power up and then fed it the coordinates for the gate nearest Erram, Tifala and Wick’s home town. Gray aetherial light flowed from the Icon and around the carved niches around the gate. Then with the smallest of pops, faster than the eye could follow, another place existed beyond the threshold of the arch.

  The map told Gryph that the destination gate was located in what had once been a Nimmerian research facility deep in the ancient forest that Erram bordered. When Gryph had told the group that fact, Lex had freaked out, muttering gibberish about the Umbrella Corporation and horrid experiments gone wrong and insisted that they all help Tifala ‘ kill the mutants.’

  She grinned, patted him on the chest and summoned one of her green life blades. “I hope you're right. I could use the exercise.”

  Now, as the dark ruins beyond the archway came into full view, Gryph found that he agreed with Lex. Before he could speak though, her hand snapped up and her head turned back to him. “I will be fine. Find Brynn. Save your sister.” Then she hefted the life blade, called mana to her other hand and jumped through.

  She gazed around her new surroundings for several seconds and satisfied she was safe, for the momen
t, turned back to the others.

  “Good luck,” Gryph said and watched her turn and run into the dark. A moment later he powered the Port Gate down and the other place disappeared with a small pop of air. They stood in silence for several moments, each alone in their private emotional universe, when Lex ruined the moment by blowing his nose.

  The sound of burbling snot rumbling down the Ordonian’s wide nasal passages caused the rest of the group, apart from Errat, to cringe and step back a few paces. The warborn took a different tack and stepped close, well beyond the borders of traditional personal space, grabbed Lex by the forehead and pushed up. Errat first stared up Lex’s nostrils seeking the source of the horrid sound.

  Before Lex could complain, Errat barraged him with questions. “What is that noise? How are you making it? Can you show Errat how to make it?”

  “Uhhhh.” Lex was both disturbed and confused, and then his mood moved fully into disgusted when Errat snatched the handkerchief from Lex’s grasp. The huge automaton stuck his finger into the sticky mess wadded in the small cloth and pulled his finger back, stretching the mucus and snot like a strand of spider webbing. “What is this sticky glop? Is it valuable?”

  Lex regained his composure and snatched the cloth, balled it and stuck it back in some hidden, and likely vile, pocket. “Dude, the contents of a man’s nose is no other man’s business.”

  “Errat does not have a nose. This makes Errat sad.”

  Gryph watched as Lex silently begged for help. He passed over Ovrym, whose stoic expression bore the barest hints of irritation. He then turned his gaze to Vonn, who just shrugged in amused confusion. Simon’s jaw was askew in the manner that Gryph now understood was the revenant’s smile and his spectral shoulders bounced up and down in amusement. Knowing the teenage lich would be no help Lex turned to Gryph. The NPC’s desperate ‘a little help here dude’ expression made Gryph chuckle, and he shrugged, a small smile turned up the corner of his lips.


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