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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

Page 18

by BLMorticia

  "Will do. If they try, I got my stories ready."

  Susie snorted. "Aw, man. I'd love to see that." She jumped down and shifted back on her heel. "Be back in like an hour."


  As she left, I stood on my tiptoes to watch the guys she'd been looking at. These dumbasses were playing around with the voodoo dolls as if they were figurines.

  Watching them closely, I shook my head. I wondered why people who had no interest in magics or voodoo came in here. Didn't they know this place was visited by spirits? Our boss, Irma, warned anyone who came in that no deed would go unnoticed. It kept people on their toes and frightened them, as it should. Why test the unknown, especially when you didn't know what it was capable of?

  As I continued to eye these dumb fucks, I knew what to do to get them to stop. The story of Priestess Luna Galoitore would be good. She was a figment of my imagination, but oh-so apropos for these knuckleheads who didn't know what kind of wizardry they might be messing with.

  Checking the number of patrons in the shop, I looked to my left, then right. I flipped on the stereo system, and the speakers blared creepy tunes I reserved for Halloween.

  Thank goodness most of the curious people left. There were only a couple of local goth kids I knew from the scene, plus these fucks. The goth-ers had heard the story before, and when the dude noticed me, he flashed me a sardonic grin.

  I returned it and grabbed the big book of spells we kept around for purposes like these and to kill big-ass cockroaches. When the scary music ended, I opened the book, then slammed it shut, making these fools jump.

  "What the fuck! Dude, what the hell was that?" The blond one immediately dropped the dolls.

  His cronies all shrugged and glared at me.

  "What the fuck's your problem, man?" another one snapped.

  "What the fuck's my problem?" I crossed my arms and turned up my lips. "What the fuck's my problem? You should be asking Luna that question."

  The goth kids stared at me, playing along too, making this extra special.

  "What? Uh, whatdya mean?" the tall dork asked.

  "The Priestess." After I fiddled under the counter to turn off the lights, I reached over a tad and found the other button, which was meant for projecting certain commands on the ceiling. I'd used it so much for the Luna story that Irma hadn't bothered to change it.

  "What Priestess? Stop bullshitting, man!" another guy yelled at me.

  "The queen of the dead. Those voodoo dolls you're playing with? Those are actual statues of her kids. They were murdered, and a lot of people say they roam this very street at night."

  "Man, c'mon! You're trying to make us believe...."

  At that moment, I cued a sound effect of a door slamming that made all of us jump... even me, and I was the one telling the damn story. "Shit, I think she's here. She's...." I pushed another button, and some small blobs appeared on the ceiling. They morphed from circles into faces with no eyes.

  "Shit, what the hell?" The guys huddled together and started making their way toward the door.

  "Stop playing with my kids! Leave this shop or pay the price!"

  "Ah fuck, let's get outta here!" One of the guys ran, and the rest of them followed suit.

  The goth chick went to the door to close it and started laughing, as did her friend.

  I chuckled and turned off all the effects, then blasted some old Lydian's Tomb.

  "Good one, man! I love when you tell that story!"

  I saluted the kids and leaned back in the chair, smiling to myself for another job well done.

  Damn, I needed to be in movies or at least in some part of the entertainment business so I could put the skills I'd learned from working with Irma and others to good use. Working these jobs were fun, but it would be nice to find something in this field and get paid for it.

  Chapter Three


  The following morning, I reserved a jet for Jonah and me to go to New Orleans. We'd be leaving next Monday. Much to my chagrin, my preferred private plane company didn't have anything sooner.

  Once I got off the phone, I jogged downstairs to my living room. My penthouse was one of the highest and most expensive in Los Angeles. There were a lot of well-to-do and celeb types in this area, but I didn't hang around them.

  I also owned a three-bedroom, two-bath vacation home in Dana Point. I was hardly there, but I figured when and if I finally settled down with a man, I'd take him there to live.

  "Cayden? Breakfast is ready." Gerard stood at the bottom of the staircase, stoic as usual.

  "Thanks. Oh, I'll be going away starting next week, so I suppose that means vacation for you and Ursula. You can stay here if you like."

  "That's very kind of you, Cayden, thank you." Gerard left the room.

  I shrugged and walked into my dining room to sit. The table was set as per usual, with one lonely but filled plate at the head. I sat down and placed the napkin in my lap. Although the breakfast of eggs, ham, and toast with some fruit on the side looked delicious, I was ready for my first cup of coffee.

  The minute I lifted the cup, my cell phone rang. What the hell did my dad want?

  "What's up, Alden?"

  "Cay. I know you said no more interviews, but Entertainment Weekly wants to do a piece on you."

  While sipping my beverage, I shrugged. "I don't have time. I'll give them a statement, or they can send the publicist the questions and I'll answer 'em. That's as far as I'll go."

  "Oh, c'mon, Cayden. It's Lilah Pierce. You know she's the top dog at that show."

  "Again, so? I don't want to do any more. Besides, I'm about to go on vacation."

  "Really? Where?"

  "New Orleans. I need to get away and go someplace where I've got a less of a chance of being spotted. The gay bars are hopping down there. I might be able to score a date."

  "I'd love to see that, but I'd also like to see you do this interview. She's really nice."

  "Oh, is she? Or do you want her to get the exclusive so you can get in her panties?"

  "That's not fair! I...."

  There was silence on the other end, meaning I was right. Alden thought I forgot about his fascination with Lilah who'd had more plastic surgery than Joan Rivers.

  God rest.


  "Okay. I do like Lilah, and sure it might get me some points with her. I'm lonely, Cay. I've been without your mother for years."

  "Oh? Are we talking about the time you left us, then came back, or since she died? I recall she wanted you back in her life, but your secretary was more appealing at the time."

  "Cayden," Alden yelled through the receiver.

  I sipped my coffee cup and placed it back on the table. "What? I'm telling the truth. Admit it. You were a dog."

  "I've confessed that several times. I told you I was a fool."

  "For chasing the first piece of ass in your path? Yeah, you were. Listen, just forget it, okay? I don't want any more interviews. Have the publicist send me the questions, or I do nothing. Take it or leave it."

  Quiet from the other end again. I'm sure Alden wondered how I could be so cold. I had a lot of reasons. He should've been glad I allowed him back in my life after leaving Mom and me.

  "Fine. I hope you get laid while you're down in New Orleans. You have nothing to be so surly about."

  "Oh really?" I dropped my fork on the plate and leaned back in my chair. "Let's see. Again, you left me and Mom. And then, my best friend, who I happen to love more than breathing, is straight. Then there's the matter of not being able to go anywhere without little teenyboppers following me."

  "You asked for the last one."

  "Not really. That's the least of my issues, though. I'm still mad as hell at you. Jonah having Brianna doesn't help."

  "Are you jealous he's dating a woman or that he's not with you?"

  "Both. I could almost accept a boyfriend, but she's hated my guts ever since she found out about my crush on Jonah. The feeling's mutual. Anyway, I hope
I get laid, too, because I'm on edge. I need a release.... Into some boy's very willing ass would be nice."

  "Oh, Cay...," he groaned.

  "Oh, that talk bothers you? I thought you were all for me being out?"

  "I am, but I don't need to hear about your plans to.... Never mind."

  I chuckled and sat up straight. "I know what you meant. Too bad, because as long as we're shooting the shit, you will hear what I have to say. Dirty or not."


  "So you scared some would-be thieves away, huh?" Irma asked, breaking the silence in the shop.

  "Yep. They deserved it. They were touching the voodoo dolls. Anyone who knows anything about voodoo knows you don't go around touching shit in this place."

  "Well, you're not supposed to do it at any place. My mother always taught me not to touch anything if you're not buying it. Kids and adults don't get that these days."

  "That's true, Miss Irma." I sighed to myself and looked straight ahead of me beyond the front counter. We'd be opening at ten, and instead of volunteering, I'd be working here from open to close.

  "What's on your mind, Trent? I know there's something up when you get that wild look in your eye."

  I glanced over at Irma. "Just thinking about my folks, that's all. When you mention parents, I get all misty-eyed."

  "Aw, boy." Irma reached over and hugged me like a mother would. She patted my shoulder with her ring-covered fingers and leaned into me. "I keep forgetting them weasels who left you for dead."

  "Yeah. They're forgettable. Just wondering what it would be like to find them one day."

  "What would you do if ya did?"

  "Probably tell 'em I hate them, after I ask why they abandoned me."

  "They were probably scared kids who hadn't used a condom, boy." Irma kissed my cheek. When she did, her gray dreadlocks dragged over my bare skin. It tickled, so I moved back a little.


  "It's your locs, Irma. Anyway, I know what you're saying, but I'd still want to ask. They could've tried raising me."

  "They were probably lost kids like you, sweetheart. You should let me do a reading for you. Perhaps the gods might have an answer."

  I shrugged in disbelief. "Maybe. Or perhaps I don't need to know, huh? There's gotta be a reason why I've never stumbled across them."

  "How would you know? You were a babe when they dropped you off somewhere."

  "I know, but shit... I just...." I huffed a breath and shook my head. "They owe me an explanation. Something. Anything to bring me some closure. That's why I work so hard, you know? Working drowns out the loneliness."

  "You're too young to be working yourself to death, boy." Irma hugged me again. "Get yourself a boyfriend so you'll have something else to occupy your time."

  "Not really looking for one. You know what happened the last time."

  "That guy was a jerk," Irma said, and muttered some curses under her breath.

  "Now, now. Don't go putting no hexes on him, all right? It wasn't all his fault we didn't work out."

  "It was mostly his fault. He was an asshole. He couldn't see the great things you were trying to do getting Harbor House off the ground. He was a stuck-up kid from the north. Them northerners ain't no good, Trent. Get you a good ol' Southern boy. What about that Prez kid? He seems to like you a lot."

  "Prez don't want anything long-term. He's sort of a hoe. I can't be bothered with that."

  Irma laughed. "Nothing wrong with having options." She grabbed my arms and turned me so I could face her. "God, I swear. It seems like you're a man from the past. Most men your age only think about getting ass."

  "That's where you're wrong. I bet it's about a sixty-forty split. Besides, sleeping around isn't good for my health."

  "Ah, they got things for that. Condoms, medicines, and you can be selective."

  "I'd rather just keep myself for that special someone." I moved to the other end of the counter and grabbed the keys to open the door. Any minute now bunches of tourists would be coming in just to see the strangeness and experience it firsthand. They wanted a spectacle, and at times I'd give it to them to pass the time. Kept things from getting too stale.

  Footsteps sounded behind me, and then strong hands gripped my shoulders. "Aw, boy, you need to live a little. Get ready to open, then. I'll be in the back making some calls. I've got a reading at eleven thirty and another at one. If you need help, holler."

  I looked at her and grinned. "Yes, ma'am."

  "None of that ma'am stuff." Her Creole accent came out more defined on that one. I loved it and wished she would teach me some.

  "Yes, uh.... Miss Irma."

  Irma playfully slapped my bicep, then disappeared behind the curtain.

  Chapter Four


  "What did Brianna say when you told her you were going on vacay with me?"

  "Nothing. She told me to stay faithful or she'd kick my ass. I believe her too. That lady's got some moves." Jonah laughed.

  I rolled my eyes, hoping for another answer. It would be bitchy to get Jonah drunk and surround him with women. Even I wasn't that cruel. He'd never forgive me if I did that. "Um, right. Anyway, it's time to have some fun. We can go on some of those crazy ghost tours while we're down there. Oh, and I want to check out a few galleries. I'll call ahead so we can get in without a bunch of onlookers."

  "You know that's gonna be hard, right? It's hot as hell in New Orleans, which means tourist season."

  "Yeah, so? Money talks. Once they see the cash, they'll give in."

  Jonah snorted. "Are you gonna buy some art while you're trying to keep cool? I mean, they like to sell things too."

  "I might." I rubbed my chin and smirked at him. "We'll see. I'm just saying, this is supposed to be a vacation. I don't wanna be bothered by lots of fans or reporters. I wanna relax, sightsee, and fuck... not necessarily in that order."

  "We don't have connecting rooms, right? I love you like a brother, but I'd rather not hear you doing anyone."

  I shook my head at Jonah. "No. You're across the hall in the junior suite. And I'm sure this nice place has soundproofed walls. This ain't no run-down establishment. Plus I rented out the penthouse floor, so no one will be up there but you and me."

  "Well, all righty, then. No offense, I just...."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're straight, and gay sex ain't something you wanna hear."

  "I have no problems with how you identify, Cayden. I'd rather not hear you banging anyone."

  "And I don't wanna hear you sexing Brianna, or any woman, for that matter. So, I guess it's fair." Finding more fun looking out the plane's window, I turned away from Jonah because this conversation was getting on my nerves. I wanted to de-stress, not be worried about how my oh-so-hetero friend would deal with my sexscapades.

  And really, who knew if I'd have any, considering I'd be doing my best to stay under the radar. Above all I wanted some sense of peace while in the Big Easy, because I needed it after the last couple of months finishing this newest album in preparation for the upcoming tour.

  The jet I reserved was nice. A quick, smooth ride, which I appreciated since planes really weren't my favorite thing. I didn't exactly have a fear of flying, but I got anxious when up in the air too long. Perhaps I'd watched too many movies with plane crashes when I was a kid.

  Once we landed, Jonah and I, along with my bodyguard, Jaze, jumped into the Jaguar limo waiting not too far away from the tarmac. We were headed to Les Jardins, an upscale boutique hotel very close to the Quarter. Since the hotel hadn't been open that long, I was able to reserve the penthouse before any other celebs might've gotten it. The place looked snazzy online, so I hoped it would live up to the pictures and few reviews posted on the page.

  Thankfully the ride to the hotel was only about thirty minutes. Jaze went in ahead of Jonah and me to check us in. Once he finished, hotel security would escort us to the suites only six floors up.

  "Hey, man. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

I shrugged. "No, you're not, and it's okay. I need to get over these emotions I got for you. It's no fun chasing a straight guy."

  "Chasing? Is that what you're doing?"

  "I was. For whatever reason I keep thinking making comments about sex and other things will change your mind. Boy, what a fool I am."

  "Ah, shut it, man. You're my best friend. I was kidding... sort of."

  "I get it, Jonah. Obviously I've been reading too many sappy gay-for-you novels lately. We'll have some fun, but for the week you're down here, I'll make it a point to keep my distance."

  "Cayden, c'mon. Why am I down here, then?"

  Wondering why this bothered him, I eyed Jonah curiously. "You wanted to come."

  "I came down for us to have buddy time without Brianna."

  "We can still do that, but I'll give you space."

  Jonah sighed as if he were frustrated. "Okay, I get it. Don't start acting weird on me, all right? Sometimes I wish you wouldn't have told me you had the hots for me. Then we could go back to being buds."

  "Hmph. Easy for you to say. We can get there again, even though it'll be kinda hard since you're my only friend. If you're hanging with your... girl, then I'm alone. That's what I get for falling for my best friend, though. It's cool. I'm tough, and I can take it."

  The door opened right on time so I could jump out and not give him any more eye contact. I had a strong urge to kiss him. That would do nothing but cause more trouble we didn't need.

  Like I said, I needed to start making new friends and find a willing playmate. That way I wouldn't be so sore about Jonah and his girl eventually getting hitched.


  "I'm heavy on the rock and roll, easy on the way down...." Lydian's Tomb blasted through my earbuds as I ambled out of the snazzy hotel cafe. In all honesty, it was a hike from the shop, but Irma asked me to get her a veggie wrap, and she was popping for lunch. When the opportunity came up for someone to pay for my meal, you never turned that down.


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