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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

Page 19

by BLMorticia

  After holding the door open for someone, I noticed a guy get out of a limousine with another, as well as one very huge dude standing in front of them. The driver was unloading what looked to be three or four suitcases that blocked my path.


  I wondered if it was some big celebrity because almost everyone stopped to stare. We didn't get a lot of celebs making appearances in broad daylight.

  After walking a few steps, I got close, but the driver stood in my way.

  I pulled one earbud out so I could hear. "Excuse me."

  "Sir. Wait a moment. I can't allow you to go through here."

  "Why not? Who the hell's getting out of this limo? I'm pretty sure whoever it is has no right to block the sidewalk."

  The driver snorted. "Just wait a minute, man."

  "Jesus." I stood back and held on to my bag, waiting for this entourage to move. I didn't notice the guy going in. Maybe he was an athlete or something. Who knew? I wasn't happy about being stopped.

  The driver moved back. "Okay, you can go. Thanks."

  "Pfft." I walked past the driver, still giving him the side-eye. Curious, I turned back around to see if I could catch a glimpse. I had no clue who the people were. I only noticed two men walking inside, with the big guy and the driver shielding them.

  When I tried looking, the massive guy stood in the way as he chatted with the driver. I also noticed some security guards block the space around the car and bunches of ladies across the street.

  When one girl ran in this direction, I stopped her. "Hey, who's here?"

  "Who's here? Dude, it's Cayden Wythe! Freaking Cayden Wythe!" She ran up to another group of women I assumed were her friends. They squealed collectively.

  Who the fuck is Cayden Wythe?

  Since the block was filling up quickly, I decided to get back to the shop before the veggie wraps got cold. Wouldn't want Irma to get mad or caught up in this mishmash of women trying to get at whomever the hell this Cayden dude was.

  When I made it back, Susie smiled wryly. "Man, do you walk fast."

  "Yeah, I do. I had to get away from there because some celeb is in town."


  I shrugged and sat the bag on the counter. "Cayden Wythe. Got a clue who he is?"

  Susie cocked an eyebrow. "Seriously, Trent? You don't know Cayden Wythe? I'm not a big fan of his music, but even I can appreciate the dude's looks. He's hot."

  "Like Sage kinda hot?"

  Susie grinned like a Cheshire cat. "No one can be Sage hot but Sage. However, Cayden is a close second. Word on the street is he's gay."

  "Really? Gotta picture?"

  "Google him, man." She slapped my shoulder from across the counter.

  "Ugh, all right," I grumbled under my breath as I pulled out my phone. I hated how stupid Susie made me look. Truthfully I hated using my data too....

  "Oh... um...."

  Perusing Cayden's Facebook page, I stared at the pictures of a shirtless Cayden, a lounging-in-front-of-his-beach-house Cayden, Cayden working in his home studio. I was impressed with his look and physique.


  "He's, uh." I couldn't show interest in some pop star, could I? I didn't listen to much outside of hard rock. However, Cayden's appearance wasn't lost on me. He was gorgeous. Perfectly coiffed short brownish-blond hair, light-brown eyes, flawless jawline and nose. Cayden's body wasn't bad either. He was tanned and toned, with ripped abs. Cayden looked like he'd stepped from the pages of a big-time men's fashion magazine, and he was in New Orleans doing who knew what.


  "Oh, sorry. He's, uh... pretty nice."

  "Trent's got a crush!"

  "Nooo. No." I turned away from her. My phone remained open to his social media page. I'd thumb through the pictures and stare at them in private.

  "Yes, you do," Susie singsonged. "Where's he staying?"

  "Les Jardins."

  "Ooh. I love that place. Their food is almost as good as Roglio's."

  "Pfft. You're just saying that because Sage works there."

  Susie sighed heavily. "Yeah. Anyway, I wanna see Cayden up close. I should go over there."

  "You won't be able to get through. He has security surrounding him like he's the Pope." I picked up the bag.

  Susie laughed. "I'll check it out later, then. Did you bring me anything?"

  "No. Irma bought me a wrap. I suppose she forgot you were coming in."

  Susie nodded. "Then perhaps I should head over to grab something. Watch the counter while I'm gone?"

  I frowned. "Didn't you just get here?"

  Susie glared at me. "I'm hungry."

  "Oh, all right. Be quick about it."

  Susie grabbed her purse and blew me a kiss, then left.

  I stepped behind the counter and pressed the button on the intercom to call Irma.

  "Hey, Irma, I'm back with your food. Susie went out to grab herself one and... yeah, okay. Bye."

  I released the button and pulled out my sandwich and Voodoo chips. Once Susie got back, I'd go into the small spot in the shop to study Cayden a little more after I finished eating.

  Chapter Five


  After we settled in our rooms, I put on my disguise of a brown wig, with sunglasses, pornstache, and a trucker hat. No one should notice me with this ratty-looking hair piece or the clothes I'd purposely left dirty to trek around town. I wouldn't bother when Jaze was with me, but since I'd be traveling alone, I figured it would be better to do it in costume.

  I locked the door to my suite, then took the service elevator to street level. When I walked off, I noticed crowds forming around the doors and security members fighting off fans trying to make their way inside. I suppose I could've picked a place outside of the French Quarter, but it was the first one that caught my eye.

  Once I avoided everyone, I rounded the corner, looking for a place to hang out. There were plenty of stores filled with New Orleans souvenirs, cafes, as well as clothing shops. I didn't wish to visit all of them, but I'd make sure to go into some during my stay.

  When I passed up seemingly the fifteenth frozen drink place within a two-block radius, I eyed a small shop called Deminion. I stopped in front of the window, noticing books, what appeared to be incense, and voodoo statues.

  "Now this looks interesting." I stepped up and pushed the door open, walking inside. The moment I crossed the threshold, my ears were instantly assaulted by some racket that sounded like a cat being killed with a sledgehammer. Loud guitars, screeches that might've broken glass. Nothing even remotely musical.

  The guy at the counter....


  The guy at the counter.

  Noticing this Southern hottie, I whistled low. His long brown hair had blond highlights. He wore a Ramones tank top, several piercings in his ear, and a nose ring. The perfect amount of facial hair covered his cheeks and the top of his lip. From this distance I couldn't tell what color his eyes were.

  When I closed the door, I stared at him like I'd seen a god.

  And he was.

  A tanned god I'd love to know more about.

  "Okay, Trent, see ya later." A girl who'd just purchased something waved at Trent.

  Trent waved back, bent his head in her direction, and went back to reading whatever was in front of him.

  Trent, huh?

  As I made my way inside, I took note of the name and avoided the people around me. I was no longer interested in any of the knickknacks or wacky shit in this tiny shop. I wanted to know more about the man behind the counter.

  "Hi there."

  When Trent met my gaze, I swear my balls tingled under my dingy denims.


  "Yes, sir. How can I help you?" Trent had a slight Southern accent. He changes it for the tour, and the drawl he does to impress.

  "Um... what kind of things you got to attract someone? Any spell books or potions?" I pulled that out of my ass just to hear him talk.

  "We have plenty. I'l
l show you some potions first." Trent came from behind the large counter and hopped down off the platform.

  Sizing him up, my mouth gaped open. Trent wore black skinny jeans with combat boots. Typical metal kid wear.

  I shook my head out of the lusty fog. "I'm sorry, Trent, I could, uh, barely hear you."

  "Oh, sorry. I'll turn it down some." Trent grabbed a remote off the counter.


  When he stretched, Trent's shirt moved, revealing his pale sides and the V-line I'd love to lick. He straightened and ambled over to a table full of small bottles.

  "These are our potions." Trent eyed me up and down. "You might want to take the lust and love one for the lady you're going after."

  "Not a lady." I cleared my throat. "Gots my eye on a man," I said low enough for only him to hear. When I leaned in close, I inhaled his scent. Coffee, mint, and something woodsy.

  Old Spice?

  Who knew, but it smelled good on him.

  "Oh, uh... well." Trent lifted one of the potions. "You aren't allergic to anything, are you?"

  "Nothing but nuts, friend. The food kind."

  Trent snorted and smiled at me.

  I returned the grin and adjusted my hat. "You find that funny, dude?"

  "Yeah. You're a real card. Anyway, that potion should work to get your guy. It's only twenty dollars." He handed me the bottle.

  As I grabbed it, our hands touched, and every erogenous zone in my body lit up like wildfire. I inhaled deeply and eyed this gorgeous man standing less than ten inches away. "All right. Any books on love spells?"

  "Right over there," Trent said. He glanced at the counter, noticing a couple of customers waiting. "Listen, I need to ring them out. Feel free to peruse. Don't touch anything that has a sign on it. You break it, you buy it." Trent walked off.

  Watching his ass move in those jeans as he walked, I shook my head. He didn't have much of one, but it didn't matter. I wouldn't have a problem sinking my cock into it.

  Reluctantly I walked over to the bookcase and picked up a large novel. I flipped it open to stare at the hot shopkeeper some more. His smile and his courteous interaction with customers impressed me.

  When they left, I looked around for any witnesses and placed the book back on the shelf. I approached the counter with the potion in hand. "All right, I think I'm ready."

  "Good." Trent tapped the buttons on the register. "Twenty-one forty, please."

  Smiling, I handed him a fifty. "Keep the change, Trent. You've been real helpful."

  Trent cocked an eyebrow. "You don't need to tip me. This isn't a restaurant."

  I shook my head and raised my glasses. "It doesn't matter. You earned it." I followed it up with the wink that made everyone swoon.

  Trent's eyes bulged, mouth agape. I supposed he noticed me. He dropped his gaze. "Uh, okay. Um, thanks?"

  "You're welcome, my man. I'll see you around... soon." I turned on my heel and left the shop.

  When I got outside, I released a sigh of relief. I was glad I didn't get noticed by anyone.

  Though I wanted to keep a low profile, I couldn't help but reveal my identity to Trent. I'd make sure to stop back in just to see him and make some headway to get him into my bed.


  I was in total shock as Cayden Wythe left the store.

  Cayden Wythe.


  Was there a reason that he just walked in here after I looked him up?

  Them fates loved to play with people especially when they weren't needed.

  And how interesting that he bought love potion to catch a man.

  What man?

  Suddenly my curiosity was piqued to find out.

  I'll admit, even in the getup, he looked good. And a lot hotter in person.

  Too bad he was in such a rush or we could've chatted a little more.

  "Hey, Trent. I didn't see Cayden, but I did get a sandwich." Susie ambled over and placed her bag on the counter.

  "Yeah, you didn't because he was in here."

  "What?" Susie gawked at me like a monster with three heads. "He was?"

  I smiled, nodding. "Yes, in disguise. He bought some lust potion, saying he needed it to catch a man. I suppose the rumors were true."

  "Wow." Susie hopped up onto the platform and grabbed the stool behind me. "What else did he say?"

  "Nothing much. I didn't really get a chance to talk to him."

  "Aw, dude, you didn't wow him with that good ol' Southern-boy charm?" Susie removed her lunch from the bag.

  "Not this time." I left it at that because I didn't want to be teased about sizing him up.

  "C'mon, Trent. If he's looking for a guy...."

  "How do you know he's not going after someone already? From the looks of his social media posts, he has someone in mind."

  "What? Who?" Susie put down her sandwich and grabbed her phone from her pocket.

  "Some guy he's posing with in a ton of pics. He calls him Jonah."

  Susie grinned. "Oh, you looked that far, huh? Thought you said you didn't have a crush?"

  "I don't." I shrugged and went back to checking out upcoming metal shows in the area. Just then I got text from my other boss, Healy, who asked me if I wanted to do a special vampire tour tonight. I texted back asking why. This was my off day.

  "Sure you don't," Susie teased me again "Let's see. I'm going through his Instagram. Oh, Cayden says this guy was his best friend through high school, Jonah Mitts."

  "Yeah, and it could be the guy he's going after." I didn't look up. Healy texted he had an offer to set up a special tour and wanted his best guide to do it. With that kind of praise, I couldn't refuse. I sent back a smiley face and accepted.

  "Mhmm," Susie said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

  I eyed her and went back to looking at my phone. I wouldn't admit that I was interested in Cayden Wythe, no matter what. If I did, all our circle of friends would know about it. Susie loved to gossip, especially when it involved me.

  Later that day I headed back to Harbor House to check in on things. I was due in for the special vampire tour soon, but I wanted to see if Cap needed my help with anything else.

  When I walked into Cap's office, he was looking over some paperwork.

  "Trent. Why are you here?"

  "Hey, Cap. Need a hand with anything?"

  "Naw, man. We're good. Prez been looking for you, though."

  I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? Why?"

  "I dunno. I guess he misses you. Y'all used to run together, so...." Cap smiled.

  I shook my head and grinned. "Yeah, we did. Prez is a friend for sure."

  "I think he wants to be more than that, Trent."

  "Maybe, but I'm not interested. Like I said, he's a friend and I'm a one-man type of guy."

  "Nothin' wrong with that, but I ain't never seen you with that one man, so I guess that means you're available."

  "I'm not really looking right now, that's all."

  "You still sore over that last one, aren't cha?"

  "Nope. Just wanna be by myself." That was a lie. I was attracted to Cayden. Him flirting with me and leaving me a tip meant something so if he really did show any interest, I'd probably jump at the chance.

  "'Kay. Well, don't be like that for long. You're a good-looking, kid, Trent."

  "Thanks. I didn't know you looked at me like that."

  "Naw, naw. You remind me of a kid I used to know back in the day. Weird alternative kid. Tattoos before it was popular. Only thing was he didn't like men like we do, especially not black men, if you know what I mean."

  "His loss. At least you found your dream man, though, right?"

  "Oh yeah. For true, man. Ronnie might be a square, but he's mine." Cap chuckled. "Anyway, we're about ready to open on Thursday. Evers is talking about opening another one already."

  Damion Evers, a big-time actor, loved New Orleans and vowed to build a few places for wayward kids and drifters to go. Being an ally of the queer community, he agreed to make the
first one for queers.

  "Good. I'm glad Evers got through to the government to tell 'em us LGBT drifters and orphans needed a place of our own. Less problems if everyone in the place is queer or questioning," I added.

  "No doubt, man." Cap held out his hand. "Wish we had a spot like this when I was coming up. I had no place to go when my daddy beat my butt and kicked me out."

  I sighed inwardly. Whenever someone spoke about parents, I thought about the ones who didn't want me. Cap had that same situation, but at least not from birth. "I hear ya. Lemme go find Prez." I spun around and walked into the next room.

  Prez was moving some boxes. I ran to help him out.

  "Dude, I was missin' ya."

  "So I heard." I grimaced as I helped Prez carry the box. "What's in here?"

  "Would you believe more books? We just got this today."

  "Ah, that's good."

  We dropped it and both exhaled.

  "Fuck, that was heavy," I said, wiping my brow.

  "Yeah. Wonder what books these are? Copies of War and Peace?"

  I snorted. "Maybe. Wanna open it?"

  "Yeah. Why not?"

  Prez bent down and pulled his box cutter from his pocket. He slid the blade over the tape and pushed the flaps apart. "There's bibles in here."

  I shook my head and sighed. "Are they from the thumpers again?"

  Prez picked up one, and a pamphlet fell out about how homosexuality was a sin. "These assholes got nothing better to do. This is why I'm a damn atheist now," Prez mumbled.

  "I believe in God, but I don't judge others for who they are. Let's do these like we did the last ones. Keep one, then donate the rest to the church."

  "Good idea."

  Prez put the bible down, then closed the flaps. "What church this time?"

  "Maybe Saint Olive's on Royal? I know one of the pastors there."

  "Cool. Are we sending it, or...?"

  "Nah, I'll ask Cap to drop them off like we did the last ones. Pastor Jewels will be happy to take them."

  Prez shrugged. "Cool. Anyway, what'cha up to later on? A couple of the guys and I are going to watch the game on television. Wanna come?"

  "Can't. I gotta a tour tonight. Healy called me in special."

  "Dang, man. You gotta stop working so much."


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