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Elite Power: Trent: (Dark Mafia Romance . . . HEA) The Elite power is supreme, but love brings them to their knees! (Supreme Legacy Book 1)

Page 9

by P. T. Macias

  Trent chuckles, moving his hand under her blouse to caress her breast, squeezing her tight nipple.

  He slides out, pushes up to slide off her shirt and bra, leaning down to bite her nipple and then licks away the sting. He rubs his face into her breasts, opening his mouth wide to suck and bite, leaving his marks. He sucks her nipple hard, murmuring.

  “Baby Girl, you can’t get enough of me?”


  A few weeks later, Trent and Yvette appear together as a couple at the Summit Gala. Yvette is wearing a beautiful black strapless gown.

  Trent looks down at Yvette, smiling as he holds her hand tight. They walk into the hallway.

  Tonight, I’m asking my Baby Girl to marry me in front of the Elites. I want everyone to know that she’s mine!

  “Baby Girl, I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  Yvette stops in the hallway, leans in close to whisper.

  “Baby, give me a just a few, I need to use the ladies room.”

  Trent grins, nodding and steps to the side. He leans against the wall, looking at her with heated gray eyes.

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  My Angel looks beautiful today. I’m pleased that she was able to attend the Summit Gala. I’m so proud of her

  Yvette walks down a few feet, walks up the stairs to the next floor, then down the hall to the ladies’ room.

  Geeze, I really have to go!

  Yvette enters the restroom, proceeds to the stall and walks out after a few minutes. She walks over to wash her hands and then pulls out her lipstick from her bag.

  Jennifer walks into the ladies’ room, stops, and throws back her head laughing.

  “Yvette.” murmurs Jennifer as she walks over to the sink, watching her.

  “Hey Jennifer, are you enjoying the gala?”

  Jennifer chuckles, leaning against the counter nodding.

  “Yes, it’s awesome!”

  Yvette smiles and nods at her as she applies her red lipstick, her hand trembles slightly, and she looks at Jennifer’s eyes through the mirror. She smiles at her, closes the tube of lipstick, and throws it in her clutch bag.

  “I know your secret.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You and Trent of course.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “I would let him go if I were you, because I’m keeping him. I’m going to be his Queen,” says Jennifer grinning.

  “Not in this lifetime!”

  I can’t allow this bitch to scare me. She can try all she wants, but I’m not going to back off. Trent is mine. She’s fucking hallucinating if she thinks any different.

  Yvette seethes and walks out of the ladies’ room. She walks confidently down the hall, face flushed, and her clear green eyes glow angrily.

  Trent looks gorgeous in his custom-made black tux, completely oblivious of the image he presents. All the women, young and old, ogle him as they walk past.

  He looks over at the stairs waiting for Yvette.

  “Hey,” says Lennox walking up to him. The rest of the Konig siblings trailing behind him.

  “Do me a favor, get us a table. I’m waiting on Yvette.”

  Trent puts his cell in his suit jacket, grinning.

  “No worries, we have our table reserved,” Sabastian says, casting his gaze at a couple of Elite girls as they walk by.

  “Great, I’ll see you in a few.” Trent glances over at the stairs.

  He stands next to his siblings listening to the plan. He looks every so often for Yvette to come down.

  Yvette looks over the railing, takes a quick step down the stairs, the high heel tangles in her gown.

  She falls, rolling down the flight of stairs, hitting her head on the marble floor face down.

  Trent’s smile falters as he watches her roll down the stairs. His heart stops, he gasps and rushes over to her. His siblings rush to help.

  He falls to his knees, leans over her, anxiously running his hands all over her body, checking for injuries.

  “Yvette! Baby Girl, are you ok?”

  Omg! It hurts. What’s happening? I feel wet!

  Yvette moans, looks at him, gasping.

  “Noooo . . . uh … hurts! Uhhhgg. . . ”

  “Oh, fuck! You’re bleeding. Don’t move, please don’t move. Baby Girl, I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  Lennox kneels, looking at Yvette, shaking his head.

  “Lennox, get the guards to bring the gurney.”

  Trent pulls out his cell and calls the Elites private doctor that’s attending the gala.

  “Dr. Fulton, it’s Trent. Yvette fell down the stairs. Please come, we’re in the hallway. Please, I need you to check her before we transport her to the hospital.”

  “One sec. Do not move her.”

  The guards arrive with the gurney ready to move her.

  A minute later, Dr. Fulton arrives with his bag. Lennox moves out of the way, and Dr. Fulton examines Yvette.

  “She doesn’t have any broken bones. Ms. Kaiser, are you feeling any pain?”

  “Yes,” moans Yvette, tears falling down her face.

  “Dr. Fulton, she has pain, and she’s bleeding.”

  Dr. Fulton looks at Trent, and then checks her stomach, touching softly.

  “Let’s take her to the hospital. I need to run a few tests. Let’s move her carefully,” Dr. Fulton says.

  Trent signals the guards for the gurney. He lifts Yvette gently, and places her on the gurney.

  “Lennox, advise Mr. Kaiser on what has occurred,” instructs Trent.

  An hour later, Trent paces the hospital hallway in the waiting area, running his hands through his hair.

  Why are they taking so long? I need to know what’s happening! Fuck! I’m so scared for her.

  Yvette’s parents, David, and Natalie Kaiser enter the emergency room, dressed in their formal attire. They stride into the hall and look around the waiting room.

  “Trent!” Natalie shouts, wiping her tears with a tissue.

  Trent walks over to her, gives her a hug, nods at David.

  “David, Natalie, I’m going out of my mind,” Trent says, pale in the face.

  “Trent, what happened?” David asks, clenching his fists.

  “David, Yvette tripped and rolled down the stairs. She was hurting and bleeding upon initial examination. Dr. Fulton said that she doesn’t have any broken bones, but he needs to run some tests,” Trent utters, running his hands down his face.

  “They’re running some tests?” says Natalie, putting her shaking hands to her face.

  “Yes, he shouldn’t be much longer,” says Trent.

  He looks at the closed doors. His light gray eyes become darker, mirroring the overwhelming emotions in his heart. He’s despondent, desperate, and scared.

  “I’m going to die if something happens to her,” Trent whispers, closing his eyes.

  David walks over to him, stands a few feet in front of him, stoically studies him.

  “Son, how long have you been with Yvette?” David asks gently.

  Trent opens his eyes, looks at David, squaring his shoulders.

  “Sir, I’ve been with Yvette for a long time. I love her, she’s my everything.” Trent replies, clenching his fists.

  Natalie walks over to her husband and places her hand on his arm.

  “David, they have been together for years. I’m sorry that I never told you,” murmurs Natalie, her color draining from her complexion.

  “Is there a reason why not?” David asks, glaring at them.

  “Yvette wanted to wait because Trent wants to wait,” Natalie utters, closing her eyes tight, as tears roll down her cheeks.

  David glares at Trent, narrowing his eyes, takes a step, standing closer to him.

  “Is there a fucking reason why you wanted to keep your relationship with my daughter a secret?” David says, red-faced.

  Trent looks David in the eyes, standing tall, regal, and proud.

>   “Sir, I was not trying to hide my relationship with Yvette, I was trying to keep her safe. I wanted to protect her.

  I don’t want her to be a target, to be a means to get at me. You know our world, and you know who I deal with.

  I also wanted Yvette to finish her schooling.

  I wanted to wait until the time was right. I think it is now. I love Yvette, and I was going to ask her to marry me this evening at the gala, in front of the Elites. I wanted everyone to know that I love her,” Trent says.

  David narrows his eyes, grinding his molars considering what Trent said, inhaling and exhaling, trying to control his anger and relief.

  “You wish to marry Yvette,” asks David.

  “Yes sir, soon as possible,” Trent says, staring at him.

  “Oh my! This is so exciting. Yvette will be so happy.” Natalie says, smiling and clasps her hands at her chest.

  Well, this is good news even if I was kept in the dark. I understand his reasoning, he is the future King. I’m pleased with the match.

  “I’m good with this marriage, but I will not tolerate any delays. I want this marriage to take place, a.s.a.p.” David replies, nodding, and crosses his arms over his chest.

  “I’m good with any date that Yvette picks,” Trent says with a nod.

  A few minutes later, Dr. Fulton pushes through the double doors, looks around. He nods, walks over to Trent.

  “Dr. Fulton, is Yvette ok?” utters Trent, inhaling deeply.

  Trent swallows, he inhales, exhales to control the tight tightening in his chest.

  “Trent, Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser, I have great news,” says Dr. Fulton, looking at them.

  “How’s my daughter?” Mr. Kaiser asks, glaring, swallowing.

  Dr. Fulton nods and crosses his arms. He looks at Trent, and then at the Kaisers.

  “Ms. Kaiser doesn’t have any internal injuries, no broken bones, or anything like that. The test results are in, and we did examine her thoroughly. We were able to stop the contractions, and the baby is safe. We will keep her overnight to monitor her and the baby.” Dr. Fulton says, nodding.

  “What, she’s pregnant? Jesus, that’s my baby.” Trent gasps , wide-eyed.

  He looks at the Kaisers smiling, a red blush creeping up his neck, spreading all over his face.

  “Oh my,” utters Mrs. Kaiser looking at David, covering her mouth, completely startled.

  “Dr. Fulton, thank you for attending to Yvette and for saving the baby,” Trent says, swallowing the lump in his throat.

  “Thank you, Dr. Fulton,” says Mr. Kaiser, looking at Trent.

  Dr. Fulton looks at Trent, nodding, then smiles.

  “Congratulations Trent, Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser. Trent, you can stay the night with Yvette.” Dr. Fulton says, shaking his hand.

  “Yes, I’ll do that,” says Trent, smiling widely.

  Dr. Fulton nods and turns to leave.

  “Oh my god! I’m so excited! We’re going to have a grandbaby, David.” says Natalie, clasping her hands close to her chest, beaming.

  David glares at them, shaking his head.

  “I’m not pleased with how this has transpired but knowing that you’re planning on marrying soon, makes it an easier pill to swallow.” David hisses, glaring at Trent.

  Trent nods, looks down the hall towards the doors anxious to run to her. He then looks at David in the eye, squaring his shoulders,

  “I understand, Sir that this is not the ideal moment to learn of our relationship and pregnancy, but I want to emphasis that I do love Yvette, she’s my everything. I will never hurt her or her family.” Trent utters sincerely.

  “Trent, I believe that you will do right by my daughter. I know that Yvette loves you. Why don’t you go to her now, and we will go in after you.” says Natalie brightly? She places her hand on his arm, looking up at him.

  Trent looks down at her, nods, and then looks over at David.

  “I’m going to her,” says Trent.

  “Son, we will discuss the details of the wedding during the week,” David says, nodding.

  “Yes, sir,” Trent utters, nodding.

  He takes long strides, slamming his leather shoe heel into the tile floor, and pushes off with the ball of his foot, in a quick urgent pace.

  He enters the section where Yvette is staying in, walks to the nurse’s station asking what room she is in.

  The next minute Trent walks into the room stops at the door, he looks at her asleep in the bed. He walks slowly over to her, tears falling down his face.

  Oh god! I’m so grateful that she’s going to be ok. Fuck, she’s having my baby! What an unexpected miracle. Thank you.

  He stops next to her and slowly runs his fingers over her soft pale cheek.

  “Baby Girl, please talk to me. I need you to tell me you’re ok.”

  Trent looks at her, waiting to see if she wakes up. He leans down, and kisses her lips lightly, then buries his head in her neck and shoulder whispering.

  “Baby Girl, I love you.”

  He takes her hand in his, lacing their fingers together.

  Oh god, my lids feel so heavy, but I need to talk to my Baby.

  Yvette stirs, she opens her eyes slowly and moans.

  “Baby. . . what happened?”

  Trent hugs her, moving his face to kiss her cheek.

  “Baby Girl, you’re here in the hospital. You’re going to have to stay overnight because Dr. Fulton wants to monitor you and the baby.”

  Yvette's eyes pop open, she moves toward Trent.

  Trent pulls back, gazes into her startled eyes.

  “What, baby?”

  Trent’s eyes gaze lovingly into her huge clear green eyes as he slowly smiles.

  “Baby Girl, you’re having my baby.”


  “Yes, Dr. Fulton was able to stop the contractions, and the baby is doing good, but that’s why you’re staying overnight, and I’m staying here with you.”

  Yvette shakes her head, her forehead creases, and her eyes flick back and forth, thinking, and analyzing what he said. She bites her lower lip, gasping.

  “I’m pregnant? OMG! My parents. They're not going to be happy about this.”

  “Your parents know about the baby.”

  Trent’s lips turn up into a small smile, he leans down and takes her lips in a tender loving kiss.

  Yvette, pushes his shoulders, raising her eyebrows.

  “What do you mean they know?”

  “Your parents are waiting outside, and the doctor told us about the baby.”

  Yvette closes her eyes gasping, shaking her head, holding onto his shoulders tight.

  Oh hell, my parents know I’m pregnant? My Baby is happy, though, that’s good. Yes, I’m happy about this too!

  “Oh my gosh!”

  Trent rubs her arm and gazes into her startled, pistachio green eyes, smiling.

  “Baby Girl, tonight I was going to ask you to marry me at the gala. Baby Girl will you marry me?”

  Yvette opens her eyes wide, color returns to her face, and she nods.

  “Yes, yes! Oh ,my god!”

  Trent grins, moves back, and pulls the ring out of his suit pocket. He takes her hand and slips the ring on her ring finger, gazing into her eyes, beaming.

  “Baby Girl, I’m so happy. I love you!”

  Yvette looks down at the ring, and then back at his gorgeous face. Her eyes tearing up, and she blinks rapidly, nodding.

  “Oh my god! You’re mine, and I’m not going to ever let you go.”

  Trent grins, nods, and leans down to kiss her deeply.

  Yvette pushes him back, looks deep into his eyes, worried.

  “Baby, my parents know, what did they say?”

  “I advised your parents about my plans to ask you to marry me before the doctor told us about the baby. I think that your parents are keeping their cool since they know that I want to marry you. I think everything will be ok, but I have a feeling that your father wants us to marry asap!”

bsp; Trent grins, leaning down to kiss her cheek, moving down her jaw, and then kisses her neck.

  “Hmm. . . . . .Baby, I love you. I’m happy about the baby, are you? I mean, I know it’s a shock.”

  Trent pulls back, gazes into her huge green eyes nodding as his smile lights up the room.

  “Of course, I love that you’re pregnant with my baby. You’re mine Baby Girl. I knew that there was a risk of getting you pregnant, especially that day that I didn’t use the condom, remember?”

  Yvette smiles, then nods blushing. She pulls him down and kisses him, then pulls back.

  “Yes, that day was so delicious, feeling you without the condom.”

  Trent chuckles, his light gray eyes sparkle, as he leans down to kiss her deeply. He moves his hand down to cup her breast, running his thumb over her tight nipple.

  There is a knock on the door, and Trent pulls back, looks at Yvette blushing. He rubs her lips, grinning he whispers widely.


  Yvette nods, her eyes sparkle, and she inhales.

  Trent walks over to open the door and pulls it back looking at his in-laws, he smiles.

  “Yvette is awake, and she’s doing good. Come in,” Trent says, moving his hand in a sweeping motion.

  Her parents walk into the room, look at her, and walk over to the bed.

  “Darling, how are you feeling?” Natalie asks. She moves her hand to stroke her hair.

  “Mom, Daddy, I love you. I feel a little sore, but I’m good.” Yvette replies, blushing.

  Yvette looks at her parents, wary, and waiting for their judgment. Her huge eyes begin to tear up, and she bites her lip.

  “I’m having a baby! I’m so happy, and I pray that you are too.” Yvette cries, smiling weakly through her tears.

  OMG! I’m such a crybaby! What is up with me?

  “Oh darling, yes we know,” her mother says nodding.

  “Mom, look at my ring! Trent asked me to marry him, and I said yes. I’m so excited!” Yvette utters, gazing at her parents.

  “Congratulations, my darling! That’s a beautiful ring.” her mother says beaming as she takes Yvette’s hand to look at the ring on her daughter’s finger.

  “Yvette, I’m pleased that Trent asked you to marry him, and I request this marriage takes place asap. I’m disappointed in how you kept your relationship a secret.” her father utters disapprovingly.

  “Oh, Daddy, I’m so sorry! I love Trent.”


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