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Elite Power: Trent: (Dark Mafia Romance . . . HEA) The Elite power is supreme, but love brings them to their knees! (Supreme Legacy Book 1)

Page 10

by P. T. Macias

  Yvette starts to mention why they decided to wait but decides against it, she’s of age, she doesn’t have to quantify why they chose to go about things the way that they did.

  David nods, tightens his lips turning the skin white, he looks over at Trent.

  Trent walks over to Yvette taking her hand.

  “Yes, sir,” we will select the date asap.

  “Oh, Darling, I’m so excited for you! We need to get the fittings for your gown and the venue scheduled.” her mother squeals excitedly.

  Trent grins, winks at her leaning closer kissing her temple.

  “Baby Girl, you’re going to look beautiful in your wedding gown,” Trent says assuredly.


  “We are all broken… that’s how the light gets in.” Ernest Hemingway

  A couple weeks later, Trent walks with Yvette into the huge building in the San Francisco branch of the Federal Reserve to meet up with her mom and sister. The guards are a couple steps behind them, shielding them.

  Mr. Kaiser, monitors the appointed president and chief executive officer of the 12th District, Stephen Flask.

  Trent stops at the elevators, pulls her into his arms, grinning as he leans in close to her ear, whispering.

  “Baby girl, I love you. Call me later, so I can see you. Enjoy your day with your mom and sis.”

  Yvette turns her face, kisses his cheek, beaming.

  “Baby, I’m glad we were able to have lunch together. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

  “Sounds like a plan, love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  Yvette walks into the open elevator with two guards following her. She ascends to the top floor gazing out through the glass elevator into the San Francisco Bay.

  A few minutes later she’s walking into the reception area, waving at the receptionist on her way by, and walks into the huge office. She walks over to her dad, giving him a hug.

  “Daddy, I’m so excited.”

  “Hi princess, I’m glad to see that you’re happy. I know that my girls will have an amazing time,” her father says, smirking.

  “Darling, it is an exciting moment. We need to get going because we have an appointment with the most exclusive bridal shop in Union Square. This shop has all the newest bridal gown collections from the top designers. Of course, we will pay extra for it needs to be finished in a rush,” her mother says clasping her hands and laughing.

  “Oh my god, Yvette, let’s go! We’ve been waiting forever, you’re late,” Nicole says, rolling her eyes and tapping her foot impatiently.

  Yvette blushes, and nodding walks over to hug her mom.

  “I’m sorry I’m late, I lost track of time having lunch with Trent.” Yvette smiles as a blush stains her cheeks.

  “Darling, no worries. Nicole is just acting impatient. She’s so excited.” Mom says with a chuckle.

  “I’m ready,” Yvette says, beaming.

  “Later Daddy,” Nicole says as she kisses her father on the cheek.

  Yvette walks into the hallway, nods at the receptionist talking on the phone. They walk to the elevators with their guards.

  Nicole talks non-stop on the ride down. Her cheeks are flush, her eyes shining brightly with excitement.

  Yvette grins, winks at her mom. They step out of the elevator talking, ignoring the people and the guards. The six guards follow closely, surrounding them from all sides. They walk into the hallway, the people stare wide-eyed, looking at them and the guards, wondering what’s happening.

  Just a couple of minutes later, they’re sliding into the back seat of the black-armored SUV. The other guards follow in another SUV.

  Yvette's cheeks are flush, her eyes bright, and excited. She tosses her golden-brown hair behind her shoulder.

  “Mom, I’m so excited! I’ve waited for this day forever,” says Yvette, practically beaming with joy.

  “Yes, Darling, you have been very patient. I’m happy that everything is working out. Then shortly after you return from your honeymoon, Darling, we will need to give you a baby shower.” her mother says, looking at the cell for the time.

  The van in front stops suddenly, and the SUV slams on the brakes to avoid a rear-end collision.

  “Oh my god,” Nicole yells, wide-eyed and pale with shock.

  Several men with black ski masks jump out of the van and shoot the guards in the front seats. The bullets are fired into their forehead, killing them instantly.

  Yvette, her mother, and Nicole start screaming, crying, and huddle together.

  At the same moment, six men with black ski masks jump out of the car parked on the side of the street shooting at the second SUV.

  In all of the commotion, a man opens the SUV and grabs Yvette, pulling her out.

  Oh my god! He’s abducting me. I have to fight!

  Yvette screams, with tears streaming down her face, and kicks out at the man. She struggles with all of her strength.

  “Let me go!”

  The man drags her to the van and throws her inside, slamming the door. He jumps into the van.

  “Move it!” the man hollers.

  The gunfire is loud, and constant, distracting the guards. The guards are shooting back at the six men from the car taking shelter around other cars and trees.

  Natalie and Nicole scream, calling out for help.

  The van in front drives away with Yvette. The traffic is stopped, people running to hide, the police sirens are getting close,

  The Elite guards kill the six men that emerged from the parked car on the side of the street.

  The guards gather the dead men with the masks and throw them into the back compartment of the SUV and drive off before the police arrive.

  Two guards run to the front of the bullet-riddled SUV and move the deceased guards to the back and drive off. One guard calls Trent.

  “Sir, your fiancée has been abducted.” the guard says while looking at the screaming women huddled in the backseat.

  “What the fuck! Follow them.” Trent shouts, his voice quickly developing a deadly tone.

  Trent calls in for more guards to clean up the area before the media and police arrive.

  He throws the crystal tumbler full of whiskey at the floor, doubling over, gasping for air. He inhales, trying to ease the unyielding compression in his chest.

  Oh, fuck! My worst fears have just been realized. They got my Baby Girl! I need to see the footage from the cameras on the street and inside the building. Fucking hell… I bet damn well this is all William. Fuck! I need to look at the microchip intel. We will get my Baby Girl back if it’s the last thing I do.

  A tall skinny man with a ski mask leans over Yvette to tape her mouth shut with duct tape, and then quickly ties her thrashing legs and wrists.

  Yvette’s huge green eyes glare at him, trying to move her legs to kick him. She tries talking, emitting indistinct sounds.

  That man in the front seat looks over his shoulder, squinting his dark beady eyes.

  “Is she tied up?”


  “Fuck it! Knock her out.” yells the man in the front seat, shaking his head.

  The man nods and throws a punch that lands directly on Yvette’s face, knocking her out.

  The driver of the van presses down on the gas pedal, growling.

  “This was too easy.” yells the driver.

  “Shut the fuck up! I have to call the boss.” shouts the guy in the front passenger seat. He pulls out his cell, and taps on the screen, leaning back.

  “Do you have the package?” William asks, standing in the dark warehouse.

  “Yes,” replies the man.

  “Hurry! Knowing the Elites, they will locate her in just a few minutes.” William says, smirking.

  At the very least Trent is shitting bricks right now. Fucking hell! Now he will feel what I felt. Fuck, I was not responsible for his Mother’s disappearance. I refuse to pay for someone’s mistake.

  “Right.” replies the man, pressing the end button on t
he cell. He looks over at Yvette rolling around like a marble with every turn.

  The driver moves forward to the center of the dash, pushes the radio button turning on the heavy metal rock station.

  A few minutes later they arrive in Oakland, driving down the edge of the city, through the commercial zone.

  The van drives down the isolated street and then turns into the open gate, stops, and the man on the passenger seat jumps out. He walks over to close the gate and then quickly jumps back into the van.

  The van moves down the side of the warehouse and stops at the end. The four men get out, and the tall skinny man pulls Yvette by her ankles out of the van. He grabs her, throws her over his shoulder, and walks towards the warehouse.

  The other men follow the tall skinny man, shielding him as he carries Yvette.

  They walk into the warehouse and continue walking through all of the steel cargo boxes towards the center.

  The florescent light shines brightly, and William is standing next to the table.

  “Place her on the table,” William utters, with an evil smirk on his face.

  The skinny man drops Yvette onto the steel table. He walks over to stand to the side, pulling off the ski mask.

  “Everything went as planned?” William asks, glaring at his men.

  “Yes, perfectly. There were no complications.” the skinny man replies, nodding.

  “I want you primed and ready to fight, make it difficult for the Elites to get close to her,” William says, laughing and pointing at Yvette.

  “Let’s wait for the party to start! I can’t wait to see our esteemed guests again.” William snickers.

  He walks over to look at Yvette, he moves his right hand and grabs her jaw. He turns her face to the right and to the left, nodding.

  “She’s a beauty. I will bet that Trent will be visiting us shortly.”

  “Fuck! Fuck! I can’t stand this waiting. Everything is moving so damn slow. I need the Earls and the guards now. That damn camera footage reveals that the men who stole Yvette wore ski masks, but I know this is all William’s doing. It has his cowardly signature all over it.”

  Trent sits back into his leather chair, closing his striking gray eyes, his black lashes feather across his high cheekbones.

  He breathes harshly, the pain in his heart makes it hard to draw an easy breath. He inhales deeply trying to release the sharp pain as the pressure squeezes his heart. He clenches his hands, feeling his heart skip a beat and then begins beating faster.

  The last time I felt this excruciating pain was when I was fourteen. I can’t forget that day if I tried. I can still hear my grandfather’s voice, my King shout the command to kill, changing my life. That day a part of my heart died, but my King was proud, I’m ruthless when betrayed, but today I feel nothing but despair. I don’t want to mess this up. We’re talking about the life of my woman and baby! I can’t stand this anguish. I always knew she was my weakness, and now so do they.

  The images of that dreadful day flash through his mind like a movie reel.

  King Maximus falls onto the ground a few feet from his grandson and son. He glances at their enemy, the rogue Lord sneers and takes a step.

  King Maximus’ angry eyes look over at his pride and joy, his dead son. He clenches his jaw and looks over at his young grandson to see if he is alive. He sees Trent’s eyelids flutter.

  “Now Trent! Shoot. You can do this.” whispers King Maximus, narrowing his eyes on his grandson Trent.

  Trent squeezes the trigger, hitting the man in the eyes. The Lord falls.

  “Great shot Trent. You’re not a boy anymore, now you’re a man.”

  “Fuck, it’s been fourteen years! And I still can’t get it out of my mind. It’s always popping up, painfully disconcerting. I should have shot sooner. Maybe, just maybe my dad would have still been here.”

  Trent pushes off his chair, runs his hands through his hair. He closes his eyes and grinds his molars.

  “I still don’t know anything about my mother. The only lead has gone cold. William is striking because he knows that I’m coming after him. I know that fucker has my Baby Girl.”

  He looks at his cell to check for the GPS data. closing his eyes, and inhales deeply to control the desperation enveloping his heart in a tight constraint, the fear of what happens when time runs out.

  “I have to wait, I need to have a good plan. I can’t risk Yvette or the baby’s life. Oh my god! This is my worst fear brought to life. I didn’t want my Baby Girl to be a target. Fuck! It’s my fault, my fucking lifestyle has caught up with me. This is a fucking nightmare.”

  Trent walks over to the bar, and pours whiskey into a crystal glass, drinking it all at once. He pours more whiskey into the tumbler and walks out on his balcony, gazing at the Golden Gate Bridge.

  “Baby Girl, hold on. I’m coming to get you, and heads are going to roll!”

  There’s a knock at his office door, he turns.


  Earl Rhett and Earl Lennox walk in, nodding and looking at Trent.

  “Do we have a plan?” Rhett asks. Yvette’s brother’s face is taut with distress.

  “I’m waiting on the others. Lennox, how is Rossi working out?” asks Trent, raising his eyebrows expectantly.

  “Rossi is playing possum. I don’t trust him! He wants to take over the USA territory. Damn greedy bastard if you ask me.” says Lennox, pursing his lips.

  “Are you still messing around with Anna? That’s going to bring nothing but problems.” Trent says, scowling.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not tempted,” Lennox says with a wink.

  “Damn, Lennox, it’s better not to mess around the Lords girls,” says Rhett, quite amused at that situation.

  “I’m going to have to ask everyone to monitor the territory in the US and Rossi. We need to be shadowing his every move.” Trent says, compressing his lips tight.

  “Right, you can count on it.” Rhett agrees.

  “Yeah, count on it,” Lennox says, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

  A few minutes later, Trent reviews his plan with the team, and they prepare to go to war to get his Queen back.

  An hour later, Trent, his brothers, cousins, the Earls, and his army of guards drive to the warehouse, armed and ready to kill anyone who dares stand in their path.

  “Drive through the damn gate,” Trent yells.

  The fleet of black SUV’s crash into the gate. They exited the vehicles, quietly, moving fast entering the warehouse from different directions.

  They advance methodically, working around the steel cargo boxes, picking off William’s men as they proceed.

  Trent stops at the last box, and peeks through the crevice of the last row of stacked boxes, out at the center of the warehouse, the table is illuminated under the weak light. He grinds his jaw and observes the men standing around her.

  Motherfuckers! Where the fuck is that bastard? They’re going to die at my hand. First, I need to get Yvette out of the path of danger.

  The guards approach the men standing around Yvette from different sides, pulling them, and separating their neck from their spine at once.

  Trent rushes forward, stops next to Yvette, leans down to hear her heartbeat. He closes his eyes, fists his hands, yelling.


  Lennox and Rhett run over to help him free Yvette from her bonds. They cut off the duct tape while the Earls search for William.

  “Fuck, they hurt her! Look at that bruise,” yells Rhett, her brother.

  “Baby Girl, wake up,” Trent whispers softly next to her ear. He buries his face in her neck, shaking, trying to control the fear and pain.

  “I’m calling for a helo,” Rhett says, looking at Yvette’s shallow breathing.

  “I’ll call mine. We need to get her to the hospital.” Trent growls.

  “Right,” Rhett says nodding.

  He pulls out his cell, orders Halo Blue and Halo 1.

  “Trent, it looks li
ke this envelope has your name on it,” Lennox says. He pulls out the envelope that’s under Yvette’s left shoulder.

  “What the fuck?” hollers Trent. He takes the envelope from Lennox’s hands. He pulls out the thick paper and flips it open.

  Konig, as you can see, I don’t play. What you see is what you get. My word is gold! I didn’t have anything to do with your mother’s abduction. I shouldn’t be the one to pay for the deplorable actions of others, just like your girl should not pay for your actions. Consider this a truce. I’m here to be part of the team.

  “Fucker.” Trent hollers completely lost to his rage. His gray eyes turn dark, cold, and impenetrable.

  “Trent, the helo’s have arrived,” his brother Sabastian, says as he approaches the group.

  Trent picks up Yvette and cradles her in his arms. He takes quick strides, anxious to get on the helo. His family, Rhett, Ethan, and Mars along with Yvette’s brothers, follow closely behind. They board the helo with the guards.

  Trent paces the waiting room in the hospital, running his hands through his hair. He clenches his fist, closes his eyes, anything to try and control his tears, and stave off the excruciating pain constricting his heart.

  Oh god, please, please take care of my Babies. I can’t live without either of them. She’s my light, my everything.

  The doctor enters the waiting room, looks around at the Earls, and then finally sees Trent.

  “Trent,” Dr. Fulton says, taking in Trent’s distressed state.

  Trent turns, inhales deeply, walks over to the doctor.

  “Dr. Fulton,” Trent asks, watching him closely for any indication on what the news might be. Preparing himself for the worst.

  “Trent, Yvette, and the baby are just fine. She’s sustained a bruise on her face but has no injuries. The baby’s heart rate and all the scans show that they are just fine as well.” Dr. Fulton says, clasping a hand on the younger man’s shoulder.

  “I want to see her,” Trent demands.

  Trent walks with Dr. Fulton to see Yvette. He stops at the door and looks at her, seeing all the monitors lit up around her.

  “I thought you said that she’s ok?” Trent asks.


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