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Tennessee's Whiskey (The Whiskey Collection Book 1)

Page 8

by L. Loren

  “Do you think you can keep it down over here? You two can’t seem to keep your hands to yourselves. Didn’t you get enough this morning?”

  “Jazz, I can never get enough of this woman. What do you know about this morning, anyway?”

  “Oh please! You do know I am the bestie, right? I get all the deetz. It’s my right.”

  I shook my head knowing she was correct. Women loved to tell their best friends about their sex lives. I couldn’t figure that shit out to save my life. Why would you tell someone other than your partner what you are doing in bed? It was a recipe for disaster. Plus, it made me uncomfortable. I would need to talk to Tennessee about that later.

  “Well, I’m about to revoke those privileges so I can talk to my woman privately. Don’t you need to go see what Big Country is up to?”



  I had no real issue with Jazz except for the fact that she felt entitled to every aspect of Tennessee’s life. There was a certain expectation of privacy that I needed in my relationship, but Jazz was always encroaching on that. Today was the day I was putting a stop to it. Tennessee already knew it was coming before I opened my mouth.

  “I know, I know. Before you start in on me, let me explain. I did not willingly tell her anything, Jazz’s nosey behind pried it out of me. She said I was walking funny and then wanted to know if you fucked me into submission. I laughed, which was confirmation for her. I never told her a thing.”

  “I get that she’s your best friend, but damn she’s nosey. Can you please not tell her about our sex life? I know you need to discuss girl stuff, but that’s not her business. I’ve asked you before and you seemed to stop, but it appears to be happening again. I asked nicely before. This time I’m telling you. Keep your friend out of our business!”

  “Babe, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I will talk with her about being so intrusive. I know it bothers you. Okay? Now come here and give me another kiss before everyone arrives.”

  Tennessee looked up at me with those big brown eyes and melted my resolve. The woman had me wrapped around her little finger. I pulled her close and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. My hands slid down her ass. Unable to resist, I gave it a squeeze. I couldn’t wait to be alone with her. She was so damn enticing. As I deepened the kiss, the door to the bar flew open followed by a barrage of bikers and an influx of noise. I guess playtime was over.

  “Damn, Whiskey, you better hope Tennessee doesn’t see you kissing up on this fine businesswoman. She’ll kill the both of you.”

  King Pen thought he was funny. He wasn’t! I knew he still had a thing for my woman, and this was his way of low-key flirting. The fucker better be glad my lady needed his boys for her test market, or I would fuck him up.

  “Fuck you, King.”

  The bastard chuckled and spoke to my woman as if I wasn’t standing there. I wanted to smack the taste out of his mouth, as Tennessee would say. He and his boys filed in making a big show of how great they thought my girl looked in her suit. I was getting more pissed off by the second, so I excused myself to get something from my office. When I returned to the bar, everyone had arrived and was sitting at the designated area.

  We had already rearranged the tables, so they were placed next to each other creating a banquet style. Tennessee rented white linen tablecloths for a fresh look. The way she arranged everything had me thinking she missed her calling as a party planner. The place mats were made from pressed wood and shaped to look like the lid from a barrel. Every place setting contained a collection of three whiskey glasses, each noticeably different, but all with the rounded bottom, a water glass and a tray of crackers. In the center of the table were three small wooden casks decorated with flowers and vines. It was a very rustic look but fit her theme.

  I stood behind the bar watching as she moved about the room checking with the wait staff that she hired to assist her. It looked like a very professional event and I was very proud of my lady. She stood at the front of the room and commanded everyone’s attention. The entire room was mesmerized by her knowledge and authority.

  “Thank you all for coming out tonight. I believe I know everyone here, but for the record my name is Patricia Woods and you will be tasting my original blends of American Whiskey. I appreciate your assistance in helping me to identify the most popular version of my new brand of bourbon, which is yet to be named. A little history, I started developing these blends as a freshman in college. They have each been modified over time, but they have aged for a little over three years. You will be the first people to taste these blends outside of myself and a couple of others from my team.

  “In front of you, there are three whiskey glasses with an ounce of bourbon. Each holds one of the three versions I have developed. You’ll also notice a water glass. The water is room temperature and is there for you to cleanse your pallets before moving on to the next bourbon. If the water doesn’t help, there are crackers that will certainly do the trick. Once we are done with the tasting, feel free to partake in the hors d’oeuvres setup near the back wall. They were specifically selected to compliment the bourbon.

  “This is a controlled event so you will be instructed when to taste each glass. You’ll see our wait staff moving around the table at will. They are equipped with water droppers. Each time we announce for you to try a specific blend, the waiters will place three drops of water in your glass to open up the flavor of the whiskey.

  “Please remember this is a tasting. It is not meant to create a buzz. I need you all to be honest and forthright about how you feel about each blend. I can’t stress that enough. If you like something or hate something, please tell me. I can only improve if you tell me. That is the purpose of us being here so that I can perfect my blends and eventually make customers happy. Next to your place setting you will see an iPad. These are there for you to take notes and record your feelings about each drink. At the end of the night, you will be asked to vote for your favorite blend. You have all signed your non-disclosure agreements, so we are ready to begin.”

  Tennessee stood up there like a boss. It was the first time I had seen her in her element and let me say, I was damn impressed. She not only knew what she was doing, but she commanded the room. Those bikers were hanging on her every word, afraid to do anything wrong in fear of disappointing her. There were also businessmen, students, her professor and an array of the people all under her spell.

  The night went off without a hitch. People were impressed with her bourbon. They seemed to love each blend, but the majority of the crowd preferred Blend No. 3. It was my favorite, as well.


  My focus group/tasting had gone amazingly well. People were buzzing about the taste of my new blends. No. 3 was the top runner of the night. Dr. Brown, my professor, was ecstatic. He was standing there looking at me like a proud father. The man was an amazing teacher and I owed a lot to him.

  “Young lady, I am bursting at the seams. I cannot believe how wonderful this night was. That bourbon is amazing. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the public responds to it. When are you planning to launch your brand?”

  “That depends on if I get an A in your class. I am in talks right now with an investor who is very interested in bringing this project to life. A glowing report from my professor will go a long way. Tonight’s turnout and results should help a ton, as well.”

  “This is a very exciting time for you. No other student has been able to get anything like this accomplished. I am extremely impressed. That A you seek is not far-fetched.”

  Smiling, I looked over at the bar to see what Whiskey was up to. He had been so kind to let me use the bar tonight, and I appreciated how he let me run my thing without interfering. We made eye contact, and he blew a kiss at me. I was about to return the sentiment, when all the color left his face. His eyes went on high alert. Before I could take a step his way, I was halted by someone holding on to my arm. I looked back to see who dared put his hands on me and almost ch
oked. The man bore an uncanny resemblance to Whiskey, only his eyes were pure evil. I attempted to pull my arm away from the man, but he only tightened his grip.

  “Let her go.”

  My head snapped in the direction of the voice that I had grown to love. Whiskey was standing right next to me. How the hell did that happen? He was just behind the bar, across the room. He would have had to leap over the bar to get over here that fast. Damn that was hot. I wish I could have seen it.

  “Hello, big brother.”

  “Fuck you, Garrison. I told you to take your hands off my woman. Now, are you gonna comply, or do I have to chop that motherfucker off?”

  “Don’t be so rude. You should introduce me. I am family, after all.”

  The glare Whiskey shot the man claiming to be his brother was downright scary. I knew he had a dark side to him, but I had never seen it. He held out his hand to me, and I took it.

  “Come here, baby.”

  I moved to him as he requested, and to my surprise his brother released his hold on my arm. All kinds of questions were popping up in my head, but they would have to wait for a more appropriate time. I turned to look at this so-called brother of his and did not like what I saw. He had this sneaky look about him. The man was not one to be trusted. No doubt they shared DNA. They could have been twins if not for the jagged scar on the man’s jaw and the gawdy tattoos on his neck and throat. This guy smelled like danger and despair. Goosebumps broke out on my arms as he surveyed my body with his roaming eyes. Whiskey protectively stepped in front of me, blocking me from his brother’s greedy stare. I watched as Dr. Brown took his leave. He was not about that life.

  “Fucking look at her again and it will be the last thing you see.”

  “Damn, bro. You’ve got it bad. I can’t recall a time where Weston Daniels cared about a woman. She must be pretty special to you.”

  “What she is to me is none of your concern. Now, what the hell are you doing in my city and my bar? Both are off limits.”

  “Can’t I just miss my big brother?”


  Well damn! Whiskey was not playing. He turned his head toward me but kept his eyes on the snake in front of him.

  “Baby, I need you to go to my office and stay there until I come get you. Code 9. Can you do that for me?”

  “Okay, Weston. I understand. Please be careful. I don’t like the looks of him.”

  I reluctantly walked away from Whiskey with a feeling of dread. Code 9 meant he was worried about Wes. I needed to call Mrs. Johnson to inform her to be on alert of danger and explain what was happening. After finding out about his former life, I had been afraid. Soon after that day, I started feeling like I was being watched more and more. At first, I thought I was being paranoid, but Whiskey taught me to always trust my instincts. He said that it would save my life.

  He was bothered by my fear and just about moved me into his home. I felt protected when I was with him. It was when I was alone that I had issues. The feeling usually happened when I was on campus. I never saw anything or anyone out of the ordinary, but my skin crawled, and goose flesh always popped up on my arms. I had the same feeling when Whiskey’s brother looked at me. Maybe he had been the one watching me. You never know with these mafia people. To soothe my nerves, Whiskey had taken me to the gun range and showed me how to shoot. We went every chance we got. I had become so good at shooting that he bought me my very own gun. It was only a .22, but I loved it because it was small and the handle was orange, my favorite color. I never left home without it.

  Making my way into his office, I locked the door and pulled my gun from my waistband. It had been covered by my jacket, so no one even knew it was there, but me and Whiskey. Sitting at the desk, I picked up the landline and called Mrs. Johnson.


  “Mrs. Johnson, this is Pat. Whiskey asked me to call in a Code 9.”

  “Code 9? What is the keyword?”


  “Keyword confirmed. What happened?”

  “His brother showed up at the bar. Whiskey was pissed, but I could tell he was worried about Wes. Is he alright?”

  “I’m looking at him right now. He’s sleeping, but I won’t let him out of my sight until you all get home. I’ve got it here. You be safe.”

  “You as well. And thank you, Mrs. Johnson.”

  “That’s my job, ma’am.”

  Whatever happened between Whiskey and his brother didn’t take long. I heard the key turn in the lock of his office door. He walked in looking mad as hell and I was not about to say anything. I avoided eye contact because I didn’t want to set him off. I asked no questions, just stood and wrapped him in my arms. He was shaking he was so angry. The next thing I knew, I was being lifted in the air.

  “I need you!” was all he said.

  Everything happened in a flash. My pants were snatched off and thrown across the room, along with my panties. I found my body bent over his desk, and my man’s huge appendage was entering me from behind. There was no time for adjustments. He needed me, and I freely gave into him. He was rough and hard, and it made me so fucking wet. I never knew I could get so turned on from such violent behavior. Sex with Whiskey had never felt this way before. It was almost animalistic the way his fingers tore at my flesh. I could feel the bruising starting to form, but I gave zero fucks. My man needed this. Hell, my body was enjoying it too. I was gushing all over his cock,

  “That’s right, baby. Take this dick.”

  Whiskey smacked my ass and pounded into me like he was on a mission. He ripped a powerful orgasm from my body, causing my legs to shake. Whiskey was relentless. He just kept going and going until my screams of passion became silent screams. I was about to pass out from pleasure. The results making me lightheaded, my body weak, and my voice nonexistent. When he lifted his leg up on the desk to give him a different angle, I knew I was in trouble.

  I grasped at anything I could to brace myself. I needed to turn this thing around or shit was about to go left. I found my voice and yelled for him to stop. He immediately stilled.

  “Move back.”

  He took a step back, pulling out of me as he went. It gave me enough room to turn to face him. Confusion marred his gorgeous face, but I needed something different. Raising my hands to his chest, I pushed him backwards. He allowed it, turning me on even more. When his ass landed in his chair, I climbed on his lap and kissed him with so much passion I lost my breath. Lifting up, I inserted him back inside me and began to bounce on his thickness. Whiskey’s head fell back as I served him.

  “That’s right, baby. Let me take care of you.”

  I placed my feet flat in the chair on either side of him, squatting over his cock. The force of me dropping down onto him caused me to pant, I needed something to hold onto, so I braced myself by gripping the back of the chair. All those days working out at the gym doing squats came in handy. Up and down I bounced making Whiskey grunt and growl. He gripped my ass as I came on him. My juices were running down my inner thighs, dripping down onto him and eventually puddling in the chair below him.

  “Fuck Tennessee! Baby, you’re going to make me come.”

  And come he did! His warm semen shot into me making me realize we were not using protection. Oh hell no! In mid climax, I jumped off his cock and used my mouth to finish the job.

  “What happened?”

  “You happened! You forgot to put on a condom.”

  “Damn, baby. I didn’t mean to… fuck. Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, Whiskey. I just want to be safe. Don’t worry, you can’t get me pregnant if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I can’t have kids. I had an injury when I was younger and as a result, I am unable to get pregnant. I know we’ve been together for a while, but I never told you because I wasn’t sure how serious we would get.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s fine. I just didn’t wan
t you to think you had anything to worry about.”

  “Let’s get cleaned up and get out of here.”

  Things with Whiskey got awkward after that night. I was off from the bar getting my final obligations for school taken care of. Whiskey spent his nights working, and we barely saw each other for the next two weeks. We talked on the phone, but I could tell things weren’t right. The calls were short, and he was distracted. My graduation was happening tomorrow, and my mind was only thinking of him. I couldn’t focus and I needed to see him. It was Saturday night and bestie insisted on me coming to the bar with her. Truthfully, I didn’t want to go, but I needed to see Whiskey. I missed him and Wes. I needed to lay eyes on him, but what I saw when I walked in floored me.


  I felt her as soon as she walked in. I hated myself for what I was about to do, but I didn’t have a choice. After tonight, the love of my life was going to leave me for good. I knew it would happen because she told me it was the fastest way to get rid of her. I didn’t want to hurt her like this, but it was for the best. I would rather her hate me for something she thought I did, rather than have her die because of who I was. I couldn’t take that risk. She was too special, and I loved her too much.

  My fucking brother was ruthless. He had been following her and knew her every move. The night he showed up at my bar, he threatened her life. I needed him to think we were no longer together, so I pulled away. He knew I cared for her and it would make me miserable to be without her. In some sick twisted part of his brain this brought him pleasure.

  Her surprise graduation party was the most opportune time to do it. Jazz and I had been planning it for weeks. I genuinely wanted to celebrate her accomplishments. The woman was amazing and deserved all the praise she was getting. The Lords of Death thought she was a queen. She was. I was the asshole who had to break her heart.


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