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Beautifully Broken Spirit

Page 27

by Catherine Cowles

  Tuck had never moved out after his gunshot recovery. He’d moved seamlessly into my bedroom and our lives. I kept waiting for Noah to freak out. But he never did. Tuck had finally reminded me that he’d been in Noah’s life from the day he was born. Now, he was just around more. At some point, I’d have to tell Noah what had happened with his birth father, but he was still way too young.

  Tuck tugged on my hand, trying to get me to sit up. “I have something I want to show you.”

  I growled at him. “You couldn’t show me at a reasonable hour? Like eleven, after you’ve fed me some brunch?”

  Tuck chuckled. “It’ll be worth it. I promise.”

  I pushed out of bed, heading for the closet. “It’d better be.”

  Tuck stared at my ass as I went. “For this view? Already worth it.”

  “Not for me,” I called from between the racks of clothes.

  “Give me time, Wilder. Just give me time.”

  I pulled on clothes, not paying attention to what I grabbed as long as it was warm. When I emerged from the closet, Tuck laughed. “What?”

  He pointed at my shirt and then my sock-clad feet. My flannel shirt was misbuttoned, and I had on two different socks. I shrugged and rebuttoned the shirt. Tuck held out a coat. “Don’t want you catching a cold.”

  He hadn’t grown any less overprotective over the past year. If anything, he was more so. But we’d found our rhythm. He’d figured out a way to stand beside me when I needed him instead of always being in front. But I knew if I ever needed him for something, he’d be there.

  And our relationship wasn’t the only one to find its groove. Tuck and his father had found their way, too. It wasn’t perfect, but it was so much better than it had been. Craig had stayed sober from the day of Tuck’s accident on. He’d never gotten back together with Helen, but that had been the best thing for them both. They were getting along better now than I had ever seen.

  “Need caffeine,” I grumbled.

  Tuck chuckled as he led me down the stairs. “I’ve got you covered.” On the table by the door were two travel mugs. He handed me the one with the tea string peeking out.

  I inhaled the brew. Cherry blossom green tea. My favorite. “You’re marginally forgiven.”

  Tuck laughed harder and guided me out the door. “Let’s see if I can get all the way there.”

  I mumbled something about breakfast in bed for the rest of the year as we made our way to Tuck’s truck.

  He opened the door and eyed me up and down. “Are you still asleep? Do you need me to lift you in?”

  I stuck out my tongue and hoisted myself up into the truck. He shut the door gently and rounded the vehicle. I’d never get tired of looking at him, his long strides eating up the space. Broad shoulders. Lean muscle. Golden hair. And those devastating baby blues.

  Tuck winked at me as he got in. “Checking me out, Wilder?”


  He turned over the key. “I like it.”

  I laughed. “So, where are you taking me before the sun has even risen?”

  “You’re just going to have to wait and see.” He reversed, but instead of heading out onto the road that led to the ranch’s exit, he took the lane that led up to my horses.

  My brow furrowed, but I didn’t say a word. I knew he wouldn’t tell me anything if asked anyway. Tuck wound around the ranch until we reached the pasture. He parked and turned to me. “Wait there.”

  My stomach flipped at the smile on his face. It was one I didn’t see often. It almost looked giddy. “Okay.”

  Tuck rounded the hood and pulled open my door, helping me down. “Come on.”

  I knew the sun was on its way because there was just enough light for us to navigate the terrain. We slipped through the rails on the fence and headed to the boulder. Tuck hopped up and patted the space between his legs for me to join him. I did.

  I leaned back into his chest, soaking up his warmth and the feeling of safety, love, and freedom. What he gave me was just like the spirit of these horses. We’d been broken, but now we had a safe place to rest and a person who helped us be truly free. “I love you,” I whispered.

  He kissed the top of my head. “That’s good.”

  I laughed. It was such a Tuck thing to say. “Why is it good?”

  “It’s good because I just bought the ranch over there.” Tuck gestured at the land to our right, the one that bordered both the Cole and Harris ranches.

  My jaw dropped. “You bought the Holmes spread?” That ranch was ten thousand acres of prime real estate.

  He nodded against my head. “Between that, the piece of land my mom wants to gift us, and your property here, I think we could build a pretty amazing wild horse sanctuary and still have space to build a home.”

  My heart started to beat faster, and tears gathered in my eyes. “That’s my dream.”

  “I know.” He whispered the words against my ear as he reached out for my left hand. “I never want another sunrise to go by without you knowing I want forever with you.” Cold metal slipped over my finger. “Marry me.”

  The ring sparkled against the first tendrils of sun coming over the mountains. I gasped. It was gorgeous, an antique setting with intricately woven designs, and a diamond that was far too big. I turned my head so I could see into Tuck’s eyes. “There’s nothing I want more.”

  Our lips met in a kiss that was a mesh of love, need, comfort, and the promise of forever. Tuck pulled away first, cupping my face. “I want to adopt Noah. He’s already mine in my heart, but I want him to be mine on paper, too.”

  The tears that had gathered in my eyes spilled over now. “You’re going to make him the happiest boy on the planet.”

  I scrambled to my feet on the rock and yelled out over the land where we would build our beautiful life. “I’m marrying Tucker Harris.”

  Tuck stood behind me, laughing as the herd of horses let out a symphony of whinnies. “You’re crazy.”

  I turned in his arms. “But you like me that way.”

  He brushed his lips against mine. “I love you just as you are, as you were meant to be. Wild and free.”


  Want to know what happens when the mysterious Cain shows up in Sutter Lake? And what Kennedy is hiding from? Find out in Beautifully Broken Control, available for purchase by tapping HERE.

  Bonus Scene

  Want a little peek into Jensen and Tuck growing up? By signing up for my newsletter, you’ll get this bonus scene. Plus, you’ll be the first to see cover reveals, excerpts from upcoming releases, exclusive news, and have access to giveaways found nowhere else. Sign up by going to the link below.

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  If you’ve read my books before, you know I’m an acknowledgments junkie. I love having that little bit of insight into an author and their journey on a particular novel. Who lived the process with them, dr
ied their tears when things got tough, cheered when they typed “THE END”, and all the things in between.

  I’m so incredibly fortunate to have so many people on my “team”. The first thank you always has to go to my mom. She gave me my insatiable love of books and is my biggest supporter. Thank you for everything, Mom!

  Writing can be lonely at times, but the internet can be a beautiful place and if you’re lucky you’ll meet some of the most amazing women you can imagine. Ones who will encourage, share wisdom, and generally keep you from rocking in a corner when things get tough. Thank you to all the amazing authors who have been supportive in every way possible. An extra special thank you to Alessandra, Devney, Meghan, Emma, and Grahame…I’m so grateful to have you in my life!

  To my fearless beta readers: Angela, Emily, Ryan, and Trisha, thank you for reading this book in its roughest form and helping me to make it the best it could possibly be!

  The crew that helps bring my words to life is pretty darn epic. Susan and Chelle, thank you for your editing wisdom and helping to guide my path. Julie, for catching all my errors, big and small. Hang, thank you for creating the perfect cover for this story. Stacey, for making my paperbacks sparkle. And Becca, for creating trailers that give me chills.

  To all the bloggers who have taken a chance on my words…THANK YOU! Your championing of my stories means more than I can say. And to my launch and ARC teams, thank you for your kindness, support, and sharing my books with the world.

  Ladies of Catherine Cowles Reader Group and Addicted To Love Stories, you’re my favorite place to hang out on the internet! Thank you for your support, encouragement, and willingness to always dish about your latest book boyfriends. You’re the freaking best!

  To my own personal cheering squad: Gena, the Lex Vegas ladies, Lyle, Nikki, Paige, and Trisha, thank you for endless encouraging conversations and lots of laughs. So grateful to have you in my corner.

  And a very special thank you to Carol, who was the first to tell me about the Ochoco wild mustangs, answered a million questions about these beautiful creatures, and shared her own rescued mustangs with me.

  Lastly, thank YOU! Yes, YOU. I’m so grateful you’re reading this book and making my author dreams come true. I love you for that. A whole lot!

  Also Available from Catherine Cowles

  Further To Fall

  Beautifully Broken Pieces

  Beautifully Broken Life

  Beautifully Broken Control

  About Catherine Cowles

  Writer of words. Drinker of Diet Cokes. Lover of all things cute and furry, especially her dog. Catherine has had her nose in a book since the time she could read and finally decided to write down some of her own stories. When she's not writing, she can be found exploring her home state of Oregon, listening to true crime podcasts, or searching for her next book boyfriend.

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