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Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4)

Page 13

by Cala Riley

  Morgan’s eyes wide. “Relationship? As in you are in a relationship now?”

  I turn away from her, not wanting her to see the disappointment on my face from her incredulous tone.

  “What did you do, Tin?” Morgan stands, coming to stand by me. She reached up to touch my shoulders, but I wave her off.

  “You’re supposed to be my best friend, Morgan. You’re supposed to have my back. I get it. I fucked up. I gave into temptation and gave Finley more than I should have. I won’t tell Keaton and Reed, and neither will you. Finley and I ended it. We aren’t a thing anymore. So, no one needs to worry.”

  “Tinsley, I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I think it’s best you go. I’d rather be alone now.”

  “Tin.” She reaches out, but I shut down. I don’t want her to touch me. I wanted her to let me cry on her shoulder. To tell her how I felt. I didn’t expect her to tell me how wrong it was or to shun me for my actions.

  “Okay, I’ll go, but I’ll tell Keaton we’re staying here tonight. I’ll be just down the hall.”

  I say nothing as she makes her way towards the door.

  “I love you, Tinsley. Always.”

  Once she’s gone, I let my body relax. I don’t know what I was thinking going to her. She doesn’t understand. She has Keaton and her perfect love story. Same with Sage. She and Reed are so coupled up that I rarely ever catch Sage without him. Even Victoria got herself the perfect little family.

  Leaving me behind. Like I have been my entire life.

  Sitting on my bed, I stare at the TV as the movie plays on, but I can’t focus on it.

  Instead, I reach for my phone, texting the one person I can rely on.

  Me: Can you come over?

  Only a moment passes by before I receive a response.

  Xavier: On my way.

  He texts me fifteen minutes later, letting me know he’s here. I tell him to meet me outside.

  “Everything okay?” he asks as soon as I walk out the door and straight into his arms.

  I squeeze him, enjoying the comfort of a nice long hug from him. “Better now that you’re here. I needed a friend. Thanks for coming, Xavier.”

  He lets me stay in his embrace a moment longer before pulling back. “I told you. I’ll always come when you call. That’s what friends do.”

  I grab his hand, pulling him around the house. “I appreciate that more than you know.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks.

  “No. I just don’t want to be alone tonight.” I lean my head on Xavier’s shoulder as we sit on the bench in the middle of the garden beside my house.

  “Anytime. I meant what I said. We are friends no matter what. My offer still stands, you know.”

  Reaching down, I intertwine our fingers. If only I could love Xavier like I love Finley. He would treat me well. It would make my father and his happy. Our lives could be simpler.

  Our lives would be boring. Safe.

  I don’t want safe though. I want fireworks and passion.

  I don’t have that with Xavier. I’ll probably never have that with him.

  “I know. You’re an amazing guy for even offering. I can’t though.”

  We both sit in silence as I process my thoughts and emotions. He sits next to me, lending me both his warmth and companionship.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

  I gasp as Finley appears before us.

  “What are you doing here?” My eyes narrow.

  “Me? What about you? You’re here? With him? Of fucking course. Mr. Perfect. I thought you said you loved me, T. I thought you said you would give up your entire fucking world for me. Lies as usual. Always fucking lying to me.” Finley is pacing the garden now.

  “Watch your mouth. You’re in the presence of a lady.” Xavier stands, positioning himself in front of me.

  Finley doesn’t hesitate. He marches right into his personal space. “What the fuck did you just say, poser boy?”

  “Stop it. Both of you.” I push my way between them. My back against Finley, my eyes meeting Xavier’s. “Go. I’m okay.”

  Xavier hesitates but then nods. He knows how I feel for Finley. He’s worried for me but trusts me.

  “That’s right. She wants me, not you. Get lost,” Finley spits at Xavier’s retreating back.

  Spinning, I slam my hands into Finley’s chest. “You’re a complete fucking asshole. What are you even doing here? You refuse to have me, but no one else can? Is that it?”

  His eyes flare. “He’s not the right guy for you. He’s a pompous dick who only wants in your pants. He can fill your pockets with money, sure, but he can’t fill your pussy like I can.”

  My stomach rolls at his words. This isn’t my Finley. This is some distorted version of him, someone I wouldn’t be around under normal circumstances. This isn’t normal though.

  “You’re disgusting. You won’t be filling my pussy either, asshole. What are you even fucking doing here?”

  “I came to see Keaton, but Boswell told me he saw you come out here with some douchebag, so I came to check on you.”

  I study Finley, now recognizing what I never realized before. He’s lying. Not only to me, but he’s lying to himself. I’m sure he has himself convinced that he’s only here to see Keaton, to hang out with his best friend, but the way his eyes take in my body? The way he sways closer to me, almost on instinct? He’s here for me. Part of me warms at the thought that he physically cannot make himself stay away, but the more logical part of me bristles.

  “This isn’t a thing, Finley. You can’t show up every time I’m with another man. I gave you your shot. I would have taken on the entire fucking world for you. My brothers? Fuck them. I would have disowned them for you. I would have taken every single bullet to protect you. I love you unconditionally and have for a long time. The rose-colored glasses are coming off now though. I see you for who you are. I love you Finley, but I can’t be in love with you anymore. I can’t keep waiting for you to make up your mind and choose me. I can’t watch you with every female from here to Chicago while I pray that you wise up and realize the woman you love has been in front of you this entire fucking time. I get it. I’m just Tinsley Yates, little old Tin Tin. Your best friend’s little sister. Nothing important. You made your point clear. All we will ever have are some stolen moments that were never meant to be ours.”

  I breathe in deep, feeling an ache settle in my chest as I continue. My nose tingles as my eyes tear up.

  “One day you’re going to wake up and realize that the best thing that ever happened to you was right under your nose all along. The woman of your dreams was waiting for you to wake up and make her your reality. Or you won’t. Either way, I won’t be here. My wish for you, though, is that you, Finley Abbot, face your fears. Stop being scared to live your life because of some notion that your life might cease to exist as you know it at some undetermined time.

  “I hope you learn to live your life the way you want while you can instead of living with this overwhelming anxiety that causes you to act out and make stupid decisions. I really fucking wish that you would stop messing with Rocky and his crew. My biggest wish for you is that you find the love you deserve, and when you do that, you have the balls to grab it and love her back with all that love I know you have inside your heart. The love I was able to hold on to for a little while.”

  Finley hasn’t made a move since I started speaking. I can tell he is taking in every word, every tear falling down my cheeks, and every minute movement I make.

  Taking two steps forward, I reach my hand up to cup his cheek. Then I press a soft kiss to his lips, almost crumbling in the vulnerability I see shining in his eyes.

  “I can’t love you anymore, Fin. If I do, I might not survive. I would do it in a heartbeat, but I couldn’t do that to you. While I wouldn’t survive you, you wouldn’t forgive yourself for what you did to me. That’s what I can’t handle. You breaking because of me.”

ne last kiss, then I turn away from him, whispering as I go, “Goodbye, Finley Abbot.”


  Chapter Ten


  “You look handsome.” I grin at Xavier as he stands outside my front door. He’s dressed in a black suit with a crisp white button-down underneath with a blue tie to match my blue dress.

  “Me? Look at you.” He lets out a whistle before leaning in to kiss my cheek. “You are the epitome of gorgeous.”

  My face heats at his words as they always do. Even though I know my feelings for him are nothing deep, I can’t help my reactions. I’m not used to so much male attention.

  “We should get going.” I don’t miss his smirk at my breathlessness.

  “Your chariot awaits, my lady.” He holds his arm out, walking me towards the car.

  I could have ridden with the others, but I wanted to arrive with Xavier. I wanted this to feel like a real date.

  “So, tell me again, who’s birthday is this?” He messes with the radio until soft music is playing low enough for us to talk.

  I smile at him. “Victoria Davenport’s.”

  “You’re sure they’re okay with me coming?” He quirks a brow.

  Reed hasn’t been the kindest person to Xavier, but he’s getting better, especially after the whole Finley thing. I think Reed would be happy if I ended up with Xavier now.

  “Yes. I told them you were my date. I even told them you were picking me up and bringing me.”

  He clears his throat. “Will he-who-should-not-be-named be there?”

  My heart clenches. “Yep. He’s family.”

  He nods in understanding before reaching over and grabbing my hand. “I’ll be your beard tonight. I got you.”

  At my confused look, he laughs.

  “You know what a beard is?”

  “The hair on your face?” I guess.

  He shakes his head. “The person who is your disguise. Hiding your true feelings. You have feelings for Finley. I’ll distract everyone by making them believe you have feelings for me.”

  I bite my lip, pondering his offer. “What do you get out of this?”

  “A room full of people believing that the most gorgeous woman in the room wants me.”

  Smiling, I nod. “Fine. Be my beard, but I’m telling you, they all know how I feel about him. I think he even knows. He just doesn’t care.”

  Xavier snorts. “If that man doesn’t have feelings for you, then I’m the Queen of fucking England.”

  Turning to face him, I narrow my eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He pulls into the restaurant and turns off the engine before looking at me. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He might be denying his feelings or maybe not even know he has them at all, but that man definitely has feelings for you.”

  My breath catches. “It doesn’t matter. Even if he did, he would never act on them. He wouldn’t want to ruin his friendship with my brothers.”

  He shrugs nonchalantly. “Then he doesn’t deserve you. If he really had feelings for you, he wouldn’t let that stop him. He would take on both your brothers and the entire United States military to be with you. Hold out for that man.”

  He gets out of the car and comes around to open my door. I let him help me out.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.


  As soon as we enter the restaurant, we are led into a private room. I gasp as I take in the decor.

  The room has a long table with a white tablecloth, intricately folded napkins on the plates, and candles lining the middle of the table. The walls are covered in stone with candles on shelves. Between the lighting and the candles, the room has a soft, warm glow to it. Add in the hum of a piano playing, and it screams romance.

  “Wow,” I breathe out.

  “Good to know.” Xavier smiles.


  “This can take a woman’s breath away.” He waves his hand at the room.

  “You don’t understand. It’s not just the room. Sterling Brooks isn’t known for being kind, let alone a huge romantic gesture.”

  “For the right woman, any man can be romantic. Once they find the one, they would move the heavens and Earth to put a smile on her face.”

  I pat Xavier on the chest. “Your future wife is one lucky lady.”

  He chuckles. “You can be that wife. I would take fantastic care of you, you know. We could learn to love each other.”

  Shaking my head, I let out a laugh. “You’re enamored by my beauty. That’s all.”

  “Damn straight, I am.”


  I smile as I wave at Sage.

  She rushes over and pulls me into a hug. “Look at what he’s done. Isn’t it gorgeous?”

  I smile. “He’s a new man.”

  “That he is. Let’s get you to your seats. We’re waiting on Uncle Richard and Aunt Alice. Then Sterling’s bringing her here.”

  I follow her to our seats. “Who has Amethyst?”

  “Do you remember Rosa? She was Sterling’s nanny then turned housekeeper. Rosa has Amethyst for the evening.”

  “Well, that was sweet of her.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure she thought it was sweet too when Sterling made her take a refresher course on infant CPR and everything else he thought she might need.” Sage arches her brow, making us both giggle.

  “He’s a papa bear!”

  Xavier holds my chair out for me, pushing it in for me after I sit. I smile before turning to face the table, finding Finley sitting directly across from me. His eyes cut into mine as my breath catches in my chest.

  “Tinsley, you look beautiful.” His eyes hold a hint of heat.

  “Thank you,” I murmur.

  Xavier reaches out to brush my hair from my face. “She’s gorgeous, huh?”

  Finley zeroes in on the move, his eyes narrowing.

  Thankfully, Alice and Richard Davenport come in, interrupting whatever the hell was going on.

  “Everyone, be quiet. They will be here any minute now,” Sage calls out.

  Moments later, we all yell “Surprise!” as Victoria is led in by Sterling.

  She’s beaming as she hugs each of us. I don’t miss the loving glances she keeps sending Sterling’s way. He doesn’t stray far from her either, always feathering his fingers on her skin as she moves from person to person.

  “You guys are amazing. Thank you so much for this,” V tells the room before taking her seat next to Sterling at the head of the table.

  I look around to see who all is here. When I spot Mr. Brooks at the other end from the happy couple, I lean towards Sage. “Is Mr. Brooks actually here? And alone?”

  “He is. He ditched wife number four and has been spending a lot more time at home.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  “It is. Sterling’s leery of course, but V is trying to make him keep an open mind.”

  “Baby,” Reed rumbles, stealing Sage’s attention.

  I turn back to Xavier. “I hope you aren’t bored out of your mind.”

  “Never. It’s interesting to see how everyone operates as a group. All of you are close, and it shows.”

  “I love all of them in their own way.”

  Xavier angles his body towards me and puts his arm on the back of my chair while pushing my hair out of my face. “I hope they love you just as much.”

  “If you could stop molesting Tinsley at the dinner table, that would be grand. Some of us would like to eat tonight, Weston,” Finley grumbles.

  “It’s Xavier,” I reply without looking at Finley.

  “Jealous, Abbot?” Xavier smirks at me.

  Finley scoffs.

  “Okay, you two, break it up. This is not the time or place,” Sage scolds.

  “You’re right. I apologize,” Xavier tells her while Finley stays quiet.

  “You’re playing with fire,” I whisper.

  “I wouldn’t mind being burnt for you.”

  After dinner, we
’re led into a side room that’s been set up for dancing. Sterling leads Victoria into the middle as we all file in. Once the doors are shut behind us, he drops to one knee and pulls out a ring box.

  “Victoria Davenport, you have made me the luckiest and happiest man in the entire world. The love you have shown me has healed parts of me I didn’t even realize were damaged. You have given me the most precious gift in the world with our little girl. Now, I kneel here, asking you to give me another amazing gift. Do me the honor of being my one and only wife. The only woman who will ever own my heart enough to break it, but who would never dream of doing so. The only woman who can make me so angry I want to rip out my hair only to make me fall even deeper in love with her in the next breath. I love you, Victoria. Please, will you be my wife?”

  Tears flow freely down my face as I watch Victoria fall to the floor next to Sterling, kissing his face over and over.

  “So?” He chuckles.

  She smiles widely. “Yes, you jackass. I will marry you.”

  Everyone laughs at their exchange as the DJ puts some music on.

  “That was amazing. Did you know that was going to happen?” Xavier whispers to me.

  I shake my head.

  “They look happy,” he says after a moment of silence.

  “They deserve this. They had a rough go of it, but they made it work and found a way. They deserve this happiness.”

  He pulls me into a hug. “You deserve happiness too.”

  Drying my eyes, I pull away, going to hug the ecstatic couple.

  “Tin Tin!” Victoria draws me in for a hug as she squeals, “Can you believe it?”

  I laugh. “I told you this was inevitable. What I can’t believe is that it has taken this long. Well, that and the fact that you guys are engaged before Reed and Sage.”

  Reed groans while Sage laughs.

  “Yeah, thanks, asshole.” Reed slaps Sterling on the back of the head. “Now these girls are going to get ideas.”

  I roll my eyes. “No worries. No engagements in my future. My virtue is safe, big brother.”

  He gives me a horrified look. “I sure fucking hope so. You’re not even eighteen yet. I was talking about Sage and Morgan.”

  I shrug.


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