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Unapologetically (Brighton Academy Series Book 4)

Page 14

by Cala Riley

  A tap on the shoulder causes me to turn around. I find Finley standing behind me.

  “Dance with me.”

  I roll my eyes. “Really? This again?”

  His pleading eyes cause me to put my hand in his.

  I don’t miss the lyrics to the song. It’s about the woman marrying another man, but the man singing wants it to be him.

  “You really do look gorgeous tonight, Tin.” His breath washes over my neck, causing me to shiver. He pulls me closer in response, his hand on my lower back slipping slightly lower, his pinky now resting on my ass.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “Everything okay?” he rasps.


  My vocal cords are barely working at this point. At the first touch of his fingers on my hand, the tingles that have always been present when he’s near spread through my body. As he pressed his body closer to mine, those same tingles started to send heat to places heat shouldn’t be—not with Finley.

  Dancing with Finley, the entire world outside of our bubble falls away. It’s just the two of us on the floor in each other's arms.

  It has always been this way. When Finley pulls me in to dance with him, I always feel like the single most important person in his world. He has that way about him. I’m sure I’m not even the only girl who feels that way. However, I always felt like it was different for me, like he felt differently about me.

  Not anymore. I can’t read into each touch and each sweet word from his lips. That leads to hurt.

  As the song ends, I pull back, kissing Finley on the cheek instead of waiting for him to kiss my hand.

  Pulling away, I hastily make my way off the floor, straight into Xavier’s waiting arms. He must notice the look on my face, because he doesn’t question it. He pulls me into a hug, kissing the side of my head.

  “I’ve got you. Hold on for a little longer, and then you can fall apart.”

  After taking a couple deep breaths, I plaster a smile on my face and turn to smile out at the room.

  Faking the happiness I wish I had, I stand in the arms of the man I wish I could love, trying not to think about the one I do.



  Walking into an empty house is the worst—especially when for so long you’ve had to listen for the sound that your mother is alive.

  So, when I walk into my house after Victoria’s party, the sound of silverware chattering from the kitchen startles me.

  “Mom?” I call out, wondering if they lifted the hold on her.

  “Son, join me,” says a voice I haven’t heard in person for a long while.

  “Dad?” I whisper. Walking into the kitchen, I find him at the table. “What are you doing here?”

  “I think it’s time we had a talk. Please, sit.”

  Sitting across from him, I watch as he finishes his eggs and bacon. Where he even found them, I don’t know. If they were in our fridge, he might want to go get his stomach pumped. Who knows how old they are.

  After wiping his face on his napkin, he pushes his plate away. “Sorry. It was a long flight. I was famished. How’re you doing? How’s school?”

  “It’s fine. We’re fine.” I can’t help the bite in my tone.

  “I received a call saying your mother had been admitted to a psychiatric facility. Why didn’t you tell me things had gotten so bad?” His voice holds sadness.

  “Would you have even cared?” I watch the pain etch into his face.

  “Of course I would. She’s my wife. You’re my child. I care about you very much.”

  “You have a funny way of showing it. Leaving sure makes your kid think you care. It sure as hell doesn’t cause your wife to fall off the deep end.”

  The sarcasm in my voice isn’t missed.

  His face falls. “I deserve that. I was a poor father and an even worse husband. I gave your mother what I thought she wanted, what she told me she needed. It killed me to watch the woman I love deteriorate right in front of me. I shouldn’t have placed that burden on you.”

  “I used to ask myself why you would leave me here. At first, I thought I wasn’t good enough, that you didn’t love me. Then I understood. You left me because you couldn’t watch her succumb to the disease. The disease that your own child may also have. I get it, Dad.”

  He freezes. “What do you mean?”

  I scoff. “Bipolar disorder is hereditary. There’s a chance I have it. Didn’t you know that before you had a child?”

  His eyes soften. “I did. She did too, you know. Have you been worried about this? That you may have bipolar disorder?”

  “Of course I’m worried! How can I ever settle down with someone knowing that I might have it? That I might say and do the things Mom does to the woman I love with all my heart? I could never forgive myself, especially if I hit her the way Mom has hit me. Forget having children. This is one fate I could never pass on to another.”

  His watery eyes meet mine. I choke back my emotions at seeing the man, who I knew to be so strong, breaking in front of me.

  “I’m so sorry, son. I’m a terrible father. I had no idea you worried about this.” He runs his hand over his mouth, pulling himself together. “Let me settle some of that for you. Bipolar disorder is hereditary, you’re right. What you don’t know is that your mother never wanted to pass it along to her child.”

  My eyes narrow on his.

  He continues. “That’s right. Your mother felt much as you do. She knew that if she had a child, the chance would be higher. She wanted to be a mother though, so she asked if I would be willing to take an alternative route. Your mother and I love you with all our hearts, son. You have to know that.”

  “What are you saying?” I cut him off, wanting him to get to the point.

  “We used a surrogate. You’re our son, but your mother and I used another woman’s eggs. You’re not your mother’s biological child. With that being said, it changes nothing. You’re our son.”

  I sit in silence, processing this.

  I don’t have the gene. I can have a future. I can love her.



  Fuck. I fucked up. I was so scared about my future, I lost her.

  “Why did you leave us?” I whisper.

  “Your mother felt like she was losing herself with the medication. She asked me to leave. She said she would call me back when she felt better. Only, she never called. I should have come back sooner, but it broke my heart to see her that way—a numb shell of the woman she was. Selfish, I know, but true. So, I stayed away, working myself to the bone. I had no idea she was off the rails. You always made it sound like she was the same. If I had any idea, I would have come back. You have to believe me.”

  His wild eyes meet mine.

  “I do. I think we deserve a drink. What do you say, Pops?” I tease.

  “I should say no, but fuck it. We have some catching up to do.”

  I smile, thankful now, more than ever, that I made the call to SS.


  Chapter Eleven


  “What are you doing here?” Reed’s formidable voice echoes through the halls.

  I rush down the stairs, desperately hoping to find Finley here finally fighting for me. Instead, I find my father facing off against Reed and Keaton in our foyer.

  “This is my house, contrary to popular belief. I can be here if I want to be. I might let you run things for now, but don’t forget that I can take this away from you at any time.”

  Dad tried to take a step around Reed, but Reed doesn’t allow it. He pushes him back against the door.

  “Reed,” Sage gasps from the opening to the sitting room. Morgan has a hand covering her mouth as she stands next to Sage.

  “You need to leave now,” Reed grinds out.

  Dad lets out a laugh. “I will. Once I get what I came for.” His eyes meet mine, and he smiles.

  “Daddy, what are you doing here?” My voice sounds as exhausted as I fee

  “You thought you could ignore my calls? Come on, you’re coming with me.”

  “Absolutely not. Over my dead body.” Keaton steps in front of me, pushing me further behind him.

  A hand grabs me from behind, and I gasp as Sage pulls me behind her as well and into Morgan.

  Looking in front of me, I should feel appreciative. Each one of these people are willing to protect me. I should be grateful, but I’m not. I hear them arguing, but I ignore it. I ignore them.


  My voice echoes off the walls, much as Reed’s did. They all turn to stare at me.

  “I am sick and tired of all of you. Every single one of you. You all think you know what’s best for me. I should date a proper boy approved by Daddy. I shouldn’t date at all because no one is good enough for me according to my brothers. I’m done. I’m done with every single one of you. I’m my own person. I can make my own decisions.”

  I turn to my brothers, and my voice cracks as the emotions I have kept bottled up pour out of me. “Did you know that I shared an intimate moment with a guy I have loved longer than I’ve known what love is? Do you know what he said to me? He can’t be with me. Not only because he’s your best friend and you would never allow it, but because he has his own demons. Demons that I would kill for him in a heartbeat, but he won’t let me. Not one of you knew that. You know why?” Shaking my head, I wipe the tears from my cheeks. “I couldn’t tell you. I couldn’t tell you because you,” I point at my father, “only want me as your prized broodmare. The only thing I’m good for to you is to marry me off to the best connection that will make you somehow feel like you’re more of a man. I can see it now. Why you try so hard. You’re jealous of Reed, of the success he has found without having to be a manipulating asshole. I loved you, Daddy. Still do, but you just lost the last child you had. I won’t do this anymore. I can’t.”

  Turning to Reed and Keaton, I continue. “I love Finley, but we were doomed before we even started because of your preconceived notions that I’m a child who should be locked away in her room until she turns grey. I lost Finley, but I won’t lose my life. I will be eighteen soon. You need to let me live my life and stop forcing yours on me.”

  Finally turning towards Sage and Morgan, I give them a small smile. “I know you have always wanted the best for me and that’s why you do what you do, but, Sage, you’re not my mother. I love you, and I appreciate the role you took on, but I’m ready to have a sister now. Morgan, I love that you care about me, and I will always listen to your advice, but I won’t always take it, and you have to be okay with that.”

  Looking around the room again, I sigh. “If you can get your shit together and start treating me as an equal, then we can make this work. If not, then I’m done. I’ll leave the second the clock strikes midnight on my birthday. I refuse to be put in a box anymore.”

  Everyone is silent. Sage has tears on her face while Morgan won’t meet my eyes. Reed’s seething while Keaton is giving me a proud smile. The last face I meet is my father’s. He looks sinister.

  How could I not see who he really was from the beginning?

  He starts to slowly clap, bringing everyone’s attention back to him.

  “That was a pretty speech. Too bad it won’t matter. As far as the law is concerned, you’re my child. I have custody of you. You need to leave with me now.”

  Reed and Keaton break out in roars, cursing and arguing with him. The front door opens, and uniformed police officers enter, pulling Keaton and Reed off my father. The next instant, I’m being led from the house into a waiting car.

  I try to pull away, but the police officer doesn’t budge an inch. It’s not until I’m in the back of a police car watching my home grow more distant that I realize what just happened.

  I’ve been kidnapped. By police officers.

  Looking forward, I speak to the one in the car with me.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  He meets my gaze in the rearview mirror before looking back to the road.

  “Your father asked us to bring you to his home. He said your brothers were interfering with his custodial rights.”

  Of course he did. They won’t let him take me without a fight though. They will come for me. I don’t speak again. Not when we pull up to an average house in a gated community after who knows how long. Not when I’m escorted into the house, down the hall, and into a bedroom. Not even when I hear the familiar sound of a lock clicking, locking me into the room.

  Instead, exhausted from my day, I curl up on the bed and stare at the wall, feeling numb. It’s a weird feeling. After the heartbreaking pain from today, I figured I would be in tears.

  Instead, all I care about is how many flowers are on the wallpaper in this bedroom. I care about how quiet my mind has gone. I care about… nothing.



  After talking with my dad, I stepped outside to smoke a joint.

  It’s the third best way to calm my mind, behind Tinsley and fighting. Looking up into the sky, I wonder if Tinsley is looking at the stars too. It gives me an odd sense of connection thinking she is.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket. I don’t even look at it. I let it go to voice mail. It stops but immediately starts buzzing again. After the third time, I pull it out, seeing Sage’s name on the display.

  My heart pounds in my chest. I toss my joint to the ground and press the accept button.


  “Finally, fuck. Finley, Tinsley’s in trouble.” Sage sounds distressed.

  “Where is she?” I’m already halfway to my car before she speaks again.

  “I’m not sure. Shit went down. Her father pushed his way into the house with cops, taking Tinsley against her will. Reed and Keaton are sitting in a jail cell at the moment, so I need you to find her and get her back. Something’s off with that guy.”

  I grind my teeth. I remember how he hurt Tinsley before. My blood is boiling at the thought. The itch to fight is tenfold when I know my woman is in danger.

  “I’ll find her. I’ll call you when it’s done.”

  Pulling up my Find Your Friends app, I smile. Not only did she never delete the app, her phone is on and must be with her.

  I consider calling the SS; however, I’m not sure if her father is also involved. If he is, they may not help me, or someone may tip him off.

  Deciding against that, I call the only other person who can help me.

  “Abbot,” Rocky’s voice comes over the phone.

  “I need a favor,” I bite out, turning on my car to head towards her location.

  “You know what a favor costs. Is it worth it?”

  “It is. Meet me at the address I’m about to send you. This isn’t exactly kosher,” I tell him, alluding to the fact that this is illegal.

  “We’ll be there.”

  Not fifteen minutes later, I’m sitting outside the small one-story house on the edge of town. It’s not extravagant like I would expect from a Yates, but that doesn’t surprise me. If he’s trying to hide her, they would never look here.

  A tap on my window startles me. I unlock the door, and Rocky slips inside.

  “I brought Nate but asked him to keep an ear to the ground. What are we doing here?” Rocky asks.

  He’s not asking for details. He’s letting me know he’s down for whatever I need.

  “Rescue mission. One female, Little Yates.” I cringe at using the name I know she hates, but everyone knows her by it. “Not sure if the fucker actually has custody of her, but her father removed her from her home earlier this evening.”

  He looks at the house and back to me. “You sure she’s in there?”

  I shrug. “I haven’t laid eyes on her yet, but her phone is here. Figured if she’s not, the person inside might be persuaded to tell us where to find her.”

  He nods. “Let’s go do some recon before we bust in there.”

  We creep up to the house, sticking to the shadows, noting everything i
nside as we circle it, each taking a side.

  When we meet back up, Rocky informs me, “It looks like she’s being kept in the back right bedroom. You take the back. Four guards before you get her, brother. I’ll take the front. I’ll secure the target and bring Daddy Yates to the drop off point. You good?” Rocky meets my eyes, looking as serious as ever.

  This isn’t some warehouse fight or errand. This is the shit he deals with more than I can imagine. He has a plan in place. All he needs is for me to follow it.

  I nod. “I’m good.”

  “Count to twenty, then breach.”

  With that, he makes his way to the front, while I count in my head. At twenty, I burst through the back door, punching the first guard. The second rushes for me, but he has nothing on me. My fighting skills are some of the best. As he attempts to land a punch, I duck, causing him to hit his partner.

  The noise draws attention, and a third guard makes his way in. This one has a gun.

  Grabbing one of the men around the neck, I push him in front of me, using him as a shield.

  “Put the gun down,” I demand.

  The guy laughs. “Yeah right. Why would I?”

  “You going to let your guy here get hurt? I can choke him out in fifteen seconds max.”

  He shrugs. “I’m here to do a job. A job that does not include keeping that fucker safe.”

  I glance down at the guy on the floor. He’s knocked out, most likely from his buddy’s punch.

  “Tell you what, you let the girl go, and I won’t kick your ass,” I say to distract him as I slide my hand down to find my shield’s gun on his hip.

  Wrapping my arm tighter around his neck, I press until his weight settles on top of me.

  “Looks like he’s getting heavy,” the third guard says. “Sure you can last?”

  Commotion from behind him is enough to distract him. I pull his buddy’s gun, shooting him in the arm holding the gun.

  Before he can move, I’m on top of him, punching until I hear it.

  Her voice.


  Turning, I find Tinsley peeking out of a door.

  I open my arms for her, relief hitting me as soon as she is safe in them.


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