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The Weekend Surprise (The Cannon Brothers, #2)

Page 5

by Jade, Ella

  “Hi,” Sammy spoke barely above a whisper before clearing her throat. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “You’ve met?” their grandfather asked.

  “I met Sammy at Spencer and Coda’s wedding. She was in the lobby,” Tyler offered. “The bride and groom came out to join us.”

  “This is a surprise,” Coda said. “How do you like Cannon and Carrington?”

  “I like it.” Sammy smiled at Tyler. “Jack is great.”

  “Nonsense, it’s all you,” the older Cannon said. “You should see what this girl can do with a computer. It’s all foreign to me, but I’ve never been more organized.”

  “You got Jack to use a computer?” Coda asked. “That’s inspiring.”

  “It hasn’t been easy.” Sammy laughed, and Tyler liked the way it sounded. “He fights me all the way.”

  “I’m an old dog,” their grandfather said. “I need to get back to work. We all do. Spencer, have your bride follow me.”

  “Agreed,” Spencer said. “Grandfather has something to show you, Coda.”

  “Really? What?” She took Spencer’s hand. “A surprise?”

  “A big surprise.” Spencer kissed her cheek. “Tyler, we’ll catch up later. It was good to see you again, Sammy.”

  “Thank you,” Sammy said as they walked down the hall. “I guess Coda’s going to see her new digs.”

  “Yeah, Grandfather can’t wait to show her.” Tyler motioned toward his office. “He’ll be busy for a few minutes. Come with me.”

  He walked in and shut the door behind them. “First, I have to do this.” He pressed into her, pinning her against the door. Taking her face between his hands, he tilted her chin as he lowered his lips. He wanted to deepen the connection, but that would be dangerous. They were in the middle of the workday, not the best time to heat things up. All he could steal was a quick kiss before releasing her.

  “No one’s ever kissed me the way you do.”

  “I’ve been thinking about doing that ever since I dropped you off Saturday night.”

  They had gone into the city to have dinner and see another show. He didn’t go inside her apartment, because the goodbye kissing had gotten intense and he couldn’t trust himself to be alone with her. She had no idea what her confession of innocence had done to him. The prospect of being her first dominated most of his thoughts, but he had to respect her. She’d waited for the right guy, and he wanted to prove that he could be that guy.

  “I missed you yesterday,” she said.

  She had to play an afternoon garden party and then study for an exam. Tyler had her out both Friday and Saturday nights, so he wanted to give her the space to do the things she needed to do.

  “Are you available next weekend?” He ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “I have a gala to attend. I’d like for you to accompany me.”

  “A gala?” She crinkled her adorable little nose. “Like a ball?”

  “I’m sure you’re aware that the agency is changing its name next month. We’re holding a reception. We’re also sponsoring an auction for charity that night. It’s going to be a big deal.”

  “That sounds fancy.” She fidgeted with her hands.

  “It’s a black tie function.” He tilted her chin so she had to look at him. “Do you want to go with me?”

  She nodded.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. She wasn’t doing a very good job of convincing him. She seemed conflicted.

  “Yes, I’m sorry.” She took a deep breath. “It sounds like fun. I don’t have any plans the whole weekend.”

  “Good.” He brushed his lips along hers. “Maybe I’ll steal you away.”

  “I better get back to work.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.” He kissed her again, this time remaining at her mouth a little longer. “I’ll call you tonight.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  “I have to meet with Spencer to go over things around here, so it might be later than usual.”

  “I’ll wait up.” She ran her hand along his jaw before placing a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth. “Bye.” She bit her lip and gave him a shy smile.

  Hell, he wanted her in every way he could imagine. “Get out of here.” He opened his door. “You’re going to get me into trouble.”

  “Have a good day, Mr. Cannon.”

  He watched as she wiggled that sexy behind of hers while walking down the hall. She had done that on purpose. He’d have to find a way to tease her and drive her as crazy with desire as she had done to him. Next weekend held so many possibilities.

  As Sammy turned the corner, Spencer came into Tyler’s office. He wasted no time getting back into the swing of things.

  “Distracted?” Spencer smirked.

  “No.” Tyler cleared his throat and tried to push any inappropriate thoughts of his grandfather’s assistant out of his head. “You ready to go over things?”

  “In a minute.” Spencer took a seat on the leather sofa across from Tyler’s desk. “I want to make sure you can handle having that young, attractive woman here in the office.”

  “Coda? Sure, she doesn’t distract me anymore.” Tyler laughed. “Besides, she’s married now. To a real slave driver from what I hear.”


  Tyler took a seat at his desk, hoping his brother wasn’t going to make a big deal out of Sammy working there.

  “Seriously, can you work with her and handle a personal relationship?”

  “You know I can.”

  “Okay then. I trust you. You’re doing a great job here. The board is impressed.”

  “And the CEO?” Tyler had tamed down his partying ways and focused on his career over the past year. He loved his job. He wanted more than anything to stand at the helm with his brother and help make the agency even more of a success.

  “Yes, I think you’ve more than proved yourself these past few months. Now that Pierce Carrington has retired and will be pulling back from the board, Grandfather has more say. We’re bringing the agency into new territory and acquiring campaigns we could only have dreamed of a year ago. We’re going to be busy. Thanks for stepping up.”

  “I gave you a hard time when I was in college and the years that followed, but I was finding my way. I know what I want now.”

  “You were a rebellious one, I’ll give you that.”

  The agency was changing. Their grandfather’s long time partner, Pierce, decided to travel and enjoy his later years. That gave the Cannons more control in the creative department. Tyler, along with Coda, played a huge role. Spencer had trusted them with several national campaigns, and Tyler didn’t want to let his brother down.

  “I’m glad you ended up here,” Spencer said. “The family business is your calling.”

  “Thanks for giving me the chance.”

  “Why don’t you come to my office when you’re finished here? We have a lot to catch up on. Coda’s going to sit in, as well as Grandfather and the art department.”

  “You aren’t wasting any time.”

  “There’s no time to waste.” Spencer stood from the couch. “We’re in the process of signing three new accounts. We’re going to have to hire a consultant for at least one of them and possibly another graphic designer.”

  “I’ll get Vince on that,” Tyler said. “He may have a past intern that can help with the graphics.”

  “Sounds good.” Spencer headed out of the office. “See you soon.”

  Tyler stretched in his chair and loosened his tie. He had a long week in front of him, but at least he had Friday night to look forward to. Spending more time with Sammy would be what he needed after the stress he was about to face over these new accounts.

  Chapter 5

  Wednesday afternoon, Sammy finished the workday and made her way to the restroom. She glanced at her phone, hoping one of her friends had come through about lending her a dress for Friday night. No one had. Not that she expected any of them to. Where would they get a dress fancy enough to attend a
gala? Where was she going to get a dress like that?

  She should have told Tyler no when he invited her. She could have made an excuse about having other plans or something. The truth was she didn’t want to turn him down. She wanted to attend the function with him. He made her feel like Cinderella, and taking her to a ball was like a dream come true. The only thing she was missing was a fairy godmother.

  She was running out of time. The gala was less than two days away and she had no idea where she was going to get a gown. She had some money saved, but when she went to the department store the night before, she realized how little her rainy day stash would get her.

  She splashed cold water over her face and took a deep breath. She would have to tell Tyler she couldn’t make it. Disappointment dominated her emotions. Not because she couldn’t go, but she didn’t want to let him down. He’d been so kind to her. Now that they were getting closer, there were things she wanted to tell him, things he should know, but how could she tell him about her past when all she had to go on was suspicion?

  She gazed at herself in the mirror. You’re in over your head. The flush in her cheeks overtook her face, just as her eyes filled with hot, stinging tears. Before long, her mascara stained her skin. Her eyes were red and puffy. The problem wasn’t the dress. She had let her relationship get too far with a man she had no business pursuing. How could she stop what was happening between them? She’d never felt this way about anyone.

  “Are you okay?” Coda stood behind her, staring at Sammy in the reflection of the glass.

  Sammy hadn’t heard her come in. Feeling embarrassed, she tried to get a hold of herself. “I, um... Yes, I’m fine.” She took a tissue from the box on the counter and wiped her tears. “It’s one of those days.” She tried to smile. “I’m okay.”

  “I don’t think so.” Coda continued to stare at her.

  Sammy took in her delicate features and striking bone structure. Coda was as beautiful in person. Sammy had been following her in the society papers for over a year. Everyone in the neighborhood was. When a local girl hooks up with a billionaire from Manhattan, people become intrigued.

  “What’s wrong?” Coda asked. “Is Jack giving you a hard time?”

  “No, he’s wonderful.”

  “Tyler?” Coda shook her head. “Did he screw things up already?”

  “Tyler is great. I’ve never met anyone like him.” She couldn’t help the tears that slipped out of the corner of her eyes when she thought about having to tell him she couldn’t go with him on Friday. He’d never understand her reason. She was certain the women he dated never had a problem buying expensive clothes.

  “If my brother-in-law is so perfect, why are you crying when you mention his name?” Coda handed her another tissue. “What did he do?”

  “It’s not Tyler, it’s me.”

  “What’s got you so upset?”

  As Sammy searched Coda’s brown eyes, she sensed a familiarity in them. Maybe she wanted to feel some connection to this woman. They weren’t that different. Were they?

  “Tyler invited me to the gala on Friday night.”

  “He told me. It’ll be a fun time. I’m glad he asked you.”

  “You are?”

  “Yeah.” She laughed. “Us Brooklyn girls have to stick together, especially when it comes to those Cannon men. They can be a bit complicated.”

  “You and Spencer are so happy. The way he looks at you would make any woman melt.”

  She recalled the way Spencer gazed into Coda’s eyes the night of their wedding and the way she had seen him subtly touch her in the office. It wasn’t overkill. He would tuck her hair behind her ear when they talked in the hall or he’d play with the bracelet on her wrist as he listened to her go over the details of a campaign. Sammy had sat in on a few meetings over the past week, taking notes, and she always left thinking how much in love the newlyweds were. Their mood was contagious.

  “I’m sorry,” Sammy said. “That sounded kind of weird.”

  “I could say the same thing about the way Tyler looks at you.”

  “You think?”

  “I know.” Coda nodded. “He’s finally settling down, and it suits him. So, tell me what the problem is. Maybe I can help.”

  “I don’t have anything to wear to this gala thing.” She put her head down, feeling silly to have to admit that to her. “You must think I’m completely worthless.”

  “You’re worthless because you’re a college student, living on your own in New York City, and you don’t own anything expensive to attend some crazy, lavish function in the name of charity?”

  “Well, when you put it that way...”

  “Remind me to tell you the story of how I met Spencer sometime.” Coda leaned against the sink. “I was cleaning the office and on the brink of getting evicted. He provided my wardrobe for the first weekend we spent together.”

  “When you went to his cousin’s wedding.”

  “You read the tabloids?”

  “We come from the same neighborhood, so you’re a topic of conversation.”

  “After Friday night, you’ll be the topic of conversation if the photographers don’t have anything better to do.”

  “I have to tell Tyler I can’t go.”

  “You’re going.” Coda pulled her cellphone out and glanced at the time. “It’s after five. Come on.”


  “This is not the first gala I’ve attended.” She opened the door. “I have a closet full of dresses, and you look about my size. I’ll lend you one.”

  “I can’t let you do that.”

  “Sure you can.” She took her hand and led her out of the bathroom. “Think of me as your fairy godmother.”


  “You know, like Cinderella?”

  “Yeah, I know, it’s my favorite fairytale.”

  “Mine too.”

  Sammy wondered how much more she had in common with Coda Cannon.

  “Perfect.” Coda giggled as she guided Sammy down the hall. “I have to grab my stuff and tell Spencer I’m leaving. I’ll meet you in the lobby in five minutes.”

  “Okay, I guess.”

  “Don’t worry,” Coda said as she headed toward her office. “You’re going to be fine.”

  “Coda,” Sammy called after her.


  “Thank you.”

  “It’s no problem, sweetie. I can see how happy you make Tyler. I want to help. He’ll be crushed if you don’t go with him.”

  Sammy nodded before Coda took off toward her office. She inhaled deeply and exhaled a few times in an attempt to calm herself. She wanted to attend the gala with Tyler. If taking Coda’s help allowed her to do that, then she would accept it.

  ON THURSDAY, THE OFFICE was quiet. Everyone had left for the day, but Sammy saw Tyler’s light streaming from underneath his door. It didn’t surprise her that he was still there. He’d been working hard. She’d overheard Spencer and Jack talking about how impressed they were with him. She was proud of her man.

  “Hi.” She walked into Tyler’s office, shutting the door behind her. “I’m getting ready to leave for the night, but I wanted to say goodbye.”

  “Huh.” He looked up from his computer screen. “It’s after five already?”

  “It’s almost seven.” She glanced at the ornate brass clock that sat on the shelves across from his magnificent mahogany desk. “Everyone else is gone for the night.”

  “Seriously? What are you still doing here?” He leaned back in his chair. “You could have left two hours ago.”

  “I’m bringing Jack into the twenty-first century. He needed some help organizing his computer files. I’m also helping him get his five thousand emails out of his inbox and into folders.” She laughed. “He’s stubborn, but he’s learning.”

  “Sweetheart, this is a part-time job. You don’t have to stay here past quitting time.”

  “You’re here.” She smiled as she walked toward him. “I like being where you
are, even if you’re too busy to come out of this office.”

  “It’s been a long week.” He reached for her hand and pulled her into his lap. “Are you all set for tomorrow night?”

  “Coda helped me figure out what I should wear.” She thought about her visit to Coda’s penthouse on Wednesday night. She’d really enjoyed the alone time with her. Coda had been generous and warm. “She was great.” Sammy hoped to get to know her better.

  “Yeah, she ripped me a new one for inviting you to the gala and not making sure you had something to wear.” He stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry about that. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “My wardrobe shouldn’t be your problem.”

  “It isn’t a problem, but I should have considered you wouldn’t have a dress for something like that.” He trailed his lips along her jaw. “You have to tell me these things, baby. I want you to have everything you need.”

  “It’s all good.” She relaxed against him. “Coda lent me something. We’re the same size.”

  “Next time, I’ll buy you your own dress.” He shifted her on his lap so she was sitting between his legs with her back to his chest. “You deserve to have nice things. I want to give them to you.”

  “I don’t need things.”

  “Don’t argue with me.” He slid his fingers along her thighs and under her skirt. “Your skin is so soft.”

  She wiggled in his lap, feeling the hardness of his erection as he swept his hand across the silk of her panties. Heat filled her cheeks when she realized she was damp there.

  “Now that I know you wear such tiny panties under these sexy skirts, I’ll never be able to concentrate.” He kissed the back of her neck as he moved his fingers along her covered slit. “Are you wet for me?”

  She nodded, not fully believing what he was doing to her in his office. The sexual tension had been building between them ever since she gave him that impromptu massage.

  “Will you spend the night with me tomorrow?” He continued to rub her through her panties. With each touch, the sensation between her legs intensified. “After the gala?”

  When she opened her mouth to answer, nothing came out. She was too distracted by his other hand. As he kept busy under her skirt, he undid the first two buttons of her blouse, slipping his fingers inside her bra and moving his thumb over her aroused nipple. Her heated flesh ached for him. The attention he gave to her body through her into overdrive.


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