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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 23

by C. D. Gorri

  His kisses started out as soft, but they grew needy as she palmed his shaft. She moaned into his mouth as she stroked him up and down, teasing the tip with her thumb. She then wrapped her mouth around the tip, causing his shaft to pulsate in response to her expert hands and mouth. She released her hands and mouth from his shaft, and the absence of her touch instantly made him ache for more. Her fingernails glided over his back, sending waves upon waves of electricity throughout his body. His skin instantly littered with goosebumps. A low growl vibrated in his chest.

  “Bed. Now, woman!” He found himself saying as he shut the water to the shower.

  He led her out of the stall and began gingerly towel-drying her body. He then did the same for himself before leading her to the bedroom. Takoda tugged out the covers and gently guided her onto the bed before straddling her.

  “You’re my Treasure and I want nothing more than to explore each and every inch of you.” He said as he plunged his shaft within her slick folds.

  He worshipped her sex until she writhed beneath him. Her core pulsating with desire excited him, but he wanted to hold his passion for her back until he was certain she was thoroughly satisfied. As he slowed his motion down, she took hold of his backside and thrust his hips towards her. The sensation made him want to spill his seed inside her. But he still found a need, a want, to wait a few moments longer for his own blissfully sweet release.

  “That’s it, baby.” He said as he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. “Come for me.”

  She let out a loud moan, signifying her coming release. It was music to him and his cougar’s ear. As he continued to match her fast-paced rhythm, he found his muscles growing tight with excitement. His lips sucked at the crux of her neck and then her shoulder as her center pulsated with pleasure tightly around his swelling shaft. The sensation blew his mind, and he found himself biting at the flesh of her shoulder until a faint tinge of copper touched his lips.

  “Oh, Takoda!” She wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her manicured nails down his back.

  He matched her rhythm in response to each of her thrusts as she road out the after waves of pleasure. It was only until he began to pant, spent from pleasing her, that he pulled her on top of him and she collapsed in his arms.

  “You are amazing, Treasure.”

  He kept his sex inside her as she rained kisses down his neck and chest. The feather touch of her lips made him drift into a relaxing state. He wrapped his arms tighter around her, trying to brand this moment in time with her scent, her touch, and the fire in her eyes, to memory.

  She smiled at him and kissed his cheek before she settled her head on his chest. The sound of her heartbeat lulled him in and out of consciousness for the next several minutes. When he began to almost completely drift, his cougar took over, and he blinked his eyes open.

  Lenox was still a threat, and he could not rest until his Treasure was safe. He looked at her as she lay on top of him in peaceful bliss and caressed her hair.

  “No one will ever hurt you again, my love. I promise you that.

  Chapter Seven

  A loud knock ran through the room, causing Takoda to stir.

  “Takoda, it looks like they’ve discovered her as missing. They are almost at my perimeter. Get dressed.” Said Donovan.

  “Be right out.”

  Treasure stirred in the bed as he tried to get out without stirring her awake. She awoke fully once the warmth of his body left her.

  “What’s going on?”

  “They’ve come.” He said to her in a whisper. “Wait here.”

  Treasure jolted upright in bed.

  “Oh no, I’m not! He’s not hurting my mate!”

  She rushed towards the bathroom and started putting on her clothes.

  “Treasure,” Takoda started as he pulled on his pants, “I understand you want to stand by me, but things are different now.”

  “Yes, they are different. You are my mate and I must protect you.”

  “You’ve got a pride to protect now, as well.”

  “Don’t you dare get all technical with me! You haven’t announced me as their Luna. Therefore, by law I’m not their Luna at the moment—I’m just your mate,”

  “Even that is in the loosest sense of the law because you didn’t technically mark me yet. Please, I can’t face him if I think that you aren’t safe.”

  “This isn’t up for a discussion.” She said as she headed out the bathroom door. “They outnumber you and Donovan. If I come out with you, we will have the element of surprise.” She opened the door to the bedroom. Donovan was leaning an arm against the threshold.

  “Takoda—she’s right and you know it. If you’ve laid claim to her—even in the loosest sense, Nayati by law will have no choice but to take up his grievances with the council. He can’t touch her, you, or even me until the council has their say. By then we should be able to figure out a way to get that staff away from Lenox and destroy it.”

  Takoda let out a breath.

  “Fine, but if there is even so much as a slight indication that Nayati will not honor the law, you need to promise me that you will run and head off towards the pride. They are in Montana—just outside the border. And Donovan, you have to promise me you’ll get her there safely.”

  “Man, stop talking half-cocked! I’m not letting you go up against his entire pride by yourself, for fuck’s sake. No—the plan is that you are going to let us help you! You know, you act more like a lone wolf than an Alpha.”

  “I want to protect you both—how is that bad?”

  “And I thought I was bad!” Donovan said while shaking his head. “Come on. Let’s get out there before they are on my doorstep.”


  The three headed out the front and sat down on the barker lounges on Donovan’s front porch. It didn’t take long for Lenox, Nayati, and Mika to reach Donovan’s porch. All three shifted into human form the instant they saw Donovan, Takoda, and Treasure.

  “I didn’t think you’d be so civil with your visit and shift back to human form. We’ve been expecting you.” Donovan said as he crossed his arms.

  “We have no beef with you, Donovan. Well, at least right now since the council has not spoken about who leads this territory. All we want is the girl and we will be on our way.” Said Nayati.

  “I’m afraid that is not possible.” Said Takoda as he stepped off of the porch and walked towards the three of them. Donovan and Treasure followed.

  “You have no business in this matter. She is the property of Nayati!” Lenox touted while tapping his walking stick three times. Each time it made a large thud when it contacted the earth beneath their feet. He directed the staff towards Nayati as he addressed him. “Are you going to let Takoda do this? He is violating the law. We’ve now got provocation to attack.”

  “No laws were broken. The girl was promised to me if you recall. Therefore, she is staying with me and as my fated mate.”

  Lenox’s eyes widened.

  “You can’t claim her. You—you can’t claim a mate who is not of royal Alpha blood! The law is clear.”

  “I am well aware of the law, Lenox, and I can assure you that I am within the right to declare her as my Luna!”

  “She is part of my pride! I did not release her. Therefore—”

  “Are you challenging the law of the council, Nayati? You cannot keep a mateless Luna in your pride. You already have a mate and that is why I am claiming her as mine.”

  “I see no marks on this woman, therefore I may take her back to wed someone of my choosing.”

  “First, she is marked, and second, if she were not from royal Alpha blood, she could be wed to an Omega. That is not the case, however. Her father was the Alpha of her pride.”

  “I want the girl, and I want her now! She must be punished for her crimes against my pride!”

  “What crime? Refusing to submit to you? What royal blooded Alpha or Luna would?” Takoda asked.

  “I do not have to explain myself t
o you! Do not test me.” Nayati said, as his body started to show signs of a half-shift.

  “Is that a threat?”

  Takoda’s voice was now a low growl.

  “It is a promise!”

  Nayati tried to take a swipe at Takoda with his claws.

  “Enough!” Shouted Mika, Nayati’s Beta that remained silent through most of the squabbles these past six months. “The law of the council states that once a cougar has laid claim to a mate, they have 24 hours to take the matter up with the council—in the meantime, we are not allowed to touch her or them. Am I the only one that understands this law?”

  “He has no right, Mika!” Lenox said as he tried to direct his staff towards the man, but Mika stepped further away.

  “I have been against your treatment of Treasure and Takoda from the start, my Alpha. Let it be known that I will not be a part of breaking council law.” He said as he continued to back away from Lenox. He then turned his head towards Takoda, Treasure, and Donovan before continuing. “I promise no harm will come to you by my own hands. I cannot say the same for my Alpha.”

  “I appreciate that, Mika.” Said Takoda.

  “My alpha, Nayati, I don’t know what has come over you, but if you do not want me speaking to the council about you breaking the law, I suggest you retreat with me. The same can be said for you too, Lenox. And my guess is that the council will not be as lenient with you as they will be with Nayati. You are a werewolf, after all.”

  With a guttural growl from them both, they backed away from Takoda and followed Mika back into the woods.

  “This isn’t over, Takoda! We will take this up with the council at first light!” Said Lenox as he backed from the three.


  Takoda tossed and turned most of the night while waiting for dawn. He then headed out to meet with the council. He wanted to face the council alone, but Treasure and Donovan insisted on coming with him.

  “I have a good feeling about this. I think we will get the council to see things our way.”

  “Well, I’m glad you do, Takoda. But just in case things go south, I want us there as your backup. One against a pack and the council isn’t exactly a fair fight—should one ensue.”

  “I guess you are right, Donovan, but I just didn’t want to go in there and make them all feel on the defensive.”

  “Well, you aren’t talking us out of this. We are coming with whether you like it or not.” Said Treasure as she patted Takoda on the shoulder.

  The three walked through the forest a bit of a way down the path that led away from Donovan’s house and towards the council’s place, which was northeast of Nayati’s compound on the other side of the mountains.

  The trio were about to enter the council’s quarters when they were greeted by Nayati and Lenox.

  “Honestly, I didn’t think you’d show,” Lenox said as he opened the door to the quarters and motioned for them to enter. “Figured that you’d bail.”

  “You know that isn’t our style, Lenox.”

  “You couldn’t face becoming a shifter when Ocean first claimed you. That’s why you ran here to Wyoming in the first place, Donovan. I don’t think you have any room for talk.”

  “Enough! We, the council, will decide the fate of these prides! And we will do it in your silence, Lenox!” Spat the highest member of the council, Motavato. “You will speak when spoken to. Do we make ourselves clear?” His eyes grew as dark as his inky black pin-straight hair.

  “Yes, your grace.” Said Treasure as she bowed before them.

  “Ms. Treasure, I’m glad you understand the severity of this situation. It is a huge accusation of a crime that has been cast on you and the shifter that is stealing you from your pride. What have you to say about this?”

  “Your graces, it is true. Takoda is my fated mate.”

  “But Takoda is not a member of your pride, nor can just anyone be his fated mate. You do understand the laws. Alphas, especially one as old as Takoda can only mate with royal blood.” Said Motavato with knitted brows.

  “Yes, and if your graces allow me the chance, I can prove to you all that I am Takoda’s rightful mate.”

  “Very well, you may speak.”

  “During the Civil Were War, my entire pride was killed, including my father, the alpha of our Cheyenne pride just south of the mountains. My father was Avonaco.”

  Motavato gasped.

  “He was your father?”

  “Yes, your grace, Motavato.”

  “And you kept it from us all. Why?”

  “Because upon seeing me during the war, it was law to kill the alpha and any family members who could rightfully become an alpha.”

  “Yes, that was the law during the war, but it is different now. Why did you wait for so long?”

  “I was a child and put the horrible memories from my head. And since I was promised to Takoda’s pride once I was a full-fledged adult, I thought of Nayati’s pride as a foster one. It wasn’t until Nayati detained me as a punishment for seeing Takoda that I realized The Awakening had occurred. I was able to renounce him as my alpha—something only a true alpha of royal blood can do.”

  Motavato’s eyes widened.

  “Is this true, Nayati?”

  “Well, yes, I mean,” Nayati’s voice trailed slightly as he stepped away from Lenox to address the council.

  As he did, Lenox took a few steps closer to Nayati and placed his staff within Nayati’s view. He lightly tapped the staff on the wooden floor. The sound made a chant-like vibration that echoed the four walls of the chamber.

  Donovan, seeing this, stepped around everyone until he was in back of an unknowing Lenox.

  “Nayati, the law is very clear about this. Once you discover a shifter you’ve taken into the fold from the war is of alpha blood, they must mate. You don’t have an available alpha to mate within your entire Cheyenne pride.”

  “Yes, I understand,” Nayati started again. His voice shook along with his head. “forgive me, your grace. My head is a little, I’m not sure?”

  Another light tap from Lenox’s staff shot through the room. Donovan reached from behind Lenox and grabbed the staff out of his hand.

  “Just what do you think you are doing, Lenox? You know it is illegal to be practicing the arts in council chambers.” Donovan said as he moved the staff out of Lenox’s reach.

  “What do you mean? This is an outrage, your graces! I demand that you make Donovan give me back my staff at once! I’m an old man and I need it for walking!”

  Before the council could protest, Donovan broke the staff in half and a visible dark mist dispels from the staff. Nayati blinks several times and then shakes his head.

  “What is going on? Why am I here at the council chambers?” Nayati asks as he rubs the back of his neck. “And why does my head feel like it is about to explode?”

  “Do you not remember bringing up charges against me?” Asked Treasure.

  Nayati shook his head again and screwed his eyes shut before responding.

  “The last thing I remember clearly is the day we were planning your initiation into Takoda’s fold.” Nayati’s eyes widened. “And that was the first day you showed up!” Nayati said as he pressed his index finger into Lenox’s chest.

  Motavato’s expression hardened.

  “Lenox, what do you have to say for yourself?” Motavato said as he raised a hand to Lenox before continuing. “And choose your words carefully! But from that dark mist dispelling from the staff it is clear you have broken more than one law of this council. No one—not even an elder may perform magic on alphas without permission of the council! It is how we got into the mess with the Civil Were War with your shifter kind, to begin with!”

  A low growl formed within Motavato’s throat as he spat each word.

  “You are going to take the word of a lone wolf and an alpha of a Shoshone pride over mine? I’m the true ultimate leader of the Cheyenne ancestors of this land!”

  “Clearly, your intent is malicious. I know
what magic is. Especially when I see a spell breaking before my own eyes. Do you have anything relevant to say before this council passes down a judgment on your actions here today and those of the past six months by deceiving our good intentions of taking you in as a refuge?” Spat Motavato.

  Lenox reached inside his robe and pulled out a vial. Donovan tried to grab it from Lenox, but Lenox threw it to the ground before Donovan had the chance to retrieve it. A large gray cloud appeared and enveloped Lenox. Once the cloud dissipated, Lenox vanished from the council chambers.

  “Damn it!” Nayati said. “Where did he go?”

  “I’m not sure, but we are going to find out. We must stop him before he causes any more trouble to the packs and prides. Where he is, wars follow and the shifter community can’t have that any longer. Motavato, will you send word to Lenox’s son Gavin and his mate Fallon about what has happened here?” Asked Donovan.


  “Good.” Donovan nodded and let out a long breath.

  “Motavato, your grace,” Nayati said as he bowed his head before continuing, “I am deeply sorry for my actions and I am willing to take full punishment for my crimes.”

  “Nayati, you were under the influence of a dangerous spell. You cannot be held accountable for what Lenox did to you. Please, just go in peace and prepare for this Luna’s Awakening because I expect to be invited to the Mate Bonding—once it is official, of course.” Motavato said with a smile.

  “Thank you, your grace. We will prepare at once.”

  The four left the council chambers and were about to start to head back to their compounds before Nayati stopped them.


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