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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 24

by C. D. Gorri

  “Takoda, Donovan, I owe you both an apology, and, Treasure, I can’t tell you how sorry I am for everything I’ve done. Bits and pieces are coming back to me now that the fog is lifted and I can’t believe I hurt you.” Nayati said with glossy eyes.

  “Nayati, none of this is your fault. That’s why I’ve been so adamant about not wanting to fight you. Both Treasure and I knew Lenox was up to something we just didn’t know what until we started to piece everything together. We weren’t certain until Lenox started banging that stick around.”

  Nayati’s eyes widened.

  “Where is that staff now?”

  “The council has it, Nayati—well, what’s left of it, anyway. I’m sure they will dispose of it properly. Everything will be fine—you’ll see.”

  “I hope you are right, Donovan. But I still can’t help but worry.” Nayati said. “Let’s all head home. We have a Mate Bonding to prepare for!”

  Treasure started to follow Nayati off to the left as Donovan and Takoda went towards the right of the path.

  “Treasure, when I said, let’s all go home—I meant you as well. You should be with Takoda today so you can prepare for your first hunt with him tonight.” Nayati said with a smile as he patted Treasure on the shoulder.

  Treasure smiled back and headed over to Takoda, who enveloped her in his arms.

  “Nayati, thank you.” Said Takoda.

  “No, it is I who should be thanking you all. If it weren’t for the three of you, I’d still be under Lenox’s spell. And once he’d gotten what he wanted with all of you, he’d kill me and destroy my pride. It would have been devastating if you didn’t stop him.”

  Nayati nodded his head in their direction, waved, and turned on his heel to head towards his compound. Donovan, Treasure, and Takoda watched him walk until he disappeared into the thickness of the forest.

  “It’s over, right?” Treasure asked as she let out a breath the instant that Nayati disappeared in the woods.

  Takoda pulled her into his chest and gave her a squeeze as he kissed the top of her head.

  “Let’s hope.”

  Chapter Eight

  Both Takoda and Treasure said their goodbyes to Donovan, who was greeted by Sonya with open arms fifty feet from the line of his property. They then walked down the short path to Takoda’s Shoshone pride compound. He wasn’t surprised by all the cheering as they entered because he had already given word to Viho that all was safe and that they could come home. What he was surprised to hear were the cheers for him to present their Luna to the pride.

  “Viho, what is all of this?”

  “You didn’t expect me to withhold the fact that someone is finally going to make an honest man out of you—did you?” Viho said with a chuckle as he clasped his alpha on the shoulders with both palms.

  “I guess not.” Takoda chuckled back and smiled deeply.

  Takoda turned to Treasure and palmed her shoulders, guiding her towards the center of the pride now forming a circle around them.

  “My pride, allow me to introduce you to your Luna, Treasure.”

  The crowd roared in response.

  “Hi, everyone.” Treasure said while waving a hand in front of the crowd.

  Once she waved, the crowd began to disperse towards the main area of the compound. Some of them started a sacred fire.

  “Takoda, why don’t the two of you get some rest before the ceremony tonight. I’m sure the two of you haven’t had much sleep in the past few days.”

  “Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea. We will meet all of you back out here around nine in the evening.”

  Takoda took Treasure’s hand and led her to his place in the compound. As he opened the door, Treasure’s mouth was agape.

  The living room was decorated in leather and wood decor. It didn’t look sparse like she typically saw a bachelor’s space; it looked more sophisticated. Almost as if he’d had help from a Home and Garden show designer.

  “I don’t know about you, but I could use a drink. White or red?”

  Treasure smiled as her eyes darted all around the room. There was so much to take in.

  “Wine? Ah? White would be good.” She said as she caressed the buttery soft dark brown sofa. “You have a beautiful place.” She continued.

  “Thanks. Though I must admit, I watch far too many of those home shows—hence why my living room doesn’t look like a bachelor pad. The kitchen isn’t as nice as this, though. Kitchen’s next month’s project.”

  “So, are you like a designer?”

  Takoda shrugs his shoulders.

  “Contractor. It keeps me busy, but yeah, sometimes I flip houses. I’ve got to do something to feed this pride, well. Hunting in a state forest is generally frowned upon during certain times of the year.” He said with a wink.

  “Well, you are really good at this. Lots of subtle pops of color and lots of texture.”

  “Thanks. Come on, the wine’s in the fridge in the kitchen.”

  Treasure followed him into the kitchen. He pulled two wine goblets from his cupboards.

  “You were right about the kitchen.” Treasure said as her eyes darted to the stovetop and wall oven that were screaming the decade of 1960 in all of its avocado glory. The wine fridge seemed to be the only thing in the space that was from this millennium. “I take it this place hasn’t been renovated in this century yet.”

  Takoda laughed as he opened the bottle of wine and poured a heavy-handed helping for them both.

  “Yeah, we came here about a year after Donovan settled in. It was a good place to stay away from humans since the population had dwindled down to one. Not that we need to avoid them because all of my pride are born shifters, but it’s just so much easier to keep to ourselves to avoid exposure. An older couple owned this ranch previously, along with all the land surrounding the place. So, once they passed away, and it was on the market, I bought it to make it into a compound for the tribe. Been living here ever since. But I will say that the others’ quarters are more up-to-date than mine.”

  “You are really talented! I wouldn’t know the first thing about building a house.”

  “It’s rather easy once you understand what you are doing. But enough about that! Let’s have a toast to us!” Takoda said as he brought his glass towards Treasure’s.

  The pinging sound between the glasses filled the kitchen. Treasure smiled and brought the glass to her lips.

  “This is really good wine.” She said after downing the entire first drink in one gulp. “I know I should sip it, but after the past couple of days, I’m sure you can’t blame me.” She said as she snatched the bottle and poured herself another glass.

  “No, I can’t blame you for that, but I do hope you aren’t that quick with the rest of the night’s festivities.”

  Treasure raised one of her brows.

  “What are you talking about? I thought we had a ceremony with the pride tonight.”

  “We do. But I meant before that,” His voice trailed as he inched closer to her and slipped an arm around her waist. “I planned on some alone time with you.” He pulled her waist to his.

  She felt the hardness of his erection pressing against her inner thigh. It sent shivers throughout her body. Goosebumps littered her skin as he traced a line from her cheek down to her neck with his index finger.

  “I want to kiss every inch of this gorgeous body of yours, Treasure. I’m starting with here.” His words were a faint whisper before his lips grazed her neck just below her earlobe.

  He slipped the spaghetti strap off of her shoulder and pressed light kisses down her neck and on her exposed shoulder.

  “Then I’m going to move to here.” Takoda continued as he slid the cup of her bra off of her breast and kissed the exposed skin. “And I’m going to pay extra attention to this.” His lips hovered over the tip as his warm breaths teased her nipple to attention.

  She let out a soft moan as she pulled him closer to her chest. Her fingers then fumbled at the button and zipper of his je
ans. He shimmied his hips to help her quickly pull them down his thighs, exposing his fully erect manhood. She took the large mass into her palm and stroked it as he continued to suck on her taunt breast.

  “I’m going to get the tub going.” He said after a few short moments. “You relax here with your glass and I’ll bring the bottle into the master suite for us.”

  She let out a sigh from the ache her body made the minute his heat shifted away from her.

  “I’m gonna follow you. I don’t think I can stay away from you for that long.” She said with a wry grin and a wink.

  “Okay. Follow me, if you wish.” He said as he grabbed the bottle and they went down a long hallway off of the kitchen that led to the opposite side of the home.

  He opened the door to his master suite which was also handsomely decorated with muted off-white and royally hued gray tones. Her gaze became fixed on the French doors that appeared to lead out into an area flanked by a covered hot tub. Her eyes widened as he opened the doors leading out to the tub. A garden oriental in nature surrounded the tub with beautiful green and red hues sporting the ornamental grass and leaves of the Japanese maple.

  Her mouth was slightly agape as he pressed a button on the tub to remove the cover.

  “When you said you were going to get the tub ready, I didn’t think you were talking about a hot tub.”

  Takoda shrugged.

  “I figured since I don’t like being around humans all that much that I’d make my backyard into the oasis I always envisioned in my head. Plus? I like the bubbles.” He said with a wink.

  “Oh, I’m sure. It’s just I figured we’d be in the bathroom.” Her face began to flush. “This is outside where we are naked,” She swallowed hard, “and exposed.”

  He put his arms around her.

  “Treasure, no one can see us, but if you’d rather, we can go back inside—”

  “No—no! I’m fine with being here with you. I just didn’t know if the pride bothers you while you are out here or anything.”

  Takoda laughed.

  “They know better than to bother me, especially today.”

  He cupped her cheek and claimed her lips. The kiss was deep, urgent, and seemed to brand her very soul with his. She had always known that he was her mate, but it wasn’t until now that she was certain her love and passion for this man were as in sync as her cougar was with wanting him as hers, and hers alone.

  He slid her shirt off while not taking his eyes off of hers. As he removed the shirt off of her shoulders, his lips kissed her collarbone, hitting the one sweet spot that always made her knees buckle and her body shiver with pleasure. He pulled his lips away and instantly Treasure felt a chill from the absence of his heat. When she finally opened her eyes, both he and she were completely naked.

  He scooped her into his arms and lowered her into the hot tub. Warm bubbles surrounded her legs as she glided her body onto one of the seats by the edge of the tub and reached for her wineglass to take a sip. The jets massaged her sore back and eased her tension into a relaxation she had never known until now. He sat next to her with a glass in his hand.

  “I propose another toast, to us.” He said as he tipped his glass towards her. The clinking sound resonated within the backyard as the bubbler continued to make calming, gurgling sounds.

  They both took a sip and placed their glasses on the edge of the tub. Takoda cupped Treasure’s cheek and kissed her forehead.

  “You are so beautiful, my Treasure. I want you, baby, right now, and more than anything in this world.”

  His voice lowered to a guttural growl as he pulled her into his arms and trailed kisses down her neck to her chest. He palmed one of her full breasts and took it in his mouth, sucking on the nipple to make it peak from his attention.

  She let out a soft, almost inaudible moan, and then bit her lower lip as she put some distance between the two of them to gain her composure.

  “Babe, you can be as loud as you want here. Everyone else in the pride is at their own place, which isn’t within earshot of here.” He said with a chuckle while running his fingers through her hair. The sensation made her relax into the touching gesture. He kissed her cheek before whispering over her ear. “I like it when you scream my name.”

  His other hand glided down the length of her body and rested in her lap only briefly before he plunged a couple of fingers in her feminine folds. She pulled his body over hers and ran her fingernails down his back. Another low growl stirred in his chest. He arched with pleasure before he thrust his manhood deep within her core and he continued to worship her sex until they both came undone and spent from pleasure.

  Chapter Nine

  She woke to a loud bang coming from directly outside Takoda’s bedroom. Still blurry from sleep, she squinted her eyes to try to get her vision to correct itself.

  The backyard was secluded from the others, Takoda had assured me.

  When they made love in the hot tub earlier, she couldn’t see any weakened entry point—something she’d grown accustomed to looking for during the war.

  The sound came again, this time voices followed the loud banging.

  “Takoda, I will not rest until you face me, you coward! Come and fight me for this land and territory!”

  The voice was all too familiar to Treasure. It was Lenox, and he had apparently come to fight Takoda. Treasure placed her palm on Takoda’s chest. She was going to shake him awake gently. But before she could, Takoda shot up out of bed.

  “Stay here.” He said to her. His lips brushed her forehead before he peeled the covers from his body.

  He didn’t bother putting on clothing. Instead, he immediately shifted into his cougar form.

  Treasure had seen him in this form many times before, but this time, his coat seemed to glisten more in the early moonlight. His eyes, which were normally a greenish-yellow hue, seemed to take on a bit of a blue tone that matched the color of the craters of the moon at night. She didn’t know Takoda when he was a kitten, but given this hue, she assumed his eyes were this gorgeous even back then.

  Takoda, I can’t let you fight him alone. As your mate, I want to stand by you.

  Her cougar was the one who was talking at this point—even though she agreed. Treasure wouldn’t ever back down from a fight, and she had an innate need to protect her alpha mate.

  A twinge rose deep within her belly. It was a sensation she hadn’t ever before experienced. She clutched her stomach as if she was instinctually protecting it from harm. Takoda palmed the hand that held her stomach with his paw. He then began kneading her palm and then tummy that was covered by her PJs in gentle strokes.

  No! Please stay here and protect yourself, our pride, and the child that grows within you. I know you felt my seed take root; I felt it too. Please, Treasure! Stay here. It’s the only way that I can face him. Because I will then know that you are safe.

  “I’m here, my Alpha.” Said Viho as he knocked on the bedroom door.

  Guard our Luna with your life. She’s now bearing our future alpha!

  Treasure could hear the words, but they sounded as if they were coming from a muffled microphone. Everything was completely surreal to her at this point in time. She felt the shot of energy surge through her as Takoda released his semen within her when they made love in the hot tub, but she wasn’t completely positive yet that she was, indeed, pregnant. It would take at least two weeks for a test to conclude all of this was true.

  A shiver rushed her spine—regardless. She didn’t want her Takoda facing Lenox—regardless of her circumstances.

  Takoda! NO! Can’t we just run?

  He nudged her cheek with his head while purring.

  We can’t this time, nüttüühai ~ nittüühai. He would kill anyone who tried to escape the compound, including Nayati and his tribe. I must face him. I have no choice.

  “What is your decision, Takoda? Almost sounds like you are going to be a coward!”

  Takoda leaped out the door. His long legs landed within 2 fee
t of an unshifted Lenox.

  “You know the laws! Why do you come to me fully shifted!”

  You are the one that challenged me, Lenox! And on my land! I have every RIGHT to face you in my cougar form! That is LAW!

  Takoda was hissing and growling.

  “Only cowards face an opponent in shifter form!”

  Are you going to talk your way out of this fight or are you actually going to fight?

  Takoda knew Lenox was stalling, but he wasn’t sure why.

  “FINE! I will shift just as soon as we make the ground rules! If I win, your Luna, your pride, and your land are mine!”

  Is that all?

  “What else would there be? This land is prime real estate to own the territories in the middle of America! Why wouldn’t I want it? And as far as your Luna goes, she has power and I enjoy aligning with power. She’d make powerful babies too.”

  Let’s discuss if I win, then.


  If I win, you become rogue and banish yourself into exile. You are never to bother with any established packs or prides. This is the law stated in the war treaty and you will have to abide by it!

  “You can’t be serious! That law hasn’t been enforced in almost a decade.”

  It hasn’t because shifters like you are now fewer and farther between. Contrary to what you believe, shifters really do want to get along with one another. Oh! And so we are clear, this is a fair fight! You and me only—no one from our prides can intervene. So, do we have a deal or not?

  Lenox shifted before answering the last question—which to Takoda only meant one thing, Lenox wouldn’t be playing fair. Lenox’s tawny fur began to bristle as he growled and snapped in Takoda’s general direction. Lenox still appeared to be stalling. Takoda lunged into the air, baring his sharp teeth, aimed straight at Lenox’s throat.

  Before he was able to connect with Lenox, Paco and Sahale, members of Lenox’s pack from the north, came at Takoda from both sides. Their teeth pierced his flesh. He tried to shake them off but wound up in a tumbling scuffle with them both. The two kept scratching and biting him in all directions, and Takoda found it difficult to keep a focus on Lenox.


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