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Hearts Unleashed: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 47

by C. D. Gorri

  A scream was followed by a deafening bang, or maybe they were reversed? His brain couldn’t really process which was which because a sharp pain burned it’s way across his shoulder and the large man underneath him was fighting tooth and nail to get back up.

  There was a roaring sound in his ears but he was so consumed with the fight in front of him he wasn’t able to figure out what else was happening. The man released the gun and Sebastian’s elbow hit it, knocking it away from them. That left them fighting hand to hand and while they were about the same size, Sebastian had more to fight for. Getting his hands around the other man’s throat he squeezed like he’d never done before. Cutting off the oxygen until the other man finally went limp, his eyes rolled back in his head, never to see again.

  Shoving the body away from him, Sebastian spun around to find Paige standing over Arnie, in her bear form, growling deeply and baring her teeth as the man pissed himself underneath her.


  When Sebastian jumped forward and the gun went off, Paige stopped thinking and let her instincts carry her. Shifting immediately, she launched herself at Arnie, knocking him to the floor. She fought with herself internally as she saw Sebastian battling for his life on the kitchen floor, but she didn’t dare let Arnie up until she had too.

  Arnie’s eyes were wide, the whites bigger than the irises as his fear overwhelmed him and the acrid smells of gunpowder and human piss filled the air making her want to retch. When Sebastian finally stood, proving to be the victor in his fight, he turned their way and stared at her in shock.

  “Sweetheart, it’s over.” He said softly, approaching her with his hand out. She growled again and Arnie whimpered. “You can back up, he’s not going anywhere.” Sebastian held the gun in front of him, pointing it at Arnie’s head.

  It took a few moments before her human side kicked in again and she was able to shift back into her skin. Naked and angry, she glared down at Arnie.

  “Never again. Take this image to your grave, Arnie Glasson, because you’ll never see another naked woman in your life if I have anything to say about it.”

  Arnie’s eyes bored into hers never even flickering downward to look her over.

  “You’re a bear!” He whispered, fear still permeating the air over the urine and gunpowder. The sound of sirens filled the air and Sebastian pointed down the hallway.

  “Get some clothes on, sweetheart. Before they get here.”

  She barely got herself presentable before the police were outside the door yelling at them to stand down. It was a circus for the next few hours as all three of them were placed in handcuffs until the story was spelled out. Arnie raved and ranted about her being a bear but the police just ignored him and took him away in a police car. She and Sebastian were questioned multiple times, but it seemed the proof of Arnie’s art theft was actually in the right hands because they were released and not arrested.

  Sebastian’s wound was treated and he was released by the paramedics. He’d gotten lucky and the bullet had barely grazed his shoulder. They made their way back to the SUV and headed for the pack lands before they truly spoke to each other again.

  “I’ve never been more proud of you, Paige.” Sebastian said, smiling as she drove them away from the scene. “You kicked his ass.”

  “How are you? You killed someone tonight.” She asked, worry plaguing her.

  “I had to. I know that. He would have shot us both.”

  “That doesn’t make it easier to accept.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. Right now, I just want to get you home and into bed. I want to sleep off this whole horrible nightmare.”

  “Me too.” She murmured. “I think I’ll wait until Monday to start looking for another job.” She added with a giggle.

  He laughed, “Good idea, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want to get burned again.”

  The darkness enveloped them as they headed home to start their new life with each other.

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  About Lori King

  Best-selling author, Lori King, is also a full-time wife and mother of three boys. Although she rarely has time to just enjoy feminine pursuits; at heart she is a hopeless romantic. She spends her days dreaming up Alpha men, and her nights telling their stories. An admitted TV and book junkie, she can be found relaxing with a steamy story, or binging in an entire season of some show online. She gives her parents all the credit for her unique sense of humor and acceptance of all forms of love. There are no two loves alike, but you can love more than one with your whole heart.

  With the motto: Live, Laugh, and Love like today is your only chance, she will continue to write as long as you continue to read. Thank you for taking the time to indulge in a good Happily Ever After with her. Find out more about her current projects at, or look her up on Facebook: or Twitter:

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  Born Wilde By Lia Davis



  Born Wilde © 2021 Lia Davis

  Born Wilde

  Nyla Walker is half soul demon, half witch. She doesn’t fit in with large groups of people. And she definitely isn’t the right person to rule a pack with. Why would anyone willing tie themselves to demon?

  The Wilde Wolf Pack Alpha, Kasen Wilde. That is who.

  To avoid her fated mated she spends months working as hired killer, tracking down the evil big bads of the paranormal world. But she can’t run forever. When a rebel family is found dead not far from Kasen’s home, the Alpha wolf calls Nyla home to track the killer. The catch is, he will be there every step of the way.

  The more she learns about her future mate, the more she wants him. When secrets are spilled is love enough?

  Chapter One

  Well, that isn’t creepy at all.

  Nyla crouched behind the overgrown bushes as she studied the dark, broken-down cabin. The windows had cracks in them, and some looked as though kids had thrown rocks at the glass. The wood of the exterior was weathered, and the paint was peeling off in places. The right side of the house had ivy growing up and over the roof.

  Blood tainted the mountain air, tingling her senses. Her small, sharp fangs—a product of her soul demon half—lengthened.

  The blood came from the mark she’d tracked to the freakshow of a cabin. Bob, she thought that was his name. But his name wasn’t important. He was a demon who preyed on children, and Nyla was there to take him out.

  It was her job now—a hired killer. The human term was mercenary. She didn’t care what they called her because as long as she took down bastards like Bob here, she was happy. It also distracted her from a certain wolf Alpha that ignited a desire deep inside her.

  She didn’t want a mate, especially an Alpha. Kasen Wilde was better off choosing a pureblood wolf for a mate to keep his bloodline strong. No one wanted a demon as their Alpha female.

  Movement in one of the front windows put her on alert. Even though it was dark out, thanks to the blanket of trees that blocked out the moonlight and the lack of light inside the cabin, she didn’t have a problem seeing. She was, however, a monster herself.

  A soul demon and witch hybrid.

  She teleported the short distance to stand in front of the door, waiting. She already made sure the back door and all the windows were sealed with a spell. There was only one way out of the horror movie shack. Bob was not getting away from her again.

  He’d already given her the slip twice. Not again.

  He’d killed for the last time.

  When the door opened, she flashed him a huge smile and waved a hand to freeze him in place. “It’s nice to catch up with you finally.”

  She entered the cabin, pushing him backward as she went. With a wave of her hand, she slammed the door shut. Not that it mattered. No one would hear him scream anyway. That part of the Smokey Mountains wasn’t heavily populated. The nearest cabin was fifty miles south of them.

  “This really wasn’t the smartest thing you’ve done.” She released him from the freezing spell and cocked her head to the side. “I can make your death painfully slow or quick and dirty. I personally like option one.”

  A slow smirk formed on his face, and her awareness tingled. So the bastard had more cards to play. A split second later, all the windows in the place shattered inward, and the front door blew open. Glass shattered all around her. Whirling around, Nyla faced off with two large demons. She laughed. “Looks like it’s a party now.”

  Then she went into action, conjuring a sword in one hand. With her free hand, she shot Bob with a blast of magical energy that made the bastard crumble to the ground. He screamed in pain as she focused on his friends.

  After pulling on the magic that flowed wildly in her veins, she blasted both of them at the same time. Nothing happened. Shit.

  The asshats were charmed against magic. Or maybe it was just her magic? It really depended on the type of demon they were. Many of them looked human so it was hard to tell. Well, it looked like she was going to fight the mortal way. Luckily, she didn’t need her magic to kill. It helped to speed things along but was not needed.

  She rushed forward with her sword in hand. She side kicked one in the gut while swiping her sword at the other—the blade connected with its target, slicing through his neck and taking his head clean off. While the head bounced on the floor and rolled to her mark, who was still screaming in agony, she faced off with the last man…demon standing.

  He looked at her with wide eyes and vanished. “Well, that was disappointing.”

  She turned to Bob and studied him. “I’ve made my mind up. I’m going to make your death quick and not so dirty. I have things to do and places to be.”

  Plus, she needed a snack. She hadn’t fed on a soul in a few months because she was chasing this fuck face around.

  The sword she was still holding vanished with a thought, and she crossed the small living room to Bob. She lifted her hand and said, “Stand.”

  He did because he didn’t have a choice. He was under her complete control. The compulsion was a new ability she’d picked up from a rogue witch with the power of mind control when she ate his soul a few months back.

  Nyla learned early in her childhood that she absorbed their powers when she fed on the souls of magical beings. It was something that never interested her before. She hadn’t wanted more power or abilities. She was born with her strength, speed, and telepathy. The new mind control power was an added bonus to go with her telepathy. The foresight she got by accident when she killed a seer to protect her father. The gift of sight was her least favorite and most painful.

  So, she hadn’t wanted or needed more magic. What she had was enough for her. Right up until she was captured and held prisoner by a lunatic named Faelin. Now she hunts down rogue magical creatures with specific gifts. She would never allow herself to be anyone’s prisoner again.

  Bob had a gift that she wanted. Telekinesis. At first, she thought the poor demon didn’t know how to use it. After months of tracking him and several run-ins with him, she had come to realize that he didn’t know he had the ability. At least he never used it to fight against her. That was interesting. But she wasn’t here to play shrink on him. The fee for killing him was heavy, and she was going to enjoy collecting it.

  He wouldn’t miss what he didn’t know he had. Then again, he wouldn’t be alive long enough to miss it.

  With her supernatural speed, she crossed the space in a flash. She grabbed the demon by the hair and jerked him to the side. Then she bit him, sinking her fangs into his flesh and drinking in his blood, soul, and magic.


  Nyla opened her hotel room door and smirked. She sensed her brother when she entered the building.

  Kirk Walters.

  He was a sentry for the Ashwood Falls Pack and half leopard shifter, half-demon. Nyla and Kirk had different mothers but the same father.

  Her brother was in his leopard form, curled up in the middle of the bed closest to the door. When she entered the room, he opened one eye and watched her as she moved to her duffle bag on the desk.

  “Where have you been?” She pulled out a semi-clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She really needed to do laundry at some point.

  The large leopard on the bed behind her stretched as he sent a thought to her. “I had something to do. Besides, you can take care of yourself.”

  Rolling her eyes, she went to the bathroom to shower.

  After a fifteen-minute hot shower, she dressed and exited the bathroom. The smell of food hit her and wrapped around her like an old friend. Kirk was in his human form and dressed in a pair of faded relaxed fit blue jeans and a black tee that said, “I ate my demons for breakfast.”

  His black hair was long enough it curled at the ends. Kirk has more of his mother’s features like hair color and emerald eyes.

  Nyla sat in the middle of her bed with one leg tucked under her and the other dangled over the edge. Reaching over to take the fast food bag from him, she asked, “Are you going to tell me what was so important that you ditched your own sister to fight a horde of demons all by herself? I could have died.”

  With one brow raised, he finished chewing before saying, “A horde? How many was it? Two plus your mark.”

  A chuckle bubbled up inside her. Of course, he would know. “And they were all idiots. How would you know anyway?”

  “I tracked you to that creepy cabin in the woods saw that you were handling yourself pretty well.” He popped a few fires in his mouth.

  After a brief silence, mainly because they were eating, she swung her foot up and pushed it against his knee. “Why the secrets?”

  They’d spent the last several months together, and she loved every moment. He was only ten when she and Father had to leave. She hated to be parted from her brother for so long, but there was so much he didn’t know or understand.

  “I ask you the same question, sister.”

  Nyla shrugged and unwrapped her second burger. Hey, a girl had to eat. She couldn’t survive on the souls of the evil alone. “If you are referring to why Father and I left, it’s complicated, and you aren’t ready to listen to the whole story yet.”

  He seemed to think about it, so she changed the subject. “I don’t have another job lined up, and we are close to Ashwood. How about we pop in for a visit?”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” He grinned and added, “Even though I know you are just avoiding going back to Willow Glen to face your mate.”

  She took a bite of her burger to keep from replying. Kirk wasn’t wrong, and she wasn’t going to admit it out loud.

  Chapter Two

  Fury raged inside Kasen Wilde as he stood over the bodies of a family that was under his protection. The family was part of the rebel group that lived in Willow Glen. Kasen didn’t know this family intimately, but that didn’t mean he didn’t take their deaths personally. Anyone killed, including the humans, in his territory was a personal attack on him. They were his to protect as much as his wolves were.

  Scanning the wooded area, he scented the air to see if he could pick up on a scent. All he smelled was blood and the faint lin
gering aroma of fear. And anger rolling off his Beta and enforcers who were there with him.

  The sick and twisted part of the scene that pissed him off most was the children. There were three young—two boys who were eight and ten and a girl who was only two. Babies.

  “Fine out who did this and bring them to me alive.” So I can tear them apart, slow and painful. Kasen could barely hold on to the tight leash he had on his wolf. If the beast took over, he’d track down the killer and not return until the bastard was dead.

  “Already on it,” Tate, one of Kasen’s enforcers, said as he typed into his phone.

  Tate was the playboy of the group. He went through lovers like water. Kasen used to think he was searching for his mate, but Tate had been that way all through high school too. No, the wolf and the enforcer just enjoyed sex. It didn’t matter if it was with a female or a male.

  He didn’t need to go searching for his next lay. His shoulder-length curly auburn hair and pale green eyes were just two features that drew them in. Kasen heard whispers from pack members when he and Tate were together. Words like “build for sex” were said with lust in their tones. Tate didn’t seem to hear it, or he just ignored it.

  He never let his personal life interfere with his duties as an enforcer. And he would put his life on the line for Kasen and his brothers.

  Kasen had grown up with his enforcers, so he knew they had his back and would protect the pack at all costs. He also knew they would take the murder of this rebel family just as personally as Kasen had.

  As much as he was on board with his wolf’s plan to track down and kill the bastard responsible, Kasen had a pack to run. So he tightened the reins on the leash he kept his wolf on and locked in his control. Besides, he knew just the person to assign the track-down job to.


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