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The Book of Magick Power

Page 15

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  These must be done with a great deal subtlety, because if you do them awkwardly or obviously you can destroy rather than create rapport. We all do these things to a certain extent anyway, but by being conscious of them you can greatly increase your personal charisma and lasting magnetism.

  1. Imitate the body language of the person you are wishing to establish rapport with. If they are sitting with legs crossed, mirror them. If their arms are folded, fold yours. If they are upright or rigid, do this too. If they are slumped, try slumping. This will instantly put you in sympathy.

  2. Imitate the breathing patterns of the person you wish to establish rapport with. Some people breathe high in their chest, others in the belly. Some breathe quickly or shallowly or deeply or rhythmically. Match this, and you are well on your way to establishing rapport.

  3. Try to determine the dominant sensory modality of the person you wish to establish rapport with. Listen to the language that they use, are they speaking visually, auditorily, kinesthetically? Match their usual predicates- I see, I hear, I feel etc. There are also several ways of spotting the dominant modality that a person uses just by their appearance and manner. Try to recognize these before you even engage the person. This way you can open up a conversation with them using their preferred sensory modality. Thus, if they are a kinesthetic person you could start a conversation with something like, “Don’t you FEEL like this is a great party?” A list of these common characteristics of the modalities and matching common predicates follows in a moment.

  4. Match the vocal tonality of the person that you are speaking to. Is their voice high, sharp, loud, soft, low, or smooth? Try to speak in a similar or congruent tonality.

  5. Observe their verbal pace. Are they slow talking or fast talking? Do they speak rhythmically or are there many pauses in their speech. Try to match this as well.

  6. How is their overall energy? Are they mellow, tense, enthusiastic? Be the same.

  7. Are their movements graceful, clunky, clumsy, jerky, or fast? Make yours that way too.

  Visible Signs of a Person's Dominant Modality:


  Well dressed

  Upper chest breathing

  Sharp breathing

  Sharp tonality

  Higher pitched voice

  Fast talker

  Tall, skinny- Ectomorph

  Leads with chin

  Stands Erect

  Seems a bit snobby

  Stiff movements


  Softer voice

  Soft body- endomorphic

  Slow, unrhythmic speech

  Rounded shoulders

  Stooped posture

  Loose movements

  Abdominal breathing

  Lower tonality

  Comfortable clothing


  Pleasant voice

  Arms folded

  Medium weight

  Rhythmic movement

  Taps feet, as if hearing internal music

  Taps fingers

  Tends to tilt head, as if listening

  Relaxed but not slumped

  Rhythmic, “sing-song” speech

  Full breathing in lower chest

  Common Predicates of the Sensory Modalities:


  I see…

  Picture this…

  Take a look…

  It seems a little hazy…

  Things are looking…

  It’s crystal clear…

  From my point of view…

  Let’s focus…

  I need some perspective…

  How colorful…


  I feel…

  I can’t get a grasp on this…

  I need to get a handle…

  I just want to get in touch…

  It doesn’t feel right…

  I sense…

  How firm is that…

  That heats things up…

  I’m cool to that…

  I don’t get a good vibe…


  I hear…

  That sounds right…

  That rings a bell…

  That doesn’t resonate…

  I’m listening…

  What’s the good word…

  The tone seems a bit…

  Everything is harmonious…

  That’s loud and clear…

  Exercise 47 - Spreading Influence over Wide Areas

  Time Required: 10 to 20 minutes

  Sometimes you may want to influence a lot of people at once, particularly for the general purposes of attracting love, business opportunities, social reform, to influence society, or to start a trend of some sort. This is a challenging thing to accomplish, so you will need to raise your personal charisma level and general energy as high as possible. Timing is everything in this sort of an operation. If you time your influence at a time when the climate surrounding you is conducive, your work will be much more effective than if you time it when the general climate is against you. For instance, in the early eighties, wearing flair pants or bell bottom jeans was incredibly taboo, so if your intention was to create a trend of wearing bell bottoms at that time, everything would be against you. A few years ago, the seventies were being viewed as very cool, so bell bottoms made a huge comeback. If you time any kind of massive influence with outside conditions, you will find yourself accomplishing your will much more easily.

  In order to accomplish something on a massive scale, you will need to raise as much energy as possible, so you will want to perform full opening rituals. You also must know exactly what you want, and make sure your subconscious and superconscious minds are completely on board.

  1. Check in with you subconscious using the pendulum.

  2. Do the Circle Casting exercise.

  3. Do the Pentagram Ritual.

  4. Purify and consecrate yourself.

  5. Think about what you want to accomplish. Get really excited about it. You must raise a tremendous amount of power, so raise your emotions to a peak of excitement, arousing your Kundalini.

  6. Build up your desired influence gloriously in you, feeling a surge of power from your superconscious entering you as a brilliant light, involving your whole body to a fevered pitch.

  7. Send out a current of influence straight up through your body out of your head, visualizing it going out into the sky above you. Imagine that it is a powerful fire hose of energy bursting up continuously.

  8. Imagine that this energy is starting to whirl slowly in a clockwise spiral outward, continuously expanding and blast up and out until it is whirling through the whole area you wish to affect.

  9. See it entering the hearts and minds of those you are affecting.

  10. Keep it whirling, telling your subconscious to continue powering it.

  11. Visualize the results. See your success in the near future, feeling really good about it.

  12. Do the pentagram ritual once again.

  13. Come back to normal consciousness when you are ready, knowing that your influence will work.

  14. Record your experience in your journal.

  15. Take actions confidently in your life toward your goal, expecting results. As you encounter people that you have influenced in this way, be confident. Know that your work has been effective.


  The main principle behind psychic healing is that all disease originates in energy and thus in consciousness. The physical symptoms of disease are the final manifestations of a problem in energy. By making changes in energy and consciousness, disease can be eliminated. Numerous diseases have been eliminated in people who have simply taken up the habit of meditation. By balancing and relaxing mind and energy, the physical manifestations have simply disappeared. Research has indicated that “peace of mind” can prevent or reduce the chances of quite a few degenerative diseases such as heart disease and hypertension. Many entire volumes have been written about energy healing, and I can only devote a few
pages to the subject. Nonetheless, many of the fundamentals can be covered in just a few words.

  First, I must caution you that if you are trying to heal yourself or someone who has some sort of serious illness, you should still seek out modern medical attention. Psychic healing should be used in addition to, not instead of, medical treatment. This being said, I have had the great privilege of being a part of a small healing circle that successfully participated in the healing of a woman suffering from lung cancer. She has been cancer free now for several years, thanks to her own faith, her medical team, and I’d like to think in some small way our healing work. I have also had the privilege of helping people come through depression, lose weight, recover from addiction and overcome traumas. The methods that I’ve used are extremely simple, and I will cover them fully in the next pages.

  In order to be successful with psychic healing, you must believe in the healing power within, and your ability to share this power. You must believe in the possibility of perfect health. As you are doing healing work, don't think of the disease as much as think of health. Think about the person being balanced, whole and vibrantly healthy. As you are working, feel the reality of your healing, that you are really making an impact. Try to encourage anyone you are healing to feel this way too.

  Above all, choose happiness! Desire happiness! Be happy! Nothing prevents happiness, it requires no outside stimulation. Simply smile, and encourage those who would be healed to adopt this same mindset. If you are truly happy, your happiness will be infectious, and will be an unstoppable healing force in the universe.

  The Alpha State for Healing

  If you are treating someone who is in the room with you, it may be a good idea to teach them the Alpha state exercise earlier in this book. This state is very healing in and of itself. It also will help you open the person up to the healing energies that you are going to be invoking.

  If you are going to be putting someone into the Alpha state, simply guide them slowly through the steps, slowly and confidently, helping to guide them into relaxation and focus. You can also describe what you are doing throughout to your patient so that he or she can visualize it along with you.

  Healing can also be just as effective at a distance. Simple prayer can be particularly useful for healing someone who is far away. You can also send healing colors at a distance.

  Healing Colors

  Some of the healing techniques you will use in a few moments involve the use of healing colors. The following list is meant to be suggestive. Research has proven a number of these colors to have some of these effects in laboratory conditions. Some of the other statements are merely traditional attributions. You may find yourself using various colors in any number of ways. You will find your own way in this with experience. These are traditional attributions that I have generally found effective myself. We have already discussed some of the meanings of these colors when we looked at the aura in previous chapters. Later, we will discuss these same colors in reference to elemental and planetary energies. You will notice many parallels and corollaries amongst these lists. Color has a powerful, automatic effect on consciousness, and these colors seem to have similar archetypal effect on all of us, regardless of culture or familiarity with any lists.

  White Light – although this term often receives a smirk within the magical community, it is a powerful general healing energy that contains the properties of all the other colors. White light contains the full color spectrum. If you do not know which color to use, white light can always be useful. However, if possible you may want to try using specific colors. You wouldn’t want to give a person every kind of medicine at once for their ailments. For colds you give cold medicine, for headaches, aspirin. The same is true for healing colors. Still, white light should not be ignored and is particularly useful in breaking up blockages in the energy system and the chakras.

  Red - promotes energy, warmth, stimulates sexuality and reproductive systems, excites and warms the body, increases heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity, stimulates circulation of blood and flow of adrenaline and respiration, helps rapid tissue repair, sustains physical body, vitalizes blood, healing wounds, broken bones, allergies, weakened organs, relieves tiredness and weakness, paralysis, reviving unconscious or dying, draws poisons to a head on the surface, stimulates and builds liver, builds red corpuscles.

  Orange - stimulates the appetite and reduces fatigue, lifts energy level, decongesting, cleansing, loosening, eliminating waste, germs, toxins, kidney and bladder ailments, constipation, arthritis, cysts, colds cough and lung issues, increases oxygen by stimulating lungs and thyroid, lung builder and respiratory stimulant, heals lung disorders, depresses parathyroid, stimulates milk production, eases indigestion, relieves gas, alleviates cramps and convulsions, ends hiccups, relieves spastic and sluggish colon and intestines, increases discharges and eliminations, , helps digestion in general, decreases menstrual cramps, menstrual problems, removing blood clots, promotes enthusiasm, has antibacterial properties, removes repression and inhibitions, broadens the mind.

  Yellow - Stimulates memory, sensory stimulant, raises blood pressure and pulse rate, cheers you up, stimulating nerves, healing wounds, skin problems, cellular repairs, depresses the spleen and parathyroid gland, increases appetite, aids in assimilation to increase nutrition, stimulates lymphatic glands, motivates action in all kinds of paralysis such as strokes or sluggish organs, nerve stimulant and builder, stimulates and strengthens the heart for better circulation, stimulates liver and gall bladder aiding eliminations, destroys body worms, stimulates and builds pancreas for better control of sugar balance, stimulates and builds eyes and ears, loosens and aids elimination of calcium and lime deposits that cause arthritis, heals nervous system, balances adrenal glands, diabetes.

  Green - The color of natural growth, appeals to the aesthetic sense of balance and normality, soothing and relaxing to body and mind, helps the aging to feel more vibrant, detoxifying, disinfecting, antiseptic, germicide, breaking down blood clots, colds, fevers, stimulates the pituitary, raises body vibrations above vibrations of disease - a form of immunity from disease, destroys and heals all infections, destroys rotting material and builds cells and tissues, breaks up cancerous cells, wonderful on open sores, cuts bruises and damaged flesh, heals burns, ulcers.

  Blue - calming and tranquilizing effect on body, lowers blood pressure, heart rate and respiration, has a profound cooling effect, disinfectant, soothing, mild anesthetic, helps headaches, pain relief in general, heals ailments due to infection, relieves inflammation, slows motor action, induces rest and sleep, helps stop bleeding, reduces and breaks fevers, relieves itching and irritations, soothes burns.

  Violet - powerful spiritual healing color that is useful on severe illnesses in general, soothes organs, relaxes muscles, calms the nervous system, antibiotic, spleen stimulant, builds white corpuscles, reduces anger, depresses lymphatic glands and heart, lowers appetite, relieves dysentary and diarrhea, promotes deep sleep, strong motor depressant, promotes enlightenment, revelation, and spiritual awakening

  Exercise 48 – Laying on of Hands

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  For this practice you obviously need to have your patient present. You can also use this technique on yourself, although on yourself you do not need to use your hands unless it seems appropriate.

  1. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  2. If possible, have your patient lie down, and put them into the Alpha state.

  3. Go into the Alpha state yourself using your anchor.

  4. Raise your personal energy levels, opening your chakras and arousing Kundalini.

  5. Visualize the appropriate healing color energies as existing around and above you in a diluted and unconcentrated state. Begin to gather this color from all around you and see it collecting and swirling above your head.

  6. Draw this energy down into you through your crown chakra, feeling the power and energy coming through from your superconscio
us, and send it down through your arms to your hands.

  7. Place your hands on the patients, at the appropriate part of their bodies where possible, or else on their chests or backs.

  8. See the energy flowing into them, healing them. Spend some time seeing this energy really doing its job, filling your patients with light, and clearing away the problem.

  9. Finally, visualize your patients energetic, vibrant, and completely healed. See them enjoying their lives, free of any problems.

  10. Come back to normal consciousness, and guide your patients slowly back to normal consciousness, regardless of whether you’ve put them into the alpha state or not.

  11. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 49 – The Power of Prayer

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  Prayer is a very powerful healing technique in and of itself. Simply by asking the universe for its help, and wishing healing for the person, visualizing the person healthy can have truly magical results. This sort of simple technique can be particularly effective in groups. However, you may wish to use the formal format of the following tool, either alone or in a group, to empower your prayer even further.


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