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The Book of Magick Power

Page 16

by Jason Augustus Newcomb

  1. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  2. If the person is not present, and you have a picture of them when they were healthy and well, take a few minutes to look at this picture and feel really loving toward them.

  3. Go into the Alpha state yourself using your anchor.

  4. Raise your personal energy levels, opening your chakras and arousing Kundalini.

  5. Direct your attention up to your crown chakra, to the light of your superconscious mind.

  6. Express your love for the ailing person, and your wish to see him or her healed. Visualize the patient energetic, vibrant, and completely healed. See him or her enjoying life, free of any problems. Send this picture up through your crown chakra, up into the light of your superconscious mind.

  7. Return to normal consciousness.

  8. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 50 – Aura Color Therapy

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  You can use this technique to heal energy problems directly in the aura of a patient.

  1. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  2. If possible, have your patient sit or lie down, and put them into the Alpha state.

  3. Go into the Alpha state yourself using your anchor.

  4. Raise your personal energy levels, opening your chakras and arousing Kundalini.

  5. View the aura of your patient, looking for blockages, ugly colors, or lines of energy draining off the life force of your patient.

  6. Visualize appropriate healing color energies as existing around and above you in a diluted and unconcentrated state. You could also simply gather whatever healing energy your superconscious mind feels are appropriate. Begin to gather this color from all around you and see it collecting and swirling above your head.

  7. Draw this energy down into you through your crown chakra, feeling the power and energy coming through from your superconscious, and send it down through your arms to your hands.

  8. Direct your hands toward the energy problems of your patient. See the energy flowing into their aura. Spend some time seeing this energy really doing its job, clearing away the problem.

  9. Finally, visualize the patient energetic, vibrant, and completely healed. See them enjoying life, free of any problems.

  10. Come back to normal consciousness, and guide your patient slowly back to normal consciousness.

  11. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 51 - Cleansing the Aura with Your Hands

  Time Required: 15 to 20 minutes

  This is similar to the last, except that you will be manipulating blockages in the energies of the aura directly with the energy channels in your hands and fingers. You can find these blocks using your third eye if you wish, but you can also simply feel for them, using your hands. The directions will indicate the latter, but you can use your third eye whenever you wish.

  You will need a basin of water for this exercise. You will take any negative energy that you find and toss it into the basin of water. The magnetic power of water will absorb the negativity and you can dispose of the water later.

  1. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  2. If possible, have your patient lie down, and put them into the Alpha state.

  3. Go into the Alpha state yourself using your anchor.

  4. Raise your personal energy levels, opening your chakras and arousing Kundalini.

  5. Begin to stroke the aura of your patient slowly, using your fingers like combs, feeling for knots of energy that seem unhealthy, or lines of energy leading out which are draining the life force of your patient

  6. When you find an area that seems to have bad energy, pull the knot out like a strand of rope, feel it sticking to your hand, and flick it into the nearby basin of water. Comb through the entire aura in this way.

  7. When the aura seems clean, take a moment to view it with your third eye, trying to see if you’ve missed something. If you find anything, again clear it into the basin of water with your hands.

  8. Once you are fairly certain you’ve cleared all you can find, take a few moments to fill yourself with light from your superconscious. Send it down through your arms to your hands and infuse your patient’s aura with a gentle stream of this healing light until they are glowing brightly.

  9. Finally, visualize the patient energetic, vibrant, and completely healed. See them enjoying life, free of any problems.

  10. Come back to normal consciousness, and guide your patient slowly back to normal consciousness.

  11. If possible, dispose of the negatively charged water into the earth, to ground it.

  12. Record your experience in your journal.


  Becoming invisible was one of my personal childhood obsessions. I think many people have similar fantasies, so I am providing this simple and effective exercise. It should be kept in mind that invisibility is more a matter of distracting attention, or rather ceasing to attract attention, rather than absolutely disappearing. I would not recommend using this technique to try entering a bank vault or anything crazy like that. At the same time, you can easily avoid drawing attention to yourself, so that you can go about your business in relative secrecy. Drawing instant attention to yourself with your influence is also equally easy.

  Exercise 52 - Invisibility

  Time Required: varies

  Accomplishing invisibility is a combination of metaphysical technique and common sense behavior. You will want to dress drably or in the typical clothes of the people around. Wear nothing that makes you stick out. This will be different kinds and varieties of clothing in different situations. If you wear dark gray in Miami, where everyone seems to be in pink and white, you will draw extra attention to yourself. But dark gray would be perfect in New York City. Don't create extra challenges to your energy work by doing anything at all that draws attention to you.

  You will also want to slump your shoulders, focus inward, looking down as much as possible. Take on the characteristic posture of a depressed person. No one is more invisible in our culture than a depressed person.

  1. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  2. Go into the Alpha state, using your anchor.

  3. Visualize your aura around you.

  4. Think to yourself, “I am becoming invisible.”

  5. Vividly visualize a barrier of darkness forming around your aura, a dark cloud of dull shadows. Let this darkness fill your aura.

  6. Imagine vividly that your is body fading out of sight in this cloud of obscurity. Hold onto this image of invisibility. Focus on the darkness. Think only of yourself and your darkness no matter where you go or what you do. Pay no attention to anyone around you.

  7. When you are through, visualize the obscurity of darkness completely dissipating. You do not want to stay in this state overlong, as it can actually become depressing.

  8. Stand up straight and smile, feeling your aura lighten.

  9. Record your experience in your journal.

  Exercise 53 - Instantly Standing Out in a Crowd

  Time Required: varies

  This is essentially the opposite of invisibility. To accomplish it effectively you will want to dress sharply, colorfully, differently from others, and stand tall. Feel confident, lively, and vigorous.

  1. Consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  2. Go into the Alpha state, using your anchor.

  3. Visualize your aura around you.

  4. Fill it with golden light from above until you feel you are positively radiantly glowing. You are the sun!

  5. Be loud. Feel loud. Exude confidence.

  6. When you are through, visualize the radiance dissipating. You do not want to stay in this state overlong, as it could lead to vanity and egotism.

  7. Record your experience in your journal.


  This is a challenging operation. Stories of animal transformation such
as lycanthropy or animal warriors are relics of early civilization shamanism, and this practice was usually induced by psychotropic drugs and trance in which it was more of a dream or astral experience. These animal magicians were visible only to those who were sensitive and saw their astral forms, as they traveled and delivered their influence in the world. It may be a useful practice though, for learning the lessons that animal spirits can offer. I will give you three different techniques for doing this.

  Before you begin any of these techniques, please choose an animal that you would like to work with. Spend some time researching as much as you can about this animal. Study the animal deeply, discover how it lives, where it lives, how it moves, what it eats. Discover all you can about it in as much detail as possible. Think about the animal as much as possible, obsessively.

  Exercise 54 – Animal Transformation in Your Dreams

  Time Required: n/a

  This is essentially a variation on dream programming. You will most effectively be able to use this technique once you have perfected lucid dreaming.

  1. Consult with your subconscious before you begin even researching your chosen animal, to make sure that it is ready to participate in this experience.

  2. Once you have conducted your research, put an image of the animal by your bed or under your pillow.

  3. When you are getting ready for bed, write at the top of a blank page of your journal, “Tonight I will become a (your animal) in my dreams.”

  4. Consult with your subconscious using the pendulum about whether it completely understands your intention, and is willing to play along.

  5. As you are drifting off to sleep, continue thinking about your animal, letting images relating to this subject play through your mind until you fall asleep.

  6. When you become lucid, imagine your body transforming, becoming the animal. It will happen easily. You also may simply find yourself lucidly dreaming of being the animal. If you wake up in the middle of the night, as you are returning to sleep imagine that you are transforming, and allow yourself to reenter your dreams in the animal form. Explore this state.

  7. When you awaken, write down any dreams you have had, whether they relate to your animal or not.

  Exercise 55 - Animal Transformation in Your Body of Light

  Time Required: varies

  This technique is essentially the same as the above except you will be performing this transformation during an astral projection rather than in your dreams. This will make it easier to travel through consensus reality to a certain extent. However, you also may find yourself in some other place, related to the energy of the animal you have chosen. This was the preferred technique of the ancient magicians, although they sometimes worked in their dreams as well. You will need to consult Chapter Seven to accomplish this technique, but I wanted to include it here amongst the other animal transformations.

  1. Consult with your subconscious before you begin even researching your chosen animal, to make sure that it is ready to participate in this experience.

  2. Once you have conducted your research, put an image of the animal in your temple or workroom. Spend some time looking at the image, really getting its energy fixed into your mind.

  3. At this point, you may wish to conduct an opening ritual, how extensive is up to you.

  4. Use your preferred method for astral projection.

  5. Spend some time in your body of light, getting fully involved in your vision to the point that your physical body is far from your mind. You may wish to travel to the characteristic habitat of the animal.

  6. Then imagine your body transforming, becoming the animal. It will happen easily, although it may seem imaginary, at least at first. Explore this state.

  7. Before you return to body consciousness, reform your usual shape.

  8. Return to your body, come back to normal consciousness and record your experiences in your journal.

  Exercise 56 - Animal Transformation in Body Consciousness

  Time Required: 40 to 60 minutes

  This is probably the hardest technique, and the most likely to seem more like play-acting rather than a true transformation. However, it can be very powerful if you really let yourself go, involving yourself totally in the experience. This method will work best with animals that have a wild, powerful energy. You will probably not want to explore turtle consciousness using this technique. However, feel free to try. This practice will most likely remain subjective in any case, but who knows how far it could be taken if you really throw yourself into it. The only limits to our abilities are the ones that we set ourselves.

  I will also add that this technique could also be explored using entheogenic enhancement. I will not go so far as to suggest this, for legal reasons, but this is most frequently the way in which shamans explored this phenomenon in our earliest cultures.

  1. Consult with your subconscious before you begin even researching your chosen animal, to make sure that it is ready to participate in this experience.

  2. Once you have conducted your research, if possible go to the natural habitat of the animal you will work with. Bring an image of the animal. Spend some time looking at the image, really getting its energy fixed into your mind.

  3. At this point, you may wish to conduct an opening ritual, how extensive is up to you.

  4. Once you are ready to begin the transformation, you should be in a very deep Alpha state. Bend your knees slightly, tucking your pelvis, leaning a bit forward. Begin arousing Kundalini until you feel yourself starting to shake. Sustain and increase this shaking until you feel yourself really twitching wildly all over.

  5. As you do this, start hyperventilating so that you are breathing fast and shaking wildly. Allow yourself to get wild, beginning to move in a sort of dance resembling the way the animal you’ve chosen might move, continuing your breathing and shaking. Allow yourself to transform. At any point, this may become more of a vision than a physical experience. Explore whatever happens.

  6. Once you have finished, it would probably be a good idea to perform the pentagram ritual to help in bringing yourself back to a sense of balance and normalcy.

  7. Record your experience in your journal.


  Before leaving the subject of influence, I want to give you a few simple techniques for resisting negative psychic influence from others. Most so-called psychic attacks are actually produced in our own minds due to fears and unbalanced energy in ourselves. It is important to avoid becoming obsessed with the idea that people are “out to get you,” because in all likelihood this not the case. These sorts of paranoid thoughts will cause you much greater harm than any attack from outside you.

  However, occasionally people do try to use techniques like the ones in this chapter for negative purposes. Also, some people emanate a sort of negative psychic influence unconsciously, just by their very presence. Some people just seem to exude a sort of psychic vampirism of negativity, draining you of energy when they are around. The following techniques should help you to resist these attacks whether they are intentional or not.

  If you believe yourself to be under magical or psychic attack, it is a good idea to consult your subconscious using the pendulum. Your subconscious will be very able to discern the validity of your fears. But it should be kept in mind that your subconscious wants to please you. So, if you have it fixed in your mind that all of your enemies are out to get you with evil magick, your subconscious may confirm this whether or not it is true. Be sure to emphasize that you really want to know the truth when consulting your subconscious.

  Exercise 57 - Personal Globe of Light

  Time Required: 2 to 10 minutes

  The very easiest thing you can do is to simply fill your aura with the light you draw down from your superconscious. This can be done at a moment’s notice in any situation. It is a simple variation on the circle casting exercise you performed earlier in the chapter. It’s advantage is that it can be used quickly and easily in any situation without
drawing undue attention to yourself. It should be sufficient to clear away any negative influences from your aura.

  1. If possible, consult your subconscious with the pendulum.

  2. Go into the Alpha state, using your anchor.

  3. Continue to allow the light from your superconscious to flow into you, imagine that it is beginning to accumulate in your heart. Visualize it as a bright ball. Let it continue growing and expanding until it is expanding past your body.


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