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The Chameleon Soul Mate

Page 1

by Evelyn Lederman

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 1

  The Chameleon Soul Mate

  Book One of the ‘Worlds Apart’ Series

  Evelyn Lederman

  Copyright @ 2014 Evelyn Lederman

  All rights reserved


  ISBN-10: 0692244425

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  Cover Design by Fiona Jayde Media

  Edited by Tina’s Editing Services

  Dedicated to my dad, Ralph Lederman


  To Michele Callahan, founder of the RomCon Convention. Through attendance at Romcon, I have been introduced to the incredible community of romance writers and readers.

  To my editor, Tina Winograd. For making this a better book. The woman loves conflict!

  To V.A. Dold, my good friend. Thank you for all your support and the zillion questions you answered.

  Chapter 1


  Alexandra Mann, ‘Alex’ to friends and foes, disconnected from the call center system and let out a long, painful sigh. People never called to comment on how great things were, just to complain.

  But she had the ability to stay calm under pressure and deal with any situation. Didn’t matter if it was a customer yelling or her two best friends coming to her with their latest crisis. Alex took whatever life threw at her and made lemon drop cocktails.

  Finally, Friday was here and Alex was going up to Sedona with three friends. They had been planning this trip for five months, and the countdown was finally over. This weekend was a double celebration: her twenty-first birthday and her best friend Shirl’s twenty-third.

  She had actually taken a half day of vacation so she and Shirl could get a jump on the traffic that headed north every Friday afternoon. Two of her co-workers were joining them, but had to work all day and would drive up later.

  She grabbed her purse and pulled out her phone. The display showed that Shirley Tomlinson called. Shirl, as she liked to be called, had grown up with Alex at a local Phoenix orphanage. Although Alex was younger than Shirl, they were best friends and as close as sisters. Shirl and Candy, who also grew up with them at the orphanage, were Alex’s only family. The three were connected, at times it felt like they could read each other’s minds.

  Alex had given up on the dream of a real family long before the orphanage stopped parading her in front of perspective parents. Years of couples talking and playing with her, only to have them walk away, had taken their toll. The disappointment she felt at the continual rejection caused her to cry herself to sleep on many occasions. She would find herself blending into the shadows in order not to be passed over again.

  To this day, she had a tendency to blend into the background. Her best friends were always in the spotlight, where Alex tended to be invisible in their presence. Shirl was tall, blond, and stop traffic gorgeous. Candy, on the other hand, had a self-confidence that made her radiant. When they were together, both men and women would flock to Candy.

  Having left her cubical, Alex took the opportunity to listen to Shirl’s voice mail message. “Alex, it’s Shirl. I’ve got a killer migraine and I can’t make it to Sedona this weekend.”

  If anyone else had canceled on her, she would have been angry. However, she knew Shirl got terrible migraines that would down a small elephant. It seemed as though the headaches were growing in frequency and she was concerned about her friend. Alex recently started having migraines herself. She and Shirl were so close, she felt they were probably sympathy headaches.

  When Alex reached the call center’s lobby, she called Shirl before she walked out into the Arizona heat.

  “What?” Shirl growled as the call connected.

  “How are you feeling? Do you need anything?” Alex asked.

  “Can you get me a new brain?”

  “Doubtful, but I’ll look into it. I am so sorry you won’t make it to Sedona with us.”

  “I know, Alex,” Shirl’s voice began to fade. “Candy will stop by before she takes her class on this weekend’s field trip. Don’t worry, I will be fine.”

  Shirl hung up before Alex could say anything more. Alex placed her phone in her purse and walked toward her car in the stifling Arizona heat. The car was all packed and ready to go for the trip up to Sedona. Since she was not picking up Shirl, she immediately got on I-17 and headed north.

  Alex loved Sedona and started thinking about what types of adventures she’d have this weekend. Something unusual always happened when she was there. It was odd, she was never able to put into words what she experienced. Some invisible force always seemed to draw her.

  Alex made good time. Leaving Phoenix early afternoon was the trick, beating the hordes of commuters heading home after work. She headed straight to her hotel.

  It would be some time before her call center friends would join her. In the meantime, Alex had time to hike in Boynton Canyon. She opened her suitcase, pulled out a T-shirt and shorts.

  The Boynton Canyon Vortex was one of the four vortexes that contributed to the energy felt throughout Sedona. Alex generally hiked Boynton Canyon because she felt the best energy there and enjoyed the trails. A lot was written about Sedona’s vortexes, including the belief the energy was the result of inter-dimensional gateways. She did not believe all that nonsense, but her friend Shirl certainly did. With that thought, Alex felt the loss of Shirl not being there. She could almost visualize her friend standing next to her, clutching her crystal necklaces.

  She walked to her car and made the short trip between the hotel and Boynton Canyon. The parking lot closest to the trail was packed. Fortunately, she had the world’s smallest car and found a spot where someone had parked badly, leaving only three quarters of a space. She easily fit into the spot and patted the dashboard of her beloved car. It was fire engine red, with a white racing stripe down the side. She loved zipping around town in it.

  Alex changed from her sneakers into her hiking boots, locked the car and made her way to the trail head. She loved the sound her boots made against the gravel trail. Alex had just purchased a new pair of hiking boots as a birthday present to herself. The boots almost came up a quarter of her leg and were kind of clunky. She was not going to take any chances if she came across a snake along the trail.

  Although the lot had been full, she didn’t see anyone on the trail. A flash of light caught her eye. It was the reflection coming off a bracelet worn by someone suddenly ahead of her. Her eyes left the cuff bracelet to the man who wore it. He was tall with blond hair, and she couldn’t help but admire his body. The man was oddly dressed for hiking. It appeared he was wearing a tunic and leggings. He had broad shoulders underneath the blue tunic and the leggin
gs were molded to his powerful legs. She could see the muscle definition of his legs even from this distance. He must have decided to take a little hike before performing in a Shakespearean play. Sedona was known for supporting all art forms.

  Alex admired his body, but unfortunately her body was not reacting to his. It never did, regardless how attractive she found the man. Oddly, Shirl and Candy had the same problem. She dated, because girls her age dated. She had not been with a man in over six months. Every relationship was disappointing when it became physical. The guys she dated didn’t want to sustain a relationship if they had to deal with an ice queen in bed.

  As she continued on the path, she kept an eye on the man, closing the gap between them. He was carrying a number of sacks that seemed to slow him down. Another oddity about the man. Who carried sacks on a day hike, rather than a backpack?

  He was in her sight one minute and the next he vanished. Where did he go? Alex ran forward, thinking the man had fallen and needed help. She arrived at the spot where she had last seen him and there was no sign of him.

  An invisible force pulled her forward off her feet. She screamed, as the motion continued and her vision went black. Her lungs seized and she fell into what she could only think was an endless void.

  Chapter 2

  The Troyk Universe, Aster Province

  Tarsea Childers patiently waited for Darden to emerge through the portal. It was actually quite peaceful not having to listen to anyone talking or pushing thoughts through any of the many telepathic channels he had to manage continually. They were too far from the city for the communal pathways to reach him. He often wondered what it would be like to live in a world where the population was not telepathic. What peace that would provide, not constantly deluged with conversations.

  He loved taking the hike up the mountain to where the natural gateway between worlds existed. Aster Province buildings were made of stone and surrounded by purple flowering trees, shrubs, and flowers. Unlike the city, the trail had a variety of blooming flowers that differed from the purple that dominated the Troyk city. Here nature showed the true variety of colors, scents and densities a world should possess. He looked down the valley where the city was nestled. Since Aster Province was surrounded by mountains, the pollen trapped in the valley painted the sky violet.

  Darden Lours walked through the portal. “Thanks for meeting me,” he greeted Tarsea.

  “Glad you are back. How were the headaches?” Tarsea was always relieved when his best friend returned home from whatever parallel universe he visited. As of late, it seemed to be only Ginkgo Terra. Very few gatherers were willing to go to Ginkgo Terra due to the impact the planet’s atmosphere had on their telepathic brains. Gatherers early on complained of headaches they experienced in that world.

  “Nothing I cannot handle. The herbs I take have helped.” Darden became a very successful gatherer because he would venture to that universe and return with the ginkgo herb their world required. His friend had shared with Tarsea that he had found other herbs that would minimize the headaches. He did not share this knowledge with the other gatherers, wanting exclusive rights to Ginkgo Terra. The additional herbs were always given to Tarsea’s mother Leenea. She would blend them with other herbs and create a tea that helped them better manage the telepathic channels.

  They were about to start down the mountain when there was a terrible scream and both men turned to the portal as the most beautiful woman Tarsea had ever laid eyes on fell through. At the sight of her, he felt like he had been punched in the stomach. It was as if he had the wind knocked out of him. Darden was the quicker of the two of them and caught her. Tarsea stood like a fool watching.

  The girl continued to scream in Darden’s arms as he tried to calm her. “By the Prime!” Darden exclaimed. “What are you doing here, Alexandra?”

  It was obvious his friend knew the girl. Tarsea wanted to help aid in quieting her. He used the name Darden had. “Alexandra, you need to stop screaming! Take a breath and let it out slowly, you are starting to hyperventilate.”

  As they were trying to calm the girl, he telepathically asked his friend questions. “Who is she? How do you know her? What is she to you?” For some reason that last question was the most important to him.

  Darden talked to the girl, ignoring his questions. Tarsea figured he would have to wait for his answers until after the girl stopped screaming.

  Tarsea stared at the creature in Darden’s arms. She had the most beautiful light auburn hair that shimmered in the sun. The girl had bright green eyes that showed terror, although he felt under normal circumstances they would show intelligence. Her skin was like a luminous pearl, she almost glowed a light pink. She was slight. Tarsea had the odd thought he wanted to feed her, so there would be more of her for him to touch. His fingers ached to touch her skin and slide his whole being into her body. He had never reacted to anyone in this manner.

  Alex heard a voice break through the screams, which she finally realized was coming from her. She took a breath and looked into the deep blue eyes of the blond man she had been following. Alex concentrated on bringing down her heart rate and controlling her breathing.

  “Alexandra, can I touch you to make sure you are unhurt?” the man holding her asked when he noted she had calmed down. She was about to respond when she heard a growl. Alex looked in the direction of the sound.

  There stood what Alex could only call was the most striking man she had ever seen. His face was full of angles, as if an artist chiseled it from marble. He was dark, with a deep tan and short black hair. Like the man she had followed, he too wore a tunic and leggings. He was all in black. The expression on his face was that of surprise, then confusion. She took it that he normally did not growl.

  Alex wiggled out of the blonde’s arms as he released his hold on her. She slowly got up and patted herself down, checking to see if she was hurt. It appeared she was fine. She looked around to get her bearings and stopped cold. The sky had a violet hue to it, and she was no longer in Boynton Canyon. Alex staggered and the blonde steadied her.

  “Alexandra, are you all right?” he asked as he continued to hold her shoulder and helped her balance. Although she appreciated the support, she had no idea where she was or who these men were. She could not understand how they knew her name.

  “I don’t know, am I?” a very confused Alex answered him. “How do you know me? Who are you and why is the sky violet?” She knew she sounded shaky, primarily because she was. It surprised her that although the situation terrified her, she was not afraid of these men. That made no sense whatsoever. She decided to go with that feeling for her own sanity. After all, he had been very gentle when he held her.

  “Alexandra, I promise I will tell you everything,” the blonde said. “But we have to go now! The patrols may be on their way after a second body came through the portal. You must have been caught in the stream before the portal closed.”

  The blonde eyed his friend, then turned back to Alex. “My name is Darden, the man with the scowl is Tarsea.”

  The mention of patrols made Alex tense, a reaction she noticed she shared with the men. Her eyes kept going back to the man with the scowl. What would have happened if they had not been there and the patrol had found her? These men had been so nice to her.

  As she saw it, she had three choices. Her first was to escape from these men and try to fall through another portal home. That option did not look too promising since she did not know how the portal worked.

  Choice number two was to trust these men and go with them. She certainly did not like the sound of a patrol coming to check out what followed Darden through the portal.

  Her last option was to ask the men to open the portal to Earth and she would go through it. Alex did not know if she could handle another trip through so soon. For the time being, she would go with these men. However, she would not rule out them opening
the portal for her if the opportunity arose.

  Alex nodded as she continued to stare at Tarsea. He had the most incredible greenish brown eyes she had ever seen. They bore through her with what she could only think was a possessive gaze.

  Before she looked away, he shifted his eyes to Darden. It appeared they were having a silent argument. A wave of dizziness rolled over her. She leaned against a tree as the men continued their strange interchange.

  Tarsea watched Alexandra as he continued to converse with Darden, through the telepathic channel both men shared. He needed answers to who the girl was.

  He was a player with a well-known reputation, but this girl drew him in a way he never experienced in his life.

  Tarsea was anxious for answers. “I want to know everything now, including who she is and what she means to you.”

  “Her name is Alexandra Mann,” Darden telepathically communicated. “She is the daughter of one of the couples who left with Benko Jarlyn. Her parents are dead, but Benko is still alive. I have found my soul mate in the Ginkgo Terra Universe, she is Benko’s daughter Cassandra.”

  Tarsea stopped breathing mid-breath and stared at Darden. He did not know how to react to what he just heard. His senses and mind had been already in overdrive due to Alexandra.

  Benko Jarlyn was the son of the current ruler of the Troyk Universe. He had tried to overthrow his tyrannical father, only to disappear through the portal over twenty years ago.

  If the information about Benko Jarlyn was not enough, the possibility that soul mates really existed added hope to the dreams he did not know he had, until he saw Alexandra.

  “Hello, I am still here,” Alexandra said. “I want to know where I am and what is going on!” She had her hands on her hips, her foot tapping impatiently. Alexandra’s small chin lifted in defiance. The girl was absolutely adorable.


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