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The Chameleon Soul Mate

Page 2

by Evelyn Lederman

  “Alexandra,” Tarsea addressed her, “we will answer all your questions. However, as Darden said, we have to get out of here.” They had spent too much time talking. If a patrol had been sent, they had little time left for further discussion.

  She looked at them, behind her toward the invisible portal and then back to them. “But I want to go home,” Alexandra stated, “back to Sedona. Can’t I go back the way I came?”

  Tarsea’s heart dropped at the words Alexandra uttered. How was he going to keep her here? He had just found her and was not going to lose her without a fight. From his intense reaction to her, he knew she was his soul mate.

  Darden placed his hands on her shoulders. “Alexandra, the headaches that Shirley suffers, there is a reason for them. The world where Sedona is, it is not your world. Your parents were from this world. Your adopted universe attacks our telepathic brains when we reach our mid-twenties, which is what triggers headaches. I cannot have you go back just to suffer and ultimately die like your parents. Again, we need to leave. We cannot afford to have you fall into the wrong hands. Please, you have to trust us.” Darden released her shoulders and stepped back.

  Tarsea watched the color drain from Alexandra’s face. Her chin fell as her shoulders slumped. He missed the fiery little minx with her chin up high. Her surrender broke his heart.

  Alex nodded. At this point she was not sure what to believe, it was all so surreal. He knew both her and Shirl, knew of their headaches. On top of everything else, he told her Earth was not her world. None of this made any sense. She was numb.

  All those articles that Shirl read and told Alex about, were swimming through her head. She said Sedona’s four vortexes led to an existence beyond our perception. The fact it was true and she was there, blew her mind.

  Except for the purple sky, it all looked so normal. She could have been on any hiking trail, although she did not recognize a number of the plants that bordered the trail. She looked down upon a city unknown to her, a city littered with trees of different shades of purple.

  She decided to trust these men. There was a connection with Tarsea she could not explain. She looked at him, and her body hummed. A reaction she had never felt.

  They started down the mountain trail. Alex glanced at Tarsea. He was beautiful beyond belief and he made her very nervous in a sexual way. It felt like butterflies were swarming in her stomach. She wanted him to touch her, but the prospect terrified her. He was a head shorter than Darden, but was powerfully built. She was mesmerized by the way he moved. He had the grace and power of a panther. Alex could imagine touching and tasting him all over, the sooner the better.

  Alex was ripped from her thoughts as a bout of nausea hit her. She struggled to continue walking.

  Tarsea was enjoying the view. He liked the way Alexandra’s hips swayed as she trudged down the mountain. She was a little thing, but he saw she was fit. Her legs shapely and muscular. He found it humorous how such a pixie could lift her legs with such big boots on her feet. His eyes roamed her body again. She had a great ass, he could not wait to hold those cheeks in his hands as he drove into her. Her hair went to the midpoint of her back. Tarsea watched how the sun brought out different shades of auburn. When it hit just right, her hair shone like a wave of fire cascading down her back.

  He had been with many women over the years, but Tarsea had never been immediately attracted body and soul as he had with Alexandra. It surprised him, the feral reaction he had when Darden touched her. He generally did not growl like an animal. When Darden had communicated he had found his soul mate in the other world, the violence he felt within simmered to a low flame.

  Tarsea watched as Alexandra faltered and then fall forward. “Darden,” he called out, “she is falling.”

  Darden turned, but was not fast enough to catch her before she came down hard on the trail. She tumbled a couple of feet before his friend scooped her up.

  “Portal sickness, I was expecting this. She was dragged behind me into the portal and had a rough ride.”

  “We should take her to my parents’ house. I will contact Koel to back us up as we come off the mountain and make our way through the city.” Tarsea’s parents had a spacious house, he could not take her to his small apartment.

  There were a multitude of communal pathways that everyone could link into. In addition, familial pathways existed between those who shared the same blood. A unique communal pathway had developed between Tarsea and Darden several years ago. Since then, three others had been able to link into this strange channel. Koel, Darden’s cousin, was one.

  “Koel,” Tarsea linked into the pathway. “Meet me and Darden at the bottom of the portal trail.”

  Tarsea studied the unconscious Alexandra in his friend’s arms. “We need to cover her, Darden. She is not wearing a clan bracelet. Her clothes are all wrong and will raise a number of questions as we walk through the streets.”

  He generally carried a large sack when he met Darden at the portal. Tarsea spread it over Alexandra, careful not to have any physical contact with her. Physical contact would immediately indicate if Alexandra was his soul mate. He was both hopeful and terrified to know if it was true.

  They had not taken more than a dozen steps when Tarsea saw the patrol officer on his way up the mountain. Time had run out.

  Chapter 3

  Tarsea saw the distance between them and the patrol officer narrow with each step they took. Generally, one or two patrol officers were sent to investigate activity around the portal.

  “Shit!” Darden swore under his breath, “It is Narmouth, a real hard ass. We are in serious trouble. There is no way he is going to let us take Alexandra anywhere other than The Palace.”

  The Aster Province Palace was the center most building in the city. It was the seat of government, home of their Prime Ruler Jeryl Jarlyn, and where all non-authorized portal travelers were sent. Jeryl Jarlyn was obsessed with finding his traitorous son, his companions, and any offspring they may have had. Alexandra was exactly who they were looking for.

  “Greetings,” Raine Narmouth said. “I will escort you to The Palace. Looks like you have someone the Prime Ruler will love to meet.” Tarsea did not like the way Narmouth was eyeing Alexandra.

  “She did not come through the portal,” Tarsea informed the officer. “We heard her fall further up the trail after Darden came through. We are taking her to my parents’ to recover.”

  “I do not think so,” Narmouth sneered, “she is going to The Palace. Your story can be confirmed by an intelligence officer after we are done interviewing everyone.”

  Tarsea was just about to argue with Narmouth, when he saw Koel coming up the trail behind the patrol officer. Koel was carrying a fairly large rock and proceeded to bash the officer’s skull.

  “That was a rocking good time!” Koel laughed. “It should be good for a three day memory lapse.” Most head injuries resulted in short term memory loss. Any memories during the lapse were unrecoverable.

  “Good job,” Tarsea said to Koel. “Get Starc up here and work on a cover story for when Narmouth wakes. We are heading to my parents’ house.” Starc was Darden’s twin, also a patrol officer.

  “Who is the little beauty?” Koel inquired.

  “Long story,” Tarsea answered. “Come to my parents’ house tonight and we will go over everything.”

  “Anything for you, sweetheart!” Koel said, as he winked in his direction.

  Tarsea shook his head at Koel. Darden’s cousin was a clown, but a tactical genius. Half the time Tarsea had to hold himself back from slugging the guy.

  They continued down the path, leaving the unconscious patrol officer with Koel. Their new challenge was walking through the city, carrying an unconscious girl without getting stopped.

  The streets of Aster Province were teaming with activity, since the second day of each
new moon brought out the vendors. Tarsea navigated through the crowds, as Darden carried the unconscious girl. Occasionally he turned to see if Alexandra was all right. She was bleeding from a wound on her leg and was trailing blood. It was certainly not a lot of blood, but it still disturbed Tarsea.

  He was surprised there were so few inquiries through the communal channels about what happened to her or who she was. It appeared his neighbors were more concerned about getting the best bargain at each stall.

  Tarsea continued to wind through the streets. The breeze had picked up and purple blossoms were littering his path. He sent his parents an update on their progress, using the familial link.

  When they arrived at the house he grew up in, his mother opened the door as he was reaching for the doorknob. She ushered them in and guided their party to the central common room. Darden gently placed Alexandra on the couch.

  “She has portal sickness,” Darden explained to Tarsea’s mother. “She should be out for several more hours.” Tarsea was not sure if he had told his mother Alexandra’s condition, when he communicated through their familial link.

  His mother looked at the girl. “She is bleeding, let me clean her up. This little girl will be fine here with me. I believe you all have places you need to be.”

  Tarsea knew his mother was referring to him. He generally spent his days at The Palace, attending Prime Council meetings. The Prime Council was the legislative branch of the Troyk government. He supported a number of the representatives, researching and recommending how to vote on bills before the chamber.

  “You are right, Mom, as always,” Tarsea said as he kissed her cheek. “I will be back around six tonight. Alexandra will be waking about then.”

  He also had plans with his girlfriend this afternoon. Tarsea used a variety of girls over the years as a cover for his anti-governmental activities. He had not expected he would have to explain his former dating habits to a soul mate.

  Chapter 4

  Tarsea made his way to the Aster Province Palace. The four story Palace was the tallest building, allowing its ruling class vistas of the city they were elected to serve. No other buildings were allowed to be more than two stories tall.

  He proceeded to the second floor, where the Prime Representatives met. Tarsea entered the chamber, while Prime Marcete continued on about the benefits of mind control on the general populace of the Aster Province. The mind control faction took over leadership of the government twenty-five years ago. Aster Province was the gem of the Troyk world.

  Jeryl Jarlyn was the Prime Ruler and leader of the mind control movement. Throughout his reign, various uprisings occurred to outlaw the use of mind control. Jeryl’s own son, Benko Jarlyn, led the first campaign. Tarsea had secretly supported the latest peaceful uprisings against Jeryl. He would support Benko, if he ever returned. The news that Benko was alive, made his return more of a reality than a dream.

  Prime Hosp took the floor, to support the words that were just communicated to the body of Primes. However, Tarsea knew Rance Hosp did not believe the nonsense he was spouting. Rance supported the secret factions that wanted to eliminate mind control usage. Most government officials that wanted change had one or two contacts they used. This reduced the threat of discovery.

  Tarsea was Rance’s only secret anti-government contact. He came from, what appeared to be a strong government supporting family. No one would think twice about Rance meeting with Tarsea. His father had secretly supported Benko’s cause all those years ago and continued to quietly support other factions that arose over time. Tarsea, his brother Tolfer, Darden, Starc, and Koel were currently involved in a faction that worked to bring about peaceful change.

  Their primary role was to help dissidents escape through the portal, when it became too dangerous for them to remain. It was frustrating how little progress they had made over the years. They were all committed to a peaceful change. However, Tarsea saw the attraction of a more violent approach, bringing about faster change. He continually struggled over getting involved in the quicker solution.

  “Rance speaks too eloquently,” his brother Tolfer commented using their special telepathic pathway he shared with his brother and his friends.

  His brother’s presence and words ripped him from the inappropriate thoughts he was having. Lately he had more of these feelings and had to keep reminding himself, he supported only peaceful change.

  “Rance needs to be convincing,” Tarsea informed his brother. “He has to be seen as a supporter of mind control in order not to draw attention to himself. It is best for him to blend in with all the other primes.”

  Tarsea looked at his watch. “I will see you later,” he told his brother. “I have to meet Chartail. Make sure to be at our parents’ house by six.”

  “You have had a busy day, brother. I will be there.”

  Tarsea left the chamber and headed to meet his girlfriend. He had been seeing Chartail Adholm for seven months. She was the daughter of Prime Adholm, a staunch advocate of Jeryl Jarlyn. Seeing Chartail was another means to strengthen the illusion that he supported mind control and the current group in power.

  Prime Adholm possessed the ability to enter someone’s mind and impact how they thought and acted. Fortunately, Chartail did not inherit that ability. It would have been too dangerous to pursue a relationship with her if that had been the case.

  Yet again, he thought of Alexandra, who lay unconscious in his parents’ home. He exchanged one girl for another on a regular basis, but never really thought how that impacted the last girl he dumped. His relationships were a front, but he worried about how she would react to his dating and sexual history.

  Aster Province had neighborhood meeting places scattered throughout the city. Each meeting place had a park in the middle, with multiple walking paths. The meeting places were flanked by restaurants and bars. Children could play, while their parents enjoyed a glass of wine. The younger crowd tended to gravitate to the covered bars, farther away from park entrances.

  Tarsea walked through the crowded meeting place bar. His eyes surveyed the area and he found where Chartail was holding court. She really was stunning with her long blond hair, tanned skin, and her coltish legs. How different Alexandra was from this woman and the women he had dated in the past. His mind kept going back to the woman he met this afternoon.

  Chartail was in mid-sentence in her conversation with one of the many men who surrounded her. She turned in Tarsea’s direction and smiled when they made eye contact. He made his way to where she stood. Chartail kissed him and her taste lingered on his lips. He wondered how Alexandra tasted.

  “You are late!” Chartail complained. “I will forgive you if you buy me another drink.”

  She spoke out loud since they only shared the communal pathway. Married couples would eventually link into their spouse’s familial pathways with continual proximity and fluid exchanges. Tarsea thought there must be something very intimate about talking directly to one’s soul mate, a channel that only they shared. He ached for such intimacy with Alexandra, if she was his soul mate, as he suspected.

  “I am sorry,” Tarsea said, as he telepathically ordered Chartail another drink. “I was at the Prime Council meeting. Prime Hosp was speaking and I did not want to miss it.”

  “Did my father speak?” Chartail inquired. She never went to the assembly to hear her father or any of the prime representatives’ debate issues.

  “Oh, yes,” Tarsea laughed. “When does your father not take the opportunity to praise his fellow prime members and voice support within the chamber?” Her father was a real windbag. Fortunately his daughter did not take after him in that manner.

  Chartail returned his laughter and kissed Tarsea again.

  “It is time to head to your parents’ home,” Koel communicated to Tarsea. “Thought I would stop by in case you got tied up. The other business has been ta
ken care of.” Tarsea wondered how difficult Raine Narmouth was once he woke.

  “I have to go,” Tarsea told Chartail. “Koel and I have research to do for an upcoming bill.” His friend showing up provided him a convenient excuse to leave the bar. Koel was always good with the details that Tarsea sometimes missed.

  Chartail did not appear happy that he had to leave. “You work too much,” she pouted. “It seems a waste that you have to leave and miss all the fun.”

  Tarsea for the time being felt he needed to pacify this woman. “I will see you later,” he whispered in her ear. “How about we meet here after you get off work tomorrow. I will buy you dinner to make up for having to leave tonight. We can go to your favorite restaurant.” That seemed to pacify her.

  Tarsea paid for Chartail’s drink and met Koel at the entrance to the park. They headed to his parents’ house. Alexandra should be waking any time now.

  Chapter 5

  Alex woke slowly from the nightmare she had just had. She was still a little nauseous and there was a lot of static in her head.

  “Alexandra,” she heard a man say, “are you awake?”

  She moaned and through the fog tried to place where she had heard that voice before.

  Alex woke with a start, she had heard that voice in her nightmare. She opened her eyes and saw the black haired man looking at her with his beautiful greenish brown eyes. Her nightmare was a reality!

  “Relax,” Tarsea said, “we are at my parents’ house. You are recovering from what we call portal sickness.”

  Alex looked around. She recognized Tarsea and Darden, but there were a number of people she did not know hovering around. Tarsea must have picked up on her anxiety, since he turned and looked at all the people behind him. She did not hear him say anything, but everyone but the two older people backed out of her sight.


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