Healthy Kids, Happy Moms
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common, xvi
and dairy intake, 102–6
inflammatory, identifying, 144
and nutrition, xvii–xviii
prevalence of, 6–7
see also specific conditions
Chili, Turkey, 214–15
Chocolate Banana Pudding, 228–29
Chocolate Sunflower Butter Protein Balls, 227–28
chronic diseases, xix, 6–7, 40. see also specific diseases
Cilantro-Mango Detox Green Smoothie, 203
citric acid allergies/sensitivities, 56
cleaning products/agents, 40, 41, 195
Cleveland Clinic, 4, 5
coconut oil, for smoothies, 201
coexisting conditions, 20
cold and flu season, 192
colic, dairy as trigger for, 106
during Mini Cleanse, 162
packaged, approved, 230
constellation of symptoms, 20
case studies, 12–13, 17–18, 30–33, 43–47, 51–54
and dairy, 30–33, 104–5
fiber supplements for, 87
and gluten, 30–33
as inflammatory illness, 20
and leaky gut, 36
magnesium + fiber for, 182–83
conventional medicine, 23–24
Cookies, Almond Meal, 226
cooler bags, 135
corn allergies/sensitivities, 56
cow’s milk
calcium content of, 240
soy beverage (soy milk) vs., 81–82
Crispy Chickpeas, 225
C-sections, 42
Cumulative Inflammation Roadmap, 119, 190
curing, healing vs., 128–29
daily practices, 129, 193–95
dairy, 93–106
advertising/marketing of, 94–95
and bone health, 97–102
and bone strength, 96–97
calcium content of, 240
and childhood illnesses, 102–6
and constipation, 30–33
cow’s milk vs. soy milk, 81–82
dairy allergy, 55–57
dairy sensitivity, 56–58
funding for studies of, 95
lactose intolerance, 57–58
reintroducing, 156–57, 168
removing, 154, 155, 163–66, 238–40
ridding home of, 132
dairy allergy, 55–57
dairy sensitivity, 56–58
Davis, William, 8
deep breathing, 194
packaged, approved, 231
recipes for, 226–29
anti-inflammatory, xxi–xxii, see also Healthy Kids, Happy Moms (HKHM) program
and leaky gut, 37
selective elimination diet, 57, 91
time for making changes to, 131
see also food(s); nutrition
dietary guidelines/standards, 67–71, 93
for calcium, 97, 238
for fruits and vegetables, 237
for magnesium, 247
for omega-3 fats, 243
for sugar intake, 236
for vitamin D, 244
for zinc, 248
GI tract health, 116–18
natural ways to improve, 243–48
digestive enzymes
benefits of, 178
dosing guide for, 241–42
for GI tract health, 117
in HKHM program, 114, 115, 120–21
starting, 174, 177–78
during Mini Cleanse, 162
packaged, approved, 230–31
recipes for, 213–21
dirt, playing in, 193
The Dirt Cure (Shetreat), 193
Don’t Drink Your Milk (Oski), 102–3
Doritos, 66
Down syndrome, 11–13
packaged, approved, 231
ridding home of, 132
sugar content of, 236
drugs. see medications
dust mite allergy, 22
ear infections
case studies, xvii–xviii, 12–13
dairy as trigger for, 104
as inflammatory illness, 20
prevalence of, 6
Easy Paleo Pancakes, 208
case studies, xvii–xviii, 17–18, 79–82
dairy as trigger for, 104
as inflammatory illness, 20
prevalence of, 6
EDCs (endocrine disrupting-chemicals), 134, 135
EE. see eosinophilic esophagitis
eggs, 133
allergies/sensitivities to, 56
Baked Eggs in a Muffin Tin, 206
Scrambled Eggs and Smashed Potatoes, 208–9
Scrambled Eggs with Peppers and Microgreens, 209
electrolyte drink, 231
Ely, Leanne, 213
emotional stress, as inflammation trigger, 27, 147
encopresis (bowel accidents) case study, 43–47
endocrine disrupting-chemicals (EDCs), 134, 135
Energy Balls, No-Bake, 226–27
environment, genetic expression and, 10–14, 108–9
environmental allergies
case studies, 17–18, 22
and histamine release, 58
as inflammation triggers, 18, 25, 27–28, 146
testing for, 50–54, 62
environmental toxins
as inflammation triggers, 18, 26–28, 146
microbiome impacted by, 41
eosinophilic esophagitis (EE), 61, 79, 177–78
epigenetics, 10–14
Fasano, Alessio, 42
fast food, 112–13
for children with asthma, 86–87
healthy, 83–85, see also omega-3 fats
processed, 74, 84
and proteins, 90
from seeds, 91–92
Feingold, Ben, 72
The Feingold Diet (Feingold), 72
fevers case study, 125–29
fiber, 87–90
for constipation, 182–83
high-fiber foods, 237
from seeds, 91–92
fiber supplements, 87
allergies/sensitivities to, 56
calcium content of, 240
Teriyaki Salmon, 221
5 R approach, 43, 154
5 Rs of Gut Healing
case study, 43–47
using food, 153–71
using supplements, 153, 155, 172–86
flavonoids, 89
flavor enhancers, 162, 201
flaxseeds, 91–92
flours, calcium content of, 240
food(s), 65–77
artificial dyes and colors in, 65–66, 72–73
calcium content of, 238–40
case study, 65–66
dietary recommendations/standards, 67–71, see also dietary guidelines/standards
evolution of non-foods, 66–67
5 Rs of Gut Healing using, 153–71
and gut health, 31–33
high-fiber, 237
and histamine release, 58–59, 61–62
in HKHM program, 131, see also Healthy Kids, Happy Moms (HKHM) program
as inflammation triggers, 18, 25, 27–28, 63, 145–46, see also food allergies; food sensitivities
magnesium in, 247–48
Mini Cleanse for Kids, 47, 71
nutrient-rich, see nutrient-rich foods
with omega-3s, 244
packaged, 67, 132, 230–31
preservatives, 65–66
processed, 41, 73–74, 84, 132
reintroducing, 156–57, 187–91
substitutions for, 133
sugar, 71–72
to support microbiome, 235
that cause allergies/sensitivities, 56
vitamin D in, 245–46
zinc in, 248
see also specific foods
food allergies, 56, 59–60
dairy, 57
as inflammation triggers, 145
most common causes of, 56
prevalence of, 6
testing for, 50–57, 60
food intolerances, 57–58, 61–62, 146
food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES), 61
Food Roadmap, 187–89
food sensitivities, 57, 59–60
dairy, 57
gluten, 8–9, 42
as inflammation triggers, 146
most common causes of, 56
prevalence of, 6
testing for, 47, 57
food substitutions, 133
FPIES (food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome), 61
Fried Rice, Quinoa, 215–16
Fries, Sweet Potato, 218–19
calcium content of, 239
daily recommendations for, 237
fiber from, 88–90, 237
for GI function, 116
and nutrients in kids’ diets, 112
pesticides in, 238
functional medicine, 185–86
Gatorade, 66–67
GDPs (Great Daily Practices), 129, 193–95
epigenetics, 10–14, 108–9
and illness, 7–9
GERD (reflux), 20, 105
and celiac disease, 42, 58, 63
and constipation, 30–33
enzyme to help break down, 242
reintroducing, 156–57
removing, 62, 154–56, 169–71, 238, 240
Gluten-Free Chicken Fingers, 213
gluten-free grains/flours, 240
gluten sensitivity
and celiac disease, 42
genetic basis for, 7–8
grains, 67, 240
gratitude journal, 194
Great Daily Practices (GDPs), 129, 193–95
gut, 30–48
case studies, 30–33, 43–47
effect of probiotics and antibiotics on, 234
as foundation for health, 116–19
healthy, 38–39
immune system in, 34–35
inflammation in, 36–37, 117
leaky gut, 35–39, 42–47, see also leaky gut
microbiome of, 40–42, see also microbiome
proper functioning of, 32–34
supplements to reestablish normal function in, 113, 114
trusting your, 4–5
gut health
decreasing factors that harm, 149–51
5 Rs of Gut Healing using food, 153–71
5 Rs of Gut Healing using supplements, 172–86
foods’ effects on, 31–33
and probiotics/antibiotics, 234
Hallett, Carolyn, 136, 201
hand sanitizers, 40, 41
Hansard, Jen, 203
Harvard School of Public Health, 69–72
Haynes, 81
case study, 125–29
curing vs., 128–29
of leaky gut, 43–47
and dairy intake, 94
gut as foundation for, 116–19, see also gut health
of gut microbiome, 235–36
and sugar, 71–72
in the United States, xix–xx
see also Healthy Kids, Happy Moms (HKHM) program
Healthy Eating Plate, 70–71
Healthy Kids, Happy Moms (HKHM) program, xxii–xxiii
Assessment, 142–43
for asthma sufferers, 86
during cold and flu season, 192
Cumulative Inflammation Roadmap, 190
daily practices, 193–95
decreasing factors harming gut health, 149–51
eliminating dairy, 163–68
estimating contributions of inflammation triggers, 148
5 R approach in, 43, see also 5 Rs of Gut Healing
5 Rs of Gut Healing using food, 153–71
5 Rs of Gut Healing using supplements, 153, 155, 172–86
Food Roadmap, 187–89
foods emphasized in, 69, 153–71
ideal time to start, 131
identifying inflammatory illnesses, 144
identifying triggers of inflammation, 145–47
inappropriate uses of, 7
length of time for supplementation, 185
medications during, 157
Mini Cleanse for Kids, 159–62, 236–40
overview of, 141
preparation for, 130–37, 154
process for, 154–57
reevaluation with symptom tracker, 169
reintroducing foods, 187–91
removing gluten, 170–71
seeking additional medical support, 185–86
starting supplements, 163, 172–85
Supplement Roadmap, 191
supplements in, 116–18, 120, 121, 163, 172–86
symptom tracker, 157–58, 233
heavy metals, as inflammation triggers, 27, 146
hemp seeds, 91–92
herbicides, 41
as inflammation triggers, 27, 146
and leaky gut, 35
herbs, calcium content of, 240
histamine intolerance, 58–59, 61–62, 146
HKHM program. see Healthy Kids, Happy Moms program
ethnic tendencies toward, 9
and genetic expression, 10–14
and genetics, 7–9
and inflammation, 17–19, 20–22, 63
inflammatory, 20, 104–6, 144, see also specific conditions
and leaky gut, 37
and sugar intake, 71–72
symptoms vs. root of, 23
see also childhood illnesses; infectious diseases
immune system, 5–6, 34–35, 192
infectious diseases
deaths from, 40
as inflammation triggers, 18, 26–28, 147
inflammation, xxii, 16–29
case study, 21–22, 25–26, 28
factors contributing to, 17
and food, 5–6, 63, see also anti-inflammatory diet
in the gut, 36–37, 117
and illness, 17–22, 20, 63
major concepts regarding, 19
physical signs and symptoms of, 20–24, 142
from processed foods, 73–74
triggers of, 25–28, see also triggers of inflammation
inflammatory illnesses, 20
identifying, 144
triggered by dairy, 104–6
see also specific conditions
insoluble fiber, 87, 88
integrative medicine, xxi, 3–15
considering need for, 156
finding integrative medical doctors, 186
genetics and epigenetics, 10–14
genetics’ effect on illness, 7–9
with HKHM program, 156, 185–86
and prevalence of childhood illnesses, 6–7
intentions, setting, 194
intestinal permeability. see leaky gut
iron-deficient anemia, 106
Jolly Green Smoothie, 204
Baked Kale, 223
Turkey Kale Soup, 219–20
Katz, David, 97
keratosis pilaris, 20
Kid-Approved Zucchini, Squash, and Snap Pea Stir Fry, 216–17
kidney infections, 4–6
lactose-free milk, 132
lactose intolerance, 57–58, 61
leaky gut
causes of, 35–36
and celiac disease, 42
5 R approach to healing, 43–47
healthy gut vs., 38–39, 150–51
illnesses related to, 144
and inflammation/illnesses, 37
legume milk, calcium content of, 239
legumes, 89
calcium content of, 239
fiber from, 88, 237
preparing, 89
Lentil Tacos, 220–21
loose stools, as inflammatory illness, 20
during Mini Cleanse, 162
packaged, approved, 230–31
recipes for, 213–17
benefits of, 183
for bone health, 99, 101, 167
for constipation, 182–83
foods high in, 247–48
gentle forms of, 182
for GI function and health, 114, 115
in HKHM program, 120–21
Magnesium Muffins, 210–11
Magnesium Muffins–Egg-Free, 211–12
recommended intake of, 247
starting, 173, 174, 182
Magryta, Chris, 10
nutrients from, 92
processed, 74
protein from, 90
medical history, 9–11
medical support, 156, 185–86
medications, xv, xvi, 24
and healthy fats, 85
during HKHM program, 157
prevalence of, 113
see also antibiotics
mental impairments, prevalence of, 7
microbiome, 40–42
activities that support, 236
and artificial sweeteners, 73
factors impacting, 41–42
fiber for, 88
foods that support, 235
healthy, 116–18
and leaky gut, 35–36
Microgreens, Scrambled Eggs with Peppers and, 209
advertising/marketing of, 94–95
animal, 240
and bone health, 96–97
Cashew Milk, 205
lactose-free, 132
non-dairy, 81–82, 168, 238–39
see also dairy
Mini Cleanse for Kids, 47, 71, 236–40
as foundation for HKHM program, 159–62
meal suggestions for, 162
process for, 155
results from, 154–55
sugar information, 236
using symptom tracker with, 157, 163
indoor, 53, 82
as inflammation trigger, 27, 146
outdoor, 53
Magnesium Muffins, 210–11
Magnesium Muffins–Egg-Free, 211–12
multivitamin mineral (MVM)
in HKHM program, 114, 115, 120–21
options for, 235
starting, 174, 181
natural cleaning products, 195
natural personal care products, 195
naturopathic medicine, 74–76
nervous system, 55, 123–25
nitrates, 74
No-Bake Energy Balls, 226–27
non-dairy milk, 81–82, 168, 238–39
non-foods, evolution of, 66–67
nutrient-rich foods, 78–92
case study, 79–82
and cow’s milk vs. soy beverage (soy milk), 81–82
fats for children with asthma, 86–87
fiber, 87–90
healthy fats, 83–85
protein, 90–91
seeds, 91–92
nutrition, xx–xxii
in childhood illnesses, xvii–xviii
and conventional medicine, 24
doctors’ skepticism about, xx
in naturopathic medicine, 76