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Sofie's Boys

Page 9

by Jenika Snow

  “I’m so close again, Jareth.”

  I grunted. “You going to come again for me, baby?”

  She nodded and fell back on the bed, her hands going to her hair as she tugged at the strands.

  I moved my thumb to her clit and started rubbing it again quickly. The sound of her pussy suctioning my dick was an auditory orgasm.

  So close. So. Fucking. Close.

  And then she opened her mouth to cry out her second climax herself. Her pussy tightened around my cock, milking it until I was lost in… her.

  My breathing hitched, and I pulled out of her, grabbing my cock and stroking the fucker as my orgasm rushed to the surface. Her pussy juices soaked my length, and I used it as lube to jerk myself off. Although the idea of filling her up with my cum was tempting, I loved seeing my seed covering her pretty peach skin.

  The tightening at the base of my spine increased and then I felt it explode out of me. I opened my eyes and stared down at her, seeing ribbon after ribbon of cum shoot out of me and land on her belly and breasts. She had her mouth parted as she let me paint her, as she took it all.

  When I was spent dry, I collapsed next to her and breathed out harshly. “You fucking wear me out, baby.”

  She chuckled softly beside me and rolled, pressing her chest to the side of my body, the feeling of her damp skin another turn-on.

  Mine. Yeah, she was mine.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “So, this is really last minute, but are you free this weekend, like Sunday?” It was technically my “free day,” which was why I’d picked it, so it didn’t interfere with my time with the guys.

  “For you, I’d drop everything and anything.” He shifted on the bed and cupped my cheek, looking into my eyes. “You know that. You tell me when and where, and I’m there no matter what.”

  I couldn’t help the heat that rose to my cheeks at his words. God, he was so devoted to me.

  I thought about how we lay there, me pressed against Jareth’s body, his arm around my shoulders, his fingers moving up and down my arm. I had goose bumps from his touch, and the silence that stretched between us was comfortable… comforting.

  “My mom is coming over with her new boyfriend, and Ryker is coming.” I looked at his face for any sign of how he’d take that, but all he did was smile softly and continue to tickle my arm.

  He then leaned closer and kissed me on the forehead. “Whatever you want, baby.” His voice was rough, coarse.

  We lay there in silence again, and I listened to the steady beat of his heart right under my ear.

  “Does it bother you?” he asked after several comfortable, silent moments had passed.

  “Does what bother me?” I rose up slightly so I could give him my full attention.

  He stared into my eyes, and I got lost in his dark brown ones. They were like melted chocolate, smooth and delicious.

  “Does it bother you that I’m so much older than you?”

  I shook my head instantly. “No. I don’t even think about it.” And that was the honest truth. Although he was old enough to be my father, had experienced and accomplished so much by the time he’d been my age, I just saw him as Jareth, the man I loved.

  “I worry sometimes that being with me may complicate things even more.” He smoothed his finger along my cheek. “But I’m too selfish to walk away.”

  My chest hurt at the very thought of losing him. “Good, because I’m too selfish to let you go either.” He gently pulled me down again so I was lying on his chest once more. “Does it bother you I’m with Ryker too?” I supposed if we were spilling it all I might as well ask him.

  Long moments of silence stretched out, but he didn’t feel tense, and I didn’t feel any kind of anger coming from him. He just held me, running his fingers along my skin, relaxing me further.


  He finally shook his head slowly. “The thought of you with any other man infuriates me, has this protective rage filling me. I want to kill any motherfucker who even looks at you, Sofie, who even thinks he can talk to you.”

  I stared into his warm brown eyes.

  “But then I think about you with Ryker, and as crazy as it all is, I don’t feel any of that jealous rage. I know he’ll protect you, take care of you. Just as much as I will. Just as strongly as I will. That calms me, makes me feel secure that you’ll always be looked after.” He lifted his hand up and stroked it along the side of my head, picking up a strand of my hair and running it between his fingers. “It’s fucking insane, isn’t it?”

  I smiled softly and shook my head. “No, I think it’s exactly how things are supposed to work out. I think that’s why things are so easy and fluid between the three of us. It’s fate, and as cheesy and corny as that may sound, I really believe we are all meant to be together.”

  “Do you know how much I love you, Sofie?”

  I let my fingers trail across his stomach, his six-pack flexing under my touch. “Probably as much as I love you,” I teased back affectionately.

  He shifted so he could look at me again, tilting my head back and staring at my face.

  “I love you,” I said again. He was one of the great loves of my life.

  Ryker was the other.

  I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I had no idea how I’d gotten so lucky, how things had just seemed to fall into place.

  Here’s to having everything else fall into place this easily.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The night of the dinner

  I wiped my hands on my apron. I was running behind, and I probably could’ve ordered carry-out for tonight, maybe even should have so I wasn’t running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Although my mom had offered to cook her special pasta dish, I insisted on being the one to treat her to a home-cooked meal. I wanted everything to be perfect and special.

  I looked over at the table, having rented a large banquet-sized one for everyone because the two-seater one we had in the kitchen was not even close to fitting all of us.

  A white linen tablecloth covered it, teal and white place settings perfectly situated. I’d bought them months ago and was just now getting around to using them. But I supposed now was the perfect situation to put them to good use. I’d even had to go out and buy actual silverware, because the mismatched shit we had and the random plastic takeout sporks weren’t going to cut it.

  I checked on the lasagna, keeping it warm in the oven. The house smelled of Italian seasonings and garlic bread. With a salad sitting in the center of the table, Parmesan cheese, croutons, and olive oil and red wine vinegar as a dressing sitting beside that, I felt a smile play across my face.

  “Not bad, Sofie. Not bad at all.”

  The red wine was chilling in the fridge, as well as the strawberry and blueberry parfait I’d whipped up real quick. I’d paid close attention to details, because I felt like tonight was a make or break situation. I didn’t know why I felt like that. It was like I was going for my first job interview, or maybe going to prom. I didn’t think I’d ever been so nervous in my entire life.

  I took off the apron and carried it to my bedroom, tossing it in the hamper and checking my appearance in the mirror that hung on the back of my door. Everyone would be here soon, and after I wiped a splatter of marinara sauce off my cheek, touched up my nude lipstick, and ran my fingers through my hair, I exhaled and told myself this was as good as it was going to get.

  Just then, I heard car doors closing, and my heart jumped to my throat. “Here we go,” I whispered.

  I walked toward the living room and pulled the curtain aside, looking outside. Jareth’s sleek black luxury car sat in the driveway, and right beside that was Ryker’s Tahoe. The two men were looking at each other, and although maybe to an outsider it might seem as if they were sizing each other up, I knew better.

  They were mature about all of this, accepting.

  Jareth walked around the front of Ryker’s vehicle and he
ld his hand out. They were both manly-men, alphas. They were the same but so, so different.

  And I knew that’s why I’d fallen in love with both of them.

  The longer I stared at them, the more I realized they both made my heart race, my palms sweat, and had me wishing we could just fly out to some private island where no one could hurt us with their words, looks, or judgment.

  They both finally started heading toward the front door, and I opened it before they could knock. Before any of us could say anything, I saw a white Jeep Wrangler pull up to the curb in front of the house. The windows were too tinted for me to see who the driver was, but I knew it was my mother and her new boyfriend.

  I turned my attention back to Ryker and Jareth. Ryker was in front of me first, and he didn’t hesitate in curling his hand around my neck and pulling me in for a kiss. It was a slow-burn one, passionate and consuming. I melted against him and moaned, my body heating up passionately.

  He broke away far too soon, and a small sound of disappointment left me. But Jareth was stepping forward right away, stealing his hand around my waist, and pulling me flush against his hard body.

  He kissed me just as intensely, claiming me just as fully as Ryker had. I actually curled my fingers around the frame of the door to steady myself.

  When Jareth pulled away, I sucked in a lungful of air, feeling lightheaded. My heart was racing as I realized both of them were staring at me as if they were barely holding on to their control. Heavy-lidded expressions, pupils dilated, the start of tented pants.

  Yeah, if they hadn’t stopped, we’d be in my room fucking right now, no doubt.

  The sound of car doors closing had me remembering the Jeep. I saw my mom walking toward us, a man behind her but shielded by her form so I couldn’t quite make him out.

  My mom lifted her hand and waved enthusiastically. I’d never seen her have such a glow on her face before, had never seen her smile so wide. She looked beautiful, with her hair all done up and her formfitting dress showing off her curves.

  I waved, still trying to see the man behind her. When she was right next to us, Jareth and Ryker both turned to face her. She was about as tall as I was, so she had to crane her neck back to look into their faces.

  First, she eyed Jareth up and down then turned her focus to Ryker. This was the first time she was meeting Jareth, and I could see that although she was a little curious meeting him while Ryker was here too, there was no condemnation coming from her.

  She wrapped her arms around Jareth and gave him a big bear hug, and I stifled a laugh when I saw how big his eyes got. He looked stiff, unsure. He probably didn’t know what the hell to do.

  “I won’t bite,” she said with a grin and pulled back.

  “Not unless you ask for it.” The teasing sound of a man’s voice reminded me she wasn’t alone. As she gave Ryker a hug, I turned my focus to the guy she’d come with.

  I felt my eyes widen as I got a good look at him. He was my age, young and attractive, and had this cocky expression on his face. My mom stepped back, and her new beau wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in close to him.

  “Sofie,” she said, “I’d like you to meet Trevor, the guy I’ve been seeing for the past two months.”

  Trevor grinned and held his hand out for me to shake. I took a step forward, and Ryker and Jareth both did the same, flanking me as if they were worried about me touching Trevor. I shook my head and smiled, taking Trevor’s hand and shaking it.

  “I can see where Theresa gets her good looks from,” Trevor said.

  Jareth and Ryker both made a low, disapproving sound.

  “Don’t worry about them,” I said and let go of his hand. “Their bark is worse than their bite.”

  Jareth grunted, and Ryker snorted.

  And then there was a moment of awkward silence with everyone just staring at each other. “Well, should we go inside and eat?” I finally asked to break up the weird situation that suddenly fell over us.

  My mother smiled, and I saw her reach down to take Trevor’s hand in hers. “We plan on going bar hopping tonight, and Trevor rented a swanky hotel room overlooking the city.”

  I really didn’t want to hear about my mom getting drunk, staying with her boyfriend at a hotel, and doing… not sleeping.

  I could see she was happy with him, could tell that from the way she looked at him. It was nice seeing her genuinely smile. And it looked like Trevor was just as smitten with her too, if the wink he gave her and the way he leaned in to kiss her cheek were anything to go by.

  We headed inside, and I could hear my mom giggling behind us. I looked over my shoulder and saw Trevor whispering something in her ear.

  “You’re so bad,” she said softly, but not too softly that we all hadn’t heard. She was also blushing, which made me image what Trevor had just said to her.

  And as we headed inside, all I could think was I hoped tonight didn’t end up getting someone’s ass kicked.

  “For real?” Trevor looked between Jareth, Ryker, and myself, his eyes wide. My mother, on the other hand, who sat beside him, looked apologetic, embarrassed, but amused. “That’s wild,” Trevor said as he looked between the three of us. He took another swig from his wineglass. “So you are all a throuple? Or do they call it a threesome now?” He picked up his wine glass and took a long drink. “It’s like Jerry Springer,” he added after setting his glass down. “Or that one show where the guy has all those wives, but it’s reversed.” Trevor started laughing. He reached for the wine bottle to fill his glass for the fourth time.

  “I think maybe you’ve had enough,” my mom said a little uneasily.

  He shook his head and looked at my mother. “I’m good, Theresa.”

  My mom exhaled wearily.

  “So, like… how does it work?” he asked, and the table stayed silent.

  I could feel the anger coming from Jareth and Ryker, who sat on either side of me. I knew they were getting to their breaking point with Trevor. I think we all were. I felt possessive anger practically spilling from them.

  “Like, do you guys swap off every other day? Do y’all just sleep in one big California king bed? Details. Give us some details.” Trevor downed half his wine glass before setting the cup down and hiccupping.

  “Trevor, it’s very inappropriate to be asking my daughter those questions,” my mom said in a stern voice. She glanced at me, and I shook my head, silently telling her, “It’s okay, not your fault.”

  I didn’t expect anyone to be okay with my relationship, or even understand it. I didn’t even care what anyone thought about it. But I did expect respect, especially in my own house.

  And I was about to say that when I felt Jareth become tense beside me.

  “You’ll do well to watch your mouth, son.” Jareth said those words so low, so deep, that even I felt chills move along my body. He had his hands on top of the table, his fingers curled toward his palms so they were in tight fists, his knuckles white.

  I glanced over at him and swallowed roughly, could see how enraged he was right now as he stared at Trevor.

  “Son?” Trevor started to chuckle and looked at my mother. When he looked back at us, he had a glassy-eyed expression on his face.

  “Maybe you’ve had enough wine,” I said softly, trying to keep my tone easygoing. I wasn’t his mother, but he was going over the line.

  And because he’d been drinking so much, it was clear his loose lips were going to get him in trouble.

  “I can hold my alcohol,” he replied with a slur in his voice and grinned at me, almost challenging me to test him in his admission. He looked back at Jareth. “I guess I am young enough to be your son… and hers.” Trevor started chuckling again and glanced at me. “Tell me, Sofie,” Trevor prompted and leaned forward, his voice lowering as if he were about to tell me a secret. “Which one do you like better? Which one really knows how to push your buttons… if you know what I mean?” He wagged his eyebrows up and down and grinned.

s enough, Trevor,” my mom said again, her anger clear. “You’ll respect my daughter and her guests.”

  I heard a low, rough sound leave Ryker. I snapped my head toward him, felt my eyes widen as he slowly pushed himself out of the chair, his massive six-foot-four frame straightening as he commanded the entire room.

  “Not only are you disrespecting the woman we love, but you’re disrespecting and embarrassing the woman right next to you.”

  I watched as Trevor swallowed, the realization of how he’d ruined dinner clear on his face.

  “I think it’s time we leave,” my mother said and gave me an apologetic and sad smile.

  “You don’t have to go,” I said and stood when my mother did.

  “Honey, I think it’s best. Trevor needs to go, and I’m not going to let him drive to the hotel in his condition.”

  Trevor stood and his cheeks were flushed, as no doubt embarrassment flooded him. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. He left the kitchen, and we stood there in silence.

  “I can take him to the hotel if you’re not comfortable doing it,” both Jareth and Ryker seemed to say at the same time.

  “No, no. I’m fine. And he’ll be fine once he sobers up.” My mom stared at Trevor as he headed toward the front door. “The young ones always like to live life to the fullest.” She sighed and glanced back at us. “Maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to him, because he makes me feel young again, and it’s been a long time since I felt that way.”

  “I get it, but if he treats you like shit, Mom—”

  “He doesn’t, honey. He’s got a big mouth, but that’s where it ends. Believe me, no man is going to put me down.”

  I smiled, because I knew my mom was one tough cookie.

  “But I’m really sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to ruin the night and embarrass everyone.”

  I shook my head. “You didn’t, Mom. It’s fine. Wine gets to my head too, and it’s not like I expected him to understand this situation fully after just meeting us. It takes some getting used to.”


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