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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

Page 26

by Erin Osborne

  “So. Close,” he says as he thrusts in me over and over again. “Hollie, come. Now!”

  His words are all I need to have my orgasm crash over me in waves. I lock my eyes onto Capone’s as he leans down to kiss me. After two more thrusts into my body, I feel him still on top of me as he buries himself to the hilt and breaks the kiss to shout out my name. Capone’s movements slow as we both ride out the release we’ve found.

  I begin sliding my hands up and down his back as Capone starts to slide from my body. Instead of letting him up, I lock my ankles tighter around him to keep him firmly in place. I don’t want to lose the weight of him from me just yet.

  “Don’t move,” I tell him.

  Capone stills in me and gives me more of his weight. Our bodies are covered in a fine sheen of sweat as he lays his head on my chest. His arms and the weight he’s got on his legs are the only thing keeping all his body weight from me.

  Finally, he rolls to his side, keeping our bodies connected and wraps his arms around me.

  “I love you, Holls. Always will,” he murmurs into my hair.

  “I love you, Andy ‘Capone’ Richards. Have for a long time and I always will,” I tell him, feeling my eyelids begin to slide closed.

  I fall asleep in Capone’s arms. He wakes me up once more during the night to worship my body. We fall asleep in one another’s arms again and for the first time in a long time, my sleep is peaceful and not plagued with ghosts of my past. I’m content where I am and I’m not going to do anything to lose Capone or Amber. I just hope he knows I didn’t get pregnant on purpose and I’m going to be keeping our baby. Now, I just have to figure out how to tell him.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  LAST NIGHT WAS the best night of my life. I claimed Hollie as my ol’ lady in front of Wrath and Rock. She’s the only ol’ lady I know who’s looked at any of the men during the claiming. But, I think it’s something she needed to do with the past she has. I wasn’t jealous of upset about it. I let her have her time to see Wrath and Rock were there to show their support and trust in each of us. Hollie showed her trust in the men when she looked at Wrath and still let me finish claiming her. It was important for both of us in our own way.

  This morning we woke up in our room at the clubhouse and Hollie initiated another round of sex before we went down to get breakfast the house bunnies had prepared. She wore a pair of my shorts, rolled down so they’d stay on her and one of my shirts. Her hair was thrown up in a messy bun and she’s never looked as sexy as she did right then.

  I was worried about how she’d react to seeing Wrath and Rock after last night, but I didn’t have to worry. Hollie sat at a table with the two men and laughed and joked around with them as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. We had a good morning until she said she had to leave to get the baby from her sister’s house. Now, I’m going to talk to Torch. I want to know what the hell NeNe is up to and what game she’s trying to play.

  Walking upstairs, I stop in front of Torch’s door and knock. One of the house bunnies leaves Gunner’s room and looks at me as she walks down the hallway. Yeah, not happening. I’m not into the fake bitches. Why would I be when I have Hollie in our home, our bed, and soon she’ll be wearing my ring on her finger and have my baby in her belly?

  “Come in,” I hear Torch call out.

  Opening his door, I see him leaning against the headboard of his bed while a house bunny works his cock over with her mouth. I smirk in his direction as he shrugs his shoulders and tells her to hurry up.

  “When you’re done, I need to talk to you about somethin’ important,” I say, walking over to his row of computers and taking a seat.

  My back is kept to the pair on the bed. I don’t need to watch him get his cock sucked. But, it’s not anything I haven’t seen or done before myself. I just won’t with Hollie. No one is going to see any part of my woman.

  I hear Torch finish and kick the house bunny out of his room. He walks over to me and lights a cigarette before sitting down in front of his computers.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he asks.

  “I need you to find out what’s goin’ on with NeNe. She called me and said she’s in some kind of trouble and needs my help. I told her to fuck off, but I don’t trust her,” I tell him.

  “Let me pull up the tracker and see if I can figure out where she is right now,” he says.

  Torch does his thing on the computer. After a matter of minutes, he’s got her location. When he pulls the map up and points to where it’s at, I see a clubhouse on the satellite images. She’s with another club.

  “I know this club. It’s the Iron Kings MC. They’re a one percent club. But, they treat their women good. No abuse is tolerated. The only thing they do is get into the drugs every now and then,” Torch tells me.

  “So, basically she’s good and just wants to play games again?” I ask.

  “Yep. I know she’s in good hands if she’s there. They may not keep her because of her shit, but if she’s into somethin’ then she fucked their club over and they’ll go to war in a second,” Torch says.

  “Okay. I need to go talk to Satan. I’m not sure what her game is and I’m not takin’ any chances with my ol’ lady or our daughter,” I say, standing from the chair I was in. “Thanks, Torch.”

  “Anytime. You give her the rag yet?” he asks as I reach his door.

  “It’s at the house. I’m givin’ it to her as soon as I get there,” I say, leaving his room.

  I walk downstairs to the common room just as Satan comes through the door with Rhett on his shoulders. Rhett is always with his dad if he’s not going out on club business. The little boy loves being at the clubhouse with his dad. So, I’m not surprised to see him here today.

  “Satan, need a minute,” I call from the opposite end of the room.

  “In the office,” he says.

  We head to his office where he puts Rhett on the floor with his little motorcycle. I sit in the chair across from my President and fill him in on what’s been going on with NeNe. I don’t like it and I know he doesn’t either because Hollie is his sister-in-law and she’s been through more than enough shit. I’ve put her through more than her fair share of shit. NeNe will not fucking touch her if I can help it.

  “So, what do you want to do?” Satan asks.

  “I want to keep Prospects on her when I’m not at the house. Or when she leaves. I don’t trust NeNe and if she’s pullin’ this shit now, it’s only a matter of time before we see her back in town. She’s not goin’ to care what I have to say as long as she can try to fuck the club, and me specifically, over,” I answer.

  “I agree. I’ll get Axel over there now and I’ll set up a schedule for the three of them.”

  “Thanks, Satan. I’ll catch you later. I’m headin’ home for a bit myself. Need to give Hollie her rag and I’ve got one more thing to do before I head to work tonight,” I say.

  “No thanks needed. You askin’ that girl to marry you?” he asks, a smile on his face.

  “I am. She deserves nothin’ but the best and I’m gonna do my best to give it to her,” I answer him with my own smile in place.

  Heading out of the office, I see Axel and let him know he’ll be at our house tonight before I leave for work. He nods his head and gets back to cleaning and stocking the bar for anyone that wants a drink when they’re done working for the day. I walk outside and get on my bike so I can head home to my girls.

  Raine went with me a few days ago and helped me choose a ring for her sister. It’s got a platinum band with a skull on each side holding up the diamond. There’s sapphires lining half the band and it has the matching wedding band too. She also picked out my band which is also platinum with a single sapphire in the center of a skull.

  I make the short trip home and walk in the house to find Hollie asleep on the couch with Amber in her arms. After snapping a picture on my phone, I walk into the room to get her rag and ring ready. I’m going to make us dinner tonigh
t and we’ll eat out on the deck. It’s peaceful out there and I know Hollie usually sits there in the morning while she drinks her tea.

  Wrath got the work done in the house and replaced not only the floor, but the carpeting too. He did really good work. But, we haven’t moved back downstairs yet. I’m fine with it. He’s going to be working on a bathroom upstairs for us and Hollie and I will be turning one of the rooms up there into the nursery. I can’t wait to get the work done so things calm down for us again.

  I put the ring in my pocket and grab the box that’s wrapped up with Hollie’s rag in it. After setting it out on the table we put out here, I grab the steaks, potatoes, and the salad we’ll be having for dinner. Wrapping the potatoes in tin foil I place them to the side while the grill heats up and finish seasoning the steaks so I can put them on with the potatoes.

  By the time dinner’s almost ready, Hollie and Amber are up and she makes sure our daughter is changed and fed before heading out to the deck with me. Hollie eyes the package on the table wearily and I know she’s trying to figure out what’s inside. She’s not very patient sometimes. But, I don’t act like I see her looking at it as I pull the food from the grill and place everything on the table.

  Hollie and I eat in silence as Amber sits in her swing I carried out here. She’s listening to the song playing softly and I watch my daughter while I eat. As soon as our plates are cleared up, I sit back down with a beer and slide the box over toward Hollie. She opens it up and pulls the rag out. Tears fill her eyes as she takes in the details on the rag before sliding it on.

  “Thank you, Capone,” she says, standing up and walking to me.

  Hollie kisses me like I just gave her the most precious gift in the world. I know it’s importance, but I wasn’t sure she did. Not until this very second. My ol’ lady knows what this rag means and she’s going to cherish it.

  “Need to talk to you about somethin’,” I tell her as she takes her seat again.

  “What’s going on?” she asks.

  “NeNe called me the other day. She tried tellin’ me she’s in trouble and needs my help. I’m not givin’ her a damn thing and I’m not helpin’ her out. I had Torch look into her and she’s with another club. He says they’re good to their women and if she’s in trouble, it means she fucked the club over. I’m not ready to start a war with them over a dumb slut, so I’m ignorin’ it,” I tell her. “But, because we don’t know what her end game is here, you’re back to havin’ Prospects on you. I don’t trust her and I’m not goin’ to take any chances with you or Amber.”

  “Oh, okay,” Hollie says, completely fine with the situation. “Do you think she’s gonna try to take Amber from us?”

  “She can try. But, she signed her rights away and no one will give her custody of the baby with everythin’ I have against her,” I answer. “Amber is ours and she’s not goin’ anywhere baby.”

  “Okay. You have to work tonight?”

  “Yeah. I have to leave in a little while. What do you have planned for the night?” I ask her.

  “I’m gonna try to get some work done,” Hollie answers.

  Before I can respond, my phone goes off. It’s Wrath and I answer because he’s not usually one to call. He lets me know there’s been a mix-up with the alcohol delivery and we don’t have our most popular bottles in stock now. He and I did the order again and I know we placed and order for the Jack, Vodka, and Jameson we usually sell on a daily basis. I tell him I’ll be right there.

  Frustration fills me because I was going to ask Hollie to marry me tonight and now I have to put it on hold. I let her know what’s going on as I message Axel and tell him to get here now. I won’t leave until he gets here, but I’m not gonna rush asking my ol’ lady to marry me either. I’ll have to figure something else out for it. It’s still going to be here and on this desk, but not tonight. Fuck my life!

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  LAST NIGHT, CAPONE had to leave and handle business at Blazing Babes. Axel kept me company for a while as I worked on a few premade covers. We talked and laughed like old times. I even talked to him about my time away from Willow Creek and the guys I met in the Steel Mills chapter of the club. He’s interested in them, even if he has no plans to change clubs.

  Today, I’m heading out to do some shopping and make arrangements to let Capone know I’m pregnant. I have a doctor’s appointment coming up and I want him to go with me. He can’t do that if he doesn’t know what’s going on. Plus, I don’t want to hide our news from him.

  I’m not sure last night was the night to tell him though. After getting off the phone with Wrath, he seemed agitated and that’s not when you want to drop a bombshell like I have on a person. So, I bit my tongue and spent some time with him before Axel showed up and he left for work. I hope they got the problem solved so I can make him a nice dinner tonight and let him know what’s going on.

  After taking a quick shower, I get Amber ready to head to the store. Axel is still here and will leave when Shane gets here in a few hours. They’re each taking twelve-hour shifts and I know he’s tired as hell. But, Axel doesn’t let anything get to him. He takes his responsibilities seriously and doesn’t complain about a single one. I think it has more to do with being raised in the club.

  Axel is on his bike waiting as I back the truck out of the garage. We head into town to get groceries and something I can give Capone to tell him I’m pregnant. I don’t just want to blurt it out. So, I’m thinking of getting a onesie and writing on it for him. I smile thinking of designing this little onesie. Even if the baby never wears it, it will something special for Capone and I to hang on to and cherish.

  I pull into the grocery store and Axel parks his bike next to me. Instead of waiting outside like normal, he follows me in the store and grabs a few snacks for himself as he follows me up and down the aisles. When we get to the baby aisle, I pick out a plain white onesie before heading to the small aisle with crafts things. There I pick up some paint I can use on the onesie when I get home. Just before we’re done picking up what we need, I grab a bag and tissue paper to put the onesie in when I’m done with it.

  “I’m gonna cash out in the express line and meet you back here,” Axel tells me. “Don’t leave here until I’m with you.”

  “Okay. It’s gonna take a bit for me to get done,” I respond as I find a semi-empty checkout lane to go through.

  When we’re both done cashing out, Axel meets me and we walk from the store together. Just as we get to my truck, I hear a bitch yelling obscenities out a car window. I know in my gut it’s NeNe. She’s making her presence known before confronting me. It’s not hard to tell she’s pissed as hell to see me here. And pushing Capone’s daughter on top of that.

  Axel and I begin to walk faster toward my truck so we can get everything loaded inside before NeNe gets to us. I’ve got Amber in her seat and fastened in while Axel starts taking care of the groceries and his bag of snacks. Before I can get in my seat, I’m pulled from the back of the truck and shoved roughly against the side.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” NeNe asks, getting in my face.

  “I know exactly who I am. Who the hell do you think you are?” I ask her.

  “Oh, I’m the bitch about to beat your ass and take my daughter from you. You have no right being with Capone or my daughter,” NeNe says.

  “Really? Because I think I’m the one in bed with Capone every night. I’m the one taking care of our daughter. A daughter, I might add, you signed away your rights to. Oh, and I’m Capone’s ol’ lady. Can’t you read the rag?” I ask, taunting the bitch in front of me.

  NeNe’s face goes several shades of red as she looks down at my rag. Turning slightly, I show her the ‘Property of Capone’ on the back and she really loses her shit.

  “NeNe, you’re not supposed to be in town. What are you doin’ here?” Axel asks, stepping between us.

  “I can go wherever the fuck I want, pissant.”

  “No, you re
ally can’t. You’re phone call to Capone didn’t work, so now you’re resortin’ to sneakin’ into town and tryin’ to threaten his ol’ lady. Yeah, he heard it all because I called him and he’s on his way here,” Axel informs her. “You’re time is numbered and I know what you’re lookin’ forward to now.”

  Instead of bitching and moaning about the situation, NeNe tries to run to her car so she can get out of here. Axel follows her and grabs the keys from her hand before she makes it very far though. After telling me to get in the truck and lock the doors, he walks her to her car and lets her get in, but he keeps her keys in his pocket so she can’t get them.

  I already hear the rumble of more than just Capone’s bike pulling into the parking lot. Turning my head, I see Capone, Satan, Wrath, and Rock pulling in. They surround her car since she parked at the end of the lot for an easy getaway. I’m still sitting in my truck when Capone heads over to me.

  He checks on Amber and me before pulling me into his arms. Once he’s sure we’re okay, he heads back to NeNe and they exchange some words I can’t hear. She’s a crying, blubbering mess by the time he’s done with her. I watch as he beat up car leaves the lot with Wrath following her. He’ll make sure she leaves town again and doesn’t come back. I’d really hate to be her right now. She’ll never learn though.

  Axel comes over to me and lets me know we can head back to the house now. So, I pull out of my space and we head home. I’m not rattled or nervous about the bitch trying anything. I’ve got Axel with me and I’m sure the guys will be riding by the house even though it’s out of their way to make sure nothing else happens. Wrath will also be checking in on a regular basis to let the guys know where she-bitch is and what’s going on there.

  Once I have everything in the house, I take care of Amber and make sure she’s settled in her swing before setting up my supplies on the coffee table so I can watch her. It doesn’t take me very long to get done with the onesie and set it in the old nursery to dry. As soon as it’s dry, I’ll wrap it up and put it in the gift bag I bought. Now, it’s time to make dinner for my man and me later tonight. After getting lunch for Axel and I, that is.


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