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Capone's Misery (Blazing Outlaws MC, #2)

Page 27

by Erin Osborne

  Everything is prepared for tonight. I’m just waiting on Capone to get home so we can eat dinner and I can give him his gift. I’ve got lasagna and garlic bread sitting in the stove to keep warm while the salad sits in the refrigerator. I’ve got a beer for him while I have some tea with dinner. I look at the clock and realize he should’ve been here a while ago. Maybe he’s not coming home tonight. Maybe he decided to follow Wrath and the she-bitch out of town.

  Before my mind can get lost in possible scenarios, I hear the rumble of his bike pulling in the driveway. My nerves ramp up higher and I begin to pull everything from the oven and fridge for when he walks through the door. Tonight is all about us and I’m going to make it as special as I can for him.

  Amber has been changed, fed, bathed, and she’s in bed. She’ll sleep for a few hours at least giving her dad and I some time alone.

  By the time Capone walks through the door and sends Shane on his way to the clubhouse for a few hours, I have the table set and I’m dishing up a plate of food for my man. He walks in the kitchen, washes his hands, and gives me a kiss before he sits down at the table. I’ve got the bag hidden under the table so I can pull it out once we’re done eating.

  “How was your day?” I ask him.

  “It was uneventful after we got her back out of town. She shouldn’t come back again because I reminded her what’s waitin’ for her if she does. I’m sorry you had to deal with her today,” he tells me.

  “It was nothing. It could have gone a lot worse if Axel wasn’t there with me. I would’ve done everything in my power to protect Amber,” I tell him.

  “I know. That’s never anythin’ I have to worry about when she’s here with you. You’ve already proven that, Holls,” he answers. “Dinner looks amazin’.”

  “Thank you,” I say, digging into my lasagna and taking a bite.

  For the next few minutes, we eat in complete silence. I continue to look at my plate and avoid Capone. But, I can feel his eyes on me and the confusion he’s feeling right now. I’m not doing a very good job with things tonight I guess. Damn.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Capone finally asks.

  “I’ve got something for you,” I tell him, bending down to pick the bag up and give it to him.

  “What is it?” he asks, taking the bag after pushing his still full plate to the side.

  “Open it and find out,” I say on a small laugh.

  Capone pulls the small wrapped package from the bag and sets the bag on the floor after making sure nothing else is in it. I watch while holding my breath as he unwraps the onesie and holds it up in front of him.

  On the front of the onesie, I wrote:

  Future Blazing Outlaws Prospect or Princess.

  For a minute, Capone doesn’t say a word and I’m starting to get nervous about what his reaction will be. Finally, he looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

  “Are you sure?” he asks, his voice husky. “You’re givin’ me another baby?”

  “I am. I have an appointment next week, but it’s already been confirmed,” I answer him.

  Capone stands up and pulls me up into his arms. He swings me around before setting us back down at the table. I take a few deep breaths as he smiles the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on his face. It reaches his eyes as they crinkle in the corners. He can’t tear his gaze from the onesie still sitting on the table next to him.

  After dinner, we get ready for bed, where Capone shows me just how happy he is. Three times. I’m sated and more than warn out. But, I’ve never been happier in my life. And this is just the beginning of our lives together.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  LAST NIGHT SEALED my mind about asking Hollie to marry me. She was so nervous about telling me she’s pregnant and she did it in the best way possible. At least I think so. I’m going to frame the onesie and hang it in the baby’s room when we get ready to make a second nursery in the house.

  So, today, I’ve shut my phone off and I’ve let Satan know I’m not taking any calls about anything for the next few hours. The only thing I’m going to do is spend time with Amber and Hollie. Once Amber is down for her nap, I plan on taking Hollie out to the deck and asking her to marry me.

  It’s not grand or romantic, but I’ve never claimed to be a romantic guy. It is the best I got though. I’m almost as nervous as Hollie was last night because we’ve never talked about marriage before. I don’t honestly know if she even wants to get married. So, I’m holding my heart in my hand and she’s the one with the power to make or break me.

  I walk into the living room to find Hollie sitting with Amber in her swing. She’s watching a movie on TV and I join her on the couch. Hollie lays her head in my lap and I pull the blanket down to cover her up. It doesn’t matter how hot or cold it is outside, she always has a blanket on while she watches a movie on the couch.

  For the next two hours we sit in silence on the couch as the movie plays. I’m not even sure what I’m watching but I know it’s a chick flick. Something about a woman and man falling in love. The same thing in almost every chick flick. Not my favorite, but if it’s what Hollie wants to watch, I’m not gonna complain one bit. So, I get up and make some popcorn while she finds another movie to watch.

  “What do you want to watch?” she asks as I sit back down and hand her the popcorn bowl.

  “I don’t care, Holls. Whatever you want to,” I answer.

  “No. You know I’ll only choose my movies and that’s not fair to you. So, you choose this one,” she tells me, handing me the remote.

  I look through the movies currently playing and decide to put on Hobbs and Shaw. It looks good and I know she likes the one actor. So, we settle back on the couch and watch the movie unfold. I pause it when Amber starts fussing. Once she’s changed and fed, I lay her on the couch with us. These are the times I love coming home to. My girls and I sitting on the couch and no one else in the world bothering us.

  When the movie is done with, I get up and call in an order for dinner. Neither one of us wants to cook tonight, so I order burgers, fries, and gravy from the diner. Hollie will have her chocolate milkshake while I have a beer with mine.

  After Amber eats her cereal mixed with a little bit of baby food fruit has her bottle, I take her in to give her a bath. She likes bath time and splashing the water all over the place. Her laughter fills the small room and I laugh along with her. She’s so happy and I know it’s because of Hollie. She’s taken our daughter on and always puts her first. I’ve even caught her reading to Amber when she lays her down to sleep at night.

  I’m lucky she gave me a chance and we didn’t let all of our shit get in the way of us. Yeah, I was the main one who put a large obstacle in our path, but it’s because of Hollie that we’re now together. It’s her forgiving nature and love for Amber and I that we’re a family. Now, I want to make us a permanent family.

  “Hollie, how about we sit out on the deck for a while?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, that sounds nice,” she answers.

  We head out and I pull her down in my lap in one of the lounge chairs we have out here. She likes to relax on it and read sometimes. It works for me because it’s big enough to fit my large body and still have room for her in my lap. I want to hold her as I ask her to be my wife.

  “Hollie, I don’t have all the right words and I’m probably goin’ to fuck this up. But, I love you. We’ve had an instant connection since our eyes met in the pits of hell. You’ve fought one battle after another and I can’t be prouder of you than I am. I thought you made me the happiest man on Earth when you agreed to be my ol’ lady, to put that trust in my brothers and me. Now, I’m hopin’ you’ll make me even happier,” I say, turning her to face me. “Hollie Carpenter, will you marry me?”

  I pull the ring from the side of the chair and open it for her. She looks from the ring to me and tears slide silently down her face. Still, she says nothing.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you,” she finally says.

bsp; Pulling the ring from the box, I slide it on her finger and give her a deep, passionate kiss. Hollie doesn’t pull back or try to stop me as I slide a hand under her tank top and begin to massage her tit. She’s really sensitive there now and I enjoy making her squirm on my lap.

  Hollie finally pulls away from me. She stands from the lounge chair and I watch as she pulls her tank top over her head before shimmying out of her shorts. Standing before me completely naked, Hollie reaches over and pulls my shirt over my head. I’m not wearing my cut because I placed it on the back of a chair before coming outside.

  I lift my hips after undoing my jeans and slide them down my legs. Hollie removes my boots before tugging my jeans the rest of the way off. Once I’m completely naked, she straddles my lap again and rubs her already soaked pussy along my hard cock. I’m ready to be inside her, but this is her show and I’ll take it at her pace.

  Hollie kisses me deep and tangles her tongue with mine. At the same time, I feel her lift her body just enough to move my cock to her entrance. She slowly slides down my length and I moan into her mouth. Once I’m fully inside her, she takes a minute to adjust to the new position.

  When she begins to move, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt in my life. Usually I’ve taken charge and Hollie just tells me what she needs. Tonight, she’s in charge and I’m at her mercy. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed from my ol’ lady. She’s finally taking what she wants.

  I know I’m not gonna last long with her being in charge. It’s such a turn-on for me and it’s making it hard to concentrate on anything but the feel of her sliding up and down me. When I begin playing with her nipples, Hollie throws her head back and digs her nails into my shoulders. It throws me even closer to my release as I watch her in wild abandoned.

  Her movements are speeding up and she’s beginning to falter as her release threatens to overtake her. I know what she needs as she looks at me with hooded lids. So, I reach between us and begin to rub her clit. It’s not long before her body tightens around me and she explodes.

  “Andy!” she yells out into the night air.

  I grab onto her hips and continue to slide her up and down my length. Within a few thrusts, I’m following her over the edge calling out her name to the same night air. We lay back on the lounge chair and catch our breaths. The crickets begin chirping again as firefly’s begin to fill the backyard. There isn’t another sound except for our ragged breathing and nature surrounding us. I’m completely at peace in this moment.

  “I love you, Capone,” Hollie tells me.

  “I love you too,” I respond, kissing her softly on her lips.

  “I can’t wait to marry you,” she says, turning to lay on top of me as we admire the stars in the sky.

  Before too long, we start to get bit, so we head inside and continue our celebration of the night. I make love to Hollie soft and sweet before Amber wakes us up for her middle of the night feeding. When we climb back into bed, I have Hollie again and take her hard and fast. We like it all ways, but nothing gets her going like when I take her hard. Hollie loves it and I’ll give it to her as long as she can while pregnant.

  This is the life. I’m glad I didn’t fuck things up too bad and Hollie ended up mine in the end. We’re about to start the rest of our lives together and I can’t wait until she carries my last name and I watch her grow round with our next child. The only other thing left to do is for her to adopt Amber. I’ll get to that after we get married.



  TODAY IS MY first day back in Willow Creek. I’ve been gone for a few years. Went to college, met my ex and thought I was in love. Now, I’m home broken and broken hearted. Tags is the only one who knows I’m in town already and he’s already paid me a visit.

  I’ve only been in my new place for a few hours and nothing is done. I don’t feel like doing anything. So, I sit down on the couch, turn music on my phone, and grab the bottle of Vodka from under the cushion. I hid it there quick when Tags knocked on my door.

  I harbor a horrible secret no one knows about these days. See, I met Scott when I was in college. He was the love of my life, or so I thought. In reality, he’s a mean man with the streak of an asshole a mile wide. It wasn’t long before I got pregnant and told Scott about the baby. Within a month of telling him, I ended up losing the baby.

  Scott said all sorts of things to me when I lost the baby. How it was my fault, and how I’m not woman enough to carry a child to term. So many vile words spewed from him I can’t even remember everything. To mask my pain at losing not only my child, but the man I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with, I began drinking. I’ve never been a drinker in my life. Now, I can’t stop.

  My days all spill into one another as I get up, drink, make my way to a random bar or club, and pick a man up for the night. I don’t care about anything else and I’m not sure how to pull myself from the destructive road I’m finding myself going down. That’s one of the reasons I came home— I know my brothers will take care of me.

  Torch and Pyro are members of Blazing Outlaws MC. They’re also how I met Tags. Tags and I became fast friends and he’s always checking on me. Hell, I even have a job because of him. He got me cleared to work at Blazing Ink at the desk and Raine is going to show me the ropes.

  I know I’ve heard Raine’s name before, but I can’t remember why. She’s important to the club, but since all I seem to do is drink, I can’t remember things like I once did. So, I guess I’ll figure it out at some point. Probably when I go in to work for the first day.

  Tags isn’t dumb though. He knows something is going on with me. And that I won’t tell him anything. So, I know to expect unexpected visits from him. I’ll have to hide my bottles and drinking around here because he’s got an eagle eye when something catches his attention. It’s something I’ve been thinking about all the way here.


  Victoria is home and I couldn’t be happier. I fell in love at first sight with her once her brothers introduced her to me. She was with a douche canoe named Scott and I’ve never liked him. He’s all wrong for her. When I got the call they were done, I was happier than I’ve ever been. It meant I could begin my pursuit of her. And talk to her brother’s about making her my ol’ lady. Now, I’m not sure what’s going on though.

  The woman I know would have already started unpacking after being in her place for a few hours. She wouldn’t be walking around in a zombie-like state and looking at her things like she has no clue where to start or what to do. Victoria has changed and it’s not in a good way. I’m going to have to keep my eye on her.

  Especially seeing the top of the bottle of Vodka sticking out from under the couch cushion. I’m sure she thought she had hidden it good, but I still saw it. I catch everything that goes on with Victoria.

  That’s how I know about four months ago something major happened to her. She became distant and withdrawn. There’s barely any laughter spilling from her and she’s not happy at all. In fact, she looks horrible. Her skin is pale, her hair is unwashed and doesn’t look like it’s seen a brush in days. I know she spent hours travelling, but she was a mess and it’s not from the trip home.

  I’ll be keeping my eye on her and if I find out it’s what I think it is, I’ll have to talk to Torch and Pyro. She’s their sister after all the problem will need to be handled by them. I just hope it doesn’t come to that because Victoria hasn’t seen them as pissed as they’ll be if they find out all she’s doing is drinking. My mind is a mess as I try to figure out what to do in this situation.

  Capone’s Misery Playlist

  Save Me – Staind

  Broken – Seether feat. Amy Lee

  Believe – Staind

  So Far Away – Crossfade

  Too Good At Goodbyes – Sam Smith

  Unbreakable – Jamie Scott

  Day Is Gone – Noah Gundersen

  Breaking Apart – Chris Isaak feat. Trisha Yearwood

  Not Strong Enough – Apoc

  Don’t Forget About Me – Emphatic

  Can’t Forget You – My Darkest Days

  By & By – Royal Bliss

  It’s Been Awhile – Staind

  For You – Staind

  Just As I Am – Brantley Gilbert

  Never Be The Same – Red

  18 Days – Saving Abel

  Stay – Black Stone Cherry

  Zzyzx Rd. – Stone Sour

  Only God Can Judge Me – 2Pac

  Always Remember Us This Way – Lady Gaga

  About the Author

  Growing up, I was constantly reading anything I could get my hands on. Even if that meant I was reading my grandma’s books that weren’t so age appropriate. I started out reading Judy Blume, then graduated to romance, mainly historical romance, and last year I found an amazing group of Indie authors that wrote MC books. Instantly I fell in love with these books.

  For a long time, I’ve wanted to write. I just never had the courage to go through with actually doing it. During a book release party, I mentioned that I wanted to write and I received encouragement from an amazing author. So, I took a leap and wrote my first book. Even though this amazing journey is just starting for me, I wouldn’t have even started if it weren’t for a wonderful group of authors and others that I’ve met along the way.

  I am a mother of three children. Only one girl in the bunch! My family and friends mean the world to me and I’d be lost without them. Including new friends that I’ve met along the way. I’ve lived in New York my whole life, either in Upstate or the Southern Tier. I love it during the summer, spring, and fall. But, not so much during the winter. I hate driving in snow with a passion!


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