Wooing the Farmer

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Wooing the Farmer Page 16

by Jenny Frame

  “They were escorts—well, not escorts in the sense that they were paid, just people that my business partner put me in contact with. Someone who thought it would be mutually beneficial to be seen together. Actors, singers, things like that.”

  Bridge shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t understand, Pen. You’re young, beautiful, why would you need to do that?”

  Just as she was about to speak, Finn came into the kitchen, dressed and fresh from the shower.

  “Sorry for interrupting you. I thought I’d have a walk down to the village shop. Would you like anything?”

  Bridge grasped Finn’s T-shirt and pulled her down to a teasing kiss. “Just you, when you come back. Don’t be long.”

  “I won’t,” Finn said with the goofiest smile on her face.

  Bridge smacked her softly on the backside. “Be good and run along then.”

  Penny could only imagine the happiness of having that kind of closeness with another human being.

  “You were saying, Pen?”

  Penny sighed. “I’m not good at that.”

  “What, darling?” Bridge said with a look of confusion on her face.

  Penny pointed to where Finn had been standing. “That. What you just shared with Finn. I haven’t had much experience. I could never fully trust anyone—because of who I am, I never knew if I’d be in the tabloids the next day—and then there’s my condition. It can make me really vulnerable. It became easier to push people away.”

  Just saying it out loud brought tears to Penny’s eyes.

  Bridge immediately covered Penny’s hand with hers. “Oh, my dear girl.”

  “There hasn’t been anyone who’s made me want to learn how to be different.”

  “Until Quade?” Bridge finished for her.

  Penny got a hanky from her bag and wiped her eyes. “Yes. Sammy is like someone I created in a dream. She’s kind, strong but gentle, and Princess just adores her.”

  “Not to mention scrummy?” Bridge added, smiling.

  “Yes. She’s exactly my type. I’ve never met anyone quite like her. Everyone I’ve ever known in my social circle has been so polished, but Sammy is—”

  “Ruggedly butch?” Bridge said.

  Penny nodded. “But can I ever have what you and Annie have? I’ve never tried to let someone in, and I’m not sure how to. I kissed her last night, made a mess of it, and ran inside the house. I was so embarrassed. I think I confuse her, and quite frankly I don’t know why she is still my friend, or if she’s interested in me.”

  “Oh, Quade’s interested. You just have to watch the way she looks at you. She adores you, Pen.”

  As much as that news made Penny happy, it also made her even more stressed. She wrung her hands and looked down at the table like an embarrassed teenager. “I’ve heard that you would be a good person to talk to…about things like this.”

  Bridge laughed. “You mean Mistress Black? Tongues do wag in society circles, don’t they?”

  “How can I learn to let someone in, Bridge? If I don’t take this chance, she could be snapped up by any woman from that stupid app you put on her phone last night.”

  “Oh, that? Darling, it was just to give the pair of you a push in the right direction. Annie and I could see how you felt about each other.”

  “Really?” Penny felt a sigh of relief.

  “I’m not a professional relationship counsellor,” Bridge said.

  “If you were, what would you say?”

  “I would tell you not to worry about the destination, about where a relationship could lead. What do you think Quade would like with you at the moment? Does she want to get you into bed?”

  “No, she’s not like that. Besides, at the moment, I think she would like one day together without us arguing,” Penny said jokingly.

  “You see, you have a place to start. Sex isn’t the be all and end all of a relationship. Jolly nice, but the most special times are when Finn and I are alone, lying together quietly, and I know she loves me. That’s the special time. You need to learn to lower those barriers one step at a time.”

  “I don’t think many women would have the patience to be with me,” Penny said.

  Bridge leaned in and said, “Quade is not just any woman. She’s traditional, old-fashioned in the nicest possible way.”

  Penny smiled, and her heart fluttered thinking of how sweet Quade was. “Yes, she is. She brings me flowers from her garden, no matter if I’ve been bad tempered or tried to push her away. She still comes calling to my house with flowers.”

  “She’s dreamy, isn’t she?” Bridge said.

  “She even drove to the next town to get me dairy-free chocolates. Can you believe that? Even though she doesn’t understand the whole dairy-free thing. If my followers knew just how adorable she was, they’d be beating down her door.”

  As Penny explained it to Bridge, she was even more convinced of what her heart felt for Quade.

  Bridge took a sip of her coffee. “I can believe it of Quade. It sounds like she’s courting you, in Quade’s adorably old-fashioned way.”

  “Courting me?” Penny said with squeak. “Do people even do that any more?”

  “Yes, people who want more than to get you in to bed. People like Quade,” Bridge said.

  “I’ve given her so many mixed signals, Bridge. She probably doesn’t want to talk to me.” Penny sighed.

  “Stuff and nonsense, Pen. She may be a little wary, but you just have to bat those beautiful eyes at her, and she’ll come around. Woo her.”

  Penny said with surprise, “Woo her?”

  “Yes, and be honest with her about your anxieties. I don’t think you’ll find a more understanding person in the world, but one thing—”

  “What?” Penny’s heart and head were swirling with exciting possibilities but also fear.

  “Be sure of what you’re doing if you want to do this. Quade means a lot to us, and you have a life away from here. Quade’s livelihood is here.”

  Penny tapped her fingers on the table. She couldn’t think beyond telling Quade how she felt or think about a long-term relationship. That was too scary, but she knew she had to explore what she felt, and that she could never hurt Quade.

  “It’s hard for me to think about what comes next, but I won’t ever intentionally hurt her. You and Finn make it work. She’s a famous magician and tours, and you’re a country vicar.”

  “Very true. I just needed to say it, because we love Quade,” Bridge said seriously.

  Penny nodded. “So how do I woo her?”

  Bridget grinned. “Use your feminine wiles, and your talents.”

  Penny laughed. “What talents?”

  “Cooking and baking. I happen to know a woman who has the recipe for Quade’s favourite cake.”

  Penny grinned. “Really?”

  * * *

  Quade was driving her Land Rover through the village when she spotted Finn walking out of the post office. She pulled in at the side of the road and put her passenger window down.

  “Finn? You’re back early.”

  Finn smiled when she saw who it was and walked over to the window. “Hi, Quade. Yeah, I wanted to surprise Bridge.”

  “Are you headed back home?” Quade asked.

  “Yeah, I just went to get a newspaper.”

  “Hop in,” Quade said. “I’m on my way to see the vicar anyway.”

  “Great.” Finn jumped in.

  “So how was the tour?” Quade asked.

  “The shows went really well, and it got great reviews. I think going back to basics with my magic was the best idea I’ve ever had. To interact with an audience again felt good, although I really missed Bridge.”

  Quade smiled. “She missed you.” She envied the close bond Finn had with Bridge. It was all she’d ever wanted, but she was falling for a woman who blew so hot and cold, she didn’t know whether she was coming or going. One minute she was being pushed away, the next being friends, then arguing, and to top it all Penny kissed her
, then ran. It had been clumsy, but all she’d ever wanted. Why was Penny running from a kiss that she initiated? Her dream of kissing Penny did not end like this.

  “I can’t wait for my next adventure,” Finn said.

  She had the biggest smile on her face and Quade couldn’t help but smile along with her. “Your wedding?”

  Finn ran her hand through her hair. “Yeah. Imagine me getting married?”

  “You’re a very lucky person, Finn. Bridge is a beautiful woman,” Quade said.

  She turned into the vicarage driveway.

  “I know. The luckiest—oh, Harry’s tailor is bringing the suits for a final fitting at Axedale on Sunday.”

  That was the only thing that was worrying Quade about standing as a witness with Finn. She had to wear a suit. Quade hated being dressed up in a suit. It just wasn’t her.

  “Okay,” Quade replied.

  As they pulled up at the vicarage, Finn said, “What was it you wanted to see Bridge about?”

  “I—” Quade drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. “I wanted some advice, but since you’re here too, I’d like to talk to you too.”

  “Sure. Let’s go in and get the kettle on,” Finn said.

  Finn got out of the car and Quade sat alone for a few more seconds. Could she talk about this? She had to.

  She let out a breath and got out. As they walked in the door, she heard Finn say to Bridge, “Quade’s here. She wants to talk.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Penny had a busy day trying to get through her work by lunchtime. She’d finished a blog on her country walk and discoveries in the graveyard and sent it to Dario, who headed a small team that managed her social media output, and then was free to start work on her wooing mission.

  Bridget had sent her to visit a Mrs. Castle, who had been head cook at Axedale. She was a delightful old woman who welcomed her in for tea.

  Bridge had phoned ahead, and Mrs. Castle had her file of recipes waiting for her. There were so many wonderful recipes, and Mrs. Castle said she could come back to copy more if she’d like, but there was one that was Quade’s favourite. A deliciously rich, chocolatey Black Forest gateaux.

  Of course she didn’t have the dairy ingredients, so she stopped off at the shop. Luckily, they had the few essentials. She didn’t take any video or pictures of herself baking this. This was private, just for her and Quade—just for them, if there was a them.

  Penny spent all afternoon making sure it looked perfect, and it did. The white whipped cream was thick and sumptuous, and the cherries on top looked ruby red, sitting in their own delicious juices.

  She closed the cake box that was sitting on the dining room table and said, “I hope you appreciate this, Sammy. It’ll do my clean eating, dairy-free image no good.”

  Penny took a shower and changed. Bridge had said to use her feminine wiles, and so she chose a dress she hoped Quade would like. A designer minidress with a floaty tulle overlay of birds of paradise and beautiful flowers. She got the impression Sammy liked her hair down, so she gave her blond hair a slight wave and let it cascade over her shoulders.

  She looked at Princess and said, “Just you to make even prettier, poppet.”

  Penny took one of Princess’s doggy outfits from the wardrobe and got her ready quickly. By five o’clock, they were ready. Penny picked up the cake box and said to Princess, “Are you ready to go a-wooing?”

  Princess panted, excited that they were going out.

  “Let’s go.”

  When they reached the entrance to Quade’s farm, Penny’s arms were struggling with the weight of the cake. She stopped at the bottom of the drive to catch her breath.

  “This thing weighs a tonne, Princess.” After catching her breath, she walked up the trackway, taking care not to end up falling on her backside like the first time she came here.

  When the farmhouse came into view, she saw Quade crouched down by the wooden fence that bordered her fields.

  She’s gorgeous. She’s my perfect dream, but can I be hers?

  Princess pulled at her lead when she saw Quade, and Penny let her go. Dougal and Princess met up at the farmhouse, jumped around excitedly, and ran over to Quade.

  Penny walked closer as Quade stood up from her task. Her heart started to thud wildly when she saw Quade was wearing a tool belt.

  “Oh my God, oh my God.” Penny gripped the cake box tightly and gulped. It was her fantasy. Part of her wanted to run, and the other wanted to run to Quade. She ended up standing stock-still in the driveway. Quade greeted the dogs and strode towards her.

  Quade made her toes and everything else curl. Quade was real, with rough edges, not polish, with working hands that could touch her soft body and feel rough, but tender. In her quiet moments, she had imagined those hands grasping and cupping her soft breasts, and that image had stuck in her mind, heating up her nights, and fuelling further fantasies.

  But in those fantasies, she could respond. In her mind she could leap into Quade’s arms and be pushed up against the barn wall. For some reason barns and straw bales played a vital part in her fantasies. This wasn’t a fantasy though. This was real life, where she was nervous about taking that next step.

  Her breathing grew shorter as Quade strode purposefully towards her. That sexy tool belt, those jeans, those boots—

  “Penny? Is everything all right?”

  Penny panicked and forgot why she was here. “Um…I was—”

  Wooing. You’re wooing.

  “I brought you a cake,” Penny spluttered and handed the box straight to Quade.

  Quade looked at the box and then Penny. There was something else going on here that Quade wasn’t quite picking up. She never expected to see Penny today, after last night. When she had asked Bridget advice about how to handle their situation, she’d advised her to listen, to follow Penny’s lead, so she would do just that.

  “A cake? Thank you. Do you want to come in?”

  Quade offered her arm as she had done before, letting Penny make the decision. Penny took her arm.

  “You look beautiful today, Penny,” Quade said.

  “Thank you.”

  Penny was beautiful every day but especially today. Her dress was lovely, and her hair perfect. Quade had the urge to follow her fantasy and lift Penny into her arms, as she had the first time they met, and kiss her. She imagined Penny’s perfectly painted nails digging into her neck as they made love.

  But as it was, she had a cake box in her arms and no nerve to tell Penny what she wanted.

  When they arrived at Quade’s cottage, they went straight to the kitchen. Quade put the cake box down on the kitchen table and began to unclip her tool belt. She noticed Penny’s eyes glued to her belt area. She glanced down quickly, afraid her fly was open, but it wasn’t.

  When she looked back up, Penny’s eyes had travelled to the tool belt in her hand. Interesting.

  “What did I do to deserve a cake?” Quade asked.

  “It’s not just any cake. I made it specially from one of Mrs. Castle’s recipes. Take a look,” Penny said.

  Quade lifted the lid on the box and was astonished to find the best looking Black Forest gateaux she’d ever seen.

  “Bridge said it was your favourite, and I could get the recipe from Mrs. Castle,” Penny said nervously.

  Quade was so touched and surprised. “It was, I mean, it is. My aunt gave Mrs. Castle the recipe. I always got it on my birthday instead of a birthday cake.”

  “It not dairy-free or anything. No nuts were harmed in the making of this cake, so don’t worry. Does it look okay?”

  “It’s the best looking one I’ve ever seen. Thank you. I haven’t had one in so long.”

  Quade wanted to touch Penny, to hug her, thank her for her sweetness, but she didn’t want to push her.

  She held out her hand, and when Penny grasped it, she took a chance and kissed the back of her hand.

  “Thank you. This was really kind,” Quade said.

  Penny gave
a little gasp at the touch of her lips, but then smiled. “I’m glad to have made you happy. I wanted to apologize for last night, and maybe talk about it. I seem to be always apologizing to you.”

  “Of course we can talk. Let me put the kettle on,” Quade said.

  * * *

  Penny had done the easy part. The wooing with the cake had gone down really well. She gave herself a gold star for that, but now the difficult part—talking.

  How could she explain her situation? She’d never considered it before. No one who had ever shown an interest in her had made her want to take this chance before.

  They had taken their tea and gone to sit on the couch in the living room. The fire was crackling, and the dogs were sprawled in front enjoying the heat.

  As if reading her mind, Quade took her hand and said, “You can tell me anything, Penny.”

  She looked down at their clasped hands. It would be nothing much for most people, but for Penny it was proof that she could get used to closeness with Quade. Holding hands was no longer scary—it was nice.

  She gazed at Quade’s handsome, open face and knew she was safe. She was always safe with Quade. Penny decided to start with her growing feelings.

  “I know we didn’t start off as the best of friends. No, that’s not true. You tried to be my friend and I pushed you away,” Penny said.

  “I think everyone needs someone to rely on,” Quade said. “You were new to the country, and I knew you would need help with things, if you let me.”

  “I know I was difficult, but yes, I really did need help. You see, I’d just spent six months being mollycoddled by my family after my very public epileptic fit, and I was trying to break free. Be my own person again.”

  “I can understand that,” Quade said, then started to chuckle. “I definitely knew you were your own person when you opened the door looking like a unicorn.”

  “You like my unicorn look?” Penny smiled.

  Quade winked. “Oh yeah. Really cute.”

  Penny was silent, trying to work out the words to say and build up the courage. “I—since then I’ve enjoyed your company, despite appearances sometimes, and I’ve developed feelings for you.”


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