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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

Page 11

by Kelli Callahan

  “He was so damn proud of you.” Amy leaned back and wiped away a tear that was trying to roll down her cheek. “I’d come in here after work when I was still waiting tables at Cafe Rue. He’d tell everyone that would listen how his son was going to be some sort of big shot in the business world one day.”

  “I’m sure everyone got tired of hearing it.” I chuckled and shook my head. “He never wanted this life for me, that’s for damn sure. He saved money and went without his whole life so I would have enough money to go to college.”

  “Do you think you’ll go back now? You could still get your degree.” Amy stood up and wiped another tear as she walked to the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey.

  “Get a glass for me too.” I definitely needed a drink. “I don’t know about college. The woman that’s going to buy this place offered me a job—a damn good one too.”

  “So, even after selling this place, you’re still not going to escape the South Side?” Amy walked over and sat down, immediately pouring two drinks.

  “It’s always been my home, even when I left for a while. I just had a feeling I’d be back one day. The money is nice, but I want to do something good with it. I called Charlie’s wife earlier and offered to pay for him to go to rehab if she can talk him into it.” I motioned towards the old man asleep at the bar.

  “Fuck, you really are the only decent guy in the South Side.” Amy lifted her drink and took a sip. “I should have scooped you up when I had the chance.”

  “I would have broke your heart.” I shook my head and took a drink of whiskey. “I’ve been in a bad place for a long time. You deserve a lot better than me.”

  “I’m not going to find it around here. I’ll just end up single and pregnant like all the girls I went to high school with.” Amy sipped her whiskey. “This place was nice, because I didn’t have to pretend the guys were interested in me. I knew they just liked my tits.”

  “Yep, a bunch of horny old men that tipped to see them. You had a good gig. I think you made more money than me some nights.” I chuckled and sat my whiskey down on the table.

  “Oh, I did. I balance your books, remember?” Amy giggled and sipped her whiskey again.

  “If you want, I could talk to Angelina about hiring you when she opens her club. Hell, she mentioned putting me in charge of hiring, so I might be able to do it myself.” I shrugged and leaned back in my chair.

  “Maybe.” Amy nodded aimlessly. “So, this thing with Gina is real, huh?”

  “Yeah.” I looked at my watch. “But if I don’t go get some sleep, I’ll never make our breakfast date.”

  “Well, it isn’t very nice to stand a lady up.” Amy chuckled and reached for her whiskey. “Go on, I’ll see if I can get Charlie out of here before I close up for good.”

  “Let him sleep.” I pushed up from the table and stood. “He’s got an intervention soon enough.”

  I was going to miss Hal’s Pub, but the offer was way too good to turn down. Even if I had been apprehensive originally, once I saw the figures, my mind was made up. I’d never get an offer like that again. I was pretty sure Angelina was being extremely generous with me because of my relationship with Gina. My father always joked that Hal’s Pub would probably become a parking lot once he was gone. At least some part of it would live on when Club Endless Fantasy was built, even if it would cater to a much different crowd. The South Side was definitely changing, and I was not going to stand in the way of progress. I could live comfortably off what I made from selling the place, and managing Club Endless Fantasy wasn’t going to be a bad gig. I’d even have health insurance for the first time in my life.

  “I’m glad you could pull yourself away from work long enough to have a bite to eat with me.” I extended my arms and hugged Gina before planting a firm kiss on her lips.

  “That makes it all worth it.” She smiled when our lips were finally separated.

  “So I don’t have to buy you any food? That’s a cheap date!” I chuckled and motioned to the table.

  “Shut up and order me a burger.” She feigned anger as she took her seat.

  My relationship with Gina was going great, and although we had only been hot and heavy for a week, it felt like a lot longer. We didn’t get to see each other every night, and I knew that she was with her other two men when she wasn’t with me, but I did my best to internalize it. It was certainly complicated. I had never shared a woman before. I expected jealousy, but our connection was so strong that I saw past it. I understood that there was more to what we had than two people falling for each other and having a lot of fun in the process. If the relationship was going to move forward, I had to take the next step.

  “As much as I love staring at your beautiful face and gorgeous emerald eyes, I did want to talk to you about something.” I leaned back in my chair once our food was ordered.

  “Please tell me you’re not going to back out on the sale.” Her eyes reflected fear, dimming the emerald glow. “Once it goes through, I will have officially closed my first account!”

  “No, nothing like that.” I waved my hand to dismiss what she said. “I think it’s time for me to meet Erik and Olsen.”

  “Really?” The sparkle returned and she grinned. “They’ve been looking forward to meeting you as well! I told them you weren’t ready…”

  “I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, and I realize we’re not going to be able to move forward with what we have until I let go of those fears. If they mean as much to you as you’ve said, then it’s time.” I smiled and nodded.

  “I’ll set something up! How about tonight?” She batted her eyelashes. “We could have a lot of fun.”

  “Let’s start with a meeting.” I chuckled and shook my head. “If it goes well, then maybe none of us will go to bed alone tonight.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I was beginning to wonder how I was going to bridge the two pieces of my life together before Joaquin told me he was ready to meet Erik and Olsen. I split my time with the three of them when I could, while balancing a very demanding job at Viking Developments. I already had a couple of additional accounts waiting on me as soon as I closed the deal with Joaquin. Erik and Olsen weren’t cutting me any slack because they shared their bed with me. We hid our relationship from those at the office, and it was just better that way. I didn’t want the fact I was sleeping with my bosses to give the illusion that I didn’t work my ass off to get the position I had. Our secret belonged to us, and there was no reason for anyone else to know.

  “I’ve missed you.” Erik walked up and put his hands on my hips. “How long do we have to wait on Joaquin—or more importantly, can we get started without him?”

  “Yeah, I want to meet him and all, but it’s hard to resist throwing you over my shoulder so we can take this upstairs.” Olsen walked up behind me and pressed his lips to my neck.

  “There’s plenty of me to go around.” I gasped and melted into their embrace. “Although he definitely needs to hurry up.”

  Their lips continued to tease my neck and earlobes while their hands explored my body. Being pressed between them turned me on so much that I felt my panties getting wet. If Joaquin didn’t hurry, we weren’t going to have our clothes on when he arrived. Erik slid a hand under my dress and shoved it into my panties, circling my clit. I felt Olsen’s hand move into the back of my panties and slide down my ass until he had a finger inside my wet pussy. I started to moan when they made pleasure surge through my veins. I stroked Erik’s cock through his pants with my right hand and my left reached back to find Olsen’s. As soon as I had them moaning from my touch, the doorbell rang and we quickly separated from our embrace.

  “That’s probably him.” I straightened my dress and walked over to the mirror. “Okay, let’s do this!”

  “Let’s get back to what we were doing as soon as possible.” Olsen walked up and squeezed my ass. “You can’t turn me on like that and leave me hard.”

  “I’ll take care of
both of you soon enough.” I winked and then scurried towards the door.

  The initial meeting was awkward but I expected that much. Erik served drinks and once we had a little alcohol in our veins, the mood lightened. Erik and Olsen were both from the South Side, although the area they grew up in wasn’t as rough as Joaquin’s neighborhood. They shared some stories between them, but I could tell all three of them were thinking about what was going to happen when the conversation finally ran its course. I was anxious as well. My pussy was still tingling from Erik and Olsen’s touch. I hoped things wouldn’t be awkward when we finally made it upstairs. I was happy having Joaquin to myself, but the thought of all three of them using my body for their pleasure at the same time was unbelievably hot.

  “So how does this work exactly?” Joaquin looked at Erik for a moment and then turned his attention to Olsen. “Am I just the fourth wheel?”

  “Not at all.” I grinned and shook my head. “If you’re ready to take this upstairs, we can figure it out together.”

  “I definitely like the sound of that.” Erik nodded and smiled.

  “Me too.” Olsen finished his drink and put the empty glass on the table beside him.

  “I definitely didn’t come all this way to sleep on the couch.” Joaquin chuckled and smiled.

  “Well, then…” I stood and motioned for them. “First one to catch me, gets to do whatever they want?”

  I ran towards the stairs and it didn’t take long for the three of them to charge after me in hot pursuit. Erik and Olsen had a bit of an advantage since they knew the layout of the house, and Erik was the first one to get his arms around my waist. He pressed his lips to mine and started walking me towards the bedroom. Olsen joined him and they started pulling off my clothes while Joaquin watched. I motioned for him to join us and he was apprehensive at first, but once I started stroking his cock through his pants, he got into it. The three of them let their lips dance across my skin as they finished undressing me.

  “I guess Joaquin can have your pussy first since he’s our guest.” Erik looked over at Joaquin.

  “I won’t say no to that.” Joaquin turned me towards the bed.

  I crawled across the sheets and Joaquin stripped off his clothes. He climbed into the bed and dropped down on his back as he unrolled a condom on his cock. I straddled him and moaned when I felt the glans penetrate my wetness. Erik climbed into bed behind me and Olsen positioned himself near Joaquin’s head. It was clear that all three of them planned to get their satisfaction at the same time. I moaned as I sank down on Joaquin’s cock and felt Erik’s finger slid between my cheeks. Anal sex was no longer scary to me like it was the first night. I had learned to love it when Erik and Olsen were inside me at the same time. Erik quickly lubricated my ass and then I felt him penetrating my tightest hole.

  “Don’t forget about me.” Olsen wrapped his hand around the back of my head and started guiding me towards his engorged cock.

  The three of them started to ravage my body. Joaquin didn’t seem to have any hesitations once things got going. I hoped it was going to become permanent since he had finally met Erik and Olsen. Having a third cock to pleasure while two slammed into me was a challenge. Joaquin didn’t time his thrusts so that both went inside me at the same time the way Erik and Olsen did. That rhythmic difference kept me from ever getting a moment to catch my breath between thrusts. To further complicate that problem, I had Olsen using my mouth as his personal playground, burying his dick until I choked, and then coming back for more before I had a moment to breathe. I thought I was going to pass out. I could feel my fingers and toes starting to go numb. I finally had to pull back from Olsen and gasp for air.

  “Sorry, I’m not used to three of you at once—oh god!” I moaned when the oxygen filled my lungs and I felt the intensity of Erik and Joaquin.

  “You’ll learn.” Olsen pulled me back towards his cock.

  I took Olsen back into my mouth and started to regulate my breathing as he plunged into my throat. I had to focus entirely on him, but it started to get easier after a half-dozen thrusts. My focus temporarily distracted me from the pleasure surging through my body, but once I adjusted, I was able to enjoy it again. There was an orgasm building inside me, and it was definitely going to be a big one. If the night was anything like the others I had spent with Erik and Olsen, it was going to be explosive with one more hungry man hellbent on devouring my lust. Their hammering thrusts made the pressure inside me swell and get tighter each time they went deep. The combination of Joaquin and Erik did most of it, but having my lips around Olsen while they worked definitely enhanced the feeling. Olsen was the first one to throb, and I realized he was about to unload in my throat.

  “Fuck!” A growl rose up from Olsen’s throat as he started to cum.

  “You don’t want to savor this moment tonight, bro?” Erik chuckled and then gasped when he thrust himself deep.

  “I can’t help it!” Another primal growl passed across Olsen’s lips. “Her mouth is just so fucking hot!”

  “Don’t I know it.” Joaquin let out a long pleasure-filled sigh. “Nothing like this wonderful pussy, though.”

  Olsen started to cum and I quickly swallowed every drop of seed as he erupted in my mouth. I pulled his cock deep in my throat as I finished him off and as he withdrew, I siphoned the last drops from his glans. He crashed into the bed and I was finally able to focus on the intense pounding I was getting from Joaquin and Erik. The pressure from their thrusts ricocheted deep inside me, bouncing against my soul as they worked to bring my orgasm to life. Erik and Olsen had gotten me addicted to having both of them inside me at the same time, and the intensity was incredible. Joaquin’s rhythm was different and laced with inexperience for dual penetration, which heightened the impact since I couldn’t predict the rhythm. He chased his pleasure independently of Erik instead of pushing for it in unison, and when he started to really throb inside me, I was so close they pushed me over the edge.

  “Oh god! I’m gonna cum!” I threw my head back and felt Erik’s lips against my ear.

  “That’s just the first one too.” Erik licked my ear as the pressure released. “Now that there are three of us, you’re going to cum more than you ever have before.”

  I felt Joaquin starting to erupt as I spasmed on his cock. My body convulsed as the pleasure came over me in waves. The spasms made Erik groan and he started thrusting harder. There was no way he was going to be able to hold on much longer. His thrusts felt really good with my body locked in bliss, each one enhancing the experience as I bounced on Joaquin’s continued eruption. When he was finally spent, I leaned forward to give Erik a better angle and he started to hammer himself deep inside my ass. I felt the pleasure surging again and Joaquin’s cock teased my g-spot each time Erik slammed into me. I felt Erik’s cock start to throb and pulsate with the same desire and before he could fill me with his seed, I orgasmed again.

  “Oh fuck!” I grabbed the quilt and squeezed it in my hands. “This feels amazing!”

  Joaquin’s cock definitely had a hand in the orgasm, but it was mostly driven by Erik’s furious thrusts into my ass. My body convulsed again, milking his shaft as he exploded and filled the condom with his lust. He slowly withdrew once his desire was spent, and I lifted off Joaquin. We crashed into a tangled heap and I felt hands caressing my skin. They were teasing me and making sure I stayed turned on because they definitely weren’t finished with me. Erik and Olsen have voracious appetites and with Joaquin in the mix, it was definitely going to be a long night. For a moment, I had peace—just me and the three men I cared about all together with the moonlight glimmering on our bodies.

  “I must say, I was little nervous going into this.” Joaquin exhaled sharply and looked over at me.

  “And now?” I grinned and stared into his eyes.

  “Now? Now I can’t wait for more.” He chuckled and pushed his hand between my legs. “Just as soon as you’re ready for us to get started again.”

  “Well, bro.
It looks like Joaquin will fit in with the group just fine.” Erik leaned forward and slapped Olsen with the back of his hand.

  “Yep, he might as well be family now—brother from another mother.” Olsen chuckled and returned the slap.

  But somewhere out there is another one. I just hope he doesn’t disrupt what we have, because this is perfection.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Meeting Joaquin was a great experience. We had a lot of common interests and similar backgrounds, although his life went in a different direction once he grew up. I could tell he had a slight disdain for gentrification, but he understood what we were trying to do once we were able to explain it to him. If nothing else, he had a good head on his shoulders and didn’t see our attempt to restore the South Side as some evil corporate entity taking advantage of the people there. Change was inevitable, and it was needed, but the new apartments we built near the edge of the old neighborhood were cheap enough for relocation, especially after we bought their property at a premium price. The apartments were also a lot nicer, and in some cases, even bigger than the houses they lived in.

  “Well, the deal is done. Viking Developments officially owns Hal’s Pub.” I stared at the documents and pushed them over to Erik. “We just have to draw up the contract for Angelina.”

  “If she’s right, it’s going to be a pretty good moneymaker. It just sucks that we are letting her buy it from us with the profits.” Erik flipped through the paperwork a few times. “It would look nice in our portfolio.”

  “I don’t know.” I shook my head back and forth. “After reading what happened with the club in New York, I’m not sure I want our name on it. Let her take the risk in case something goes wrong.”

  “It still doesn’t change the fact that we’ve got to start aggressively expanding in that direction. We need to buy the property between the neighborhood we’re developing and the pub.”


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