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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

Page 12

by Kelli Callahan

  “That might be a challenge. We expanded in the other direction because there were a lot of people in that area that weren’t interested in selling.” I leaned back and sighed. “Although if Joaquin starts hiring them to work at the club, maybe we can figure something out.”

  “The club is going to bring a lot of revenue to that part of the South Side. Angelina was smart to choose that spot as the location. The permits won’t be an issue since it’s a shit hole and when the rest of the area is developed, it’ll be worth even more.” Erik leaned back in his chair to match my pose. “Maybe we should have Angelina working for us. She’s got a good eye for this sort of thing.”

  “We got Gina. She’s still learning, but she’s earned her spot on the purchasing team. Give her a few years, and we might have to put her name on the building.” I chuckled and shrugged. “That’ll certainly ruffle some feathers.”

  “Yeah, that’s for sure, but only if she earns it.” Erik nodded and smiled. “Speaking of earning stuff, I’m going to miss my flight.”

  “Are you sure you want to go to New York alone? I don’t mind going with you.” I slowly stood to my feet.

  “Nah, I just want to sit down with Quintin, talk over a few things, and then scout some locations for the expansion.” Erik stood up from his chair. “Besides, one of us should stay here and keep an eye on Joaquin. If we’re not careful, he’s going to wear her pussy out.”

  “I don’t think that will ever happen.” I laughed and started walking towards the elevators with Erik beside me. “He’s a good guy, but horny as fuck.”

  “I’m kind of anxious to find out who the fourth guy is supposed to be. Angelina’s been pretty silent on the matter, even when Gina pushed her for information.” Erik hit the button on the elevators once we arrived.

  “Yeah, hopefully he’s a good fit. The idea of sharing her with anyone but you was strange at first, but if he’s anything like Joaquin, we’ll have a lot of fun.” I nodded and smiled.

  “No doubt.” Erik chuckled and nodded along with me. “Vacations should be interesting.”

  “I can’t wait!” I laughed nervously. “All right, bro. Have a safe trip and call me if you need anything.”

  “Will do.” He gave me a slight nod and stepped into the elevator.

  We didn’t discuss it, but I knew Erik was also going to ask Quintin about Angelina. We had come to trust her, especially after we realized how special Gina was to us, but we didn’t like the aura of mystery surrounding the opportunistic blonde. If Quintin could shed some light on his history with Angelina, it would be a big help. Erik was also going to make Quintin a job offer to help us with the expansion into New York. We needed a guy like him at the helm. It would be better if he was actually invested in what we were doing instead of just introducing us to powerful people. New York had a lot of old neighborhoods in need of development, and some were practically abandoned. We just needed some investors that saw the same potential in the property that we did.

  “Hmm.” I stared at the elevator as it started to move back towards our floor.

  Did Erik forget something?

  “Hey, I came to say goodbye to Erik! Sorry, I got held up in a meeting.” The door opened and Gina practically bowled me over.

  “Oh, hey—you just missed him.” I put my arm out to make sure she didn’t fall.

  “Damn it.” She sighed and shook her head. “Maybe I can catch him in the lobby.”

  “Just be careful.” I took a step closer so my secretary couldn’t hear what I was saying. “You don’t want a kiss to spark some office gossip.”

  “I know how to be discreet.” She giggled and ran back into the elevator.

  Yeah, I’m not so sure about that.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Gina came dangerously close to tackling me in the lobby in front of the whole staff before I could pull her into an empty conference room for a proper goodbye. Our lips were still fresh on my thoughts when I got into the back of my limousine and headed towards the airport. I was definitely going to miss her. That was a new feeling for me. I never missed people. Olsen and I never got that close to a woman. The relationship was still brand new, yet I knew there was more to it than the lust that was quickly sparked when we were together. As much as I hated to be away, the meeting with Quintin was important for a lot of reasons, so I had to make the trip. Besides, the homecoming would certainly be worth it.

  So much so that I wish it was already here.

  “Quintin! Good to see you, old friend.” I walked up and immediately extended my hand.

  “You too, Erik.” Quintin shook my hand with a smile. “When you said you were thinking of expanding to New York, I thought you still had a few years before you put the plan in motion.”

  “We’re testing the waters. Besides, if we build a new office here, it will take some time to get things going.” I turned towards the bar. “Join me for a drink?”

  “Absolutely.” Quintin nodded and followed me towards the bar.

  We got a quiet table and I went over my plans for the New York expansion. Quintin definitely seemed interested and quickly ran down a list of names that would probably be interested in getting on the ground floor as investors. That was music to my ears. We were very successful in Chicago, but New York was a completely different animal to tame. The investors were critical to the success. I was pretty sure we would be shaking hands and kissing babies for a couple of years as we moved through the political circles to gain solid investors. It was never too early to start though, especially for an expansion of that magnitude.

  “So did you really come all this way to talk about stuff we could have discussed on the phone?” Quintin sipped his whiskey and eyed me suspiciously.

  “No, not entirely.” I chuckled and nodded. “You’re smart enough to see through me. I like that.”

  “Is it about Angelina?” He tilted his head to the side.

  “Partially—how did you know?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “She’s quite persistent. Sometimes she can come on a little too strong.” Quintin shrugged and smiled. “Go ahead, ask away.”

  “Well, how much do you trust her?” I leaned back and picked up my drink.

  “Her? Hell, I trust her with my life.” Quintin sipped his whiskey and nodded. “She won’t take no for an answer, but she always means well—and I’ve never known her to be wrong.”

  “This club she wants to open in Chicago—she had one like it here?” I decided to avoid directly confronting him about Olsen’s discovery that he was a member.

  “Yeah…” Quintin’s voice trailed off and I saw his eyes get dark. “It—didn’t end well.”

  “What if something like that happens in Chicago? We don’t want to end up with coffins on our conscience.” I took a larger gulp of my drink. “The deal is finalized on our end, but we haven’t signed the property over to her yet. I wanted to talk to you first.”

  “What happened here was an isolated incident. Club Infinite Fantasy was a great place for people to discover themselves. Unfortunately, some things happened outside of anyone’s control. That drew attention to the club, and she just didn’t think it was worth running anymore.” Quintin nodded and sipped his drink.

  “So, you think her bringing the next incarnation to Chicago—Club Endless Fantasy—is safe?” I tried to read his face as he processed what I said.

  “Club Endless Fantasy, huh. Yeah, I like that.” A slight smile formed on his lips. “I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t have met the woman I love without Angelina, so I’ll forever be in her debt.”

  “How is Savannah, anyway?” I sipped my drink again.

  “Great—pregnant again.” His face lit up. “We’re going to need a bigger place before long!”

  “Congratulations, man, that’s awesome!” I lifted my glass to toast him.

  “Thank you.” He lifted his glass and then took a drink.

  “With a big family like the one you two are making, you might need a new job
, huh?” I sipped my drink and smiled.

  “Oh, so that’s what this is about.” He sat down his glass and nodded. “You’re here to poach me.”

  “I want to offer you an opportunity. Olsen and I are impressed with what you’ve done here in New York, and we can’t think of a better person to head up our New York expansion.” I nodded and shrugged. “The job is yours if you want it—I guarantee it pays more than you make right now.”

  “I’ll have to sleep on it.” He stared at his whiskey and sighed. “I am pretty bored in my current job, though. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to think about some other options.”

  I didn’t put any pressure on Quintin to take the job. It was on the table, and if he wanted it, he would be the man who led the expansion. Once we had a few drinks in us, Quintin started opening up more about Angelina. He told me more about what really happened at Club Infinite Fantasy. As I listened to the story, I started picking up a few cues, and realized that Quintin’s relationship with his wife wasn’t as normal as it appeared on the surface. I might not have even realized it if I wasn’t currently sharing Gina with my brother and Joaquin. I had a sneaking suspicion that Quintin was involved in a similar arrangement.

  “So, Angelina decided to help me find the person I was meant to be with.” I leaned back and watched his expression.

  “Oh?” He blinked a couple of times in surprise. “Yeah, she’s good at that.”

  “The relationship is a bit… unconventional.” I reached for my whiskey again.

  There it is. If he’s going to open up, that’s the best opportunity I can give him.

  “Sometimes they can be rather unconventional.” He gave me a quick wink. “I don’t like to talk about that sort of stuff, though. Some things are better left in the bedroom.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” I nodded and sighed. “Especially when there’s more than one person sharing it with you.”

  “Oh wow, so you’re just going to come out and say it.” He exhaled sharply. “I’ll say this, and then I’m done talking about it—you should trust her. I’ve never been happier.”

  “Thanks, man, that’s all I needed to hear.” I reached for my drink and lifted it. “Here’s to unconventional things that turn out extraordinary.”

  “Indeed.” Quintin lifted his glass and sipped his drink.

  Finding there was someone else I knew personally, someone I respected as much as Quintin, involved in a relationship similar to mine eased a few of my concerns. Gina told us about her best friend, Harmony, and her relationship, but I didn’t really know Harmony. I knew Quintin. That meant Angelina had been successful at least twice, and those were pretty good odds considering the complication of our relationship. I knew that I liked Gina a whole lot, but I was scared to let love start to flourish with uncertainty surrounding us. I was ready to let that go. If it was going to blossom into something more incredible than what we already had, then I was not going to fight against my feelings.

  Not that I could really stop feeling this way.

  My phone rang as soon as I got off the plane in Chicago. It was Quintin. He was ready to take me up on my job offer. The pieces were coming together for the New York expansion. I had several prime locations picked out, a man I could trust to head it up, and while it would take time, it was going to happen. It was time to celebrate. I called Olsen and asked him to get in touch with Joaquin and Gina. I didn’t even want to go to the office first. I just wanted to have the people I cared about most with me to break the news, and then we could spend the entire night together, tangled in a beautiful embrace. There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

  The person that said absence makes the heart grow stronger clearly forgot to include the most important part—how horny it makes you.

  Chapter Twenty


  “That’s wonderful news!” I walked up and hugged Erik as soon as he was done telling us he sealed the deal with Quintin for the New York expansion.

  “Viking Developments is going global! Well, at least this is the first step.” Olsen smiled and popped the cork on a bottle of Champagne.

  “So, I’m a little new to this whole business world you guys live in every day. Does that mean you’re going to expand to New York, but stay in Chicago?” Joaquin tilted his head as Olsen started filling his Champagne glass.

  “We will be away some in the beginning to get it going, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make a trip out of it.” Erik walked over to Joaquin and put his hand on the former pub owner’s shoulder. “Anywhere we go—you go. We’re in this together.”

  “Angelina said my new job at Club Endless Fantasy would come with benefits. Hopefully that means a few paid vacations!” Joaquin laughed and nodded.

  “We’re going to have a busy few years, but it’ll be worth it.” I smiled and sipped my Champagne. “Plus, if I get to go to New York on a regular basis, I can see Harmony and my godson, Luke!”

  “I can’t wait to meet them.” Erik walked over to me and smiled. “Maybe when we make our first trip, we can meet the whole family.”

  “That would be interesting.” I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. “You’d probably like Harmony’s husband, Connor. He runs an investment firm.”

  “And the others?” Olsen tilted his head inquisitively.

  “Business isn’t their best quality.” I smirked as I thought of Harmony’s other two men, Nate and Devlin.

  “Good, maybe I’ll have something in common with them.” Joaquin chuckled and sipped his Champagne.

  “Nate, probably.” I nodded as I thought about the tough, rugged biker. “He’s rough like you.”

  “I bet he has no idea how rough I really can be.” Joaquin grabbed my ass and gave me a firm smack.

  “Don’t start the party yet. I’ve got a few toys that I picked up in New York.” Erik walked over to a bag that was sitting on the table. “I think these will be to your liking.”

  Erik started pulling things out of his bag and I couldn’t help but smile. He had several restraints, a folding bar with leg cuffs, a clit massager that could be worn like a pair of panties, and a flexible leather paddle. I wasn’t sure about the last one, but I was willing to give it a shot and see if I liked it. There were a few items he didn’t show me, but the ones I did see were good enough for one night of fun—and a whole lot more.

  Joaquin turned me around and started to kiss me. The fireworks exploded in my head when his lips crushed mine. As soon as he was done, Olsen started kissing me while Joaquin worked on my neck. Erik walked up and teased my neck with his lips while he let the paddle caress my skin through the dress.

  “This is going to be a fun night, I can already tell.” I gasped when I pulled back from Olsen’s lips.

  “Yeah, I missed you while I was away.” Erik pulled me close for a kiss.

  “I missed you too.” I managed to get the words out before he started to ravage my lips with a furious kiss.

  The four of us started moving upstairs and they passed me back and forth, pulling at my clothes as their lips teased my body. I was naked when we got to the top of the stairs. My hands were tied behind my back with a tight pair of leather cuffs when we made it to the bedroom. I was so turned on I could hardly see straight. The restraints brought back memories of the night I lost my virginity to Erik and Olsen. I felt the control slipping away and it made my pussy practically gush with desire. Erik pushed me down onto the bed and when I turned over, he was approaching with the metal bar. He latched one of my ankles, stretched the bar out, and latched the second cuff. With a quick turn of his wrist, the bar was locked in position and my legs were spread wide.

  “That seems like it might get in the way.” I struggled against the restraints. “How are all three of you going to get what you want with that thing bouncing around the bed?”

  “Like this.” Erik chuckled and grabbed the bar, twisting me over on my side. “We can move you in any direction we want.”

  “Yep.” Olsen picked up the leather paddle. “And you can’t go a


  “Ow! Hey, that thing stings!” I glared at him and looked at the light pink mark he had left on my ass.

  “You better be on your best behavior now, or we might have to punish you.” Olsen chuckled and lifted the paddle.


  “Okay, enough of that!” I giggled and twisted, but Erik held me in place with the metal bar.

  “That looks fun.” Joaquin took the paddle from Olsen and walked close to the bed.

  “Don’t you dare!” I gave him a playful grin.

  “Flip her over so I can make sure she feels it.” Joaquin motioned to Erik.

  “You got it.” Joaquin used the bar to flip me over my stomach.


  “You’re going to pay for that!” I squealed and tried to pull against my restraints, feeling the control completely fade.

  “You can’t do a damn thing.” Joaquin chuckled and twisted the leather in his hand.


  “Okay, that’s got me too hard to wait.” Erik slid a condom on his shaft and crawled into bed.

  Yeah, and you’re about to find out how wet this has made me.

  Erik pushed his cock against my glans and entered me quickly. He rolled me onto my side and Olsen climbed into bed beside him. Olsen used my dripping lust to lubricate my ass and started to push his dick into me. I expected Joaquin to climb into bed and immediately demand my mouth for his pleasure, but he started teasing me with his lips. He kissed my hip, let his tongue drag along my ribs, and then circle my left nipple. I gasped from the tease, which felt amazing with the two brothers making the pleasure surge through my veins. Joaquin moved his lips up my chest and let them linger on my neck until I was moaning, and then his tenderness turned to fury when he started to kiss me.


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