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Club Endless Fantasy: Reverse Harem Romance (Haremworld Book 8)

Page 13

by Kelli Callahan

  “I missed this pussy every minute that I was gone.” Erik let out a gasp. “I never want to be away that long again.”

  “We kept it warm for you.” Olsen chuckled and then a groan rushed from his throat when he went deep.

  Joaquin left me panting when he finally broke the seal our lips had formed. He started kissing down my chest again, tracing my skin with his tongue, and letting his lips press against my nipples. Both of them had formed hard nubs underneath his touch. His lips moved lower, pressing against my abdomen and circling my belly button. He lingered there for a moment and then he kissed my stomach as he moved lower—he didn’t stop kissing and licking until his tongue flicked against my clit. If my hands weren’t bound, I would have bit down on my arm to stifle the reaction, but all I could do was moan. Joaquin circled my clit several times, pushing the hood away so he could lick the tight bundle of nerves. Erik and Olsen didn’t slow down. The combination sent me spiraling towards an orgasm.

  “You’re spoiling me tonight.” I moaned and writhed on the bed. “I’m gonna cum so fucking quick!”

  “You’re worth it.” Joaquin pulled his tongue away as he spoke and then immediately started licking my clit again.

  “This will be just like the first night we had you in that hotel room. We’re going to keep fucking you until the sun comes up.” Erik leaned forward and growled as his cock throbbed.

  The combination of two dicks furiously pounding my body while Joaquin’s tongue sent me to heaven was more than enough to bring my orgasm to life. It flourished as the pressure released. My muscles were on fire when they started to tense up, but the restraints kept me from jerking like I normally did. Erik started to throb and when my orgasm reached the peak, he started to unload inside me. Feeling his lust erupt turned my first orgasm into one that continued straight into the second. The second one was even more powerful, and I felt Olsen begin to pulsate. He was close, and my body was going to pull him closer to the point of no return. The rhythm was so fast that I involuntarily pulled on my restraints, but I was completely under their control.

  “This ass is mine.” Olsen grabbed the bar with both hands. “I’m going to enjoy every second of this.”

  Erik dropped back onto the bed once he was spent and Olsen started to use the bar for leverage. He yanked my body on the bed, making me crash into him each time he drove his cock deep inside me. Joaquin pulled away because Olsen’s thrusts were making his tongue miss my clit more than it landed. Olsen seemed intent on destroying my ass before he was done with me, but I felt something inside me start to tingle. The pressure built and I realized I was going to orgasm from anal sex. I didn’t even know it was possible. The fury of his thrusts vibrated against my pussy and made my g-spot hum. A loud scream erupted from my throat as I felt him continue to go deep.

  “Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum again!” I squirmed on the bed, but Olsen kept hammering his cock into me.

  The orgasm started slow as it was teased by the vibration. I felt Olsen pulsating hard and then he began to erupt. His hot cum filled the condom and I squealed as an orgasm seized my body. It was muted, but it dug into my soul. It was like having my pressure points stimulated without the direct contact that normally brought me to climax. My heart was still beating when it started to subside and Olsen began to withdraw from my ass. Joaquin grabbed the bar from Olsen and spun me around. His hard cock was ready for me, and I felt like I had already orgasmed so much the next one would hurt. Joaquin pushed the bar towards me until my legs were stretched to their limit and started to descend into my pussy.

  “I like this bar.” He pulled me forward and then rocked me back. “Yeah, that feels really good.”

  “Oh god.” I moaned when he pushed his engorged cock as deep as it would go and his balls were against my skin.

  “After we get done, I’ll lock her hands around it so those legs stay spread and in the air until we’re ready to let her go.” Erik picked up the paddle and slid closer to me. “Until then, I’m just going to have a little fun.”

  Erik let the paddle rub against my skin, lightly slapping it against my breasts and thighs while Joaquin fucked me. It wasn’t hard enough to actually hurt, but it left a sting that really started to turn me on after several light smacks. My nipples stayed hard and started to tingle as he worked them over with the leather. It was a strange feeling, but it was euphoric when I felt Joaquin slam into my g-spot. Erik slid the paddle down and gave me a few light smacks on my clit, which made my eyes open wide when I felt how much pleasure it sent surging through my body. I never imagined that the combination would feel good, but I wanted more of it once I got a taste.

  “Harder.” I moaned and bit down on my lip.

  “Which one?” Erik rubbed my clit with the paddle. “This, or Joaquin?”

  “Both!” I moaned louder and arched my back.

  Erik started spanking my clit with the paddle, not enough to do any harm, but enough to create a light sting each time it came down. Joaquin continued driving his dick deep while the paddle made me squirm. The pressure got to the point that it was unbearable and I realized I was about to cum—hard. Joaquin kept working the bar, slamming me forward into the bed. My orgasm engulfed me, driven by the combination of pleasure and pain—ultimately turning to absolute bliss. Joaquin’s thrusts began to get erratic. He let go of the bar and Erik held, it, keeping my legs bent back as Joaquin pounded my pussy as hard as he could. I saw the desire in his eyes, and a growl rose up in his throat. He was entering the primal stage when nothing would hold him back from his climax and I couldn’t wait to feel the fury unleashed on my body.

  “Oh fuck!” Joaquin’s growl got louder. “I’m gonna cum!”

  Joaquin roared and slammed his hips into me so hard I felt my skin grind against my bones. The sensation pushed me into another orgasm, and I started to cum as he filled the condom with his seed. All I could do was take it. Every thrust he needed to fulfill his desires was hammered into my pussy. The bar kept me from moving outside of a few squirms. By the time it was over, my muscles ached. Erik slowly let the bar go and my legs stretched out on Joaquin’s shoulders. I was tingling from head to toe and the afterglow of my bliss started to settle into my veins. Having control taken from me as they chased their pleasure was even more erotic with the three of them. I couldn’t wait until they had a chance to recover and we could start up again.

  “I guess I should keep buying toys. They definitely seem to do the trick.” Erik chuckled and leaned forward to kiss me on the forehead.

  “We do have a few spare rooms around this place. Maybe we could turn one of them into a playroom.” Olsen leaned forward until his lips were against my ear. “Would you like to be our toy—to be used anytime we wanted?”

  “God yes.” I let out a satisfied sigh and nodded. “That would be incredible.”

  “I might just need to move in if you guys build a playroom.” Joaquin sank down onto the mattress and smiled. “I probably wouldn’t want to leave.”

  “A few things like this…” Erik leaned forward and tapped the bar. “And of course, several more wonderful things to punish you with.”

  “It was hardly punishment.” I looked up at him and giggled. “I loved every second of it.”

  My fantasies might be even darker than the ones Harmony was scared to share.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Two weeks later

  Everything was going great with Erik, Olsen and Joaquin. The playroom was still on the drawing board, but we had plenty of fun without it. As much as I loved spending time with them, I couldn’t get Angelina’s words out of my head. She said there was a fourth, and I was anxious to meet him. I felt like all of us were trapped in that uncertainty, unsure about moving forward with the relationship until we felt complete. As fulfilled as I was, there was an emptiness inside me, knowing that I was going to eventually meet someone else. I decided that I couldn’t wait any longer, so I invited Angelina to have dinner with me at The Dynasty. I was nerv
ous as I waited for her to arrive, but I truly needed to find out why she hadn’t introduced me to the final guy I was supposed to be connected with.

  “Would you like to order a drink while you’re waiting for your dinner companion?” The waiter tilted his head and smiled.

  “Yeah, bring me a glass of red wine—nothing fancy. You can go ahead and get a gin and tonic for her.” I motioned to the empty chair and looked at my watch. “She should be here soon.”

  Angelina is usually never late. I wonder what is keeping her?

  I was almost done with my glass of wine and considering an appetizer when I finally saw Angelina walking across the restaurant. There was something different about the way she walked—and about her demeanor in general. She was always so stoic, with an almost devious smile permanently pressed on her lips, and she commanded a room. She normally didn’t walk past people without them immediately taking notice. Instead, she walked with her head down and her face etched in a slight scowl. I watched as she walked to the table, pulled out her chair without waiting for assistance, and immediately sat down. She looked almost frazzled.

  “I ordered you a gin and tonic.” I leaned forward and picked up my glass of wine. “Hopefully they’ll bring me another glass of wine with it.”

  “Sorry I’m running late.” Angelina looked up at me and smiled. “I know why you called. I’ve been dreading this call, but we might as well talk about it.”

  “Dreading?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “You always seem to be one step ahead of everyone. What’s going on?”

  “Well.” She sighed and shook her head. “When I try to connect people with those they’re meant to be with, I always try to make sure it is perfect—I don’t like loose ends, so I tie them up before I even introduce two people.”

  “Even after your algorithm says it’s a match?” I leaned back and stared at her.

  “Yes, because people—well, people aren’t always perfect. Just because you’re meant to be with someone doesn’t mean they’re going to be a nice person. In fact, sometimes they’re quite the opposite.” She sighed again. “This is one of those times where I’m going to break my rules because I simply can’t figure out what to do next.”

  “What do you mean? Is my fourth guy like a serial killer or something?” I swallowed hard and reached for my wine, dreading what she was about to tell me.

  “No, it’s worse.” She exhaled sharply and paused her words when the waiter arrived with her gin and tonic, along with another glass of wine for me.

  “Okay, out with it, Angelina. Tell me who the hell this guy is.” I felt my stomach clenching.

  Everything has been going so great—maybe I should leave well enough alone if this guy is some kind of psycho.

  “The fourth guy you matched with… well, he’s a complete mystery. He might as well be a blank slate as far as I can tell. He has no real online presence. I can’t even figure out why the algorithm is placing him with you. I even called Violet, the woman who designed the original Soulmate app, and she’s as baffled as I am.” Angelina drank her gin and tonic like she was guzzling water after a workout.

  “This doesn’t sound good.” I felt the tightening in my stomach disagreeing with the wine, and I left my second glass untouched.

  “I’ve tried everything and at this point, I’m at the end of my rope. I’m going to recommend something I normally don’t suggest. I don’t think you should try to connect with him.” Angelina sat down her glass and lifted her head. “I don’t want to risk sending you down a path that could destroy what you’ve already found.”

  “I don’t know if that is possible.” I looked down at the table in hesitation. “I already feel it—that emptiness you mentioned. I shouldn’t, because I have three amazing men who treat me so well that I’m practically spoiled, but that feeling lingers—and it’s getting stronger.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.” Angelina sighed and finished her first drink, immediately looking for our waiter. “I usually warn people about the emptiness when they’re hesitant to embark on the journey they’re meant to walk. Sometimes it’s years before it comes, and most people just fight it because they’re already with someone they’re not meant to be with.”

  “Which is why the original Soulmate app blocked people who were married or in some kind of committed relationship.” I nodded in understanding.

  “Exactly. Regardless of what connections exist, it’s not fair to ruin lives because people made the wrong choice along the way. They have to figure that out for themselves, and if they don’t, then they have to find solace in what they have.” The waiter brought over another gin and tonic, which Angelina immediately started to drink.

  The waiter came over to take our order, and although my stomach had soured completely, I still ordered something so I wouldn’t starve. Angelina’s frazzled demeanor was strange to me. I had never seen her without an ounce of confidence. There was a part of me that just wanted to forget the fourth guy, enjoy what I had, and see what kind of future I could build. Still, the lingering emptiness would always be there. If I didn’t know who he was, I could ignore it—maybe. Erik, Olsen and Joaquin were amazing. They were my wildest fantasy brought to life, and they taught me to enjoy things I never dreamed were possible. That should have been enough. There was no need to be greedy. As much as I wanted to finish our food and leave without ever hearing the fourth man’s name, I still found myself pushing for more answers. Angelina didn’t have the answers I needed, which meant I would have to figure them out on my own.

  “Okay.” I reached for my wine and sipped it in hesitation, waiting to see if it turned my stomach before I tried a bite of food. “You’re going to have to tell me who he is.”

  “I know.” Angelina sighed and nodded in apprehension. “I just don’t want you to feel obligated to pursue him.”

  “I’ll proceed with caution, but if I don’t know who he is, I’ll always wonder.” I picked up my fork and stared at my food.

  “His name is Irwin Stokes. He works at Viking Development.” Angelina tensed up as soon as she said his name.

  Irwin? The Senior Purchasing Agent? Wait—what?

  “You—you have to be kidding me.” I blinked in surprise. “He’s just some lonely guy who works too hard. I couldn’t even get him to stop working long enough to eat something besides junk food from the vending machine.”

  “He’s more than that, trust me.” Angelina stabbed at her food aimlessly as she spoke. “Everyone has secrets. Secrets are fine. Sometimes that’s a big part of finding the right person. People are afraid to admit what turns them on, wouldn’t want anyone to see the browser history on their computer, and keep that part of themselves guarded. He’s just—he’s nothing.”

  “He can’t be nothing.” I shook my head in disagreement. “He was married, so obviously he liked someone enough to pursue a relationship.”

  “Not quite.” Angelina put down her fork without taking a bite and reached for her drink. “It was not a typical marriage. His ex-wife was someone he literally picked out of a catalog.”

  “What do you mean?” I raised my eyebrows and blinked in confusion.

  “His ex-wife was a mail order bride.” Angelina nodded and sighed. “She came here from Russia and they got married the day she stepped off the plane.”

  “Holy shit.” I felt my confusion grow. “People around the office thought they were in love. He had a lot of pictures on his desk—they looked happy.”

  “Maybe they were, but it didn’t last, obviously. She filed for divorce, took half of everything he had, and moved back home. I even tried to get in touch with her, but she hung up on me.” Angelina sipped her drink and put the glass down. “Irwin doesn’t look at porn, he’s never joined an online dating site, hell—he doesn’t even have Facebook. People that knew him in high school barely even remember his name.”

  “Sounds like me.” I smirked, despite the looming uncertainty. “Although I do have a Facebook account.”

“Yes, most people leave some sort of digital footprint, even if they don’t realize it. That’s how Soulmate gathers data. With the limited information we have about Irwin, it doesn’t make sense for him to even match with you.” Angelina’s jaw tensed. “I don’t like the uncertainty.”

  “I get that, but Irwin doesn’t seem like a bad person. I’ve interacted with him a little bit at the office. When he told me about his divorce, I heard emotion—maybe she was a mail order bride, but I still think he cared about her.” I nodded and took my first bite of food, feeling a little apprehension lift now as I recalled what I knew about Irwin.

  “You need to be careful.” Angelina nodded. “If you were any other client, I would have just told you there was a mistake and you didn’t have a fourth match after all.”

  “I will, but I think… it might make sense? Irwin is part of why I finally agreed to let you introduce me to the others. He gave me good advice about not wasting time and making sure I didn’t miss out on what truly mattered. I believe he feels that way about his own life. If we’re meant to have something, then maybe he needs me more than I need him.” I nodded and continued to process what Angelina told me.

  “I hope that’s the case. I really do.” Angelina forced a smile.

  We changed the subject and talked about her plans for Club Endless Fantasy while we finished our meal. I understood Angelina’s doubt. She had a lot of the same control issues I had. Things had to be perfect. If it didn’t fit into a box, she didn’t want to risk figuring out a way to make it work. I had experienced the beauty of losing control—giving in completely and blindly trusting the outcome. It was part of the reason what I had with Erik, Olsen and Joaquin was so special. I was going to have to do that again if I wanted to figure out why I was matched with Irwin. He was a complete mystery to the people around the office. Some even thought he was awkward and shy. I wondered what was beneath that exterior—what really made him tick. I wasn’t sure how I was going to find out, though. I couldn’t even get him to eat dinner with me as a friend.


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