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Ties of Magic (Curse of the Crown Book 2)

Page 15

by Caitlin Taylor

  Jeffrey sneered. "We've had exactly one date. Ask and get denied."

  "Yes, about that. I've spent a lot of time thinking about our first date. I'd like a repeat."

  "Sneaking into the city is a bit too risky now, even for me."

  "There's other things we can do."

  "Will you serenade me?" Jeffrey grinned and raised an eyebrow.

  "Maybe." Akoni laughed. "For now, I think we're done eating. You should lie down. You look wrecked. Don't say you're fine, or by the goddess, I swear I'll gag you if you do."

  Jeffrey shrugged, and to Akoni it was the clearest sign of his exhaustion. Rising, he helped Jeffrey to the bed and lifted the covers for him to get in.

  Chapter 15

  Leaving Jeffrey to rest, Akoni went to find his friend to thank him for his hospitality and see what they could do about the empire. Ignacio already sat deep in conversation with Lord Argyros. They spent hours discussing options, weighing outcomes. There had been no word from the capital, no messengers, nothing. Nor had they heard from the reinforcements called from the east, and Argyros's scouts had not seen sign of them.

  Hours passed with little progress. Late in the afternoon, the physician, Gazis, interrupted them, asking to check on Akoni's injuries.

  "It's a shallow cut. There's no need for you to keep checking it." Akoni gave a dismissive wave of his hand.

  "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I'd rather see for myself. If there was any sign of infection, it would be best caught early."

  "Did you see Jeffrey? Is he all right?"

  "I'm here to check on you, Your Majesty."

  "Your physician is infuriating, Melanthios."

  Argyros opened his mouth to speak, but Ignacio held up a hand to stop him.

  "He's trying to do his job, Akoni. If he sees a need to check on your injury, then by the goddess, please let him do what he needs to? He's the expert after all."

  Akoni narrowed his eyes at Ignacio, then turned to Gazis. "Be quick about it."

  Gazis worked with efficient hands to remove the bandage around Akoni's arm. He prodded the skin, covered it in a new salve, and applied a clean bandage.

  "Now you will tell me if you checked on Jeffrey and how he is doing." It wasn't a question or a request, it was a command, and this time Gazis obeyed.

  "I went to see him before coming here. He's not doing well, Your Majesty. The damage to his internal organs was considerable and...the wound on his leg is festering. I've done what I can to clean it again. He's developed a fever and was barely awake. I'm... I suspect the weapon may not have been a sword, maybe a kitchen or butcher's knife or the like. I hope it's that because the alternative is poison which would be considerably worse. It'll take time now, a lot of time."

  Akoni sat frozen, gripping the armrests of his chair. Jeffrey sick. He couldn't be. They'd only just started to make things work.

  "But he will make it, right? He'll be okay?" Ignacio asked.

  "He's strong and a fighter; he should be able to pull through. I will certainly do what I can for him, my lord. It will take time, though. He shouldn't be moved until he's recovered."

  "You know you're welcome to stay as long as you want, Your Majesty. I do not have much to offer but what I have is yours."

  Akoni couldn't listen to them. Without a word, he stood and left the room, hurrying back to Jeffrey. He found him, lying in bed, his forehead beaded with sweat, his hands cold and clammy. Akoni sat on the edge of the bed, clutching Jeffrey's hand in one of his while covering Jeffrey's brow with the other.

  "You can't leave me now, Jeffrey. I told you to stop running. This is still running, and it's even less fair than all the other ways."

  Of course, there was no response. Jeffrey lay perfectly still as if he was fast asleep.

  Someone entered, indicated by the faint screech of the door opening and closing again. Soft footsteps approached, and Akoni knew it was Ignacio. His advisor dragged a chair over, setting it down beside Jeffrey, and gently pulled Akoni into it.

  Without letting go of Jeffrey's hand, Akoni went. "I can't lose him, Nace."

  "You won't. We've known him long enough now to know the goddess is keeping an eye on him. She'll make sure he gets well," Ignacio said in a calming and reassuring tone.

  "But if she's watching, why did this happen?"

  "I can't explain her ways, Ako. But I know he'll pull through this."

  "I wish I had your confidence."

  "What would you do to help him?"

  "Anything, you know that."

  "Would you swear by it?"

  "Nace?" Akoni narrowed his eyes at Ignacio.

  "There's something you can do... Be nicer to Gazis. You know well the way you speak to him, Jeffrey would not approve of. Nor do I. Whatever your dislike for physicians, he's here to help, and you need to treat him with the respect he deserves."

  "Could we not get Toby to come?"

  "No. You know well we cannot. It's Gazis or no one."

  "Fine. I'll do my best." Akoni sighed.

  Ignacio had a point, but Akoni couldn't help or explain the way being in the presence of a physician set his teeth on edge. He'd have to find a way to control himself. Jeffrey would know a way to help with that. He clutched Jeffrey's hand tighter.

  "If you disrespect him again, I swear I'll tell Jeffrey when he's better," Ignacio warned.

  "All right, I get it. I'll be nice."

  "Good. I'm not going to make you leave his side, but you can't forget your empire. There are letters that need to be written in your hand. I can have a writing desk brought in here if you want."

  "How can I think about anybody else when he's like this?" Akoni cried in frustration, glaring at Ignacio.

  "Would he want you worrying like this and forgetting your duty?"

  Akoni scowled at Ignacio. "Are you going to tell him about this, too?"

  "If I have to, yes. Your Majesty, the realm needs you, now more than ever. If you spend the evening writing to your allies to confirm you're still alive, I'll handle everything else."

  "You could write to them on my behalf."

  "I could, of course. But your friends know your handwriting. A letter in your hand will do a lot more than anything I can say. They needn't be long. But enough to show you're still alive because you can guarantee the rebels will try and pretend you were killed. They might even believe it to be true. Please, Ako."

  "Fine, I'll write some letters."

  "Thank you. I'll have them bring your dinner here. There are servants in the hall if you need anything. And, Ako, he'll be fine. I know it."

  Akoni's lips gave the faintest tug upwards. Jeffrey's hand remained cradled between both of his.

  Once Ignacio left, Akoni did try to write some letters. Any time Jeffrey moved or made a sound, he'd be out of his seat and by Jeffrey's side, talking to him, touching him, anything to help. It meant abysmal progress with his writing. In the end he used the back of a book as a table and wrote sitting in the chair beside the bed. He read and thought out loud so Jeffrey could hear him. It seemed to help. If not for Jeffrey, then at least for Akoni's conscience and sanity.

  Gazis came to check on Jeffrey, though he did little of meaning. The servants came with dinner, and still Jeffrey lay unmoving and silent, sweat dampening his hair and skin. During the night, Akoni cradled Jeffrey close to him, despite the uncomfortable heat rolling off his feverish body.

  The next handful of days passed in a blur of trying to care for Jeffrey while also doing what he could for his realm. A few hours each afternoon, Ignacio managed to pull Akoni away into discussing the situation and what they could do. Messengers came and went. Mostly they left with more letters to be delivered to allies.

  In the early evening on the sixth day after arriving at Argyros's, while Akoni argued with his friends about what to do regarding the rebels, they were interrupted by the door screeching open without a knock. The pale-faced figure entering on unsteady feet no other than Jeffrey, right hand gripping the hilt of his sword,
still fully sheathed, gaze darting across the room as though he searched for an enemy.

  "Everybody out," Akoni commanded.

  No one argued, and within moments the room was empty except for Akoni and Jeffrey.

  He hurried to Jeffrey, taking him in his arms and leading him to a chair. "You shouldn't be up," he admonished, while combing a hand through Jeffrey's sweat-soaked hair.

  "Need to keep you safe," Jeffrey mumbled, his hands gripping the front of Akoni's robe.

  "You need to keep yourself safe, too. You need rest to heal."

  "The servant said we're at Argyros's. I don't trust him."

  "Yes, I do remember your previous encounter clear enough. Jeffrey, he's been helping me a lot, not only hiding us and getting his best physician to tend you. I've been working with him for years."

  "He doesn't like me," Jeffrey stated, his hold tightening.

  "He doesn't know you. You're my partner; he would never offend you now."

  "Nobles do a lot of backstabbing."

  "Where is this coming from?" Akoni asked, frowning.

  "Dreams. They'll betray you." Jeffrey's voice became quieter as he leaned against Akoni.

  "We need to get you back to bed. Can you walk?"

  "We need to leave here."

  "As soon as you're better, we will. You can't travel in your current state."

  "Please, Akoni. We need to leave."

  Akoni started at the use of his first name, still a rarity for it to pass Jeffrey's lips. And for him to plead? What did it mean? "Ignacio," he hollered, knowing well his friend would be nearby. True to form, the door opened right away.

  "Your Majesty?"

  "Close the door and come closer."

  Ignacio did as told, kneeling beside Akoni who cradled Jeffrey against him.

  Because walls had ears, Akoni leaned in and whispered into Ignacio's ear, "I need you to help me get him back to bed, and get Gazis to check on him. Then you need to ready everything for us to leave at a moment's notice. I can't explain it, but something is about to happen. Don't tell Melanthios."

  "Of course."

  They carried Jeffrey between them, each with one arm over a shoulder, and took him back to bed, where he collapsed in exhaustion.

  A servant came soon after, bringing food for both of them, joined by Gazis, who went to work on Jeffrey right away.

  "Gazis, I know you're doing the best you can, but it's taking too long for him to heal. Why is that?" Akoni asked, keeping his voice as kind as he could, remembering his promise to Ignacio to be nicer.

  "The wound is still infected, and it is affecting his whole body. I've tried everything I know. It should have cleared up by now. I don't know why it hasn't, Your Majesty. He is getting better, it's just taking longer than anticipated. I'm sorry I can't do more."

  Akoni nodded in acknowledgement, feeling helpless. Jeffrey's words had spooked him, and he didn't know what to do. He got a warm washcloth and sat beside Jeffrey, washing his face with gentle strokes. Their dinner remained untouched.

  Some hours later, Ignacio came into the room with Ryan in tow.

  "How is he doing?" Ignacio asked.

  "Completely out of it. I don't understand it, Nace. He should be getting better by now."

  "What did he say to you?"

  Akoni shook his head. "Did you do as I asked?"

  "Of course, I've done what I'm able to without raising questions."

  "Ryan, have you noticed anything at all suspicious during our stay?"

  "No, Your Majesty. Everybody seems pleased at the honour of having you staying at the house. They're doing anything they can to help and serve."

  "No interrupted whispers or rumours? Nothing?"

  "No, Your Majesty," Ryan said, looking at Ignacio as if for help. "Should I be doing more?"

  "No, it's okay, Ryan. I know you're doing what you can."

  "If there's a threat, I can stand guard at your door tonight if you wish, Your Majesty."

  "You'll be exhausted."

  "I'll be fine, Your Majesty. It won't be my first night not getting any sleep."

  "What has you so spooked, Akoni? Where is this coming from?"

  "I don't know, Nace."

  Jeffrey woke briefly a few hours later, long enough to eat some of their cold dinner before sleep claimed him again. Akoni lay with him, holding him tight, but sleep never came. The unease grew in his chest until it pulsed like his magic. Jeffrey's presence had been keeping his magic at bay; he felt it always, but it no longer stirred his anger, nor did it pain him as it used to, a dull ache at times the only sensation it caused.

  A loud rumbling stirred Akoni from his half-slumber. A knock came on the door, and he stood, ripping it open. Ryan, in full uniform.

  "Your Majesty, the villa is under attack by rebels. They came under cover of darkness."

  "Storm it, we should have left. I should have listened. Can we get through in the car?"

  "I'm not certain. Probably, if we can get to it without anyone seeing."

  "Get Ignacio."

  "I'm here. Couldn't sleep and heard the noise. What's going on?"

  "We need to leave now. Help me with Jeffrey." Akoni grabbed his sword belt and tied it in place. He returned to the bed, shaking Jeffrey awake, less gently then he wanted to.

  Jeffrey stirred, his eyes blinking open, dazed with sleep and fever.

  "Jeffrey, you were right. We need to leave. I need you to try and walk."

  Helping Jeffrey out of bed, Akoni gave a quick, grateful prayer that they'd both remained dressed. With Ignacio taking one of Jeffrey's arms and Akoni the other, they walked through empty corridors, most of the house's occupants seemingly still fast asleep, or if they weren't, then they were engaged elsewhere. Ryan checked the way ahead of them, his sword drawn and ready.

  The villa's layout had the stables built into the main building itself, allowing them to get there without going outside. Part of the stables had been converted to house a small number of vehicles, which at this time meant the one car Argyros owned and Akoni's.

  They got in, half laying Jeffrey over the back bench, Ignacio in the driver's seat. Ryan went to open the gate, peering outside through a slit to check. The change of his expression promised no good. He gestured to them, and the moment Ignacio turned on the motor, Ryan heaved the gate open and ran back to the car, throwing himself into the passenger seat and screaming, "Go, quick!"

  Mayhem reigned in the courtyard. Soldier's in Argyros's livery ran every which way bearing torches and swords, fighting men carrying axes and pitchforks. Apparently, Argyros's men were no longer asleep but already engaging with the rebels.

  "Gaia save us," Ignacio said and drove into the madness.

  Men jumped out of their way; others chased them. The clank of metal impacting metal thundered through the car, swords hitting the windows.

  "Keep driving, Nace. Run them over if you have to. We have to get out of here," Akoni ordered, tightening his hold on Jeffrey.

  Ignacio cursed and veered the car around, heading straight for the gate. How it had been breached, who could say? But it stood open, blocked only by rows of rebels entering the courtyard. Ignacio never slowed, pressing hard on the accelerator, his knuckles turning impossibly white around the steering wheel.

  Some of the rebels tried to jump out of the way, but there was nowhere to go. The first impact threw them all forward, but Ignacio kept going, the wheels bumping over fallen bodies while others flew over the windscreen. The windows crackled from the impact of weapons, but the armour held, keeping the glass intact.

  The moment they cleared the gate, Ignacio shifted gears and sped away into the night.

  Silence reigned in the car. Akoni's breathing and heartbeat only gradually slowed to a reasonable level.

  "How did they find us?" Ignacio asked after they'd been driving for hours without sign of anyone following them.

  "They may not have known. They've been attacking more and more places," Ryan answered.

  "How did y
ou know, Akoni?"

  "I didn't. Jeffrey said we needed to leave. It was the way he said it, like he knew something. I should have believed him. We could have been gone for hours already."

  "It looked like they were all on foot. I saw no horses or cars. They'll have no way of following us. Not easily," Ryan said.

  "They can always steal Argyros's car or horses. We're leaving tracks they can follow."

  "We have supplies. Thanks to Jeffrey's foresight. I've had clothes and food packed, as well as fuel stones. We won't need to stop, other than to get stuff from the boot and swap drivers. We can outrun them."

  "Your continuing faith amazes me, Nace. Thank you."

  "Part of my job, Your Majesty." Ignacio grinned wryly, catching Akoni's eyes in the rearview mirror.

  Akoni gave a weak smile, then turned his attention back to Jeffrey, who seemed to have succumbed to his fever again, inaudible sounds leaving his lips. Ignacio had packed blankets, too, and Akoni dragged one over Jeffrey's body while cradling his head in his lap. He prayed the journey would not be too taxing for Jeffrey.

  Chapter 16

  They headed westwards to Pyros once they'd left Lord Argyros's estate behind. Nestled in the mountains, it was one of the safest keeps in the realm, the road so steep and challenging, any force approaching it could be picked off without ever reaching the gates.

  Evacuating everyone from Corunia meant deciding where to send them. Akoni's mother had made it easy. Her nephew, the Lord Valentin Artiz, held sway over the Pyros Mountains and would keep them safe, safer than they'd be anywhere else. Blood ties meant something, and Akoni had always liked Valentin.

  The journey to Pyros was considerably more comfortable than the ride to Argyros's villa, though also much longer. Jeffrey spent most of it in a feverish sleep, waking barely enough for Akoni to make him drink and eat a little. Taking turns driving, even in the night, it still took them several days to reach the Pyros Mountains, where the road narrowed considerably, driving ever upwards with sheer cliff face on one side of the road and an ever-increasing drop on the other. Akoni found the views fascinating and admired them. With clear skies he could see far, and the land varied greatly, from the barren wastelands in the distance to ever greener meadows and forests nearer the mountains where streams zigzagged the mountainside.


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