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Ties of Magic (Curse of the Crown Book 2)

Page 16

by Caitlin Taylor

  Eventually the path led farther into the mountains, and cliffs towered either side of the road. Shadows ruled this gorge as the sun never reached high enough to penetrate it. There were no plants or flowers. Only some moss or fungi climbed the sheer cliff in rare places.

  The road stopped at an enormous gate that appeared to be set right into the mountain. As tall as a house, it was of the darkest wood, increasing the sense of eeriness. Ryan, who had been driving the last stretch, pulled the car to a stop, and they waited. No doubt their approach had been tracked for some time.

  The massive gates swung inwards at an excruciating pace, a guard in a yellow tunic with brown armour waving them in. Ryan put the car in gear again and drove into Pyros Keep, letting the guard direct him to park the car next to a few others. Akoni recognised some of them, and relief swept through him; his family had made it to safety.

  The moment Ryan stopped the car, Ignacio got out and issued orders to the servants. They needed a stretcher for Jeffrey and for Toby to come and check him over. The servants complied without hesitation, and two strong men carried Jeffrey into the keep, their movements careful and gentle, more so when Akoni glared at them, though he managed to hold his tongue.

  The inside of the keep created a considerably less eerie feeling than the outside. Many of the walkways were arcades with windows installed to keep unpleasant weather out, but even those paths without arcades had multiple windows, and every space seemed to be flooded with light. Walls and floors were kept in pastel colours which enhanced the feeling of brightness.

  They arrived in a grand suite nearly the size of Akoni's back at the palace in Corunia--the suite dedicated for use of the king, should he come to visit. As often as Akoni had stayed in Pyros as a child when visiting with his mother, he'd never been in the room until now, his father never joining their excursions. It was strange to be here, and yet he was glad, too. Ignacio had established Jeffrey's status with the staff or they'd never have brought him here.

  The servants gently lifted Jeffrey off the stretcher and onto the bed, Akoni letting go of Jeffrey's hand for mere moments only. Both servants hovered nearby, waiting for orders just as Toby hurried into the room.

  "Your Majesty, what happened?"

  "Toby, I'm so glad to see you. Jeffrey was wounded by rebels well over a week ago. He should have healed by now but he's been suffering a fever. He's hardly conscious."

  Toby had already moved to the bed and removed the bandages to inspect the wound, revealing a mass of angry red tissue. "What caused the injury, do you know?"

  "The rebels fought with anything. Axes, pitchforks, kitchen knives. It's impossible to tell."

  Looking at the servants, Toby said, "I need towels, lots of them. And get my sister. Tell her to bring laudanum and vinegar, more bandages, and the rest she'll know."

  The men hurried to obey, one rushing out of the room, the other into the adjacent bathroom, returning with an armful of towels.

  "Your Majesty, I know this is hard," Toby said, looking into Akoni's eyes. "There's nothing you can do here right now, and I need space to work--"

  "I need him, Toby. You know!"

  "Yes, Your Majesty. I fully comprehend the situation. He's not in a good place but he's going to be fine. I'll have him as good as new in next to no time, I promise you. But right now, I need you to leave. Please, Your Majesty."

  Akoni wanted to protest when he felt Ignacio's hand on his shoulder. He stared at him and knew they wouldn't relent.

  "I need him," he whispered.

  "He'll be fine, Ako."

  "Your mother has been anxiously awaiting your arrival. She'll be pleased to see you. Go to her, Your Majesty."

  "Come on," Ignacio said and tugged on Akoni's arm. "Let him work."

  Akoni relented. Leaning over Jeffrey, he placed a kiss on his forehead and let himself be pulled out of the room.

  A servant led the way to the master of the house. They stopped at a set of double doors.

  The servant knocked, then opened the door. "My lord, His Majesty has arrived with guests."

  They entered and found Valentin in conversation with Akoni's mother, Claudia.


  "Mother," Akoni said and embraced her, kissing her cheek. "Are you all right?"

  "I wasn't the one fighting rebels, darling. Are you all right is what I want to know." She held him at arm's length, scrutinising him.

  "I'm here, aren't I?" he said and smiled, though it was weak.

  "Without Jeffrey?"

  "He's injured. Toby is tending him and sent me away so he could work."

  "Oh, darling, I'm sure he'll be fine." She touched his cheek.

  It was so comforting, yet unexpected in front of others, he had to blink hard to get himself under control. He felt as injured as Jeffrey. The worry inside him had been building for too many days, he didn't know how to manage it.

  He nodded and cleared his throat as she stepped away to greet Ignacio. He pulled himself out of his thoughts when Valentin stepped closer, bowing deep.

  "Your Majesty, it's an honour to welcome you in my home. It's yours for as long you wish it."

  "Lord Artiz, thank you. It's good to see you again."

  Once upon a time they'd have hugged in greeting. Now Valentin, always a stickler for protocols, would not welcome it. In small ways, Akoni had found many of his friends treating him differently, more reverently, more deferential, more distance. A clear side effect of his ascension that he wasn't sure what to make of.

  "You know my advisor, Ignacio, of course."

  Valentin nodded and smiled at Ignacio, inclining his head in respect.

  "Come sit down. I'll have the servants bring refreshments. I'm sure you're hungry."

  "Before we get to that... Valentin, could you have a servant show my guard to our rooms? I want him quartered near me. He may also want food."

  "Of course, Your Majesty. Anything you or your guests need." Valentin stepped to a sideboard and rang a small bell to call a servant.

  "Ryan," Akoni said, turning to look at Ryan, who had taken up post beside the door. "You've been driving many hours. Get some rest. There'll be no need for real duty while we're here. Take it easy."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty." Ryan saluted and followed a servant out of the room.

  "Is there any news from Corunia?" Ignacio asked as they sat, sipping tea and nibbling on some finger food, so much better than what they'd been eating during the drive.

  "The only messenger reported much the same as any other city captured by rebels," Valentin replied. "There's pillaging, fighting, fires, and probably worse. There's been an odd lack of news."

  "So we don't know what happened to Paul and the soldiers he was leading?"

  "I'm afraid not, Your Majesty. Do you have a plan yet?"

  Akoni stayed quiet, not ready to admit that he did not, in fact, have any idea what to do about this situation. Paul, Faruk, and his other guards, Hendrick and his family, the other palace staff, the civilians. So many left behind, and no information on what had happened to any of them. And no plan of action as to how to stop it happening again.

  Ignacio answered instead. "I've been trying to send messengers to the troops we requisitioned from the eastern forts. Either they are being intercepted or the responses are not getting through. I should have heard back. It makes me think something is wrong."

  "Who was in charge of getting them organised?" Akoni asked.

  "As the representative for the eastern regions, it fell to Lord Cassius to take action," Ignacio answered.

  "He's not someone I'd worry about."

  "No, but then it may not have been him. He would have sent messengers. During storm seasons, it may have been too easy for those messengers to be...diverted."

  "It would be like Dragomis, especially since we sent Leandros away."

  "Dragomis...hmm, I wonder," Valentin said, scratching his bearded chin. "There are rumours of someone calling himself Drake. He seems to be a person of some regard within
the rebel faction, possibly their leader."

  "That seems like a lot of coincidence. More so considering Dragomis has been trying to undermine you for a long time," Ignacio said, his eyes on Akoni.

  "He's perfectly capable of staging a revolution." Akoni raked his fingers through his hair in agitation. How could he deal with this, while exiled from his own palace? Any infrastructure in place would be lost or compromised now. Where to even begin?

  At least his magic had been quiet. Having Jeffrey near him so regularly worked wonders, though the strain of Jeffrey's injury was taking some toll. Akoni had slept without incident or nightmares since Jeffrey's return, felt no more than the faintest traces of tingling or itching, and there'd been no real pain in some time now. A relief beyond measure. Thinking clearly had become easier, and yet the scope of the problems seemed to continue escalating.

  Akoni's attention moved from the conversation, fixing on the fingertips of his right hand, which tingled. This was new. He cringed when it grew worse, covering his whole hand, like a hundred needles in his skin. From one moment to the next it engulfed his whole body, and he screamed. His vision went black, his senses robbed, and his world narrowed to the excruciating pain paralysing him. Molten lava flowing in every single vein. He couldn't breathe, didn't know if he still had lungs. It went on and on, consuming all of him, his body and mind.

  It took long moments for his body to realise when it stopped. The needles were gone, his veins once again pumping blood, though it thundered with an unsteady rhythm through him. Air filled his lungs in ragged, broken gasps. Gradually his awareness of the world outside his body returned. Voices, distorted, as though underwater. A touch, rough yet gentle. His mother's voice. Hands holding him. He tasted blood, smelled it, too. He blinked and drowned in the deepest brown eyes. Ignacio.

  "Darling, can you hear me?" His mother.

  He tried to nod, didn't know if his head moved.

  "It's all right now, it's over. You're going to be okay."

  It was soothing to hear her voice.

  "Take a deep breath, Akoni."

  Akoni tried, but his lungs burned still.

  "Breathe in and hold it."

  Akoni obeyed.

  "Breathe out. In again and hold. Now out. In and hold."

  It worked. His breathing became easier, more regular. He blinked again, and the room came back into focus. Ignacio hovering above him. Above? Soft cushions underneath him. He was lying on the sofa, Ignacio pinning him to it. The hold on him shifted, and Ignacio moved away.

  "What just happened?" Ignacio asked, his voice gentle.

  Akoni shook his head. He didn't know.

  "It's the beginning of the end," Claudia said, kneeling beside the sofa. "It's the core of the magic, I believe. It won't be long now until it's over."

  "What will happen to Father?" Akoni asked in a raspy croak.

  "He will pass on."

  "So there's no way to live without magic?"

  "Not for your bloodline, not as far as anyone knows."

  Akoni nodded. "How long--?" He broke off, interrupted by a coughing fit.

  "Not long. I don't remember exactly."

  Maybe she did and knew better than to tell him. His body still ached from what he'd endured, a lingering pain and soreness. He craved Jeffrey's touch more than ever. It would soothe him now, ease his mind. He sat up and ran a hand over his face. His arms and legs trembled as he moved. He smelled metal. Blood. Staring at his hand, he turned it over. The back was scratched raw and bloody.

  "You went a bit feral, so I held you down to stop you hurting yourself," Ignacio said, sounding...worried?

  Akoni nodded and swallowed hard, his stomach knotting painfully.

  "You're okay now. Stay with us," Claudia said and caressed his cheek.

  Akoni leaned into the touch. His eyes were sore, his cheek cold and cracking. He'd been crying. He looked around then. His mother had moved closer, sitting in a chair next to the sofa. Artiz was gone, and Akoni felt somewhat relieved. Ignacio sat beside him on the sofa, smiling with encouragement but his eyes full of pain. Pain on Akoni's behalf.

  Ignacio rose to answer a knock on the door and came back with a tea tray. He poured a cup and offered it to Akoni. The scent of herbs filled the room. Akoni took the cup with a grateful smile and sipped the ren-tea slowly. It soothed his frayed nerves, his anxiousness easing even from the first sip.

  "We sent Valentin out quickly. He didn't see the worst of it. He was good about it," Ignacio said.

  Another part of Akoni relaxed. Ignacio would always watch out for him and would always know him better than most.

  "Darling, you need to talk to your father. Not right now, later, when you're feeling better. He's been asking for you. I didn't tell you because I knew you weren't ready. But now, after this, there's no time left." She gazed at him with steady eyes. "Please, Akoni. For me, if not for anything else."

  Akoni shrugged but nodded. "It's hard to think right now."

  "In time. Now, if you can face it you should eat something. And then rest. It's been a long day."

  Akoni let out a hollow laugh. "If only it was just the one..." He eyed the back of his hands again and wondered what else he'd done without being aware.

  Chapter 17

  By the next morning, Jeffrey's fever had broken, and when he woke up, he smiled at Akoni, who lay beside him in bed, playing with his blond hair.

  "Hey," Jeffrey croaked.

  "Hey," Akoni replied, smiling. "You've no idea how good it is to look into your eyes."

  Jeffrey huffed and turned his head away, his cheeks turning a faint pink.

  "How do you feel?"

  "Sore?" Jeffrey offered and shrugged. "Something happened. I remember driving. Did I dream that?"

  "No, you didn't. What do you remember?"

  "Riding to Argyros's place. There was a bath and food. The rest is hazy images. Was there a fire?"

  "The wound on your thigh got infected. You suffered from a fever for several days. In the middle of one day you came to me on unsteady legs telling me we were in danger and needed to leave. You pretty much collapsed back into unconsciousness after that. That night, rebels attacked the villa. We fled and spent three days driving to Pyros."

  "That's where we are now?"

  Akoni nodded.

  "My leg feels like it's on fire." Jeffrey scrunched his face.

  "Do you want me to call Toby?"

  "Wine would do the trick just as well."

  Akoni let out a breath of feigned exasperation but got out of bed and went to a cabinet where he poured a glass of wine that he took to Jeffrey. "Not sure this is smart, considering you've not eaten well in days, but here you go."

  Jeffrey gave a grateful smile, took the glass, and drained it in one, letting out a satisfied "Ah!" at the end. "Thanks, much better now."

  Setting the glass aside, Akoni got back into bed, snuggling against Jeffrey's side. He craved body contact, anything to reassure himself Jeffrey was still there, alive and well, by his side. "I've been so worried."

  "Don't be." Jeffrey groaned and rolled onto his side, wrapping his arms around Akoni. "I told you, she won't let me leave." He closed his eyes.

  Akoni held him tight, breathing in his scent, feeling the warmth radiating off his body. Perfect bliss. He kissed the top of Jeffrey's head. He realised then, he'd do anything to keep this man in his life. Would do whatever it took to make them work, to love him and hold him forever.

  For the longest time they lay in each other's arms, Jeffrey falling asleep again, his body still drained of energy from fighting the fever and infection. Akoni stayed and held him, silent tears streaking down his face that he could not have explained for anything.

  Much later, a servant came to bring breakfast. She kept her gaze fixed on the floor as she entered, left the tray on the bedside table, curtsied low, and hushed out again. She never even looked at them.

  Running gentle fingers down the side of Jeffrey's face, Akoni tried to wake him. He pl
aced faint kisses on Jeffrey's forehead, too, until Jeffrey stirred.

  "It's time for breakfast, handsome. You need to eat."

  Jeffrey nodded, blinking sleep from his eyes.

  They sat up, and Akoni brought the tray closer, setting it between them. They ate in silence, Jeffrey devouring the food like a starving man, and since he hadn't eaten properly in several days, maybe that wasn't too far off. Akoni reminded him to slow down so he wouldn't get sick from overeating. Relief washed through him, though, at the obvious sign of improvement. Jeffrey really would be okay.

  Akoni spent the entire day in his room with Jeffrey. Toby came at one point to clean and tend Jeffrey's wound again. He, too, expressed relief and said the wound looked better, and with the fever broken, Jeffrey would be all right soon. Servants brought them food and drink. Ignacio also came, though he didn't discuss business, and Akoni was grateful for it. For now, he just needed it to be him and Jeffrey. At least for one day. Maybe that was selfish, considering he'd been doing little for his empire since being exiled from Corunia, but right now, nothing else mattered more than Jeffrey getting better.

  The next morning, both men woke early, Jeffrey feeling considerably stronger and more himself again.

  "Did you even leave the bed?" Jeffrey smirked, touching Akoni's hair, his face.

  Akoni shrugged. "Not much."

  "What happened to your hands?" Jeffrey asked, eyeing the scabs on the backs of Akoni's hands. He ran his fingertips over the bruised and broken skin.

  "Newest trick of the magic." Akoni rolled his eyes. "It appears the last dredges of it transferring to me will be the most painful yet. I felt like I was melting on the inside. It was rather excruciating."

  "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help."

  "Shush." Akoni wrapped his arms around Jeffrey and pulled him closer. They stayed quiet for a time until Akoni asked, "How are you feeling?"

  "Better. Leg's not so sore now. I think I could do with a wash, though."


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