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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 13

by Sarah Bailey

  He paused, waiting for me to continue.


  “Say it again, Liora. Say it to my face or I won’t fuck you.”

  I felt about ready to combust. How could I not?

  “I want your cock inside me.”

  He rolled the condom on, gripped my legs, forcing them open wider and settled in between them. He ran the length of himself up and down my thoroughly wet pussy whilst I squirmed beneath him.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard and make you come on my cock.”

  “I’ve never come with anyone before,” I whispered.

  He raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side.

  “No? I’ll make sure you come so hard, you’ll lose yourself to me over and over again. Only with me for the rest of our lives. You know why?”

  I shook my head.

  “You’re mine forever.”

  I couldn’t string a sentence together with the way he was looking at me. Time felt like it slowed down. It was just me and Dante and none of the bullshit surrounding us. I never wanted the moment to end. I reached up and cupped his cheek. He turned his face into my hand, kissing my palm. He leant down and captured my mouth. My fingers curled into the hair at the back of his head. It wasn’t full of fire and passion, but gentle and sweet. He began to press his cock inside me. I gasped into his mouth. He felt so good even though he was taking it slow and allowing me to adjust to him.

  He released my mouth and rested his forehead against mine, staring at me intently as he thrust deeper. Reaching up, he held my face with one hand. The other was planted next to me, holding him steady above me so he didn’t squish me. I could feel his chest brushing against mine and I wondered if that was okay with him after what he said.

  “Fuck… Liora,” he whispered. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

  His words completely unravelled me. The raging inferno wanted more. It needed more. I couldn’t stop this rapid descent into madness with him.

  “Please, please don’t stop.”

  He inched further inside me. I stretched to accommodate him, each movement stoking the flames burning inside me. My other hand fell on his shoulder, holding onto him like he was the only thing keeping me afloat. And perhaps he was.

  He pulled back and started to settle into a steady rhythm. I felt as though I was in the clouds whilst simultaneously drowning in the sensations he elicited. I kept my eyes open, staring into his blue ones. The connection between us clear as day to me.

  Was I meant to be his?

  Is that why this felt so right?

  “Shit, you’re so fucking tight,” he grunted.

  He let go of my face and gripped my hip, anchoring me to him. His thrusts intensified, pressing harder and deeper inside me. I moaned, unable to keep the sound back. His mouth met mine, drowning out the sound. There was no gentleness any longer. Dante commanded me with his mouth and his cock. And I fell deeper into the abyss.

  I was his.

  I knew it deep down.

  I held onto him as he fucked me with reckless abandon. His movements growing erratic as we became completely undone with each other.

  “Liora… Liora,” he murmured against my mouth. “Say my name.”



  “Dante… I’m yours.”

  He kissed me, tongues clashing together as if we were battling each other for dominance. Except it was clear who was in control. Who had all the power.

  “That’s right. Mine. Don’t forget it.”

  I don’t think I ever could. I was so intoxicated by the man inside me. Even if he saw me as his pet. Even if my father had given me to him for some unknown reason. I stopped caring about any of those things. They no longer mattered when it was clear as day. Dante was the person I longed for. The person who haunted my dreams. His blue eyes. His midnight black hair. The way the tenor of his voice rippled over me like a caress.

  No matter how much we argued or provoked each other. No matter how much I hated the way he treated me like I was his property. I still craved this man with every breath I took.

  “Harder, please, fuck me harder.”

  A sheen of sweat covered both of us as Dante took me higher. Nothing and no one felt like this. I wanted his domination. I needed it. I wanted to obey his commands. To do everything he said. I wanted to relinquish control. Except I wouldn’t voice any of that out loud. Dante might command my body, but I couldn’t let him in my mind.

  You’re kidding yourself if you think he hasn’t found a way in already.

  I quashed down all those thoughts raging inside me, focusing instead on the physical pleasure I felt with him. He said he was going to make me come, but I wasn’t sure I could let go enough, no matter how much I craved the release.

  “Dante,” I whispered. “I don’t know if I can…”

  He didn’t slow in pace, but his eyes searched mine.

  “You’re thinking too much. Concentrate on me. Don’t think, Liora. Just feel.”

  I tried. I closed my eyes and focused on his movements. On the way his body rubbed against mine. How his cock felt inside me. The sensations each thrust elicited. I tried so hard, but my mind kept whirling with thoughts about how I couldn’t come. I couldn’t let go.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  I opened my eyes, staring up into his blue ones. His gaze was so intense, it almost burned me to a crisp.

  “You’re going to come because I said so. You know who I am. I want you to say it.”

  If I said what he wanted me to, there would be no going back. He knew that. It’s why I shouldn’t say it.

  “Master,” I whispered.

  “And what does your Master want?”

  I swallowed.

  “For me to come all over his cock.”

  He shifted, gripping my legs and pressing them upwards. He thrust deeper and the angle had him brushing up against my clit. It sent my pulse skittering and my insides coiled.

  “You will let go. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  What the fuck had come over me?

  Calling him Master again?

  Absolutely crazy.

  “Please, Master. Make me come.”

  I couldn’t stop. All of it too much. The tension inside me overflowed. And the next moment caught me completely off guard.

  I was staring at Dante when it all exploded at once. The intense rush of sensations drove through me at an alarming pace. My fingers dug into his shoulders. My body felt like it’d been transported to another place. I didn’t know what the hell was up or down. I saw spots in my vision. And I cried out his name because I couldn’t hold it back.

  I barely registered him continuing to fuck me with long, hard strokes, drawing out every inch of my climax well beyond what I’d ever experienced by myself. If this is what sex with someone who consumed you felt like, I never wanted it to stop. I needed to experience this level of bliss over and over again.

  I shut my eyes, panting as my head lolled on the bed. My whole body felt like jelly. The deep seated satisfaction melted my bones. I loosened my grip on him. I felt his lips on my jaw, trailing down until he nibbled my ear.

  “You came so beautifully,” he whispered.

  “Did I please you, Master?”

  Hell if I knew why I’d said that, but today was full of surprises.

  “Mmm, yes, you did.”

  I turned my face upwards, opening my eyes. His shone with lust before he kissed me. I melted into him. He gripped my face, holding me still before he raised his head and stared down at me. His pounding knocked the air from my lungs. I couldn’t help but be enraptured by his expression. The darkness in his eyes. A lone wolf. And I was trapped in his den, completely at his mercy.

  I felt him pulsate inside me when he let go. He grunted, riding out his own climax without missing a beat.

  “Fuck. Fuck, Liora. Fuck.”

  He all but co
llapsed on top of me, panting. I didn’t object. Seeing him come undone like that was unexpected. He looked so blissfully happy. As if he’d finally broken free of the shackles he kept on himself. I wanted to make him feel that way again. I wanted Dante free to be himself around me without the need for masks and disguises.

  I couldn’t help but feel remnants of the terror from earlier when his father threatened me. I’d made up my mind now I knew what it felt like to really be with Dante physically. I wanted to stay even if it meant being his pet. Even if it meant him taking all my control away from me.

  “Dante,” I whispered. “Please don’t let your father take me away from you. I want to stay here. I want you.”

  He kissed my shoulder, trailing his fingers up my side.

  “I won’t let him take you.”

  I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him close, but I knew that was off limits.

  “Thank you.”

  He hauled himself up off me and walked towards the bathroom. It wasn’t long before he was back. He pulled the covers out from under me and got into bed. He tucked them around us and pulled me against his chest. I froze, unsure where the hell to put my hands. Normally, I would’ve curled them around his back, but that wasn’t an option.

  I wriggled against him, trying to work out what I should do.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what to do with myself.”

  He stared down at me, amusement in his eyes.

  “Turn around.”

  I did as he asked. He pulled me against him, tucking my head under his chin. My back was flush with his chest. I felt the rise and fall of it.

  “Is this okay?”

  “If it wasn’t, I would’ve put a t-shirt on. It’s… complicated.”

  I tucked one of my hands into his, finding my eyes drooping. The events of the day had worn me out and the sex was the icing on the cake.

  “I don’t want to do anything wrong.”

  “You haven’t. You were perfect.”

  I yawned, closing my eyes.

  “I didn’t know sex could be so intense,” I murmured.

  “That’s just the start. When I put you up on the cross, you’ll understand what you’ve been missing.”

  “Show me soon then.”

  And just before I fell away into oblivion, he kissed the top of my head.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll show you everything.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Liora was fast asleep tucked up against my chest with her hand curled around my waist when I woke up. I froze, expecting the usual skin crawling reaction to having someone touch me skin on skin. It didn’t come. I looked down at her, unsure of how to react.

  Last night constituted the first time I’d ever had sex without a t-shirt on. Liora wanted to see me and I couldn’t say no to her. The way she looked at me when I’d been bare before her gave me fucking heart palpitations. Her forest green eyes shone with awe as if seeing me was something to be savoured.

  I’d been half surprised she’d got so wet from her punishment. A part of me knew she’d enjoy the same things I did, but I wasn’t sure she’d ever let herself go enough to admit it. And holy fucking hell, sex with her had been amazing.

  Liora was the most responsive girl I’d ever been with despite me needing to fall into my dominant persona to make sure she came. Her skin lit up when I spanked her. She’d looked so fucking beautiful bent over the bed with a red raw behind. The way her nipples hardened and darkened when I’d bitten them. Her pussy so hot, wet and tight. And when she’d fucking called me, Master, I’d almost blown my damn load. It was only the knowledge she needed me to stay the course so she’d come which kept my own climax at bay.

  After the events of last night, I really shouldn’t have given in and had sex with her. I couldn’t help myself. She wanted me. She said yes. She’d begged when I told her to. I’d been completely incapable of holding back. And this morning, I wanted her again.

  I cupped her face, turning it up to me. Her breathing was steady and even, her eyes closed. I leant towards her and pressed my lips to hers. She shifted a little but didn’t wake up. I kissed her jaw, trailing my lips down her neck.

  “Dante,” she murmured, arching into my touch, her hand tightening on my waist.

  Again, the skin crawling reaction didn’t come. I honestly didn’t know how to deal with this little fact or if I wanted to test it further.

  “Wake up, Liora. I want you,” I whispered against her skin.

  I nibbled her earlobe, grazing my teeth over the sensitive skin. I was so fucking hard already. A combination of morning wood and having her naked in my arms. One night inside her sweet, slick heat and I was already abandoning all my normal rules. Sex was supposed to be her reward for good behaviour. My need for her overrode that.

  I kissed her jaw again. When I looked at her, her eyes fluttered open. She looked half asleep. I held her face and kissed her. She responded this time, letting me taste her thoroughly. Fuck. I wanted to taste every inch of her. Mostly, I wanted my tongue between her legs.

  “Come with me,” I told her, pulling away.

  I threw off the covers and picked her up out of the bed. I took her into the bathroom and set her down. Walking into the shower, I flipped it on before tugging her in with me. The water cascaded down both of us.

  I held her face and kissed her. Whilst she kissed me back, her hands stayed at her sides as if she was scared to touch me. I dropped mine from her face and grasped hers, pulling her closer. I rested both her hands on my shoulders and held her body against mine. Her nipples grazed my chest, causing my cock to twitch.

  Seriously, why the fuck is her touching me okay?

  I couldn’t understand it. I didn’t want to question it, but this was a fucking revelation I had no idea how to handle. So I didn’t. I backed her up against the wall of the shower, still under the stream of the water and pressed kisses down her neck.

  I pulled away so I could kiss her breasts, running my fingers over her soft, wet skin. She gasped, her hands tightening on my shoulders. And then I got on my knees for her, running my tongue down her stomach.

  She looked at me, green eyes wide. I spread her legs a little more and ran my fingers up her inner thighs before they met her pussy. Before she could say a word, I pressed my face to her, running my tongue up her entrance. She bucked against me and cried out when my tongue met her clit. Hell, she tasted so good.

  I flicked my tongue over her clit, sliding two fingers into her. Her hands curled into my hair.

  “Dante, oh… Oh shit.”

  I was getting water in my fucking eyes, but I didn’t care. I closed them and continued pleasuring her. Her fingers dug into my head. I could feel her body shaking and bucking. This time, she’d have no trouble letting go. I’d make sure of it. I curled my fingers up, finding just the right spot as I fucked her with them. Her moans and pants got louder.

  “Please, oh fuck. Please don’t stop. Fuck, I’m going to…”

  She cried out my name over and over again. Her body spasmed, her pussy clenched around my fingers and I tasted her all over my face. It was everything and fucking more. The way she came apart made me harder. I needed to fuck her.

  I pulled away and stood up. I grabbed her face and kissed her, not caring her arousal was still all over my tongue. I pinned her to the wall, grinding into her stomach. My hands went to her hips. I picked her up so she had to wrap her legs around me to stay upright.

  “Dante, you can’t… not without…” she said, her eyes wide as she stared at me.

  I’d completely forgotten. Too wrapped up in my need to have her.

  “For fuck’s sake.”

  I set her back down on her feet. I wanted to punch the wall. Why the hell had I never talked to her about birth control before last night? I should’ve fucking sorted this shit out long before now.

  You know why. You didn’t want to forc
e her.

  I ran a hand through my hair before shutting the shower off and taking her by the hand. I walked her over to the bath and made her bend over it. Her hands gripped the other side.

  “Stay there.”

  I grabbed a towel and dried my hands before walking out into the bedroom. I pulled my phone off the bedside table.

  ME: Call my doctor and tell him he needs to come over today to see Liora. I won’t take no for an answer.

  BRENT: No problem. Does this mean you two… ;) ;)

  ME: Fuck off.

  BRENT: I’ll take that as a yes.

  ME: Again, fuck off.

  BRENT: Face it, D, you needed to get laid.

  I was going to punch his stupid face in when I saw him. I dropped my phone back on the desk and pulled open my bedside drawer, fishing out a condom. Ripping open the packet, I rolled it on and threw the foil in the bin on my way back to the bathroom.

  She hadn’t moved, but she looked back at me. Her behind was marked with faint bruises from my spanking yesterday. My pulse spiked at the sight of them. Fuck. She was so beautiful.

  I gripped one of her hips and lined myself up before sinking into her pussy. I grunted, feeling her clench around me. This would be hard and fast because I was so damn turned on by having her come all over my face and seeing her bent over the bath for me.

  I held onto her other hip and pressed deeper until she’d taken most of me. I couldn’t hold back. I gripped her tight with both hands and fucked her. It wasn’t remotely gentle. I took her with brutal thrusts, feeling her contract each time. She moaned. I could see her knuckles going white from her hold on the bath.

  “Do you like this? Do you want me to fuck you harder?”

  “Yes, please, Dante, please.”

  My name on her lips had me slamming into her harder. I was so close. All the blood rushed to my head. I couldn’t fucking stop. I needed to blow my load in this girl. She was the fucking universe.

  “Fuck. Take it. Fuck.”

  I felt the familiar tingling in my stomach before I erupted. I grunted her name, continuing to fuck her with no mercy as the waves of pleasure rushed over me. Fuck. She drove me crazy.

  When the last pulses faded, I leant over her and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her shoulder.


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