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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 14

by Sarah Bailey

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  “Showing me how to let go.”

  I hadn’t expected her to appreciate it enough to thank me for it. Liora continued to surprise me. I kissed her shoulder again. I’d show her as many times as she needed if it meant she continued to want me.

  Liora was digging her way into the parts of me I didn’t allow anyone access to. She made my heart race. I desired her more and more each day. Especially now I could actually fuck her.

  I had to face it.

  I needed her.

  I just wasn’t sure if she needed me too.

  And that thought soured my mood completely.


  The days which followed were almost blissful. Liora saw my doctor and in a couple more days, I could have her without worrying about condoms anymore. And I really fucking wanted her without having to stop to remember them. I was waiting until we were sure before I took her in the playroom.

  It didn’t stop her bending over my knee and letting me spank her. It turned her on just as much as it did me. She told me it was almost like a sexual awakening for her. We were provoking each other in a completely different way. One that led to passionate, heated exchanges. And everything about it was fucking wonderful. I’d known she’d be my match in the bedroom, but this far exceeded anything I expected.

  I strolled into the kitchen. The staff weren’t here as it was a Sunday, but Brent was pottering around upstairs. She’d promised me dinner later. Just the two of us. I’d scrapped most of the rules. She was allowed around the house without needing an escort. She wanted to be here with me.

  Liora stood by the conservatory doors, staring out at the small garden with a cup of tea held in both hands. Her blonde hair caught the afternoon light, making her look almost ethereal. I didn’t want to disturb her when she looked so peaceful. I stood in the doorway, smiling. It was if we were a whole new set of people now we’d found a way to communicate. Sex brought us together.

  “I know you’re there,” she said.

  I walked in and leant against the table. She turned to me, smiling.

  “I have something for you.”

  It wasn’t a reward for anything she’d done. I just wanted to make her happy. I’d told her she was allowed to use the bedroom I’d decorated for her, but she preferred to stay with me. She said she’d gotten used to having me there next to her. And truthfully, I couldn’t imagine not having her curled up in my arms at night and it wasn’t just because it gave me easy access if I wanted to fuck her.

  “You do?”

  She walked over and set her mug down.


  I pulled out the envelope from my back pocket and handed it to her. She looked down at it, her eyes going wide. She fished out the documents and put her hand to her mouth. It wasn’t exactly much, but I’d bought the two of us joint membership for ZSL, the Zoological Society of London, so I could take her to the zoo whenever she wanted to go. I knew how much she loved animals.

  “That’s not all, we can go on one of those Keeper for a Day experiences too when you’re ready.”

  “Dante… you didn’t have to do this.”

  I took the papers from her hands and placed them on the table. I tugged her towards me, staring down into her forest green eyes.

  “I know you wanted to work at a zoo, so I’m trying to give you the next best thing.”

  I heard the doorbell go, but I ignored it. Brent could answer it.

  “I’ve not been to London Zoo since I was a kid.”

  I cupped her face. This fucking girl. The way her eyes shone with happiness almost killed me. We both knew she wasn’t my pet any longer. Liora was so much more. We hadn’t spoken about my father or his threats yet, but we would. What the fuck would he think now if he saw us acting like a couple?

  Whilst there were so many things we hadn’t said and things we didn’t know about each other, the deep pull couldn’t be contained. I’d calmed down considerably now I had a part of her to hold onto. Her body was mine completely. I’d made sure of that.

  “We can go during the week if you want.”

  She grinned, wrapping her arms around my neck. She brought her lips to mine, kissing me, pouring all her appreciation into it. I loved how affectionate she’d become towards me since we’d started fucking. My fingers tangled in her hair, the other hand running down her back, pressing her closer.

  “Get your hands off my sister, you fuckin’ prick.”

  Liora pulled back, staring up at me with wide eyes before she looked to the side. Her face drained of all colour. What the actual fuck was her brother doing here? And why the hell had Brent not stopped him? I looked over at the door. Brent was hovering behind Liora’s brother and another person. I immediately recognised him.

  “Declan… Harrison… What are you doing here?” Liora said.

  Her ex-boyfriend. Just what I needed. He looked exactly as he had in the photos Angus sent me. I had no idea what she ever saw in him.

  “What am I doing here?” Declan seethed. “Getting you the fuck away from this fucker.”

  Liora’s hands dropped from my neck. I watched her carefully. Would she want to go with Declan? Her brother looked like her, just older and male. My heart felt tight all of a sudden. I wouldn’t let Declan take her, but I wanted her to stay willingly.


  “Why? Why the fuck do you think? You’re not some piece of fuckin’ property Da can sell off to the highest fuckin’ bidder.”

  I had no idea what Angus told them, but that wasn’t the reason he’d given Liora to me.

  “I wasn’t up for auction, Declan.”

  I looked at Brent. His expression was pained, indicating Declan with his hands. I could understand why he’d had trouble keeping her brother out of my house. He was like a pitbull, his face contorted with rage.

  “I don’t give a fuckin’ shit. You aren’t staying here. I’m taking you home.”

  Liora looked up at me. I could see the conflict in her eyes. I wasn’t going to tell her what to do. She reached out, took my hand and levelled her gaze back on her brother.

  “No, you don’t get to tell me what to do. I’m staying here with Dante.”

  Declan’s eyes widened. Her ex-boyfriend just looked pitifully sad. And I wanted to wrap my arms around her and kiss her senseless.

  “You what?”

  “You heard me.”

  I took a step towards her brother, pulling Liora behind me.

  “I’d like you to leave,” I said.

  “Oh, of course you fuckin’ do. Don’t want your dirty little secrets getting out.”

  I looked at Brent again. If Declan proved to be troublesome, it would take both of us to get rid of him.

  “Look, I don’t know how you found out where I live nor what Angus told you, but this has nothing to do with you.”

  Declan stepped towards me, fists clenched.

  “He told me nothing. Our Ma sent me.”

  That made much more sense. Heather didn’t know anything about this. I doubted Angus told her the whole truth.

  “It doesn’t really matter either way. Liora isn’t leaving with you. She belongs with me.”

  “Belongs with you? Like fuck she does. You took her against her will.”

  Harrison put his hand on Declan’s arm. Her brother looked back at him.

  “Maybe we should go,” Harrison said.

  “Like fuck we are.”

  Liora came out from behind me, tucking herself under my arm and wrapping hers around my waist. Shit. I really didn’t think she’d actually take my side over her brother’s.

  “I’m not going with you, Declan. You should leave. I don’t know why you brought H here either. This has nothing to do with him.”

  Declan stared at her, his eyes bugging out as if he couldn’t comprehend her words.

  “What the fuck is this?” He pointed at her.
“Have you got some kind of fuckin’ Stockholm Syndrome? Is that why you won’t leave him?”

  She stiffened. This wasn’t Stockholm Syndrome. I knew the way she felt about me was genuine because I felt it too. I just hoped she realised that.

  “And I fuckin’ brought him because he’s your lad.”

  She looked over at Harrison. Her eyes were sad, but they also held a hint of irritation.

  “He’s not.”

  “What the fuck did you just say?”

  “I said, he’s not.” She looked up at me. “Dante is.”

  Fuck me.

  Of all the things I thought she’d say, that was not it. I saw it in her eyes. The stark honesty there disarmed me. I needed her brother out of my house because I needed a conversation with her.

  “You’re fuckin’ kidding, right? Liora, don’t be so fuckin’ stupid.”

  She pulled away from me and took a step towards her brother.

  “Go fuck yourself, Declan. You don’t give a shit about me. You never have. You’re only here because Mum fed you some bullshit story and you’re her fucking golden boy. I’m not going with you. End of fucking discussion so you can leave and take H with you. And I suggest you go now before Brent and Dante make you.”

  Declan stared at her as if she’d grown two heads. I’d been on the receiving end of Liora’s diatribes before. Despite her small stature, she sure didn’t pull any punches. Harrison looked at her as if seeing the girl he’d spent two years with for the first time. I guessed Liora was normally quite quiet and reserved. She certainly hadn’t been that way with me.

  Declan looked between us then he pointed.

  “This isn’t fuckin’ over. I’m going to find out what the fuck is going on here and then I’m going to fuckin’ take you down. You hear me?”

  I rolled my eyes. He could certainly try. He really had no idea what he was up against when it came to my family, especially not my father.

  “Just go. I don’t want you here.”

  Without another word, Declan turned around and stormed out of my house. Harrison gave Liora one last significant look before he too turned and left. Brent followed them to make sure they were really leaving.

  Liora rubbed her temples. I took her hands and pulled her into me, wrapping my arms around her back.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  She looked up at me.

  “I don’t?”

  “No, especially not after you told them to get out. I’m curious though… Why were you so adamant about staying?”

  Her eyes darted away and she stiffened.

  “If I’d gone, it’d piss your father off and I doubt he’d let you keep me after that.” Her eyes met mine again. “I don’t want to go. I want to be with you. Even if how I got here was really fucked up and I still don’t understand any of it.”

  I swear my heart stopped in my chest. In a few short weeks, Liora changed everything. I knew now more than ever I’d made the right decision in making my father call in Angus’ debt. Liora belonged with me.

  “Don’t… don’t you feel what I feel? Tell me it’s not just me. That I’m not being delusional.”

  I cupped one of her cheeks, brushing my thumb across it.

  “You’re not delusional. You’re my girl, Liora. Haven’t you realised that by now?”

  I was so fucked. So, so, so fucking fucked. If Zach knew what was happening. If he ever suspected I felt things for Liora. Everything would go to fucking shit.

  She went up on tiptoes and kissed me. Her mouth was desperate on mine. She pressed me back into the table, her hands running down my chest. I knew she loved to touch me even if she didn’t voice it. I saw the longing in her eyes when we were naked together. I couldn’t though. Not yet. Not until I was sure I wouldn’t freak out on her.

  She was out of breath when she pulled back.

  “We have to pretend this isn’t happening for Zach, don’t we?”


  “Okay. I can do that. Just… don’t stop, Dante. I want to know you. And I know you want that from me too. Truth is, I’ve already let you in. So please, please don’t let him ruin it.”

  My heart snapped at her words. As if I’d let my father fuck this up. She didn’t know how much I despised him nor how much I wished he was dead. It was nothing less than he deserved for all the shit he’d put me, James, the twins and our mother, when she was alive, through. I almost shuddered at the thought of her. I couldn’t. Not right now. Not with Liora looking at me as if I could break her if I said the wrong thing.

  “Zach can go to fucking hell as far as I’m concerned. You and I aren’t going to let him ruin anything.”

  The relief in her eyes was everything. I held onto her, pressing her face in my chest.

  “I promise, Liora. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to keep him from breaking apart you and me.”

  I just wasn’t quite sure if it was a promise I could keep.

  But I’d try.

  I’d really fucking try my hardest.

  I’d do it.

  I had to.

  For her.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Standing just inside the zoo grounds with Dante’s hand clasped tightly in mine, I felt like I was on cloud nine. Today was the day we could finally have sex without condoms. I knew it was driving him crazy having to remember every time. And there’d been a lot of times after the night of the gala.

  I quashed those thoughts down. Tonight would be special. How he and I had gone from arguing and punishment to sex and spanking was beyond me. I knew our connection to each other was intense, but this was an entirely new level of insanity. Insatiable desire leading to explosive and mind-blowing sex. Every. Single. Time.

  It wasn’t just the sex. Something changed between us. Dante started opening up to me. In small ways, but it was still significant to me. It felt like we were at the beginning of the journey to get to know each other. The walls between us were tumbling down. His masks slipping away one by one. And the glimpse I had of the man underneath made my heart thump.

  “Where do you want to go first?” he asked.

  I looked down at the zoo map in my free hand.

  “Why don’t we go under the bridge and see that side first? I want to see the lemurs.”

  He smiled as I stuffed the map in my coat pocket.

  “The lemurs, huh?”

  “You can go in the enclosure with them, so yes, the lemurs.”

  He leant down and kissed the top of my head before tugging me away towards the tunnel. I’d been bouncing off the walls this morning much to his amusement. I didn’t think he understood my obsession with animals, but I’d show him.

  We stood in the lemur enclosure ten minutes later after we’d gone to see the giraffes and zebras. Dante was watching one of them climb up onto a post nearby. I adored their long ringtails and how cute they were.

  “How can you not fall in love with their little faces? They’re so inquisitive.”

  “I suppose they have a certain charm.”

  I looked up at him. He was grinning.

  “Okay, fine, they’re pretty cute. Happy now?”

  “Very. Just wait until we go see the lions and tigers. Big cats are my favourites.”

  I squeezed his hand. He was doing this for me, but I could see he was happy here too. This was the first time we’d been out of the house together. Just the two of us. It almost felt like a date.

  Is this a date?

  After he’d called me his girl when my brother and Harrison turned up unannounced, my heart went into overdrive. I wasn’t his pet any longer. I was something more.

  As we walked towards the otters twenty minutes later after I’d got excited over seeing the sloths, I looked up at Dante. I couldn’t help but wonder what exactly I was to him now. I’d been trying to work up the courage to ask him.

“So… Have you ever taken a girl to the zoo before?”

  He eyed me for a moment.

  “No. I haven’t been to one since before my mum died.”

  I winced. I hadn’t meant for him to bring that up.

  “I’ve never really done the whole taking girls out thing.”

  I was sort of glad he’d chosen to glaze over the part about his mother.

  “Does that mean you consider this a date?”

  I put my hand to my mouth, stifling a smile. We stopped by the otter enclosure. A couple of them were swimming and the others were up on a rock. He raised an eyebrow.

  “A date? Is that what we’re doing? Dating?”

  “Well, I don’t know. I mean, I know I’m not allowed to leave your family, but it doesn’t feel like I’m being held against my will any more.”

  He caught me by the waist and dragged me closer, leaning down so our noses were almost touching.

  “Are you trying to ask me if we’re in a relationship, Liora?”

  I shifted in his grasp. Sometimes he read me all too well.


  “Oh, I think you are. It’s written all over your face.”

  He captured my face in his hand and kissed me. It wasn’t the sort of kiss he should be giving me in public. I felt as though he was devouring me whole. My face burnt. What if people saw us? So mortifying.

  When he pulled away, his eyes were full of mischief. His thumb curved over my bottom lip.

  “I don’t think you’ve been listening to what I’ve been telling you from the start. You’re mine forever.”

  “What if I want that to go both ways?” I whispered.

  Why the hell did I just say that? I was seriously being idiotic now. How could he ever be mine too? I was his family’s property, so that meant he would never be mine because you couldn’t own someone who owned you. Could you?

  “It already does.”

  My heart stopped. The whole damn world stopped. I stared at him for the longest time.

  “Does that answer your question?” he said.

  I nodded slowly.

  “Good.” He released me, turning to the otter enclosure. “Oh look, they’re all cuddled up together.”


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