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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 19

by Sarah Bailey

  My tongue met her clit and she bucked against me.

  “Oh, oh… but they’ll get cold. Oh, sweet… fuck…”

  I no longer cared about breakfast. All I cared about was my face between her legs, bringing her to the brink. Her fingers tangled in my hair, tugging at the strands.

  “Oh fuck, don’t stop, please. Dante, please.”

  Her breathy moans of pleasure drove me crazy and the way she said my name set me on fire.

  “That’s it, Liora, come on my tongue,” I told her.

  I nipped and sucked on her clit as she ground her hips into my face.

  “Oh fuck. Oh god.”

  “I’m not your god,” I growled.

  “No,” she moaned. “No, you’re not. You’re my Master.”

  I just about lost it. My tongue lashed against her clit harder, feeling her shake and tremble in my hands. I couldn’t help it. Whenever she called me that, it made me feel like I was her everything. I was the only man she looked at like she was drowning in me. Like she couldn’t get enough.

  She cried out, her fingers digging into my scalp as she came all over my tongue. Hell, she was the sweetest damn thing I ever tasted. I loved being the only one who gave her this. The only one who brought her to the brink and sent her over the edge. No one else could have that from her. Just me.

  Leaning back, I looked up at her flushed face and her chest heaving as she tried to steady her breathing. Such a beautiful sight.

  “Was that your way of apologising to me?” she whispered, her voice all breathy.

  I smiled. Maybe it was or maybe I just needed to have her come all over my tongue. Either way, it didn’t matter. She was talking to me again.

  I pulled myself up off the floor, tied the belt on her robe and plucked her off the counter. She had to wrap her legs around my waist as I carried her into the conservatory and set her down on a chair. I pointed at the plate.


  I sat down opposite her and poured out the tea whilst she picked up her knife and fork.

  “You’ve never made me breakfast before.”

  “I don’t make a habit of cooking for anyone else.”

  She smiled as she dug in, like it was special that I’d actually made the effort for her. I had shit to make up to her after last night. Plus, I was pretty sure she wouldn’t want to deal with a ‘Brent Special’ consisting of orange juice and cornflakes. Fuck knows why he enjoyed eating it.

  “Thank you,” she whispered before sticking a fork full of pancakes and fruit in her mouth.

  She groaned, the sound vibrating right through me.

  “This is so good.”

  “Even though it’s cold?” I replied eyebrow raised.

  “Worth it.”

  I bit my lip. Fuck yes, it’d been worth it. Getting to hear her call me Master was worth anything. I wanted her to call me that again when I fuck her against the cross. I’d promised her that. Whipping her until she begged and then fucking her until she came. Her back had to heal first. Then I’d take her back in there and show her what it could be like between us. Show her that what we’d had was just a taster of how much pleasure I could give her. I doubted Liora would be the same after I was finished with her. And I was fucking hard just thinking about it.

  I finished off my own plate in record time, watching her over the top of my mug of tea. She fidgeted under my gaze as she ate.



  “Quit staring at me.”

  “I want to look at you. You’re beautiful.”

  She averted her eyes as her face blossomed red. Shit that was always so cute. Her getting flustered over me. She set her knife and fork down, pushing her plate away.

  “Come here,” I said.

  She looked up at me, cocking her head to the side. When I didn’t say anything else, she sighed and stood up, coming around the table to stand next to me. I twisted the chair around so I was facing her.

  “I like it when you obey me.”

  “Don’t get used to it,” she retorted, but I could see from her eyes she wasn’t being serious.

  “There’s something you need to take care of.”

  I leant back, deliberately looking down at where my dick was straining against my shorts. Her eyes followed mine. She bit her lip.

  “How would you like me to do so?”

  “You can return the favour or you can sit on me, the choice is yours.”

  Liora hadn’t yet gone down on me, which was fine, but I was curious of whether she’d choose to do so or fuck me. She shook her head.

  “I want… no… I need you to tell me which one you want… Master,” she said, her voice just above a whisper.

  Holy fuck.

  “Get down on your knees and suck my cock.”

  To her credit, she didn’t miss a beat. She dropped to her knees and reached for me, curling her fingers into my shorts and boxers and tugging at them. I shifted so she could pull them off me. She wrapped her hand around the base of my cock, stroking it slightly. I stifled a groan.

  “Now, Liora. I want your lips wrapped around me.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  She leant over me and took the crown of my cock in her mouth, using her tongue to swirl around the tip. I almost fucking died. Shit, her mouth felt so good.

  “Fuck,” I grunted.

  She took more of me, using her tongue to lavish the underside of my cock. I was in heaven. How the fuck did she get so good at this? Actually, I really didn’t want that question answered. Thinking about anyone else having their hands on Liora or her pleasuring them made me sick to my stomach. I knew she’d only been with two people before, but it didn’t make me feel any less irritated by it. She was meant to be mine three years ago and instead she’d had a fucking relationship with another guy.

  I had to reign this in. Three years was the agreement so she could finish her degree. I didn’t want to pull her away from the things she loved. Not really. It didn’t mean I had to like that she’d been with another guy for two of those years.

  I wound my hand into her hair, gripping it as I shoved her down further on my cock. She gagged a little, pushing against my thigh with her free hand. I didn’t let her up for a long moment, savouring the way her mouth felt around my cock.

  She took a gulping breath of air when she pulled back, staring up at me with those insanely intelligent green eyes of hers. Her hand was still wrapped around me, squeezing gently.

  “You’re good at that,” I told her.

  “I want to please you, Master.”

  Fuck me.

  Something shifted within her last night. I could see it now. The way she was looking at me spoke volumes. She needed this. Needed me to tell her what I wanted her to do and when. Right now I was her master and she was my pet.

  “You are.”

  Her smile made my heart stop. It was if my praise was the only thing she needed.

  Fuck Liora.

  How the hell could I have ever lived without her? This girl was like a drug and I was addicted to her smiles. Addicted to the way she tasted. Completely addicted to the feelings running through my veins when she was around me.

  Her sweet mouth was on my dick again and I couldn’t stifle a groan. Fuck she really did know how to drive me crazy.

  “Hey D… oh, oh holy fuck, what the…”

  I looked up. Brent was standing in the doorway, eyes wide before he slapped a hand over them, turning away. I’d been so wrapped up in having my dick attended to I hadn’t noticed him coming in.

  Liora tried to pull away, but I kept a hand on her head, forcing her to stay.

  “I need to talk to you, but I’ll come back later.”

  “No, don’t… Hold on one sec,” I said.

  When I was sure he wasn’t going to leave, I leant down towards Liora, my lips brushing over the shell of her ear.

  “I didn’t say you could stop,” I told her, my voice
low. “I told you to take care of my cock and you’re going to unless you want me to bend you over my knee and spank you in front of Brent as punishment for displeasing me.”

  I probably shouldn’t have fucking said that. I probably should’ve let her go given what happened last night in front of Zach, but I didn’t care. Her lips around my cock felt too good.

  She shifted on her knees, pulling my cock out her mouth to respond to me.

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to come down your throat and I want you to swallow every last drop for me.”

  “I want your cum, Master.”

  Fuck. How on earth could I even think straight when she said shit like that? She took me in her mouth again and started sucking me in earnest. I could feel her trembling, but she didn’t stop.

  “Good girl.”

  I leant back and looked up at Brent. He was still averting his eyes and his face was a little flushed. He’d worked for me for years and not once had he ever walked in on me before. Though, honestly, I’d never had a girl on her knees for me in my conservatory. Usually I kept that strictly in the playroom.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “Really, D? I can come back.”

  He looked so fucking uncomfortable.

  “Just spit it out.”

  “I… For fuck’s sake, okay… I need to go deal with some shit next week with my family so I won’t be around. Sorry I didn’t say anything earlier, but you know what my sister is like.”

  I’d never met any of his family, but I knew his sister was a pain in the arse.

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “A couple of days.”

  That meant I had to be here to make sure Liora was safe. No real hardship, but I just fucking hoped Zach wouldn’t start any shit with me.

  “Fine. Is that all?”

  “Yes… Yeah…”

  He shifted on his feet for a moment.

  “Fuck, okay, I’m going. I really didn’t want to see this shit,” he muttered turning away and walking out of the room.

  I smiled, turning my attention back to Liora who was still sucking my cock like it was the tastiest thing she’d ever had in her mouth. She looked so fucking hot with her lips stretched around it, taking as much as she could without gagging.

  “Faster,” I told her, my fingers digging into her scalp.

  I was so close, wound up so fucking tight.

  “Fuck, Liora, more… please.”

  I hadn’t meant to sound like I was pleading with her, but my voice was all fucking high pitched and needy.

  “Fuck, fuck,” I grunted as hot streams of cum erupted from my cock, coating her mouth and the back of her throat.

  Ecstasy didn’t quite cut it. Coming in her mouth was utter fucking bliss. I felt her struggle to swallow as I jammed my dick further in her mouth just to prolong the damn fucking insanely delicious sensation of her lips wrapped around me.

  When I finally let her go, she used her tongue to clean my cock, making sure she got every last drop. Then she pulled my boxers and shorts back up, tucking me away before she looked up at me. I was almost too spent to say anything.

  “You’re such a good girl,” I murmured.

  I put a hand out to her. She shifted off her knees and crawled into my lap, curling her arms around my neck. I captured her chin and kissed her, not caring I could taste myself on her lips. I needed that connection, craved it.

  “Thank you, Master,” she whispered as she lay her head on my shoulder when I released her mouth.

  I was fucking done. She was perfect. So fucking perfect. I couldn’t live without Liora. Not when she embraced what was between us. Not when she submitted herself to me entirely just by doing everything I said.

  I kissed the top of her head.

  “Let’s go take care of your back, hmm?”

  I picked her up and carried her upstairs so I could take care of her.

  And I’d keep taking care of her if it was the last fucking thing I did.

  Liora was mine.

  And I was fucked because I was hers too.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Watching Dante pace back and forth in front of me, gesticulating with his free hand whilst he was on the phone to Zach had me on edge. The irritation in his voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Whatever Zach was saying had well and truly set Dante off.

  “No… I’m not fucking bringing her to that shit so you can think again… What? No. I don’t give a shit, Zach. This was not part of the deal.”

  I wanted to reach out and hold him, but I knew Dante wouldn’t welcome that type of affection right now. It was hard enough to get him to accept any affection when he was in a mood. It was on his terms. Honestly, most things were on his terms and I was beginning to be okay with that. After our conversation about Declan things had changed significantly for me. I’d been trying to let go of my fears. Let myself be Dante’s girl. His pet. His sex toy. The submissive girl who got off on the pain he wrought. All the roles he needed me to play.

  It didn’t stop me wanting to reach out to him and make sure he was okay. Hell, I was so bloody enamoured with the man in front of me it was borderline pathetic. I craved Dante every moment of the day. I wanted his attention. His affection. His pain. I wanted all of him, but he wasn’t so keen on me getting inside his head. He was mine, but I still wanted more. Sometimes he was so open and others, he had his guard up and hid behind all his masks.

  “You don’t have to fucking remind me… I’m not being fucking precious. She is mine. I don’t recall what I do with her being any of your fucking business… What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  My fingers itched. I stared up at him, wondering what Zach wanted and why Dante was so against it. I mean, it was Zach so likely it was nothing good, but Dante always seemed to defer to his father. He said it was to protect me, but I was beginning to suspect there was more to it. Like him having feelings for me. Ones he’d never voiced aloud, but I knew deep down were there anyway. Just like I had feelings for him. Feelings I’d never really wanted to have.

  “You’re going to pull that card? Fuck… Fine, but you tell your friends no one is to touch her. I don’t share my toys and I don’t want their fucking hands on her. Do you hear me? She is out of bounds… Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He hung up the phone and threw it on the bed, storming away to the window where he slammed his hand down on the wall.


  I wasn’t sure what to say. Whatever he’d agreed to clearly had been under duress.

  “I’m going to kill him, fuck,” he muttered.

  “Dante… Is everything okay?” I ventured.

  His back stiffened. I knew very well everything was not okay, but what else could I say to him? I just wanted him to come here so I could wrap my arms around him and tell him we’d get through whatever it was Zach wanted us to do. Even though I wasn’t sure exactly what it was.

  “No, everything is not fucking okay. Fuck, he’s fucking everything up again.”

  I stood up, taking a step towards him.

  “Will you let me…” I faltered.

  “Let you what?” he barked, causing me to flinch.

  “Hold you?” I whispered.

  My heart ached seeing him like this. The sensation burnt in my chest. I needed to be close to him. To feel his heart pounding against his ribcage. I needed the reminder I was more to him than just a girl he liked to punish and fuck.

  When he said nothing, I crept towards him and came to a halt inches from his back. He knew I was there. I was still the only person who was allowed to really touch him so I decided to take my chances. I closed the distance, pressing myself into his back as my hands drifted under his t-shirt and came to rest on his stomach. He took a long shuddering breath before he somewhat relaxed into my hold.

  “I’ve got you,” I whispered.

And I did. No matter what, I wasn’t about to run from this. This man who captured my attention on a fundamental level and was digging his way into my very being. My soul.

  His hand dropped from the wall and he leant back against me, a deep sigh emitting from his throat. He curled both hands around mine, holding me to him.

  “I wanted to take you in the playroom later, but now I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  We’d discussed it a few times. He wanted my back to heal first, which it had. The marks had faded because he’d been careful in his approach to whipping me. He knew exactly how much to dish out for my first time. I desperately wanted that feeling back. The pain of his lashes set my body on fire. And this time, I knew he’d have me begging for his touch. Begging him to fuck me because his pain brought me pleasure. I’d stopped beating myself up for wanting that with him.

  “I can’t take you to this fucking party tomorrow with marks all over you. I want to, fuck do I want to. I need it, Liora. I need to hurt you and that’s really fucked up, but it is what it is.”

  “What party?”

  I wasn’t going to comment on the fact he wanted to hurt me because I already knew that’s what he needed. And I liked it.

  “Zach holds these parties for his friends where they… share their toys.”

  I stiffened. That’s what he meant by telling Zach his friends weren’t allowed to touch me.

  “Have you been to one before?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t get involved. They’re all willing participants. Doesn’t make it any less fucked up. I wish I didn’t fucking have to take you there, but Zach wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  Zach had some kind of power over Dante, but I didn’t ask him what that was because I was pretty sure he wouldn’t answer me.

  “Why does he want us to go?”

  “Apparently I still have things to prove to him. Like doing his bidding and keeping his secrets isn’t enough.”

  My heart broke for him. He’d told me he was doing all of this to protect me and his siblings, but I could feel how much it weighed on him. I wanted to help him. Take away his pain. And I knew how to do that. It was just a question of whether he’d let me.



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