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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 20

by Sarah Bailey


  “Won’t marking me show them I’m yours?”

  “I can’t… it’s part of the deal. Girls must be clear of all evidence of their masters. Zach would fucking kill me.”

  I ran my fingers over his stomach. He tensed. He still wasn’t entirely comfortable with being touched. I hated pushing him, but he told me he had to get used to it. He wasn’t going to let his aversion to touch rule his life any longer.

  “How can I give you what you need if you’re not allowed to mark me?”

  He was silent for a long moment before he ripped my hands off his stomach and spun around. Holding my shoulders, he backed me towards the bed and pressed me down on it, covering me with his body. His blue eyes blazed with frustration.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me? Christ, I can’t take it, Liora. I need you so much.” He leant down, burying his face in my neck and breathing in. “Say my name.”


  He groaned, moving his hands up to pin mine on the bed below him.




  I could feel his cock hardening against my thigh.

  “Fuck me, Dante,” I whispered.

  He groaned again, his teeth nipping at my neck. Using sex to distract him might not have been the best idea, but I knew it’s what he needed. An outlet for his frustration and pain.

  “Please… Master.”

  And that simple word was his complete undoing.


  I thought I’d never really have a use for all the skimpy underwear Dante had bought me, but I certainly had a reason this evening. I’d let him dress me up in a black and red corset, garter belt attached to stockings, see-through black underwear and eye-wateringly high heels I could barely walk in. I wasn’t particularly pleased to have myself on show like this, but I refrained from commenting. This evening was hard enough for him without me adding to it.

  I wrapped the coat tighter around me as we walked into the large townhouse I recognised. This was the place I’d come with my father. Dante told me it was where he’d grown up and he hated being here. We carried on up the first flight of stairs and along the corridor until we reached a set of double doors at the end.

  He stopped me going in. He turned me around and slid my coat off my shoulders before hanging it up on a coat rack which stood outside.

  “Ready?” he whispered in my ear.

  I nodded even though I wasn’t. He stepped up next to me and the doors opened.

  The room beyond was large with dark red leather sofas. On the walls there were shelves with various sex toys and whips. There were men milling about with scantily clad girls. All of them had collars on. And all eyes were on me and Dante. The whole thing made me very uneasy, but I kept a straight face.

  Dante led me towards the end of the room, ignoring the pointed stares until we reached Zach. He turned at the sound of our approach.

  “Liora, it is nice to see you,” he said with a deadly smile. “You’re looking exquisite.”

  I inwardly shivered. His blue eyes roamed across me in a distinctly predatory way. I hated it. Hated that Zach was sizing me up like I was on display for his enjoyment. He turned to Dante, his eyes narrowing.

  “Why is she not collared?”

  I watched Dante pull something out of his pocket. It wasn’t like the collars the other women were wearing. They were all uniformly white with little dog tags on them. This one was black and red leather with a little silver heart in the middle. I couldn’t read what the inscription said.

  He shifted behind me and wrapped it around my neck, securing it. It wasn’t too tight, but I hated it all the same. Dante and I didn’t need this to show I belonged to him.

  Zach’s eyes were still narrowed.

  “Are you trying to cause problems for me?” he hissed.

  “She’s mine and she’s collared. End of discussion.”

  There was a tense moment of silence before Zach’s expression cleared and he nodded. I almost breathed a sigh of relief, but I didn’t dare do anything untoward in front of Zach.

  “Enjoy the party.”

  Dante took my arm and tugged me away to the corner of the room. I looked back at Zach who was giving me daggers. I wasn’t quite sure why he hated me so much. It’s not like I’d really done anything but have the misfortune of being Angus Stewart’s daughter. Did he suspect that I wasn’t really Dante’s pet? That his son had feelings for me just as I had feelings for him?

  Dante sat down in an armchair and indicated his lap with his hand. I sat down on his knee, both my legs in between his. He wrapped a hand around my waist and the other lay on my thigh. He was making a statement. I was his. I could feel it in the possessive way he held me and his eyes as he scanned the room.

  He looked absolutely gorgeous this evening, dressed in a blue shirt which brought out his eyes. His midnight black hair perfectly styled. My fingers itched to run through it. That had always been a problem. Dante was far too easy on the eyes. It’d made him seem less monstrous and more human. And I knew he had a heart beneath all those masks he liked to wear. I’d had the privilege of seeing him without them.

  He hooked his thumb under the top of my stocking, running circles around my skin. I tried not to shift in his grasp, but his touch did things to me even in front of all these people. He’d promised me he wouldn’t fuck me with an audience, but everything else was fair play.

  I should’ve hated him making me continue to suck his cock in front of Brent last week. The thing is whenever Dante told me to do something, I couldn’t say no. I had an innate urge to please him. And somehow it didn’t matter anymore that someone else was in the room. All that mattered was him. Giving him pleasure. Making him come.

  I could withstand this evening as long as Dante was next to me. As long as he was the one dishing out the commands. The pleasure. The pain.

  “Stop wriggling,” he whispered, his mouth close to my ear.

  “Sorry,” I murmured.

  I tried to stay still but his touch set my skin on fire.

  “They’re watching us because I almost never attend these things and they’re wondering why I’ve made you off limits.”

  “You didn’t tell me about the collars.”

  His hand around my waist shifted up, skimming across my side before he fiddled with the collar at my neck.

  “Pets get collared.”

  “Why have you never done it to me if I was meant to be your pet?”

  I turned my head slightly so his face was in my eyeline. His mouth curved up at the side in a smirk.

  “You and I know you’ve never really been that.”

  His fingers trailed across my collarbone, sending shivers up my spine. I dug my nails into my palm. The gesture was hidden as my hand was resting on his thigh, dangerously close to his crotch.

  “You’re mine without it.” His teeth grazed along my earlobe. “My girl.”

  My heart pounded against my ribcage. I wanted to rub my thighs together to relieve the ache building between them. The pressure of his thumb on my leg increased. His fingertips trailed across my shoulder.

  I looked out over the party to distract myself. There was soft music playing under the background noise from the guests. Several girls were on their knees next to the men who’d brought them. Some of them had leads attached to their collars like they really were dogs. I inwardly shuddered. I was glad Dante had no real interest in treating me like that.

  On the sofa nearby, one girl already had her master’s cock out and was going to town on it and the man next to him was watching with a gleam in his eye as he cupped the girl’s breasts. I wasn’t sure how to feel about it. It wasn’t like I’d never seen porn, but seeing people engage in sexual acts in front of your eyes was entirely different. Maybe this is what Brent had felt like.

  I looked away, finding another girl bent over a chair with a ball gag in her mouth.
One man was rubbing his cock over her face and the other was spanking her with a large paddle. Dante had warned me what happened at these parties but seeing it with my own eyes made me feel a little uncomfortable.

  “Not to your liking?” he murmured.

  I shook my head slightly.

  “Can’t say I enjoy watching a bunch of rich pricks get their kicks either.”

  “Would you ever make me wear one of those?”

  I inclined my head towards the girl with the ball gag.

  “No, never. I want to hear you when you moan. Hear you cry out and beg. Your accent is such a fucking turn on.”

  His grip on me tightened. I glanced at him. His face was impassive but I could see the restraint in his eyes. I wasn’t supposed to say his name this evening. I could only call him, Sir, but the urge to make him unravel before my eyes pulsed in my veins.

  “Do you prefer it when I call you, Master or… Dante?” I whispered.

  “Liora…” His tone was laced with warning.

  “Tell me.”

  “Now, in front of all these people is when you want to have this conversation?”

  I nodded. I did because he couldn’t avoid it. His hand on my leg shifted, fingers moving towards my inner thigh. I couldn’t help trembling under his touch.

  “Fine. The truth… it should be hearing you say Master but listening to you say my name is addictive. I’m like a fucking drug addict when it comes to hearing you say Dante.”

  My heart soared. I hadn’t been holding out any hope for that answer, but deep down, it’s what I wanted to hear.

  I didn’t get a chance to respond to him because a man with dirty blonde hair walked up to us with a deadly gleam in his light green eyes.

  “Hello Dante.”

  I felt Dante stiffen beneath me.

  “Marcus,” he ground out.

  “Is this who I think it is?”

  Marcus indicated me with his head. I was already uncomfortable with this guy’s gaze, but his words sent a chill down my spine.

  “What’s it to you?”

  “She’s pretty, I’ll grant you that.”

  He reached out as if to touch me, but Dante was faster, slapping Marcus’ hand away. The man didn’t even blink. He just smirked instead.

  “My, my, don’t like to share your toys.”

  Dante practically growled in response.

  “Didn’t you get the memo? She’s off limits.”

  Marcus put his hands up.

  “No need to get your knickers in a twist.”

  He looked me up and down again.

  “Send Angus my regards.”

  He strolled away, whistling. Dante practically vibrated with irritation. I could feel it in the way his fingers tightened around me and the tension in his body.

  “How does he know who I am?” I whispered.

  Dante didn’t answer me. I risked a glance at his face. His blue eyes were dark. He wasn’t looking at me. I followed his gaze to Zach who was staring at us with narrowed eyes.

  “Get up,” Dante said, his voice low.

  I complied immediately, but my mind was whirling with the implications of what Marcus had said. Did everyone here know Angus was my father? Did that mean they knew what he gave me to the Bensons for?

  Dante got up and took me by the arm, tugging me towards another set of double doors. In the next room, I almost faltered. There were several racks which a few women were cuffed to. A couple were being whipped and one woman was on her front with a man either end.

  Dante took me over to the wall where there were a set of cuffs on chains.

  “Arms up,” he told me.

  He pressed me to the wall, not waiting for me to obey. Grabbing one hand, he wrapped the cuff around it followed by the other.


  “What was that?”

  “S… Sir…”

  He leant into me, his breath hot on my ear.

  “I think you need to be taught your place again, pet.”

  I shuddered at his tone. What the fuck? This wasn’t part of the deal. He said he’d touch me up a little but cuffing me to the wall? I didn’t want it. Not in a room full of people I didn’t know, some of whom were fucking.

  “Dante, please don’t do this,” I whispered.

  “Trust me,” he whispered before pulling away.

  I stared at the wall in front of me unable to comprehend what exactly was going on. On one hand, he was disregarding everything he told me before and on the other, he told me to trust him. Even though I wanted him to tell me what to do, when it came to being in this environment, I was completely out of my comfort zone.

  I took a steadying breath, trying to relax my tense muscles.

  Trust Dante. Concentrate on him. Let him do what he needs. He’s keeping us safe.

  His hands curled around my waist, pulling me back from the wall until the chains no longer had any slack.

  “Tell me… how do pets get punished for disobeying their masters?”

  “They get whipped, spanked or paddled, Sir,” I replied although my voice trembled on the words.

  “You’d like it if I punished you like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Even in front of these people, I knew I would.

  “What did you do wrong?”

  “I called you by your given name.”

  “And what else?”

  What the hell did Dante want me to make up? I could’ve sworn I hadn’t done anything else. His fingers tightened around my waist making the corset boning dig into my skin. I stifled a whimper.

  “N… Nothing, Sir.”

  I didn’t care if it was the wrong thing to say. This game we were playing had rules I still didn’t understand. Was he doing this because Zach had been looking at us or because of Marcus, whoever the hell he was?

  “Bad girls beg for their punishment, pet. Do you want to pay for disobedience?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please punish me.”

  Please don’t, Dante. I won’t forgive you if you hurt me in front of these people. I won’t forgive you if you make me want you even though they’re watching. Please don’t do this.

  I wasn’t sure if he realised this was a step too far for me. That even though I’d sucked his dick in front of Brent, I wasn’t prepared to let him whip me in front of Zach’s friends. I could feel my limbs trembling, shaking as I tried to stay in control of my reaction to his words.

  I hated this. I hated it, but I didn’t hate him.

  I was pretty damn sure I was falling in love with Dante even if I hadn’t ever wanted to admit it to myself. Falling in love with his words, his touch, his body, his mind and most of all, his heart.

  How could I ever love a man who did this to me?

  How had I fallen this far?


  Chapter Eighteen


  This was just about the most fucked up I’d gotten into with Liora and that was saying something. The urges I kept at bay were clawing at their cages. The need to hurt her pulsed in my veins. I didn’t even care that Zach could see us. That his friends were watching me. But she did. She was shaking like a leaf. And the part of me which cared about Liora knew I couldn’t go through with this even if it proved to Zach once and for all that I was his perfect son. That I’d embraced the role he’d carved out for me.


  I’d made a fucking promise to her. That I wouldn’t fuck her or force her to do anything she wasn’t on board with at this stupid party. Why had I agreed to come to it? Why had I given in?

  I knew why. Zach had pulled his trump card yet again. Warning me that he wouldn’t hesitate to take her and bury me in the process if I didn’t bring her. And that he’d take it out on my siblings too. I couldn’t allow that. I just fucking couldn’t. The four of them were the most important people in my life and if Zach hurt any of them again, I wouldn’t forgive myself. Liora was mine and my sibli
ngs didn’t deserve any more pain.

  There was only one way I could damn well show Zach I had Liora under my control whilst keeping my promise to her. I just hoped she trusted me enough. I’d told her to, but there was always a part of her that held back. I could feel it. Whatever reason she had for not letting go entirely, I was sure she wasn’t ready to tell me. I could be patient with her. She’d given me so much already.

  My hands skimmed down her waist to her hips. I tugged her against me, her form moulding to mine.

  “Too bad I don’t feel like punishing you,” I told her.

  I felt some of the tension leave her body as she almost sagged into me. She was mostly hidden from view so I didn’t tell her off for it. Instead, I walked her towards the wall and flattened her against it. I bit down on her earlobe as I moved one hand to cup her pussy.

  “Are you wet for me, my little pet?”

  “Y… Yes, Sir.”

  “Always ready, just like I taught you.”

  I slipped my fingers inside her underwear, stroking her curls but moving no further.

  “I promised you I wouldn’t fuck you here,” I whispered. “I need you to pretend for me.”

  I hoped this was convincing enough because otherwise we were both utterly fucked. Reaching for my belt, I undid it along with my button and fly. I pulled away slightly and turned her around. The chains were crossed over above her, but there was enough slack that she didn’t have to cross her arms. Her green eyes were wide, but her expression was otherwise neutral.

  Somehow, I managed to pick her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I balanced her on my hips, wedging her between me and the wall. I put my hand in between us, making it look like I was sticking my cock in her, but in reality, I hadn’t done anything.

  “Oh god,” she groaned.

  “Did I tell you to speak?”

  “No, Sir, sorry.”

  I smiled at her. Mostly because no one could see my face, but also because I wanted her to know I was happy with her acting. Showing me she trusted me enough to get us out of this situation without breaking my promise.

  “Scream for me, pet. Show them all how much you love it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I started to move, making it look like I was fucking my girl whilst her head lolled back against the wall and she moaned. I held onto her tightly, making sure she stayed in position. We could not afford for this to go wrong.


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