Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 67

by Sarah Bailey

  Was there a more beautiful sight in this world than a woman coming? And not just any woman either. My little dark haired beauty with piercing blue eyes. Watching her come apart on my cock was awe inspiring.

  “You’re stunning,” I murmured, kissing her cheek.

  When she was limp, her hands resting lightly on my back, I pulled away and sat up. Her blue eyes opened, watching me as I gripped both her hips. My lips curved up into a smile right before I thrust forward, burying myself up to the hilt. Pulling out, I set a relentless pace, driving myself closer and closer to the edge. Her fingers gripped the covers and she moaned.

  “Touch yourself. I want you to come again.”

  She let go of the covers and her hand snaked between her legs, right above where we were joined. I couldn’t help but stare at her getting herself off whilst I pounded her sweet pussy. Her back arched off the bed, her mouth parting in a silent plea. Such a stunning creature. The way she fit me so perfectly and how she never refused my demands. Those things made her addictive. Addiction was a curse and one I avoided. With her, I couldn’t help it. I gave in. The wall fell down and I was powerless to stop it.

  “Oh shit,” she cried out. “Fuck, Jensen.”

  My name on her lips had me letting go. As she convulsed around me, her pussy clamping down on my cock like a vice, I erupted inside her. The sweet release pulsed through me. The urge to close my eyes and let it wash over me proved almost too much. I had to look at her, see her taut body writhing, her fists clenching and unclenching as her hand dropped away from her clit.

  Everything else faded to nothing. All I saw was her. All I felt was her. The girl who blazed into my life and set everything on fire. We were burning for each other. Every argument against this in ruins at our feet.

  This was the first time we’d truly let go because right here in my bed, nothing stopped us from this madness. I collapsed next to her, tugging her hot little body against my side, my fingertips brushing across her soft skin.

  “I hope this goes without saying, but I don’t want you to see anyone else,” I said, my voice a little gravelly.

  She tilted her head up to mine.

  “There’s only you.”

  “Good…” I stroked her cheek. “Because you, little one, are mine.”

  Chapter Ten


  I replayed his words in my head over and over whilst I sat curled up in one of his armchairs by the windows in just his shirt. The view from his penthouse was stunning. The city lights twinkled below and I couldn’t help feeling this was more than a little bit romantic. Though nothing about what we’d done this evening was romantic.

  “You, little one, are mine.”

  The way his verdant eyes blazed when those words fell from his lips had me unable to refute them. So I hadn’t. I’d kissed his chest and curled myself around him, savouring the warmth of his body against mine.

  “Here,” I heard his voice and looked up. He held out a whisky tumbler for me. I took it, giving him a slight smile.

  He was only wearing a pair of shorts slung low on his hips. My eyes fell on the deep lines of his muscles which flexed as he moved and disappeared below the hemline. Jensen wasn’t self-conscious nor did he need to be. I took a sip of whisky, grimacing at the burn as I stared at him unashamedly, licking a drop of escaping liquid off my lip.

  We’d eaten maybe an hour ago before he bent me over his dining table and fucked me long, deep and hard. I’d lost count of the number of times I’d come this evening already. Was it four or five? Did it matter? Each one had been as magical as the last.

  “You’re staring.”

  My eyes flicked up to his face, but he was looking out of the window as he drank his own whisky.

  “Can you blame me?”

  He smiled over the rim of the glass.

  “I’d much rather you be touching, little one.”

  As much as I wanted him between my legs again, he’d not volunteered any information about himself other than his age to me. He couldn’t continue to get away with that. This might just be a sex thing, but I still wanted to know him. Why darkness seemed to linger in his eyes sometimes or how come he wanted to become a therapist. Questions I’d only find out the answer to if I dared ask them.

  “Do you have siblings?”

  He stiffened, his body growing tense and his expression hardening.


  “Will you tell me about them?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  I reached out, running my fingertips down his arm. He didn’t pull away which made me hopeful he’d open up to me. At least with something. It didn’t have to be his family.

  “This feels very one sided. I know it’s supposed to, but I just want to know something about you.”

  He turned to me, his green eyes dark with repressed emotion. Then he set his tumbler down before taking mine from my hands and placing it next to his. I found myself picked up out of the armchair before he sat down with me in his lap, my legs dangling off the side and his hand around my waist.

  “I have a younger brother who owns a tattoo shop and he has two kids. My parents both retired from the army fourteen years ago. Mum was a surgeon and Dad was in the military police. I suppose that’s why Ben joined up when he was a teenager. He left when his best friend did to start up his own business.”

  Something about what he said made alarm bells start ringing in my head, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. I shoved those thoughts aside because here he was telling me something about himself. That made me happy.

  “Were you raised on base?”


  “And you didn’t want to join?”

  He shook his head. His eyes were focused on the window, but I didn’t think he was really seeing anything out there as he had this sort of glazed over expression on his face.

  “I wanted to be a doctor like Mum, but not in the military. To be honest, I hated the discipline. Being raised in that environment wasn’t always easy.”

  I couldn’t blame him. Some people weren’t cut out for that sort of life. I couldn’t imagine him in the army anyway. He seemed too wild and dark.

  “Why psychotherapy?”

  His free hand curled around my neck loosely, his thumb stroking down my skin. Jensen seemed to have a thing about it. Perhaps it was to do with his enjoyment of breath play, which we hadn’t indulged in today. Either way, it didn’t scare me like it should.

  “That’s a long story, little one.”

  He looked at me then with haunted eyes and I knew I’d hit a nerve. So I cupped his jaw, my thumb running across his bottom lip.

  “It’s okay, you don’t need to say anything else. Thank you for telling me about your family.”

  I really did appreciate it. Getting a small insight into this man was more than enough for me.

  “I don’t talk about them often. Our relationship is… strained.”

  From his expression, it seemed like strained was the understatement of the century. My curiosity was piqued but pushing Jensen to tell me anything else wouldn’t be wise. At least it’s what my senses were telling me.

  “Families, eh?”

  His lip curled up at the side.

  “Mmm, yes, families can be a bitch.”

  To distract from the heavy atmosphere between us, I pointed at the tumblers.

  “Is that a single malt?”

  “Hmm, yes, it’s Macallan.”

  “Dad hated that. He preferred Laphroaigh.”

  Jensen wrinkled his nose.

  “Too peaty for me. Are you a whisky connoisseur then?”

  “Me? No… Dad always seemed to have a bottle open when we were younger. Whenever Liora’s parents visit, they have a dram after dinner. Jen can’t stand the stuff, but I guess you could say I’ve been developing a taste for it.”

  He smiled, the shadows seeming to disappear from behind his eyes.

  “So that�
��s why you didn’t refuse it when I asked what you wanted to drink.”

  I shrugged. It might be weird for a twenty seven year old woman to drink whisky, but I didn’t care. I was well aware I wasn’t normal.

  He released my neck to pick up my tumbler and handed it to me, his eyes glinting.

  “You know, it just makes you sexier.”

  I sipped at it, watching him over the rim of the glass. Shit, he was so hot. Like to the point where it was completely unfair. I could stare at him all day and it wouldn’t be enough. When I brought the glass away from my mouth, he leant forward and nibbled on my lower lip.

  “You taste so good,” he murmured.

  “Me or the whisky?”


  I smiled, setting the tumbler back on the table and burying my face in the crook of his neck. I inhaled his woodsy scent, feeling a sense of calm drift over me. I wanted to stay just like this with him.

  “It’s late,” I whispered.

  “Do you want to go?”

  I shook my head. Knowing it would be a week before I saw him again made me want to spend every minute I could with him now.

  He kissed the top of my head.

  “You can stay as long as you wish.”

  “All night?”

  His chest vibrated as he chuckled.

  “Mmm, it’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone stay the night.”

  My chest deflated immediately. So that was a no. I started to pull away but his arms tightened around me.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Um… home I guess.”

  He shifted, looking down at me with confusion.

  “I didn’t say you had to go anywhere, Fi.”


  “I want you to stay.”


  His eyes ran over my face.

  “Oh indeed. Don’t jump to conclusions. I don’t play games, little one. I want you and nothing is going to change that.”

  I had to remember Jensen wasn’t like the boys I’d been with. He didn’t beat around the bush nor leave me feeling unsure about his intentions.

  “So you want to sleep next to me?”

  “Who said anything about sleeping?”

  My face felt hot. We both had work so staying up all night was out of the question.


  He smiled, green eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “Yes, I want you close, just like this.”

  My heart sang. My soul blazed. This complex man I knew very little about had me wrapped around his finger. And I no longer cared what that meant or how it affected everything around us. If I had to give him up, I would break because he made me feel alive after so many years of feeling utterly lost and alone.

  “You make me happy,” I whispered.

  He curled his fingers around my jaw.

  “You make me happy too, little one.”


  I blinked, opening my eyes and noting it was still dark outside. My eyes fell on the digital clock on the bedside table telling me it was only five am. Why was I awake at this time? Rolling over I found I wasn’t alone and it struck me all at once. I wasn’t at home. And I hadn’t told Jen I was staying out.

  Oh shit.

  My eyes found Jensen tucked up next to me, his eyes closed and his breathing steady. He looked so peaceful and young. When he’d taken me to bed last night, he’d been gentle which wasn’t something I’d been expecting after all the rough sex we’d had before. Not that I was complaining. The way he’d kissed me and stared into my eyes had my heart going haywire. Catching feelings for him couldn’t end well, but my common sense failed when it came to Jensen. Having an affair with your therapist wasn’t exactly smart.

  I didn’t want to leave his side and yet I still had to get home to change. Walking into the office with the same clothes as yesterday would raise eyebrows. I couldn’t let my personal life be the source of gossip.

  Leaning over, I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead so as not to wake him. Rolling away, I sat up and started to slip out of bed when a hand curled around my wrist.

  “Unless you’re going to the bathroom, I suggest you don’t try leaving without telling me.”

  I turned back finding him with his eyes still closed.

  “I have to go home to take a shower and change before work.”

  “Come here.”

  The deep, commanding notes in his voice had me immediately shifting closer to him and laying back down. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me against his side so I had to lay my head on his shoulder.

  “I’ll drive you home soon,” he whispered.

  He took my hand with his free one and entwined our fingers together on his chest. In all honesty, I didn’t want to go. I hadn’t slept so well in weeks with all the anxiety and guilt I felt surrounding this thing with him.

  How long we lay together silently enjoying each other’s company, I didn’t notice nor care to check. Jensen made me feel at peace. It was only when he murmured something about taking a shower, I remembered I needed to get home. He didn’t give me a chance to protest when he picked me up off the bed and carried me into his bathroom. I found myself in the shower, the water streaming down us two minutes later. His hands were everywhere, running across my sides and down my back until he cupped my behind and tugged me against him.

  “If you think I’m letting you go without getting a piece of this tight pussy this morning, you’re sorely mistaken,” he told me.

  Pressing me against the shower wall, he gripped my thighs and picked me up, forcing me to wrap my legs around him. He rocked me back and forth against his hard cock as he kissed me. The angle had him brushing up against my clit relentlessly. My fingers dug into his wet hair, needing him closer.

  “Fuck, please,” I moaned. “Please fuck me.”

  “With pleasure, little one.”

  He shifted back until the tip of his cock met my entrance. Teasing me with it until I panted and told him to cut it out, he entered me. My head fell on his shoulder, my body shuddering as he thrust deeper with each stroke. His hands on my hips anchored me to him and gave him leverage to fuck me hard against the tiles.

  Jensen told me last week he’d never get enough of my pussy. Well, I couldn’t get enough of his cock. Or him for that matter. He could fuck me till the cows came home and I’d still be back, begging for more. Never in my life had I been this insatiable when it came to a man.

  He fucked me up against the wall with the hot water running until I was crying out his name in sweet relief and he grunted out his own release. Then he set me on my feet and we got cleaned up together.

  By the time we got down to his car after he’d insisted on feeding me, it was seven thirty. An hour and a half before I needed to be in the office and slap bang in the middle of rush hour. I had my still wet hair up in a loose bun in desperate need of a hairdryer. It thankfully only took half an hour for us to reach my block of flats. Mine and Jen’s flat was close to James’ which meant we sometimes caught a lift with him into work.

  Jensen leant across the gear stick, wrapping a hand around my neck so he could kiss me. Time always seemed to stand still when I was locked in his embrace like this.

  “Don’t miss me too much,” he said with a smile when he pulled away.

  “Just don’t forget to text me,” I mumbled, going for the door handle.


  I paused, glancing back at him.

  “I promise I’ll keep in touch.”

  His eyes were shining and everything about him radiated sincerity. So I abandoned the door and launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his neck. He held me for a long minute, stroking my back lightly. I pulled away, kissed him again before slipping out of the car with a wave and a smile.

  I was still riding high when I unlocked my front door and walked in, kicking off my heels and hanging up my coat. Head
ing towards my bedroom, I was brought up abruptly by a voice.

  “Where the fuck have you been?”

  I turned and found Jen by the kitchen door with her arms folded across her chest.

  “I thought Dante told you… I had a date.”

  She looked me up and down, her eyes narrowing.

  “You don’t fuck on the first date, Fi, so why didn’t you come home last night?”

  I didn’t have time to answer her questions. If she wanted to give me the third degree, she could do it whilst I changed. Walking towards my bedroom, I shoved the door open and dumped my bag on the bed.

  “I wasn’t aware I had to run it by you if I planned on staying out,” I said when I heard her heels on the floor come to a halt nearby.

  “This isn’t like you. Ever since we started therapy, you’ve got distant. I don’t get it.”

  I gave myself a minute to work out how to respond as I stripped out of my clothes and tugged out clean ones from my wardrobe.

  “Therapy is bringing up a lot of stuff for me, Jen. I guess it’s hard when we agreed not to speak of it, you know.”

  I pulled a pair of black tights on before shoving a green dress over my head. Maybe I’d picked it out because it reminded me of Jensen’s eyes. Quite possibly a bad idea to be honest, but now wasn’t the time to think too much about my choices. Not with Jen currently on my case.

  “I’m sorry… I didn’t think.”

  I shrugged, pulling on a cardigan as it was cold as hell outside.

  “It’s okay. Why don’t we go out tonight, huh? Dinner and drinks? We could invite Ellie and Liora.”

  Looking up at my sister, I found her smiling, arms now relaxed at her sides.

  “Uh, how about fuck yes? I’ll text them. Then you can tell us all about how you were a dirty little stop out last night.”


  “Oh no, sis, you’re not getting out of giving details. I want to know how big this guy’s cock is and if he’s any good in bed.”

  Before I had a chance to say anything else, she disappeared from view.

  “And we need to leave in ten minutes or we’ll be late. James is picking us up.”

  I sighed. At least I’d got her off the scent, but how was I going to avoid telling them about Jensen later? That’s if Liora and Ellie were even free this evening. I really hoped they were so I might be able to get away with not talking about what I’d got up to last night. And this morning in the shower. My insides clenched at the thought of it. Another thing I’d never done before. Jensen was getting a lot of my firsts, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. Might stroke his ego too much.


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