Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 92

by Sarah Bailey

  She really did know how to throw punches during an argument. I think this was possibly the worst one we’d ever had. I’d never seen her this pissed off nor had it directed at me.

  “Stop deflecting. This has nothing to do with us sleeping together and you know it. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I can’t. I can’t fucking tell you.”

  Now we were getting somewhere. She’d just admitted something was going on with her.

  “Why not?”

  “I just can’t, so stop asking.”

  She deflated, her blue eyes losing some of their fire. I let go of her hands. She didn’t move away from me.

  “Did something happen that night?”

  “Yes. Don’t ask me what it was.”

  I reached up and cupped her face on instinct. She shuddered under my touch.

  “Did someone hurt you?”

  “No. No one fucking hurt me.”

  “Good, because if they had, I’d have to punch their lights out.”

  That got a slight smile out of her.

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Did you forget it’s part of my responsibility to protect you? I might be D’s friend, but I’m also still technically his bodyguard though I don’t do much of that these days.”

  “I don’t need protecting,” she muttered, rolling her eyes.

  I wouldn’t dispute that. I still wanted to protect Jen even if she didn’t need that from me. When she looked at me again, her eyes softened. The sight of it made my heart thump. Whilst her face happened to be a little flushed, she looked beautiful. She always did to me, but that was beside the point.

  “Why did you come after me?”

  “I thought you were mad at me.”

  “I am.”

  I raised an eyebrow.


  She moved closer so our chests were brushing together. Her Dior scent surrounded us, making my mouth water and my cock stand to attention.

  Damn it, Jen.

  It wasn’t just her closeness. It was seeing her angry and worked up. My firestorm. A whirlwind of red hot passion. She burnt with it. And she was stunning.

  “Yeah, I’m still pissed at you. Pissed you came after me. Pissed you knew it wasn’t really about you. Pissed as hell that being close to you drives me crazy.”

  I stared at her, mesmerised by her lips telling me I made her angry and crazy. She made me crazy too. So fucking crazy for her.

  “Why do you make me want to strangle you and fuck you at the same time?” she asked quietly. “Why do I hate you, but still want you? You have no idea how fucking turned on I am right now from fighting with you.”

  Those words taunted me. Tempted me. And I was about to play with fire.

  I’m going to hell.

  My hand left her cheek and fisted in her hair instead, pulling her head back before I leant down and ran my nose up her neck. She let out a small whimper. I stole the sound from her mouth, my lips covering hers. Her fingers curled into my shirt, holding onto me like she was drowning as I held her in place and kissed her like she was my air. My other hand cupped her arse and pulled her flush against me.

  If she was going to say shit like that, then she’d have to face the consequences. Jen wasn’t the only one turned on by our argument. Turned on by the fire burning between us. Fighting only stoked the flames.

  “You drive me insane,” I told her, my lips brushing against hers. “When I’m with you, all I can think about is how wet, tight and warm you feel when I’m inside you. I want you. I want you so fucking much it burns.”

  I didn’t let her respond, devouring her mouth because I was starving for her. Her hands gripped my shirt tighter and she kissed me back, showing me she was on board with this. That she wanted me just as much.

  The only thing which stopped this absolute madness was a loud knock on the door, startling both of us. I pulled back, staring down at Jen. Her lips were a little swollen, her eyes wide and wild.

  “Jen? Are you okay?” came Fi’s voice.

  I indicated the door with my head.

  “I’m fine,” Jen called.

  “You sure? We’re not going to find Brent dead in your room or anything, are we? Do you need me to help you hide the body?”

  I bit my lip and Jen rolled her eyes.

  “No, I haven’t killed him… yet.”

  She raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Well, your food is getting cold, but we can heat it up in the microwave if you want.”

  “We’ll be down in a minute.”

  “Okay. I’ll go warm it up then.”

  We heard her retreating footsteps a moment later. My hand was still locked around Jen’s hair. We stared at each other for a long moment.

  “This isn’t over,” I said. “Not by a long shot.”

  “No? What happened to me being Dante’s little sister?”

  I almost flinched. That was the equivalent of throwing cold water all over me. Did she have to bring it up? Dante would really kill me if he knew. I let go of her abruptly, stepping back as I regained my senses.

  “That hasn’t changed.”

  “Then what, Brent? Are we going to keep playing this ridiculous game where things get out of control then you tell me we can’t after it’s already happened because of my brother? If so, then I’m out.”

  “No. We’re not playing any games or doing anything with each other. You were right. We’re not friends. We aren’t anything.”

  Her eyes flashed. It hurt me to say those words to her because they were a lie, but what else could I do? My loyalty would always remain with Dante no matter what my feelings towards his sister were. No matter how much I loved Jen. And I really did love her to fucking death. She might be a handful. She might rant and rave, but she was beautiful inside and out. She was smart, funny and she loved hard. Her family meant everything to her even if sometimes they made her angry. If anyone tried to hurt them, she’d walk through fire to save them.


  “We’re going to go downstairs and act like things between us are normal.”



  I could see the hurt in her eyes and it gutted me. Jen and I would be a disaster in the making. I’d already seen the fallout in the family over Fi and Jensen’s relationship. I didn’t want that shit happening between me and Dante. Not least because it would be worse. I’d been with them for twelve years. He’d know this hadn’t just happened overnight. At least not for me. Dante knew me better than anyone.

  So me and Jen?

  We couldn’t be anything.

  I couldn’t afford that.

  No matter how much it killed me to open the door and walk out of Jen’s room with her trailing behind me and pretend she meant nothing to me, I had to do it. For all of our sakes.

  Chapter Seven


  Laying here in the dark, tossing and turning whilst thoughts of that kiss from earlier ran through my brain over and over was doing my bloody head right in. My shouting match with Brent had been epic. I knew it was wrong to take out my anger on him but shit with Max had completely fucked with my head. I’d spent long hours at the office over the past week. Firstly due to Dante being off so he could take care of Liora and secondly, Max wanted to hash things out with me over contracts and investments. Thankfully, he hadn’t brought up the part about me having to play the perfect girlfriend role again, but I was sure it wouldn’t be long until he broached the subject again. The thought of having to touch him at all made my skin crawl.

  The only saving grace had been coming home and spending the rest of my evenings with Brent. As strange as it sounds, I enjoyed playing him at Mario Kart and watching films. He would never replace Fi, but with Liora being unwell, Dante was occupied with taking care of her. He’d not even been into work all week. It wasn’t as though I was settling for Brent’s company rather than Dante’s or anything. The truce between
us would always be shaky, but he wasn’t so bad in the overall scheme of things. That was until tempers flared and we snapped at each other. Then things went from zero to one hundred in a matter of moments. As evidenced by this evening.

  I couldn’t deny it any longer. For some insane reason, I was attracted to him. Not just because he was hot. Let’s face it, Brent had always been handsome. That had never been up for debate. It happened to be his ability to irritate the shit out of me which was the issue. He still did, but I’d come to see him in a different light. He’d been nice to me on several occasions and he hadn’t run for the hills the moment I turned my temper on him. No, he’d called me out on my bullshit. I had to give him respect for that.

  I slammed my fist against the sheets. Why couldn’t I get him out of my head? He told me straight up we were nothing. Basically throwing my words back in my face. I hadn’t meant them. Not at all.

  Brent and I were something. I just didn’t know quite what yet.

  The urge to go and tell him grew until it became utterly unbearable. Aware it would be playing a dangerous game, I slipped out of bed and padded downstairs. I stood outside the door to his basement flat for a long moment. It was never locked. I opened it and walked down the stairs until I got to the bottom. There was another door. Tentatively I turned the handle, finding it unlocked as well.

  What are you doing, Jen?

  I had no idea. All I knew is I couldn’t sleep and it was Brent’s fault. And mine. I couldn’t exactly blame this situation all on him. I’d been an active participant in whatever fucked up mess this happened to be.

  I tiptoed down the hallway and came to a halt in the doorway of his bedroom. Everything was dark but I remembered it from when I stayed here the night I found out about Fi and Jensen. How could I ever forget the night which changed the course of Brent and I’s relationship?

  Should I have come down here?

  Definitely not.

  I never did anything I should though.

  I walked over to his bed, pulled back the covers and climbed in next to him. He didn’t stir straight away. It was only when I brushed his hair back from his face he murmured something intelligible and batted my hand away.

  “Brent, it’s me.”

  He cracked an eye open, blinked then opened both eyes. I couldn’t exactly see his expression fully, but I had an inkling he wasn’t entirely pleased I was here nor that I’d woken him up.

  “What the fuck? What are you doing?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  He stared at me for a long moment, his eyes searching mine in the low light.

  “I thought I made everything clear earlier.”

  I shook my head.

  “You didn’t let me have a say.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. Go back to bed.”

  I should’ve known he wouldn’t make this easy.

  “No. I can’t.”

  “Why not? You shouldn’t even be down here.”

  Brent wouldn’t physically kick me out of his flat, but he would demand I leave if he didn’t want me here. I knew one guaranteed way he’d be on board with me staying so I could talk to him. I just hoped he wouldn’t stop me before I could get him on side.

  “Because I just can’t.”

  Diving under the covers, I crawled between his legs, my hands running up his thighs.

  “Jen, what are you…” I tugged his boxers down and wrapped my hand around his half hard cock. “…doing?”

  Leaning over him, I ran my tongue up his shaft before taking his cock in my mouth.

  “Christ, what… fuck. Jesus, fuck.”

  He grew harder in my mouth by the second. I used my tongue to lavish the underside of him whilst my hand remained around the base, working him a little.

  “Fuck, Jen, why are you doing this to me?”

  I hoped he didn’t expect a response when I had a mouth full of his cock. Couldn’t say I was the hugest fan of giving head but there happened to be something erotic about the power exchange. The longer I sucked his cock, the more I started to enjoy it. Then again, for some reason, when it came to Brent, I wanted to do all the things I’d never dared to try before. Simple things like spending time with him and it not escalating into sex. I hadn’t exactly had much luck with guys before outside of the bedroom. Brent was different. He’d always be different.

  I looked up, my eyes meeting his in the dim light. His hands were fisted at his sides as if he was holding back. His body tensed. I knew he liked what I was doing but felt like he shouldn’t because of who I was.

  I pulled back, keeping my hand locked around him.

  “Now will you let me talk to you?”

  “Yes,” he gritted out through his teeth.

  I started to stroke him, keeping my mouth close by in case he changed his mind.

  “We aren’t nothing. I don’t know what the fuck we are, but it’s something. You can’t deny it. Especially not when it’s clear I turn you on just as much as you do me.”

  I let go of him and crawled up his body until we were inches apart.

  “Tell me to my face you don’t want to tear my clothes off and fuck me right now and I’ll leave.”

  I waited for a response but I didn’t get one. I sat up and tugged off my t-shirt. His eyes went to my breasts.

  “Tell me you don’t want me.”

  No response. I tugged off my sleep shorts and underwear next, leaving me bare above him.

  “Tell me to go, Brent. Tell me to go or pin me down and fuck me. Those are your two options.”

  His hands uncurled and ran up my legs. Gripping my hips, he moved me off him and got up on his knees. He tugged off his boxers properly before pressing a hand between my shoulder blades and forcing me down on the bed. My hips stayed up, but my face was pressed into the covers with my arms resting at my sides. I turned my face so I could breathe but I didn’t object. I hoped this was him giving in.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he told me, his voice low and laced with desire. “You’re going to stay exactly like this. If you move, I’ll stop. Got it?”

  His fingers trailed along my spine, sending shivers down it. Normally I wouldn’t be on board with being told what to do. Something in his voice, the dark, husky quality of it made me want to stay still for him.


  “You asked for this, Jen. You pushed me.”

  Both his hands landed on my behind and he spread me wide open for him. Before I could speak, his tongue was on my pussy. I let out a low whine. Shit, he was good at that. His mouth latched onto my clit, teasing me with licks and sucks until I was practically putty in his hands, desperate to come. Every time I thought I’d explode, he backed off a little.

  “Please,” I whispered, my hands clenching in the covers.

  “Please what?”

  “Let me come.”

  “Not yet. You gave me hell today so I’m returning the favour.”

  I spluttered. Who did he think he was?

  But wait, if I moved or told him where to go, he’d stop and I didn’t want that. No, I couldn’t allow the delicious torture to end. I wanted him and I really wanted him to fuck me. No other man had got me so wet before just from words. Earlier, I was holding back from pouncing on him because his insistence on staying calm when I was screaming at him had turned me on for some reason.

  “Please, Brent.”

  “You’re going to stop telling me you hate me. We both know that’s not true. You want me just as much as I want you. Admit it. Admit you like me.”

  Oh fuck me.

  “Are you crazy?”

  He pulled away and I immediately wanted him back.

  “No, I’m sick of you lying to both of us. So admit the truth. Admit you like me.”

  I squirmed. The thing is, it was true. I did like him despite myself. I wouldn’t be down here in his flat if I didn’t. I wouldn’t have spent the past week looking forward to spending my
evenings with him.

  “I like you,” I whispered.

  He leant over me, his mouth brushing across my earlobe. I let out a long breath.

  “I know you do. As long as you keep telling me the truth, I’ll give you what you want. Fuck you deep and hard. Make you come over and over. You lie to me, Jen, this ends. All of it.”

  My heart lurched. I didn’t want it to end. I wanted Brent to keep touching me. Wanted him to do dark, dirty and depraved things to me all in the name of pleasure.

  “I won’t lie to you.”


  He pulled away again but before I could take a breath, his cock pressed at my entrance. I moaned when he slid inside me. His hands banded around my hips as his anchor. I felt so full, but he wasn’t done yet.

  “So tight,” he grunted. “Fuck. Being in your pussy is heaven and hell at the same time. I never want to leave.”

  “Don’t stop, please. I need you.”

  What the hell was I saying? Did I need him? Right now, yes. I would lose my shit if he didn’t fuck me and make me come just like he said he would. Some kind of madness had over taken me. If you told me three months ago I was going to sleep with Brent and enjoy it so much, I couldn’t get enough, I’d have called you a fucking moron.

  When he finally bottomed out, I wasn’t given much of a chance to adjust as he pulled back and slammed into me with a force that knocked all the air out of my lungs. I let out a shaky gasp. He continued to fuck me with long, hard and brutal strokes. Like he was punishing me for my earlier outburst. Punishing me for coming down here and getting him hard. Hard enough that all thoughts of me being Dante’s sister disappeared. I knew better than to bring it up again.

  “You’re a maddening woman, you know that? Absolutely fucking maddening. Any other man would think you were a fucking nightmare to deal with, but apparently not me. No, when you spit fire at me, I just want to hold you down and fuck you until you’re screaming my name in pleasure instead of anger.”

  His hands gripped me tighter and I was pretty sure I might end up with bruised hips at this rate. I didn’t care though. Not when it felt so good. I was damn sure I wouldn’t let any other man fuck me this way. I wouldn’t have allowed anyone to tell me to stay still and let them take control of my body.


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