Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 98

by Sarah Bailey

  She got out of the car and slammed the door. She shut me out and I couldn’t say I didn’t deserve it. Her words whirled around my head. Was I really looking at this all wrong? The thing is I couldn’t imagine Dante not wanting to hit me in the face for getting involved with his sister. Dante knew me better than anyone. He’d suspect the truth. That I’d always had feelings for Jen. How could he not hate me for it considering Jen had been fifteen back then? She might have been only days away from turning sixteen, but how could it be anything but wrong to want a girl who was underage the day we met?

  I shook myself and got out of the car, grabbing our bags from the boot and following Jen in the house. The man himself was coming down the stairs with a frown etched on his face as Jen stormed by him up to her room. He reached the bottom step as I closed the front door.

  “You care to explain why my sister looks like she’s either about to burst into tears or kill someone?”

  “You know Jen.”

  “What did you do?”


  He raised an eyebrow, waving a hand at me.

  “Well, it’s clear you took her with you to your sister’s although fuck knows why.”

  “You have met Jen, right? She doesn’t take no for an answer.”

  He shook his head. I dropped our bags down by the door and followed him into the kitchen, knowing this conversation was far from over.

  “How’s your family?”

  “Same as usual. Causing unnecessary trouble.”

  He smirked and rolled his eyes before opening the fridge.

  “What’s up with you and Jen, then? You’ve been spending a lot of time with her.”

  I leant against the counter and folded my arms across my chest.

  “She’s lonely, D. You do remember that’s why she moved back in with you, right?”

  He tugged a bunch of stuff out of the shelves and dumped it on the counter next to him. So he was in charge of dinner tonight. Didn’t surprise me considering how close to giving birth Liora was. Besides, he could whip up something decent when he put his mind to it. He just preferred to let Liora run the household.

  “I do. Just didn’t think you and her would finally put aside your differences.”

  “I guess burying the hatchet seemed better than constantly bickering. Besides, I remember someone telling me to keep an eye on her.”

  He sighed and ran his hand along the back of his neck.

  “I do worry about her, but Jen’s always been so stubborn and independent. Didn’t think she’d want her older brother hanging around her all the time.”

  “She misses Fi more than she lets on. Don’t think it would hurt if you spent more time with her.”

  “She tell you that?”

  I shook my head. There were many things Jen had told me, but none of them I was about to reveal to her brother. No matter what had happened between Jen and me, I wouldn’t betray her trust like that.

  “No, I think she’s feeling left out now the rest of you are coupled up, you know.”

  “Hmm… Jen’s never really done the relationship thing, but I can see why it might bother her. I don’t know what to do, it’s not like I can replace Fi for her or anything. No one can.”

  Jen wants that from you, idiot, not her brother. She wants you to be her friend, but she wants more too and you’re too scared to give it to her.

  I hated myself for it. I wanted so much to be Jen’s everything and yet risking everything for her felt like a step too far. What if it didn’t work out? What if I wrecked not only my friendship with Dante but my source of income and my home only for me to be left with nothing at all? Jen didn’t understand the full picture. How could I tell her I’d loved her this whole time? That she’d been the only woman to haunt my every waking moment. How these last few months having touched her, felt her and got to know her more had only deepened my feelings. Jen would always be permanently etched on my heart.

  I was about to respond when Jen herself walked into the kitchen. I swear my eyes just about popped out of my head. Jen had somehow in a very short space of time transformed herself from jeans and a t-shirt to a knee-length almost sheer black dress, her hair up in a ballerina bun with sky-high black heels adorning her feet. She looked stunning. My heart ached at the sight of her. I wanted so much to take her in my arms, hold on to her and never let go.

  “I’m going out,” she declared, making Dante frown when he turned to look at her.

  “Don’t you want dinner?”

  “No thanks.”

  “I thought we could all watch a film or something.”

  “Sorry to disappoint. Maybe tomorrow night.”

  Her eyes raked over me for a moment and a flash of pain appeared across her features before her face cleared. Well fuck. Was she going because of me? Hell, did I want to march her back upstairs and make her change out of that. Not only did the sight of her make me hard, but I didn’t want anyone else seeing her like that. Especially not when I had a suspicion about who she was going out to see.

  Don’t be a possessive dickhead! She can wear what she wants. She’s not yours.

  “Okay… have fun, I guess. Don’t get into trouble.”

  She batted her eyes at him, making me grin because she knew very well it would wind her brother up.

  “Me? Cause trouble? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Don’t play the fool, Jen. Behave yourself.”

  “Ugh, you’re such a spoilsport, you know that?”

  “If it means you stay out of trouble, I’ll take that.”

  She rolled her eyes and stalked out of the room. I had to hold back from going after her. God I wanted to quiet that smart mouth of hers. Teach her not to wind me or Dante up. But I wouldn’t. I’d already hurt my firestorm. I didn’t need her hating me all over again.

  The front door slammed and Dante turned back to me.

  “What did you do to piss her off earlier?”

  I should’ve known he wouldn’t drop the subject.

  “Why does it have to be something I did?”

  He gave me a look. Okay, yes, it was entirely my fault, but admitting the reason why to him? Impossible.

  “You and her are always at odds regardless of whether you’ve been all pally for the past few weeks.”

  “I didn’t do anything. She’s just in a mood. Fuck knows why.”


  “Fine, whatever you say, just sort it out. I happened to like the peace and quiet afforded from you two being friendly rather than shouting at each other.”

  I knew that was a dig at me for when we’d had a full on shouting match the evening we were meant to be celebrating Margo, his mother. It couldn’t be helped. Nor Jen sneaking down to my flat for sex afterwards. Well shit, I didn’t need a reminder of how many times I’d slipped up and given in to the pulsating desire between us. Just lucky Dante hadn’t noticed my reaction to Jen’s attire. I’d been turned away from him slightly. Him catching me with a hardon for his sister wouldn’t end well. But damn, I couldn’t get the images of her naked and riding me out of my head. Nor when I’d had her bent over in my bed, fucking her with no mercy because she’d wound me the fuck up. Her taut little body pressed against mine and her face screwed up with ecstasy. No better sight in the world than her crying out my name as she came all over my cock.

  Christ, stop it! You can’t keep doing this to yourself or to Jen. It’s not fair.

  “I’ll try, Jen isn’t the easiest—”

  “Dante.” Both our heads turned at the sound of Liora’s voice. Her green eyes were wide and she was holding her stomach. “I think my waters broke.”

  None of us moved or said anything for a long moment. Dante dropped the knife he was using on the counter before striding over to her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, it’s all over the bathroom floor. Please, I think you need to take me to the hospital.”

  He ran a hand through his hair

  “Shit, okay. Fuck.”

  She clutched her stomach, almost doubling over as she let out a quiet yelp.

  “Dante, please,” she groaned. “Fuck, it hurts.”

  He sprang forward and rubbed her back with one hand.

  “Shh, it’s okay, my heart. I’m here.”

  She grabbed his free hand and held it tight. Dante looked up at me.

  “Can you get the bag and ring her parents? Fuck, he’s not supposed to be here yet.”

  I nodded, edging by the two of them to get their things so they could get to the hospital.

  “And don’t forget to let the twins and James know.”

  “Yeah, okay, I got it, D.”

  I got the bag and opened the front door, handing Dante the car keys as he led Liora out. He’d got her shoes on whilst I was getting their stuff and wrapped a coat around her shoulders. I followed them out and put everything in the car.

  “Let me know what’s happening, okay?” I said before Dante got in the car after helping Liora in.

  “You’re not coming?”

  “I will, just let me get in contact with everyone.”

  He nodded and slid in. I shut the door behind him and watched them drive away. I wanted to go, but Liora needed Dante not me. Even though they were both my friends, they needed each other to get through this. Logan was coming whether they were ready or not.

  I walked back in the house and tugged my phone out. I spent the next five minutes on the phone to Liora’s mum, Heather. She panicked because the baby was early, but I assured her it’d be fine and Liora was in safe hands. Dante would let me know when they got to the hospital what the situation was.

  Before I called anyone else, I went upstairs to their bedroom and made sure to clean up the en-suite. I didn’t want either of them coming home to a mess. Not when they’d have Logan to contend with. Making their bed before I left, I wandered back downstairs with my phone pressed to my ear.

  “Hey Brent, what’s up?” came James’ voice.

  “Liora’s gone into labour.”

  “What? Shit, really?”

  “Yeah, her waters broke. D’s taken her to hospital. I don’t know any more yet.”

  “Do the girls know?”

  “No, I’m going to call them. Jen went out so it was just me, D and Liora.”

  “Fuck, okay. Let me know if they need anything.”

  “Sure, will do.”

  We hung up. I called Fi next. She had a relatively calm reaction to the news and asked if Jen knew yet. She said she’d get over to the hospital since Liora didn’t have her mum down here yet. I was pretty sure Dante would appreciate having Fi with them.

  Lastly I tried Jen but her phone went to voicemail so I left her a message along with a couple of texts. I wanted to make sure she knew. It concerned me she hadn’t answered. Was she really that pissed off at me? Surely she knew I wouldn’t call unless it was an emergency.

  Could I really leave to get to the hospital when Jen didn’t know? Shouldn’t I stay here and wait for her? Fuck. What if she needed someone to take her? Jen didn’t drive, but she could get the tube or something. I paced the hallway, wondering what the fuck to do. I rang her again but it went to voicemail.

  “For fuck’s sake,” I muttered, hanging up.

  What I needed to do was be there for Liora and Dante. I grabbed my keys, writing a quick note for Jen and placing it on the kitchen counter before leaving. If she didn’t see the texts or voicemails, she might see that.

  Halfway to the hospital, Dante rang to let me know where they were and that Liora was fine. Judging by the worry in his voice, I knew he needed me there. Him not being able to do more for her would only cause more stress for him.

  By the time I got there and found their room after the midwives let me in, he was pacing the room whilst Liora was in bed with gas and air in her hand. She gave me a significant look and indicated Dante with her chin. I think he was doing worse than she was.

  “Hey D, it’s okay,” I told him when I reached him.

  “It’s not,” he muttered.

  “It is. You’re both in the best place now.”

  Dante looked up, his blue eyes wild with fear and concern.

  “He’s not supposed to be here yet.”

  “What did they say?”

  “Logan’s fine but he’s early. What if there’s complications?”

  I put a hand on his arm to stop him pacing.

  “You can’t think like that, D. He’s going to be okay.”

  Dante and I had never really been touchy-feely. He wasn’t the type, but the worry in his eyes had me wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I do. You know why? He’s got Liora for a Mum and you for a Dad. He’s going to be perfect, okay?” I patted his back. “Now, go be with your wife and stop worrying. I’m pretty sure she needs you.”

  He nodded at me before slipping out of my hold and going over to Liora’s bedside, taking her free hand. She looked up at him, adoration in her eyes as he kissed her fingertips.

  “I won’t leave your side, my heart,” he whispered.

  “I love you,” she whispered back.

  They were still completely enamoured with each other. Getting to see Dante happy finally gave me a funny feeling in my chest. My best friend, who’d suffered far too much in his life, had the girl he’d always wanted and now they were about to extend their family. Honestly, I’d been waiting for this moment just as much as they had. I might not really want to deal with another kid after all of Cam’s but this was Dante and Liora’s baby. For some reason that was different.

  I sat in one of the chairs whilst Dante helped her breathe through her next contraction. An hour later, Fi and Jensen showed up. The midwives told us there were only two people allowed in the delivery room at once so after hellos were exchanged, Jensen and I went to the waiting room. Of course, Dante had brought her to a private hospital, nothing but the best care for his heart. I texted James and rang Heather to give her an update before trying Jen again.

  “Fuck,” I muttered when she didn’t answer.

  “What’s up?” Jensen asked, peering at me from where he was sat with a magazine in his hand.

  “Jen isn’t answering her phone so she doesn’t know Liora’s in labour.”

  He raised an eyebrow. He knew all about us which made this a little uncomfortable for me. I didn’t know him very well, but he wasn’t a bad guy. Fi thought the world of him after all and I trusted her judgement.

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “No, though I’m pretty sure I know who she’s with.”

  Whatever she said was going on between her and Max Graves, I didn’t exactly buy it. Dante told me Jen hated him, but those photos plastered over social media told a different story. She wasn’t the type to do things for just publicity. Something else going on and I was damned if I wasn’t going to find out what.

  “She’s a law unto herself so I’m not surprised she didn’t tell anyone.”

  “You can say that again,” I muttered, throwing myself down into a chair and tapping my foot on the lino.

  He wasn’t going to bring up my weird fucked up friendship with Jen. For all he knew, Jen hadn’t told me she’d spoken to him about it in therapy. It’s not like he’d break her confidence anyway.

  “You okay there, Brent?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  I wasn’t, but discussing my issues with Jen with her therapist? Not a good idea.

  By the time James and Ellie showed up an hour later, there were no signs of Logan arriving any time soon and Jen still wasn’t answering her phone. I’d all but given up getting in touch with her.

  As nothing seemed to be happening any time soon, Dante asked me to drive back to the house as they’d forgotten the car seat. Not wanting to be sitting around doing nothing, I obliged, hoping beyond hope Jen would be back so I could let her
know her nephew was coming earlier than expected.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Having to go to Max’s parents for dinner was not my idea of a fun evening. What I really wanted to do was spend the evening in my pyjamas lamenting over my broken heart. There, I admitted it. Brent had broken my heart and it fucking sucked. How or when it happened, I had no idea. He’d torn down my iron fortress and now I was left picking up the pieces.

  I hate the day you decided to come into my life, Brent Coleman. I hate how much you’ve hurt me.

  But I couldn’t bring myself to hate him.

  Fuck it. Fuck everything.

  So here I was being greeted by Max’s parents and acting like I was happy to be there. And it turned out it wasn’t just me and Max at dinner, it was a whole host of his family, cousins, aunts, uncles. I forgot their names as soon as they told me them, not really caring who or what they were or how they were related to Max.

  “So Jennifer, how’s business?” I think Max’s uncle asked me.

  “Fine, just fine, we’re busy with the autumn collection.”

  “I suppose you must have to plan early.”

  “Most definitely. We have a very busy schedule throughout the year preparing for each season.”

  I hated talking about work. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job, but when I left, that was it. I didn’t take it home with me unlike my brothers. I’d been giving Dante the courtesy of debriefing him when I got back whilst he was at home with Liora because he asked me to. Otherwise work didn’t consume my every waking moment.

  “I can well imagine. It must be nice to have Max here to discuss these things with.”

  I stifled the urge to roll my eyes.

  “Oh yes, it’s wonderful to be with someone in the industry.” Actually I’d rather get eaten by sharks, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  The sound of my own voice grated on my ears. Here I was pretending to be someone I wasn’t and I hated it.

  “Oh yes, Jennifer and I have many lively discussions, isn’t that right, sweet pea?” Max interjected, wrapping an arm around my waist.


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