Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset Page 99

by Sarah Bailey

  My skin crawled and I had to fight the urge to step away from him. His mere presence made me queasy. How on earth would I get through dinner with him so close to me? I’d already lost my appetite. And what the fuck was with him calling me sweet pea? Gross! I did not sign up for some cutesy pet name. I already found it nauseating enough when Jensen called Fi, little one, Dante with his ‘my heart’ business for Liora and let’s not forget James and his ‘sweetheart’, Ellie. Honestly, the girls might find it all adorable, but I didn’t. Thank fuck Brent knew better than to ever call me anything other than Jen. I mean, he called me a maddening woman, which I was actually secretly proud of since it meant I’d gotten under his skin.

  A sharp pain spread from my heart outwards at the thought of him. I rubbed my chest, finding it hard to breathe. How had that stupid man managed to get past all my defences? I’d never felt this way about anyone before and to be honest, I hated every moment of it.

  “Oh yes, my lovebug and I are always talking about business,” I said, trying my best not to allow my internal war to get the better of me.

  Max raised an eyebrow at me. If he was going to give me a stupid pet name, he was getting one back. I gave him my brightest smile. He wanted me to act like the perfect girlfriend, so he just had to suck it up. Perhaps I was laying it on a little too thick.

  For the next ten minutes, Max stayed glued to my side, watching me like a hawk as I interacted with his family. It’s like he was waiting for me to slip up. And I was pretty determined not to. A wrong move could mean ruin for my family.

  At dinner, I was sat in between him and one of his cousins, Bertrand Graves or Bertie for short. He gave me the creeps. Especially since his eyes were glued to my tits whenever he spoke to me. He had to be at least twice my age.

  Ugh! Gross!

  I mean I had nothing against older men, some of them were incredibly hot, like my therapist for instance. Not that I would say it to Fi ever again since I got the impression me thinking her boyfriend was hot bothered her a little. Besides, Jensen might be well be incredibly attractive but he really wasn’t my type and he only had eyes for my sister. You could tell by the way he looked at her. She was his sun, his moon and his stars.

  Bertie would probably like nothing better than to fucking motorboat my breasts.

  Never happening, buddy!

  “So you’re a twin, right?” he asked.


  That happened to be common knowledge so who knew why he’d asked me.

  “Must be difficult for you.”

  I frowned.

  “Why’d you say that?”

  “Oh well, you know, having men ask you if your sister would join in.”

  His voice was low enough that no one else could’ve heard him, but I immediately stiffened and clenched my fist under the table. Where the fuck did he get off saying shit like that to me? I might not have objected to him leering at my tits like some dirty old creep but suggesting anyone would ask me and my sister for a threesome was just despicable. Especially since I was sitting next to his cousin who was my supposed boyfriend.

  How fucking dare he!

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m sure it’s not the first time you’ve heard that.”

  I almost spluttered with sheer indignation at his blasé tone. Like it was a normal thing to say to a woman he’d just met.

  “Listen here, do you think that’s a polite way to speak to a woman? Because let me tell you, it’s not. I don’t give a shit who you are, you don’t get to ask me whether or not someone has asked me and my sister for a threesome like some dirty old creep.”

  It suddenly went very quiet around my end of the table. I looked around, finding half of his family staring at me and when I met Max’s eyes, I knew I was in the shit. Irritation flashed behind those blue depths, making me want to shrink back in my seat. I’d never been cowed by a man apart from my father, but something about Max reminded me of my dad. And not in a good way.

  “Excuse me,” I said quietly, pushing back my chair and practically dashing from the room.

  I never backed down from a fight, but I’d really fucked up. That wasn’t good girlfriend behaviour. That was embarrassing both me and his cousin at the dinner table. And jeopardising my deal with Max. Some fucking deal. I’d got the raw end of it.

  I found the nearest bathroom and locked myself in, taking several deep gulping breaths of air. My face felt hot and my skin itched. It wasn’t my fault Bertie decided to overstep the mark, but I should’ve kept my voice low.

  No, I just had to make a fucking scene, didn’t I.

  There was a knock on the door and I stiffened.

  “Jennifer, it’s me,” came Max’s voice.

  I didn’t want to open the door to him, but I had no choice. I’d barely unlocked it, when the door was thrust open and he walked in. He slammed it shut behind him, flipping the lock. Next thing I knew, he had his hand around my neck and I was pushed up against the wall.

  “What the fuck was that?” he seethed, his ice blue eyes cold.

  “Get your hand off me!”

  I tried to push at his chest, but he was like a wall of fucking muscle and wouldn’t budge. Instead, he stepped closer, pressing against me and restricting my ability to move.

  “I’ll say it again, what the fuck was that?”

  A cold wave of dread slid up my spine, reminding me of the one and only time I’d been restrained before. When Dad tied me up and forced me to watch him rape Fi. Images came flooding back, making me want to scream, but the sound died in my throat because Max only squeezed tighter, restricting my airflow.

  “Your cousin,” I choked out, “is a creep.”

  “So, you decided to embarrass me in front of my family, did you? I don’t give a shit what he said, you keep your mouth fucking shut and play your part.”

  I pressed at him helplessly.

  “Do you want me to ruin your family? Because I won’t hesitate to. You’ll all burn under the weight of your dirty little secrets.”

  “I… can’t… breathe.”

  His smile became deadly and he merely tightened his grip.

  “You need to learn your fucking place. You think you’re such a fucking tough act, but you’re nothing but a weak, pathetic little slut.”

  My lungs began to burn. His words slammed into me. Was that all I was? It’s what my father had said. That me and Fi were nothing but dirty little whores who wouldn’t amount to anything in our lives. All we were good for was to fuck. Nothing more.

  “Please…” I wheezed. “Let… me… go.”

  He laughed. The sound echoed around the room. Max wasn’t just a dickhead, he was evil and soulless. There was a manic look behind his eyes which made me want to run far, far away. Why couldn’t I push him off me? Why wouldn’t he stop?

  “You get it now? You’re mine, Jennifer. You’re going to do exactly as I tell you or I’ll ruin you for good.”

  He let go of me and stepped back. I gasped, choking as I tried to breathe oxygen back into my lungs. He watched me silently as I struggled, holding my throat which hurt like a bitch. I stumbled away from him, gripping the edge of the bathroom counter. My eyes found the mirror and I noticed the red hand mark around my neck. I stared and stared. He’d strangled me. He’d fucking marked me.

  He came up behind me and ran his fingers over the marks, a deadly gleam in his eyes and a smirk on his lips.

  “Next time, you’ll keep your mouth shut, do you understand?”

  I nodded, flinching at his touch and not trusting myself to speak.

  “That’s my good little sweet pea,” he cooed.

  That pet name. He taunted me with it. He knew exactly how to hit me the hardest.

  “Don’t worry, your secrets are still safe. Consider this a warning. I don’t want to hurt you but I will punish you for misbehaving.”

  He bent his head down and placed a kiss on my neck. When I tried to flinch away, he gri
pped my chin and held me in place.

  “You’re a very beautiful girl, Jennifer. You and Fiona were always so aloof. Everyone called you the weird twins because you wouldn’t talk when you came back to school after that summer, but they all still wanted you. I wanted you.”

  My limbs shook. The man behind me downright terrified me. A monster in sheep’s clothing.

  “I like my women compliant and obedient. I will break your fiery spirit and then you really will be all mine.”

  I’d never be his. Never. Giving into a man like Max would be like giving into my father. I’d be stronger than that. I’d survive this just as I survived Zachary Benson.

  “Whatever you say, Max,” I whispered, my throat raw.

  He let go of me and stepped away, walking towards the door.

  “You run along home now, sweet pea. I shall tell my family you’re unwell. Don’t forget what I said. One wrong move and your life comes crashing down around you.”

  He unlocked the door and walked out, leaving me alone. I took a minute to attempt to compose myself. Holding back the tears welling in my eyes and the desolation in my soul, I hurried out of his parents’ house, grabbing my coat on the way. I pulled the collar up to hide the marks on my neck.

  As I made my way home on the tube, my heart sank to my knees. How the hell could I get out of this? Max made his intentions clear. He wanted all of me. Parts of me which didn’t belong to him and I wouldn’t give willingly. I’d never be compliant or obedient for him.

  Brent called me a firestorm the night we’d first been together.

  I wouldn’t let my fire go out.

  Not for anyone.

  Even so, my heart ached and I wanted to curl up and cry. Max made me feel weak, helpless and terrified. Just like my father had.

  By the time I unlocked the front door, I felt weary down to my bones. The house seemed far too quiet and still. Where was everyone?

  It didn’t matter. No one could see me like this. I trudged upstairs to my room, throwing off my coat when I got there. I slipped out of my shoes, flipping the bedside lamp on when I froze at the sound of my bedroom door opening wider.

  “Jen,” came Brent’s deep voice.

  “What do you want?” I bit out.

  My heart burnt in my chest, desperately wanting him but knowing I couldn’t have him.

  “Haven’t you looked at your phone? I’ve been calling you.”

  I frowned, tugging it out of my bag and finding several missed calls, voicemails and text messages.

  “No. What’s going on?”

  “Liora’s in labour.”

  I spun around, my mouth dropping open.

  “What? The baby’s coming?”

  Brent came into the room, frowning heavily.

  “Yes. I came back to pick up the car seat… Jen, what happened to you?”

  I stared at him, unsure of what he meant until I realised his eyes were on my neck. I raised my hand to it, covering up the marks.

  “N… Nothing.”

  He reached me and gently tugged my hand away. His fingers stroked over the marks, making me tremble.

  “Who did this to you?”

  His voice was laced with anger and his gold flecked eyes were full of agony as if it pained him to see me hurt.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing, Jen. Who touched you like this? Who hurt you?”

  I brushed his hand away.

  “It doesn’t matter. We need to go to the hospital. Just let me change.”

  I attempted to back away but he stopped me, holding my shoulders. His touch was so gentle, as if handling a frightened animal and it broke something inside me.

  How could I tell him what Max did? What he said to me? How could I reveal the blackmail? There was absolutely no way.

  “What happened?” he asked, his voice softening.

  Tears pricked behind my eyes. His expression destroyed me.

  “I can’t tell you,” I whispered.

  “You can. Tell me who did this, please.”

  How could I trust him when he’d unwittingly broken my heart? But I longed to. Longed to have him hold me and take all of my pain away.

  I shook my head.

  “No, you don’t understand. It’ll only make it worse.”

  He pulled me closer and cupped my cheek. The gesture broke through all my resolve along with the soft touch of his fingers against my skin. Tears began falling down my face.

  “You can trust me.”

  Could I? Would he help me? Would he do so without telling Dante? He’d made it clear he wouldn’t choose me over my brother even though there was no real choice to be had. Dante was his friend but I wanted to be his girl. My brother would understand if I explained it. If I told him how I felt about Brent. If I admitted the truth.

  “I’m so scared,” I sobbed. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Shh, it’s okay. I’ve got you. We’ll work it out together, okay?”

  I wanted to believe him. So fucking much.

  “You have to promise me something.”


  I knew he might not agree but I had to make sure this stayed between us.

  “Promise me you won’t tell Dante.”


  I gripped his hand where it rested on my cheek.

  “You have to promise that. Please. Promise you won’t tell him.”

  His eyes betrayed his conflicting loyalties. If he cared an ounce about me then he’d agree to my terms. Agree not to tell my brother. Dante finding out would ruin us all. Max had told me not to tell my family, but Brent wasn’t technically a family member. I knew I was trying to justify my reasons for wanting to tell him, but I didn’t care. This burden weighed on me and what Max did this evening couldn’t be taken back. He couldn’t undo it. The marks on my neck proved he’d hurt me. And he’d do it again if I stepped out of line.

  “I promise.”

  I barrelled my way into Brent’s chest, clutching him tightly as the weight of everything crashed down on me. Tears flowed freely, soaking into his clothes.

  “Max did it,” I cried into his chest. “Max strangled me. He’s been blackmailing me. He knows everything, Brent. He knows our secrets and he’ll ruin us if I stop doing as he says.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Every word which fell from her lips made my rage burn hotter. I’d had a feeling Max was up to no good, but this went so far beyond what I’d suspected. Jen was still talking, telling me how Max knew about the blood debt, how she was pretty sure he had more evidence and knowledge than he’d let on and how he’d insisted Jen pretend to be his girlfriend. Except after tonight, it was worse than that.

  “He told me he’d break me and make me his,” she sobbed, clutching me tightly. “He reminded me of Dad and what he did to me.”

  I wrapped my arms around her, careful to be gentle. She didn’t need spooking right now. Not after that shit.

  “Shh, I’ve got you, Jen. I won’t let him hurt you again.”

  Her body shook against mine, her sobbing growing louder. I wanted to go around to fucking Max Graves’ house and beat the shit out of him for putting hands on Jen. My firestorm who was a broken mess right now. I was supposed to keep her safe and I failed miserably. I failed to protect the woman I loved even though she had no idea how I felt.

  “I couldn’t stop him. Just like I couldn’t stop Dad.”

  What the fuck could I say to that? Jen didn’t often speak about Zach and what he did, but clearly, this had brought up all her memories.

  “He called me a weak, pathetic little slut. Is that all I am, Brent?”

  I couldn’t with her question. I very gently pulled her away from my chest, tipping her face up and cupping her cheeks. She looked so lost. The sight of it shattered my heart. As much as rage burnt through me, I wouldn’t allow it to control me. Jen needed to be handled with care right now.r />
  “Do you remember what I told you? That you’re a firestorm?” She nodded slowly. “That’s still true. You’re so strong and resilient.”

  “I don’t feel it,” she whispered.

  I leant towards her, pressing my forehead to hers.

  “I see you. All of you. You shine so bright. The world is dark without you in it. That’s why you’re my firestorm.”

  She choked back a sob. Christ knows I shouldn’t have said that. All my feelings were on the tip of my tongue, begging to be let out.


  “Shh, I know.”

  I kissed her tear stained cheeks, feeling the wetness under my lips.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  How could I live without Jen? The way she smiled. Her laugh. Her touch. Everything about her was perfect. Even when she was mad and shouting at me. A fucking tornado, barrelling her way through everything. She was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

  I love you, Jennifer Cassiopeia Benson. You’ve always been the one.

  “I’ll protect you, Jen. I promise.”

  “How can you? He’ll ruin us if he finds out I told you.”

  I leant back and stared down at her. My beautiful girl had no idea what I could do when I put my mind to it.

  “He won’t find out. I’m going to get you out of this.”

  She blinked as I dropped my hands from her face to her shoulders.

  “You swear you won’t tell Dante?”

  “I promised, didn’t I?”

  As much as it killed me, I knew Jen wouldn’t open up to me unless I did as she asked. I wish I hadn’t knowing what Max was threatening, but Dante finding out wouldn’t help anyone right now. Especially not when Logan was almost here. They didn’t need any more scandals in their family. He deserved to raise his son in peace.

  I’d sworn to protect the Bensons from any threats and that’s exactly what I would do.

  “You did.”

  “You’re going to have to trust me.”

  “I do… but Max is dangerous.”

  I needed to dig deeper into his background. Clearly the check I’d done wasn’t enough. He’d have secrets too. Ones he didn’t want exposing. Jen had given me a clue to what those might be. He liked to bend women to his will. That told me a lot about the type of person he was. It sounded very much like Max liked to control women regardless of the pain he inflicted as evidenced by the marks on Jen’s neck.


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