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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 103

by Sarah Bailey

  When I got to the restaurant, another fine dining place which was no doubt for him to show off his prestige, Max was already seated at our table. He got up when I approached, giving me a kiss on the cheek before tucking my chair in as I sat.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” he told me as he took his own seat again.

  “Thank you.”

  His eyebrow raised slightly. I kept my expression and tone neutral. There was no need to aggravate him. Seeing him made my skin itch and reminded me of when he’d had his fingers wrapped around my neck, squeezing my airway.

  “You’ll be pleased to know I smoothed things over with my family.”

  “I am. Thank you again.”

  I picked up the menu and looked it over. Honestly, right now, I’d rather be in front of the TV stuffing my face with pizza and falling into a cheese induced coma with my actual boyfriend.

  Ugh, what is wrong with me? Since when did my life revolve around wanting to spend all my time with Brent?

  “I’ve heard the filet mignon is top quality here.”

  I couldn’t care less if it was the best thing I’d ever eaten in my life. The sound of it made my stomach turn especially since he’d likely order it rare. Bloody steaks made me queasy.

  “I think I’ll have the seabass.”

  I glanced at him. He was eying me with what could only be suspicion. Served him fucking right. He’d told me to behave and that’s exactly what he was going to get.

  “To start?”

  Why we were having a mundane conversation about what was on the menu was beyond me. I suppose there was that undercurrent of tension between us and not in a good way. He told me he liked his women obedient. What better way to stay in his good books then by giving him exactly that.

  “Oh well, I can’t decide between the scallops or the burrata.”

  “The scallops if you’re going to have the seabass afterwards.”

  “Okay, I’ll take your suggestion.”

  I swear he was getting irritated with me by the way his brow furrowed. I wanted to tell him he asked for this, but instead, I kept my mouth shut.

  When the waiter came over, he ordered for us, including another expensive bottle of white since I was having fish. I surveyed the restaurant. It was busy for a Monday night, which surprised me.

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  I turned back to him.

  “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “It’s just…” He stared at me before shaking his head. “You’re not normally so quiet.”

  I folded my hands in my lap, trying to come across as demure.

  “I had a long day.”

  I was not about to mention my nephew arriving over the weekend and causing an uproar in my household. Max didn’t get know a thing about my private life.

  “Where’s your fire, Jennifer?”

  “I’m merely doing as you requested.”

  He sat back and regarded me for a long moment.

  “I don’t like this.” He waved a hand at me. “You’re devoid of passion, emotion… fire.”

  What the hell more did he want from me? I wasn’t a toy for him to pull this way and that. He couldn’t ask me to behave and then decide he didn’t want that any longer.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we don’t always get what we want in life.”

  “I do.”

  He sounded like a petulant child and it almost made me smile.

  Poor baby wanting to throw his toys out the pram because he’s got what he wants but he doesn’t like it.

  “Some might say that’s a very entitled attitude.”

  “And? I’ve been given everything I ever wanted. People don’t say no to me.”

  I stifled the urge to roll my eyes. What a prick. He’d likely been told he could do anything by Mummy and Daddy.

  “I feel sorry for you.”

  He sat up straighter and cocked his head to the side, frowning at me.


  “It must be such a sad life you lead thinking people owe you everything. Pity that illusion will be shattered one day.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  I shrugged and looked down at my nails.

  “You know it’s funny, Max. You seem to think you can just manipulate your way into getting everything you want. You’ll see one day none of that is real. Women might fawn all over you, but really, they’re just after a rich husband or a quick fuck before they move onto greener pastures. You’ll never know what it’s like to be truly liked or loved by anyone and that’s kind of sad, don’t you think?”

  Why the hell did that come out of my mouth? I’d promised myself I wouldn’t say anything to him which he could hurt me for. Not letting my inner turmoil show in my expression, I stared at him, wondering what he’d say.

  He watched me for a moment before he smiled. Then he laughed, the sound rather maniacal. I had no idea what to make of it. He sounded fucking crazy and people were beginning to look at us. Normally I wouldn’t give a shit, but honestly, this was a little embarrassing.

  He abruptly stopped and stared at me.

  “Oh Jennifer, I knew that little spark was still in there somewhere. Your smart mouth does you no favours.”

  My smart mouth as he called it had got me in trouble on more than one occasion. Especially with Brent. God, why was I thinking about him again? My heart ached with the need to be close to him.

  “Then I’ll endeavour to keep it shut then, shall I?”

  “Oh no, I quite like watching you get riled up. Verbal sparring is quite a treat.”

  I shifted in my seat. What did he want from me? His comments were so contradictory. Did he want me demure or fiery? At least I knew where I stood with Brent. He liked me the way I was. Didn’t want me to change. Max confused the shit out of me.

  “What do you want, Max? You say you like women obedient but then you want to verbally spar with me. I’m tired of this game already.”

  He didn’t respond as the waiter came over with our starters. I sighed, wanting to pull my phone out so I could reassure myself Brent was there for me. Did that make me weak? God. Fuck. I needed to discuss this new status quo with Jensen. Nothing made sense to me any longer. He’d give me some solid advice as always. How my sister’s boyfriend always knew the right things to say was beyond me. I guess it’s his job to know, but still. A fountain of knowledge. My support network. It had now expanded to include Brent. I couldn’t deny knowing he was just a phone call away made the ache in my chest ease a little.

  “What I want is for you to be mine.”

  A cold chill ran down my spine at those words. I dared look up at Max. His ice blue eyes were sharp and his demeanour terrifying. I wouldn’t be cowed. He might have hurt me a few days ago, but I was stronger. I’d fight. He had no idea who he was up against.

  “That’s never going to happen. You can blackmail me all you want. Hurt me. Make me wish I’d never been born, but you’ll never have me. I’m not yours to own.”

  I sat back, watching his eyes flash with anger.

  “I’ll break you. You will be mine.”

  “You can try. Hell, you can do whatever you want.” I waved my hand. “I’m not scared of you. You’re just a little boy playing at the big bad wolf and it’s pathetic. You think I don’t know what it’s like to be in the claws of a monster already? You seem to think you know so much about my family, so tell me, do you know why Fi and I became mute all those years ago?”

  Fuck it felt good to say that. He was pathetic. Blackmailing me was the only way he could get to me. To have me. But he’d never really have me in the way he clearly wanted.

  He frowned and looked away as if my question confused him. So he didn’t know. He had no idea what my father had done to Fi and I. Very few people did. Not something you wanted out in the public sphere. I didn’t need anyone else feeling sorry for me or pitying me for what happened.

really have no idea.” I bit my lip. “Oh, Max, you think you have all the cards, don’t you? It’s such a shame. Go on, tell me, are you going to release all our secrets now? Because let me tell you, the scandal wouldn’t just engulf Bensons, it would bring you down too by association.”

  He brought his gaze back to me, hard and uncompromising, but I didn’t flinch. I didn’t back down. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow.

  “What makes you think you can bring me down?”

  “Oh well, I can’t say it will look too good on you if it became public knowledge you blackmailed your way into my company.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me. Just fucking try me.”

  Our food was completely forgotten in this battle. I didn’t care, having lost my appetite anyway. I might have been scared shitless of this evening, but that was before I realised I still held some of the cards. Max was a stupid little boy trying to play a big man’s game.

  Brent will be proud of me.

  We stared at each other for a long moment. Then he laid his hands flat on the table in front of him.

  “It seems we are at an impasse.”

  “Looks like it.”

  I knew what I wanted. Max out of my company and my life. Somehow I didn’t think that would be happening any time soon.

  “The deal still stands, Jennifer.”

  “I have a new stipulation.”

  He glared, but then his expression cleared and he sighed.

  “What is it?”

  I leant forward, a smile playing on my lips.

  “You’re not going to touch me again. If you dare lay a hand on me, I will destroy you. Are we clear?”

  He ground his teeth and his jaw clenched.

  “Fine,” he said through gritted teeth.

  My smile widened and I picked up my knife and fork.

  “Shall we?” I indicated the food with my head.

  Despite my stomach churning at my audacious and downright dangerous behaviour, I wasn’t going to let this meal go to waste. I’d taken a risk and it’d paid off for now. But things could still backfire. Things could still fall apart and go down in flames. So I had to be careful.

  He gave me a sharp nod before he picked up his own knife and fork.

  A civil meal with him I could do now I’d taken the threat of his touching me off the table.


  I trudged up the steps to the house feeling weariness set in. Unlocking the door, I walked in and heard the baby screaming upstairs. So much for Logan being a quiet baby. I made my way to my room, cleaning off my face and changing into a set of pyjamas. Then I went into the living room, finding Liora and Dante trying desperately to appease their son.

  “Not like that,” Liora scolded, smacking Dante’s hand away.

  “What the fuck do you want me to do? He’s not hungry and he doesn’t need changing.”

  I sighed, rolling my eyes.

  “Have you two tried rocking him?”

  They both looked up at me. I wasn’t some kind of baby expert, but these two were absolutely clueless. I wondered where Liora’s mum was but decided not to ask. Perhaps they wanted to prove they could do this by themselves.

  “When did you get home?” Dante asked.

  “Like five minutes ago,” I told him, coming further into the room. “Can I?”

  Liora nodded so I came around and picked up their son from the sofa. Afie had always quietened down when I put her on my shoulder and rocked her to sleep.

  “How long has he been awake?”

  “Too long,” Liora said with a sigh.

  I patted Logan’s back and walked around the room, rocking him on my shoulder. He was still screaming, but that didn’t bother me too much. I started singing softly, trying to assure him he was okay and he just needed a nap. After a few minutes, he started to quieten down and after ten more, he promptly fell asleep.

  “How the fuck did you do that?” Dante asked when I handed his son to him.

  “Magic,” I replied giving him jazz hands.

  He scowled and marched away out of the room to put Logan in his cot. Liora slumped on the sofa, looking exhausted. I sat next to her.

  “How you doing?”

  “I didn’t think having a baby would be this hard. It’s only been a two days.”

  I rubbed her shoulder.

  “It’ll be okay.”

  At least I hoped it would. She turned to me, her eyes narrowing.

  “What’s going on between you and Brent?”

  I froze and immediately had no idea what to say. If I told her, would she reveal it to Dante? And how had she even noticed when she’d been so focused on having Logan? Then again, Liora was pretty sharp and quick on the uptake.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not stupid, Jen. The two of you have stopped bickering like children. You spend a ton of time together. I caught you sleeping with your head in his lap. So you tell me.”

  I looked down at my hands. This conversation wasn’t one I wanted to have right now. To be honest, I wanted to go downstairs and curl up in bed with Brent so I could tell him about my evening with Max.

  “We’re just friends I guess.”

  “Just friends?”

  I shrugged, not wanting to meet her eyes.

  “Yeah… he’s not so bad really.”

  She snorted, making me look up. Her face registered her disbelief.

  “I’m surprised you noticed considering your determination to spend your entire life hating his guts.”

  “Consider it personal growth. Holding onto teenage grudges doesn’t do me any favours.”

  Besides, the real reason I’d spent this entire time hating him had everything to do with me hating the way I felt about him deep down. Hating that I wanted him. Hating the strange connection between us which had been forged all those years ago when our eyes first met. Had he felt the same way all this time? Did he realise we were meant to be? And would he even tell me if that was the case? Perhaps he’d thought it was wrong considering I’d been fifteen the day we met and he’d been twenty one. I couldn’t exactly say it wasn’t, but it didn’t change facts. Brent and I had always been on a path to collision. It’d been a question of when not if.

  “Well, if there was more to it, then we’d all be happy for you.”

  My eyebrows shot up.

  “What? Yeah right. As if Dante wouldn’t kick the crap out of Brent for touching his sister.”

  “So you do like him like that.”

  I scowled.

  “No, I don’t. I’m just saying.”

  Oh I did. I more than liked Brent. I wanted marriage and babies with him. Though admitting those things made me feel all kinds of crazy. It might be considered far too soon to think about those things, but when you’d known someone for twelve years, it didn’t feel too soon at all. More like a long time coming.

  “Hmm, you keep telling yourself that.”

  “I do not like him like that. What gave you that impression anyway?”

  She smiled at me.

  “You’re getting awfully defensive.”

  “Ugh, shut up. Why are you getting on my case all of a sudden? Do you want me and Brent to be together or something?”

  She shrugged and stood up.

  “I’m just saying it wouldn’t be a bad thing. You could resolve some of that sexual tension simmering between you at all times. As for your brother, he wouldn’t hurt Brent over it. He knows Brent would take a bullet for you if necessary. He just wants you safe and happy, you know that.”

  “What sexual tension?”

  She laughed and shook her head before walking towards the door.

  “Oh, Jen, you really are clueless. Ever since I’ve known the two of you I’ve seen it lingering. You might claim to have hated him, but really, I think the two of you just needed to resolve your attraction to each other.”

  She didn’t give me a chanc
e to retort, strolling away out of the room. My mouth was hanging open. What the fuck did that even mean? How had everyone else noticed this apart from me?

  I closed my mouth and got up to check if the coast was clear. I turned out the lights as Liora had gone upstairs and snuck downstairs, locking up the house before going down to Brent’s flat. I found him in the kitchen pouring over his laptop. He looked up when I walked in with a grin on his face.

  “Hello girlfriend.”

  I rolled my eyes but it didn’t stop me going over to him and sitting in his lap whilst I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “How was it?” he asked, stroking my side and staring into my eyes.

  “Before I get into all of that, you wouldn’t believe the conversation I just had with Liora.”

  He cocked an eyebrow.


  “Well, Logan was screaming so I calmed him down before Dante took him upstairs then I get Liora giving me the third degree.”

  “About what?”

  I sighed, my fingers curling into the hair at the back of his head before I leant closer and brushed my lips against his.


  I pressed my mouth more firmly against his, needing to kiss him. The relief I felt at his lips moulding to mine gave me a sense of peace. I rested my forehead against his when I pulled away.

  “Liora thinks we have a lot of unresolved sexual tension and apparently, she’s thought that the entire time she’s known us. It sounded like she’d be happy about us being together, but I didn’t tell her, of course.”

  “Unresolved sexual tension? Where did she get that idea?”

  I shrugged.

  “It’s pretty resolved now.”

  He grinned, his hand drifting under my top and stroking against my bare skin.

  “Don’t you think we should keep trying? Perhaps it’s not completely resolved just yet.”

  “Don’t you want to know about Max?”

  He lifted me up off his lap and set me on the table before his hands were on my shorts, tugging them down my legs.

  “Not right now.”


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