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Benson Siblings Series: A Dark Romance Boxset

Page 102

by Sarah Bailey

  Fuck knows what had gotten into me but Jen seemed to be on board with it. I doubted she let anyone else tell her what to do.

  Hold on, this isn’t reminding her of Zach or Max, is it?

  I stopped her from wrapping her lips around me. Her blue eyes were cautious as she looked up at me.

  “Do you want this?”

  “Yes, I want you, all of you.”

  As if to show me, she leant forward and ran her tongue up the underside of my cock, making me shiver. Her small hand gripped me at the base and she took me in her wet, hot mouth.

  Honestly, I never thought I’d ever see Jen on her knees wanting to bring me pleasure. She’d always been so independent and scornful of anyone trying to tell her what to do.

  My fingers tightened in her hair. Shit her mouth felt amazing. She sucked me with long drawn out strokes as her fingers worked me. If she kept this up, I’d be coming down her throat in no time at all.

  “Jen,” I almost whimpered like a fucking baby because what she was doing to me was heavenly and I never wanted this to stop.

  How the fuck could I keep resisting her?

  You can’t. You love her. You want her. Just give in.

  She hummed, the vibrations thrumming along my cock. Her tongue curled along the underside of me and her blue eyes stared up into mine, taunting me with the desire simmering in them. The sight of her on her knees for me was utterly maddening. I couldn’t help myself any longer. My hips jerked forward, the urge to pound into her driving me.

  She pulled back, breathing deeply before she rose to her feet and placed both hands on my chest. Jen pushed me back until I practically fell into the armchair behind me. She straddled me and her hands came up, cupping my face.

  “You don’t have to choose,” she whispered. “Don’t you see? I’m already yours and you’re already mine. We’re meant to be together. Stop trying to hide from it. Stop using him as an excuse. Be with me, Brent.”

  I blinked, trying to work out if I’d heard her correctly.

  “You want an actual relationship with me?”

  I needed her to be clear about what she was asking me.


  My blood pounded in my ears.

  She’s mine.

  My hands curled around her waist, holding her to me.

  “I’m yours and you’re mine.”

  She nodded, her blue eyes intent on mine.

  All my arguments flew out the window. I wanted to give in. Give into what I’d craved for so long.


  “Okay,” I whispered, sealing my fate and binding myself to her.

  Her eyes welled with tears all over again. I couldn’t stand it. Reaching up, I brushed my thumb under her eye, catching the tear which leaked out.

  “Don’t cry.”

  “I never thought you’d say yes.”

  Honestly, neither did I. And yet my heart’s desire was sitting right there on top of me, offering herself to me. This time it was different. Before, she’d only said she wanted to continue sleeping with me. As much as I adored being inside of Jen, I couldn’t risk my friendship with her brother for sex. But for something more? For a relationship with a future? How could I turn that down?

  “You never asked for everything with me before.”

  “I didn’t know I wanted it until you told me no when we were away.”

  There were things I had to admit to her about how long I’d wanted her, but all of that seemed insignificant right then. All I could see and think of was her.

  “My firestorm,” I whispered before she kissed me.

  There was relief in that kiss, like she needed this more than she was letting on. When she pulled back, she rested her forehead against mine.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything until after we handled Max, but I need you so much it hurts. I don’t know how you became so fucking important to me, but you are. I can’t be without you.” She sighed. “We’ll get through this, won’t we?”

  I nodded. I didn’t know quite how yet, but we would.

  “I’ll find a way, Jen. I meant what I said, I’m going to protect you and your family, okay?”

  “I know.” Her lips met mine. “I know.” The kiss became heated. “Take me to bed and show me I’m yours.”

  The passing consideration someone might notice we’d disappeared together flittered across my mind. Then I was on my feet with her wrapped around me and striding towards my bedroom, shoving all other thoughts aside.

  I laid Jen out on my bed like the very first time I’d had her here. I stripped her down until she was bare before me, her milky white skin stark against my dark sheets.

  “You belong right here,” I murmured as I leant over her. “In my bed. With me.”

  “Show me.”

  My clothes came next. Her hands ran up my bare back, nails scratching across my skin and driving me crazy. I gripped her thighs, pressing her legs open and settling in between them. The sharp pant which escaped her lips when I slid inside her made my heart thump harder.

  I love you. You’re mine.

  “Mine,” I growled against her lips as I kissed her.

  “Yours,” she whispered against mine.

  My fingers entangled with hers on the bed, pinning her there whilst I fucked her long, slow and deep. Assuring her with each thrust I’d never let her go. My eyes fixed on her brilliant blues, telling me she accepted everything I gave her.

  Would she understand when I told her I’d loved her almost half her life? That even as she’d been a fifteen year old and completely out of bounds, I’d wanted and needed her anyway. I wanted to help her heal. And now I’d been given the chance to finally after all these years.

  Jen was mine. A girl I could hold on to. A girl who no longer flinched away at the thought of my touch nor turned her ire on me. The only girl to ever have my heart.

  “I won’t leave you in the dark again,” I told her, my voice barely above a whisper. “I won’t push you away. I’m right here. Where I’ve always been.”

  I hadn’t meant the last part to slip out but she didn’t look annoyed by it. She just smiled.

  “I know.”

  Words failed me. Did she? Did she really understand? I wasn’t ready for that conversation quite yet. I wasn’t ready for any of this, but life has a funny way of giving you exactly what you want at the strangest fucking time.

  Shoving away those thoughts, I watched her as she panted and moaned whilst I fucked her. Was there ever a more beautiful sight then Jen beneath me? Her face flushed, eyes wide and breathing heavy. Perhaps when she was on top of me, her naked form on full show whilst she took her pleasure from me. Either way, Jen was my fucking world. And now she really was all mine.

  I was in awe when she came. Her body trembling, her hands gripping my back with nails digging into my skin making me grunt from the sharp points of pain. I’d let her do what she wished as long as she stayed. As long as she kept looking up at me with those fucking blue eyes which drowned me. If she kept panting my name like a prayer.

  It was all too fucking much for me. All my emotions suffocated me and I couldn’t hold back whilst she came apart around me. I let out a high pitched grunt of “Fuck, Jen,” before I exploded. Heat licked up my spine, sending me spiralling. And I all but collapsed on her, utterly spent when it faded. Rolling on my back so as not to squish her, I stared up at the ceiling and wondered how the fuck this had happened. And how the fuck was I going to begin to explain this to Dante.

  Jen slipped out of the room and came back within a few minutes before I went into the bathroom and cleaned up myself. Exhaustion decided to set in. The lack of sleep last night and the sex making me drowsy. We curled up under the covers and held each other, allowing sleep to claim us both.


  I sat at my kitchen table with my laptop going over everything I currently had on Max Graves to see if I’d missed anything. Jen would have to see him tonight and she wasn’t lo
oking forward to it at all. Yesterday when we’d woken up, she’d gone back upstairs to spend the rest of the afternoon with her family. It was late evening when she snuck back down and spent the night with me. Having her in my bed was heavenly and waking up to her beautiful face, even better.

  We hadn’t exactly broached the subject of telling anyone else we were together. There were more pressing matters like Max to deal with. Besides, everyone was too busy cooing over baby Logan to really notice what was going on between Jen and me. I hadn’t gone upstairs since yesterday, wanting to give Dante and Liora time with her parents whilst they were here.

  It gave me time to rack my brain and work out how the hell Max had found out about the blood debt. Very few people knew about it so whoever spilled the beans could only be one of a handful of people. My very first suspicion was Zach himself, but with him being in prison, it didn’t seem likely. Still, he’d been harassing James so I wouldn’t put it past him to try get to his daughters somehow.

  Then there was Zach’s friend Marcus. Although I was pretty sure he wouldn’t have got himself involved in any more shit after he was imprisoned for his part in helping Zach cover up Margo’s murder.

  None of the siblings would’ve revealed it nor would Angus, so I was left at a bit of a loss and it drew me back to my original thought. Zach. But why would Zach be involved with Max Graves and how? What did he have to gain by bringing down the company he built? He must know his own daughter wouldn’t stand for that kind of shit. Was this just another way of manipulating his kids even from inside his cell?

  It wasn’t like I could go ask him myself because if he knew I was onto him, then things might blow up in our faces. I had to tread carefully. Still, Zach being behind it was the only logical conclusion I could draw.

  My phone buzzed on the table next to me, drawing me out of my musings. I picked it up and checked the message.

  JEN: Fi cornered me and made me spill everything… Don’t be mad!

  She’d told me yesterday about their conversation in the kitchen. I’d never begrudge Jen telling Fi anything. Those two were like peas in a pod and I was actually glad they were sharing their lives with each other again. For Jen’s sake especially. I knew how much she missed Fi and their closeness.

  ME: What did she say?

  JEN: It’s about time you admitted you have feelings for me.

  Apparently I wasn’t as good at hiding my feelings as I thought I’d been. Though Fi was Jen’s sister so actually it didn’t surprise me she’d guessed the truth.

  ME: Is that all?

  JEN: Oh well, she’s happy for us too obviously. She may have fist punched the air. I didn’t realise me having a boyfriend would be so exciting for her, but whatever.

  I couldn’t help smiling. Seeing it right there in writing. Jen’s boyfriend. Who’d have fucking thought my wish would come true? Not me. I mean, shit, I’d wanted her for so long. It still didn’t seem real. Her wanting me back after all this time she’d insisted she hated me.

  ME: I’m your boyfriend now, am I?

  JEN: Brent…

  ME: Yes?

  JEN: That’s not funny. Consider yourself warned.

  I shouldn’t be winding her up. Especially not when she had to deal with Max later. I was going to apologise, but then again, perhaps distracting her would help.

  ME: Are you going to punish me?

  JEN: You’ll just have to wait and see.

  Trust Jen not to play fair. Though I had brought it on myself in all honesty.

  ME: If I promised multiple orgasms later, would you forgive me?

  JEN: Are you trying to bribe me?

  ME: Maybe, is it working?

  JEN: No, but you can give me those anyway since I know how much you like having your tongue between my legs.

  And now I couldn’t get the image out of my head. My mouth watered and my cock began to stand to attention. Christ, not what I needed right now. Not when I was trying to work out how the fuck Zach and Max knew each other and why he was going to these lengths. The longer I considered it, the more convinced I became about Zach orchestrating this whole thing. Could I tell Jen about my suspicions? She’d either be livid or it would hurt her. I didn’t want to be responsible for sending her spiralling downwards.

  I rubbed my hand across my face, trying to ignore the fact that my dick hadn’t gone down despite my efforts to think about anything else other than Jen spread out across the kitchen table so I could devour her little pussy.

  ME: I hope you’re happy now you’ve rendered me completely incapable of thinking about anything else.

  JEN: Mission accomplished!

  ME: You’re incorrigible.

  JEN: You love it.

  I shook my head. God I needed to quit this conversation before I had to take matters into my own hands.

  ME: That’s debatable.

  When she didn’t immediately respond, I put my phone back on the table and went back to my laptop. There had to be some kind of connection between Zach and Max. I just had to find out what it was and that would take research. So I didn’t need my girl distracting me. It was time to dive into my old files on Zach. He would probably be pissed as hell to learn I’d kept this stuff, but I didn’t trust him not to pull further shit after everything he put his kids through.

  The next few hours were spent trawling through documents I’d rather not look at and not yielding any results. By the time I had a text from Dante to say Liora’s mum had made dinner, I was frustrated as hell. There had to be some kind of link otherwise I was back to square one. Trudging upstairs, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

  JEN: I don’t want to go.

  ME: I’ll be right here when you get back.

  JEN: I wish you were here with me instead.

  My heart lurched. Jen showed so much vulnerability with me. She needed me and I’d been such a dick to her before when I kept pushing her away because of Dante. So I called her, stopping in the hallway rather than going through into the conservatory.


  She sounded a little off which concerned me.

  “You’re not okay, are you?”

  “No… I’m scared he’ll hurt me again.”

  The marks on her neck had finally faded. I hated the fucking sight of them. Evidence of how much danger my firestorm was in.

  “He won’t. Just don’t provoked him, okay? You got this. I promise I’ll be waiting right here for you and if you need me, just text or call me.”

  “You know I hate relying on other people.”

  That made me smile a little.

  “Tough shit. I’m here whether you like it or not.”

  “Ugh, why are you always so annoying?”

  “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I noticed Liora stick her head out of the kitchen door and raised an eyebrow at me. I put a finger up to indicate I’d only be a minute.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Being here and actually giving a shit. I know I’m not the best at this, but you know I appreciate it.”

  “I’ll always be here for you.”

  And this time, I wouldn’t fuck anything up. I’d do right by Jen. That meant telling her brother which I was quite honestly dreading.

  “Yeah okay, don’t need to get all sappy and shit. I’ll see you later.”

  Taking a quick glance to check that Liora had disappeared, I lowered my voice.

  “I miss you.”

  “What did I just say?”

  “Don’t get sappy and shit.”

  “Ugh, fuck, I miss you too. Bye.”

  She hung up without letting me say goodbye back. Typical, but it made me smile. She missed me. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and walked into the kitchen.

  “Why do you look so happy?” Liora asked as she held Logan against her chest and patted his back.

  “Am I not allowed to be?”

  “You are.” She
narrowed her eyes. “But I’ve never seen you this happy.”

  Probably because I’d never had Jen wanting, needing and missing me before.

  I shrugged and walked towards the conservatory doors.

  “Perhaps I’m just in a good mood.”

  “I’m watching you. Don’t think just because I’ve got a new born baby, I don’t have eyes in the back of my head.”

  I glanced back at her.

  “You’re far too suspicious for your own good.”

  “I’m onto you, Brent. I swear you’re up to something.”

  I laughed shaking my head as I went into the conservatory. Liora could think what she liked. I wasn’t about to spill the beans just yet. Not until Jen and I agreed it was time.

  Now I just had to get through the evening without going out of my mind with worry over Jen and her meal with Max. If anything happened to her, I wouldn’t fucking forgive myself for not being there. I hoped Jen would be able to cope. Her temper could get the better of her at times, so all bets were off. As long as he didn’t say anything stupid, she’d be okay.

  I hoped.

  Chapter Seventeen


  As soon as I hung up on Brent, I felt my heart sinking. Speaking to him had made me feel better even if I hated the way my heart raced when he said he missed me. So I wasn’t totally keen on this whole being in love thing. It was really bloody inconvenient. He consumed my thoughts. I wanted to go home and curl up in his lap like some fucking idiot who believed in fairy tales and happy endings. I was not one of those girls. So Brent making me feel that way? Yeah, it was fucking annoying. And no way in hell I’d admit it to him. I mean, I hadn’t told him I loved him yet. A part of me wanted to, but it didn’t feel like the right time with everything else going on. I was still a little freaked out over the fact we were together. It’s what I wanted. At the same time, the newness of having a real boyfriend and it being Brent of all people made me feel unbalanced.

  I grabbed the dress I brought into the office so I didn’t have to run home and changed before applying more makeup. Whilst I didn’t want to dress up for Max, not keeping up appearances would land me in trouble. I had no intention of causing any offence this evening.


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