Book Read Free

Cocky S.O.B.

Page 13

by Vanessa Winters

  I open my laptop to the messaging app we use and shoot him a message. I can’t go see him, because Jack would be pissed if I left my post. He’s been extra vigilant ever since the proposal fiasco. He doesn’t even want me to leave when he’s in his office these days, let alone when he’s away. I’m surprised he hasn’t started sleeping in his office just in case.

  “Thanks for the flowers. Good luck today. You’ve got this one in the bag.”

  Cameron thanks me, and I turn to my work. Jack isn’t in yet, so I organize spreadsheets until he makes his appearance. He finally arrives at nine-thirty.

  “Hi, Jack,” I say sweetly. “How was your weekend?”

  “It was good, how was yours?”

  “Really good,” I tell him. “Hey, I was wondering, do you want me to go over your proposal before your dad collects it? I want you to win, so I figured a second pair of eyes can’t hurt.”

  Jack grins at me. “That’d be great. Thanks, Melody.”

  He pulls the proposal out of his briefcase and hands it to me.

  “I’ll look it over and let you know if I have any notes!”

  He nods and heads into his office. I scan each page, and it isn’t bad. The idea is for packaging, something about using a recyclable material. It doesn’t make complete sense, but it really isn’t badly written. It’s not as good as Cameron’s, so I’m not worried.

  I walk into Jack’s office. “This is really good,” I tell him. “I marked a few things I think you can improve. They’re all tiny, like a couple spelling errors and a few confusing sentences that you can clarify to make your argument stronger.”

  “Thanks, Melody. I’m glad I had you go over it. I think I’m a guaranteed win today.”

  I agree with him despite it being a lie. As soon as I’m at my desk, I send a secret message to Cameron and Emma detailing the proposal. They thank me for the intel, and we all go back to work. I can’t help but wonder where the proposal came from. It doesn’t seem like Cameron’s idea. Did Jack realize he needs to come up with something on his own this time?

  A few hours later, Mr. Colter arrives and collects the proposal. Jack has a smug look when he turns it over. Cameron smiles sweetly at me when he comes out to give his proposal to his dad. The look sends electricity through my veins.

  The review period takes forever. I try to focus on my work, but I keep peeking at the conference room in hopes that Mr. Colter has finished determining the winner. Since Jack has a legitimate proposal, I’m sure it’s a harder round to judge, but the winner is still clear.

  Finally, Mr. Colter calls Jack and Cameron into the conference room. I avoid looking at them when they come out.

  Jack returns to his office with a huge smile on his face.

  “I won!” he says.

  I can’t stop the look on my face. “Wait, what?”

  Jack laughs. “I killed it this round. Dad was impressed. Thanks for your help!”

  He says this loudly, like he wants everyone to hear.

  How is this possible? I read the proposal and it was okay, but it wasn’t nearly as good as Cameron’s. There’s no way their father would’ve picked it.

  Jack is distracted by his win, so I practically run over to Emma’s desk. Cameron’s door is closed tight.

  “Emma, what happened?”

  She shrugs, her face solemn. “I have no idea. He’s pissed. Was the proposal really that good?”

  “No!” I cry. “It wasn’t bad, but it couldn’t have beat Cameron’s. I don’t know how this could have happened. Cameron probably hates me…”

  Emma squeezes my hand. “There’s no way he hates you. You should go in there and talk to him. I’ll cover for you if Jack comes out.”

  “Thank you,” I say. I knock once on Cameron’s door and walk in, not caring that he didn’t invite me.

  The look on his face tells me I should have just stayed at my desk.



  I stare at Melody when she walks into my office uninvited. How dare she? I can’t believe she has the audacity to show her face in here after what she did.

  “Here to rub it in? Throw it in my face?”

  “Cameron, what are you talking about?”

  I scoff. “Please. Jack told me everything.”

  Her face pales. I’ve got her.

  “I don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “Melody, just give it a rest. I know you told Jack about my final proposal. He used one of the ideas as his proposal today. That’s how he won. Don’t act like you had no part in this.”

  She looks like I just punched her in the gut. Melody told Emma and me that she was a terrible actor. Now I know that was all a part of the act. The girl has talent.

  “I really thought we had something,” I say. “I mean, we were building a relationship. I’m such a fool.”

  “You’re not a fool,” Melody says, taking a step closer to my desk. “I didn’t tell Jack anything. This doesn’t make sense. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  I bark out a laugh. “You wouldn’t? You did it to me once before, remember?”

  Tears form in her eyes. Despite everything, it breaks my heart to see her cry. I shake away my empathy. She did this to herself.

  “You said you forgave me for that. I didn’t know what I was doing. He told me the proposal was his.”

  “That’s the story you told, but I’m thinking it was a lie. How long have you and Jack been planning this? Did you get together the day Dad announced the competition and decide to steal my ideas so Jack would win? I didn’t think you could be that low. It turns out, I didn’t know you at all.”

  “You’re wrong, Cameron,” she says. “Please, believe me. I didn’t do anything. I don’t know how Jack got your idea, but it wasn’t from me.”

  Jack was so careful when he talked about the proposal with my dad. I was in shock that I lost. Melody made it seem like it was a done deal. That was just another part of their plan, I guess.

  Dad asked Jack where he got the idea for his green initiative. He said that Melody inspired him because she cares so much about the company being environmentally conscious. Something about it felt off right away. My suspicions were solidified when my dad showed me Jack’s proposal. It was a section from my final submission, almost word for word. Only two people have seen that final proposal, Melody and me. I certainly didn’t give it to Jack. That leaves Melody.

  “How could you tell him my plans? You know how important this position is to me. Jack doesn’t care about the company the way I do.”

  “I didn’t tell him! Please, Cameron. Trust me. I’m on your side.”

  “You’re on Jack’s side, you have been this entire time. Tell me, does he know we slept together?”

  “Of course not,” Melody says through her tears. “I wouldn’t share something so personal with him.”

  I laugh. “Spare me the crocodile tears, Melody. He told me all about your relationship. Funny, you went on and on about your last boyfriend faking it with you when he had a real girl the entire time. Was that the truth, or did you make that up too?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You and Jack are a thing,” I say. “Don’t try to deny it. He told me all about your dates. It was clever, putting him as Xander in your calendar. It threw me off, not gonna lie.”

  Melody looks genuinely confused. She really is a great actress. I’d be willing to bed she’s just mad she got caught.

  “I’ve never gone on a date with Jack. He’s manipulating you, Cameron.”

  For a second, I consider this could be the truth. My brother is nothing if not conniving. I want to believe Melody, but it doesn’t add up. Too much of what Jack said made sense. She couldn’t stand to be in the same room as me until we bonded over Jack being an asshole. That’s when things shifted in her. According to Jack, she was never a double agent. She was a triple agent. She acted like she was helping us, but Melody was filling Jack in on every meeting.

  The last proposal was to t
hrow us off. They agreed that Jack would turn in the fake plan so that Emma and I wouldn’t get suspicious.

  He waited for Dad to leave to say this, of course. He couldn’t let our dad know he’s a cheater. It drives me crazy that Jack knows there’s nothing I can do about it. He’s so confident that he won’t get caught that he’s willing to talk about it openly.

  I’ve never hated my brother more than I do today. Not only is he stealing my work, but he stole my girl, too.

  Or maybe it’s the other way around. Melody was never my girl. She was Jack’s. He just let me borrow her for a few dates. I’m going to tell him about the sex. I bet that will piss him off.

  Melody is still standing in my office as my thoughts drift.

  “Why are you still here?”

  She sniffles. “I want you to listen to my side of things. I’m not working for Jack.”

  Oh, right. That’s where we were with this conversation. Yeah, right. There’s no way she was on our side. If she was, Jack wouldn’t have known about my proposal.

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Cameron, please…”

  “Just stop, Melody. You’re making a fool out of yourself. I can’t believe I ever went out with you. That was the biggest mistake of my life.”

  Melody gasps. “Please, you don’t mean that. You’re angry, but you’ll see…”

  “I’ll see what? You and Jack living happily and destroying this company together? No, thanks. I’d rather not.”


  “Get out of my office.”

  “Please,” she tries again.

  I point towards the door. “I want you out or I’ll call security.”

  Melody finally nods and leaves, her shoulders shaking with sobs. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds for Emma to barge into my office.

  “What the hell, Cameron? How did you fuck that up again? I thought things were going well between you?”

  “She’s working for Jack. This whole time, she’s been funneling him information.”

  Emma’s face scrunches in confusion. “I don’t believe that for one second. Melody is into you. She wouldn’t do that.”

  “She’s not into me. She’s been dating Jack.”

  Emma laughs. “You honestly believe that?”

  “I do.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  “Get out of my office.”

  Emma walks towards the door. “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this, anyway. When you come to your senses and realize you’re being an idiot, come find me.”

  I roll my eyes as she leaves. Emma likes to believe the best in people. I used to be like that but having a brother like Jack can jade you pretty quickly. I’m done being blinded by people who seem good. Melody is one of the bad ones. Emma is right, I am an idiot. But I’m an idiot for falling for Melody, not for kicking her out of my office.

  I let out a sigh and dig out my proposal. I’m sure Jack knows everything about it, so now I need to come up with something else. Luckily, I still have a few ideas that the board hasn’t seen. It won’t be as meaty as the original, but I think it’ll win.

  At the same time, I begin to compile all the evidence against Jack. Just in case he comes up with a miracle on Friday, I need to be prepared.

  Jack is not getting the CEO position.

  That job is mine.



  My life feels empty without Cameron in it. It’s only been a couple of hours, but it feels like years.

  I can’t believe he took Jack’s word over mine. Didn’t we bond over the last week? Did our dates mean nothing? I told Cameron about my dream company and about my family and friends.

  Cameron never cared about me at all. That’s the only conclusion I can come to. If he did, he would have talked to me. He knows how his brother is. He knows that Jack has been manipulating all of us. He fell victim to it this time.

  I can’t even blame him, really. I fell for Jack’s scheme, too.

  I sigh. There’s no way I can continue to work here. It’s not just about Cameron. I refuse to work for someone like Jack. At least, when I had Cameron, I could pretend like things were okay. I knew there was at least one good man in the office.

  Without him, I’m lost.

  I type out my resignation letter, effective immediately, and print it on company letterhead.

  “Jack?” I say, tapping on his door. He looks up from his laptop and smirks when he sees me. “I’m turning in my resignation, effective today. I’m sorry for leaving you but I’m sure you can find someone from a temp agency to take over my work until you get someone permanent in.”

  He reads over the letter, but he doesn’t look surprised. There’s something sinister in his expression. How did I not see that when I first interviewed with him? All the signs were there, but I missed them.

  I’m a terrible judge of character. I dated Kyle for four years. I let my boss convince me I was taking his proposal back when I was really stealing his brother’s.

  I can’t possibly open my own business when I can’t handle working as an assistant. My job, my relationship, and my dream go up in smoke all at the same time.

  What a great day it’s been.

  “I’ll miss you,” Jack says after he’s read over the letter. “I appreciate the work you’ve done.”

  His words are insincere. He dismisses me by turning back to his laptop.

  I pack up the few things on my desk and toss them into my bag. I’m glad I brought a big purse today. It’s like I subconsciously knew I’d need it.

  “Melody, what are you doing? Did Jack fire you?” Emma asks.

  I shake my head. “I quit. I can’t… I can’t be here.”

  Her face falls. “You’re leaving?”

  “I’m sorry, Emma,” I say. “I appreciate your friendship and everything you’ve done for me. But this place isn’t right for me. I can’t work for someone like Jack and Cameron hates me. He thinks I’ve been working with Jack this whole time. You have to know that isn’t true…”

  Emma squeezes my arm. “I know it’s not true. Cameron does, too.”

  I laugh bitterly. “Cameron doesn’t. I know you’re trying to make me feel better, but you don’t have to lie. He thinks I’m dating Jack.”

  Emma cringes. “Yeah, Jack really got to him. I don’t know why Cameron believed everything he said.”

  “Because I never gave him a reason not to.”

  I know the words are true as they escape my lips. We’ve gone on dates, sure, but Cameron doesn’t have any reason to expect my loyalty yet. I have yet to do anything to prove it. The one thing I tried to do, share the contents of Jack’s proposal with him and Emma, backfired. It hurts, but I’m not surprised that Cameron chose Jack’s side over mine.

  “Melody,” Emma says.

  I shake my head. “It’s okay, really. I’ll be fine. I’ll get another job.”

  She pulls me in for a hug. “I’m going to miss you. Stay in touch, okay?”

  “Of course,” I tell her. The words feel hallow. I like Emma and I want to keep her friendship, but I’m not sure I can handle it if she talks about Cameron. If we do stay in touch, I’m putting a Cameron ban on all of our conversations.

  I check my desk once more, confirming that I have all my things. I decide to take the stairs down instead of the elevator to give myself time to relax. By the time I get to my car, I don’t feel any calmer.

  My mom still works part time as a substitute teacher after a very long career teaching English at the local high school. Dad retired last year, so he’s always home.

  I give him a call from my car. He answers on the first ring.

  “Melody? Are you okay? Why are you calling in the middle of the day?”

  “I’m okay,” I assure him. “But can I come over?”

  “Of course. I’ll have the ice cream ready.”

  Dad always knows how to make me feel better. Sure enough, when I get to my parents’ house, he’s waiting in t
he kitchen with two heaping bowls of ice cream.

  “Alright, baby girl, tell me what happened.”

  I break down crying again as I explain everything that happened. My dad rubs my back as I sob through the story. He stays silent for a few minutes after I’m finished. I take the time to eat some ice cream. It’s mint chocolate chip, my favorite. My parents always keep it in stock just in case I need it.

  “Can I tell you what I think?”

  I nod. “That’s why I’m here, Dad.”

  “I don’t think you should’ve quit your job.”

  “Dad, come on. The guy I was working for is a lying cheat.”

  “I know, but the other guy isn’t so bad.”

  I roll my eyes. “He yelled at me and broke my heart, but he’s not that bad.”

  “You don’t think he’s a bad guy.”

  Dad has me there. Cameron may have been an asshole to me, but I understand where he was coming from. He’s not a bad person. He just demonstrated bad judgment.

  “No, I don’t.”

  Dad smiles triumphantly. “I’m not saying you should go beg for your job back, but you should’ve stuck it out. Since you didn’t, I think it’s time for you to open that soda company.”

  “I’m giving up on that.”

  He laughs. “No, you’re not. You’re feeling sad and dramatic, but you won’t give up your dream. We’ll talk about it tomorrow when you’re feeling better.”


  “Now, about the young man who broke your heart.”

  “We already talked about him.”

  “We talked about his place of work, not him. Give the guy another chance. If he apologizes. Don’t you go seeking him out. He has to come to you.”

  “I think that sounds fair. Thanks, Dad.”

  I stay at my parents’ house until my mom comes home from work. It sucks having to go over the entire story again, but I get through it without crying the second time. I’m going to have to do it a third time when I call Daniela later. Hopefully, it stops hurting by then.

  As I’m getting ready to leave, my parents pull me in for a hug. “We love you, Melody. Don’t ever forget that.”


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