Book Read Free

Cocky S.O.B.

Page 14

by Vanessa Winters

  I know it’s true and that I’m lucky to have a family like this one.

  “Thanks. I love you, too.” I squeeze them back. “And thank you for never giving me a sibling. Way too much drama.”

  They both laugh.

  “That’s my girl. I know you’re going to be okay if your sense of humor is intact,” Dad says.

  I hug them both one last time and head for my car. Talking to my parents did make me feel better. My dad is right about a lot of things. Quitting was probably hasty. I could’ve taken the rest of the day off, instead.

  But maybe he has a point. I don’t have to give up my dream just because I had two shitty experiences in office. If I’m my own boss, I can make sure this kind of drama never happens.

  The spark starts to return, but it’s duller than before. I want my healthy, natural soft drinks to be a reality someday. I’m just not sure I’m ready for that someday just yet.

  Back at my apartment, I call Daniela and tell her everything. She agrees with my parents, which I expected. She also offers to go kick Cameron in the nuts if I want her to. It’s tempting, but I tell her to wait. I’m not ready for physical retaliation just yet.

  I feel calm as I lay down and go to bed. It’s nice that I don’t need to set an alarm. Tomorrow, I’ll start hunting for jobs and maybe I’ll look into getting investors for my business. Tonight, I need to get some sleep.

  I drift off as soon as I hit my pillow.

  Unfortunately, my dreams are filled with Cameron. I guess my subconscious didn’t get the message that we don’t like him right now, because they were dreams, not nightmares.



  Melody quit her job on Monday.

  I wasn’t expecting that. Emma came to my office after Melody left to tell me the news.

  I wish that I was happy to hear Melody was gone, but my heart aches every time I see her empty desk. Jack didn’t bother to hire a temp. He’ll either hire a new assistant as CEO in a few days, or he won’t need one. The thought terrifies me, but I have a plan.

  My dad is in the conference room with his three judges, going over the proposals. I don’t have to hear the conversation to know they’re confused.

  The proposals are nearly identical.

  After hearing that Melody left, something clicked in me. I decided I can’t let Jack get away with his lying and cheating. Instead of coming up with a brand-new proposal, I turned in the one I’d already prepared. I have the emails, the timestamps, and the physical evidence that I came up with everything. Let Jack try and explain his way out of that.

  “How are you feeling?” Emma asks. We’re sitting in my office together, neither bothering to pretend we’re working.

  I’m going to be the sole CEO after today. Neither of us doubt that.

  “Confident,” I tell her. “There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

  “What’s up? Are you ready to talk about Melody?”

  “I told you to drop that. I know you think she walks on water, but she’s been lying to both of us. You should be as angry as I am.”

  Emma opens her mouth to argue but thinks better of it. We’ve gone in circles about this since Monday. I know that I’m right. Emma might want to believe Melody, but I’m not that naïve.

  “What I want to talk to you about is that Severine is leaving. She officially gave me her notice yesterday.”

  Emma frowns. “Really? I love Sev. Where is she going?”

  “Back to France.”

  She nods. “Makes sense. I don’t think she liked America very much.”

  I laugh. “She hated it here. I think she only stayed because of the job. She got another design position at a company over there, so she was finally able to leave.”

  “That’s great. I’m happy for her. I’m not sure what that has to do with me, though.”

  “I want to offer you her position.”

  Emma blinks at me. “What?”

  “I’ve seen your work. You’re talented. I won’t lie and say I don’t need you as my assistant, but I think your talents will serve me better on the design team. You can help keep everyone in line and help me improve our campaigns. What do you say?”

  Emma looks stunned. “I think I’m in shock.”

  “You can think about it if you need some time.”

  “No!” she says quickly. “No, yes, of course I want the job. Thank you, Cameron!”

  She hugs me tightly. I laugh as she squeezes as hard as she can. Her petite frame barely wraps around my torso.

  “You deserve it. I’m just glad I get to keep you in-house. I’d be lost without you.”

  Emma laughs. “You would be. When do I start? We need to find my replacement.”

  “Easy there, killer. We’ll wait to fill your position until I’ve transitioned into the sole-CEO position. You start in two weeks when Severine leaves. But don’t worry. You’ll be training your replacement when he or she arrives.”

  “Well, duh. I can’t have anyone messing up my hard work.”

  We chat more about the new position until someone knocks on my door. I open it to find my dad on the other side.

  “Come to the conference room,” he says, his voice low. “I think we have a lot to talk about.”

  I grab the file of documentation I have.

  “Wish me luck,” I say to Emma as I follow my dad out of my office.

  “Good luck!” she calls after me.

  Jack is already waiting in the conference room. The tips of his ears are red, but I’m not sure if he’s angry or embarrassed.

  The three impartial judges have left already. I supposed Dad didn’t need them after all. Jack made it so the competition was one-sided.

  “I want you to explain this,” my dad says, laying the two similar proposals out in front of us. “Who created this proposal?”

  “I did,” I say before Jack has a chance to open his mouth.

  “Liar!” Jack says. “I clearly came up with this.”

  Dad scoffs. “Sorry, son, but this screams Cameron’s work. Without proof, though, I’m afraid…”

  I hold up the manila envelope filled with email printouts and other proof. “I have the evidence right here.”

  Dad empties the contents onto the table and looks over it. Some of the emails date over a year ago, and they contain all the facts and figures found in my proposal. Found in both of the proposals.

  “Jack, can you prove that you were in contact with these vendors before Cameron? Or that you came up with the data yourself?”

  Jack shakes his head. If this were a cartoon, smoke would be coming from his ears.

  My dad sighs. “Well, this is all the proof I need. Cameron, you win the competition.”

  I let out a whoop of excitement. Jack gives me the evil eye.

  “Jack, I don’t know why you thought you’d get away with cheating, but I won’t stand for that. I was going to give you a position within the company, but I’m changing my mind. As of today, you are no longer employed by Snax. The board will draw up your termination papers and provide you with your parting compensation.”

  Jack scoffs. “Whatever. I don’t need this, anyway. It’s not like I need to work. I have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. You’re just idiots who think hard work builds character or whatever. I’m the only smart one in this room.”

  “Jack,” Dad says, trying to calm him down. My brother is on a roll. There’s no stopping him.

  “You and Melody will live a good life together, then,” I say.

  Jack meets my eyes and laughs. “You really believed me about that?”

  My stomach drops. What is he talking about?

  My brother sees my expression and laughs even harder.

  “Oh my God, you did! You really thought I was dating that chick? Please. Why would I go out with her when I have hundreds of much hotter prospects? She was in love with you. I just wanted you to think she betrayed you so you’d be so emotional that you’d drop out of the com
petition. Whole lot of good that did me. I lost a perfectly good assistant because of you. I had to do my own damn spreadsheets all week.”

  “You manipulative ass…”

  I lunge towards Jack but Dad holds me back.

  “We’re not going to get violent in this office. Save it for a back alley.”

  At least my dad approves of me beating the shit out of my brother.

  “How did you know about my proposal?” I ask. “There was only one copy, and only Melody and I saw it. I didn’t even let Emma go over it for the sake of privacy.”

  “Oh, that?” Jack asks innocently. He points to the bookshelf in the corner of the office. “I planted a little recording device a while ago. It came in handy when I needed to listen to meetings I wasn’t in on. I didn’t expect to find anything over the weekend, but you can imagine my excitement when I did. I took notes on what you and Melody discussed and turned it in as my own.”

  My father’s face turns red. “Jack. I did not raise you to be so deviant.”

  “Whatever, it’s how I turned out. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pack up my office. If I get out of here early enough, I can hit up one of the actually hot girls I have in my contacts. Have fun with Melody. I’m sure she’ll never forgive you.”

  I lunge at Jack, but once again Dad stops me.

  “Don’t stoop to his level, Cameron.”

  I take a deep breath and brush myself off. My dad is right. I need to calm down. Jack is the asshole. I’m the good brother.

  After Jack leaves, Dad turns to me. “I’m sorry. You mentioned that your brother stole ideas in the past and the board didn’t take you seriously. I should’ve listened back then. Between you and me, I’m glad you won. I wanted you to be the winner.”

  I give my dad a hug. “That means a lot.”

  “Well, congratulations. I’ll have the board draw up your agreement as sole-CEO. You’ll have to take over Jack’s duties, but I have no doubt you’ll handle it.”

  We shake hands and I head back to my office. Emma is still there. I want to be excited and celebrate, but it’s hard when I feel so shitty.

  “So?” she asks.

  “I got the job.”

  Emma deflates. “Okay, why do I feel like that’s a bad thing?”

  “You were right about Melody.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Duh. I knew that. So did you, deep down.”

  Emma is right. I was too afraid that Melody was a traitor to listen to her, but I think in my heart I knew she was on our side.

  “What do I do now?” I ask, slumping down in my chair.

  “You win her back.”

  “Yeah, but how?”

  Emma grins. “I have the perfect idea.”

  I’m not sure I’m going to like her plan, but at this point I don’t care. I’ll do anything to win Melody back.



  I’ve had a Rapunzel dress hanging in my closet since last November. I bought it on clearance after Halloween, assuming that Kyle and I would end up going to the Halloween party this year as Rapunzel and Flynn. That dream went out the door when Kyle and I broke up, but I kept the dress. I don’t need a man to feel like a princess.

  It would be nice to have Cameron by my side. Emma texted me yesterday to let me know he won the sole-CEO position. I’m happy for him even though I’m still angry with him.

  I put the Rapunzel dress in a dry-cleaning bag and carry it to my car. I don’t need anything happening to it on my way to the party, and Daniela needs my help setting up. It’s only ten in the morning and the party doesn’t start until eight, but we go all out for this party. It takes a lot of preparation.

  She’s in full party mode when I get to her house.

  “Thank God!” she says when I walk in. “I need help. Please, please work on appetizers while I setup. All the instructions are in there.”

  “I’m on it!”

  I make pigs in blankets that look like severed fingers, tiny cheeseburger monsters, and tons of other Halloween-themed appetizers. We never bother with a main course. We figure, by eight, most people already ate dinner. However, the booze flows freely, so we want to make sure there’s something to eat. I had a ton of extra free time this week, so I made all the desserts in advance. They’re sitting in Daniela’s garage, waiting to be enjoyed.

  It’s after seven by the time I’m finished preparing the appetizers. I head out to the living room to find Daniela. The place has been completely transformed into a Halloween wonderland.

  “Daniela!” I say. “You outdid yourself this year. This is even better than senior year of college.”

  She beams. “You really think so?”

  Considering senior year we had a sarcophagus and one of our friends agreed to play the mummy all night to scare people, saying this one is better is saying a lot.

  “I do. What else can I help with?”

  “I think we’re ready. George is putting the finishing touches on the backyard. I think we should start getting dressed. Guests could start arriving soon.”

  We head up to Daniela’s room to get ready. I put on my Rapunzel dress and she braids my hair and adds flowers. I’m not blonde, but my hair isn’t short enough to be Rapunzel post-haircut and I didn’t want to wear a wig. I don’t care if it’s not totally authentic. Rapunzel is my favorite princess.

  Daniela and George are dressed as the two skeletons from that Halloween/Christmas movie. Daniela made her dress with scraps of fabric. It came out fantastic.

  We study ourselves in the mirror after Daniela finishes her makeup.

  “We look hot,” she says.

  “We do.”

  “I’m sorry you don’t have a date this year.”

  I shrug. “It’s fine. I’ll mingle and drink and have a merry time.”

  Daniela laughs. “That’s my girl.”

  When we get downstairs, a few of our guests have already arrived. I see a sexy mummy and a sexy nurse as well as a few other sexy and non-sexy costumes. They’re all in couples. I make my way to the punch bowl.

  The red liquid is mostly rum with some fruit punch and sherbet mixed in. The only time I get to drink it is on Halloween, but it’s my favorite alcoholic beverage.

  I drink down a full cup and pour myself another.

  “Woah, there,” a voice says behind me. I turn to find Xander. “Save some punch for the rest of us.”

  “First come first served,” I say, finishing my second cup. Xander fills me up again, and I decide to go slower this time. I’m already starting to feel those first two. I’m a bit of a lightweight. “Nice costume. Very original.”

  Xander laughs. “I came right from work. I figured my scrubs double as a costume. I’m not the only doctor here, though. Real or costumed.”

  “Lots of Daniela’s friends come,” I say. “It feels like a hospital most years. Did you bring a date?”

  “I did,” he admits. “A nurse from my floor. Did you?”

  I shake my head. “There was a guy, but it fell apart. I’m flying solo.”

  “I’m sorry. You look great. Save me a dance?”

  I promise I will and he leaves me alone with the punch bowl. I’m tempted to just drink the entire thing, but I don’t want to throw up in the bushes out front. That would be too close to our sophomore year in college when I thought I was cool enough to drink a ton of booze, but I had no tolerance yet.

  I make my way to the living room where tons of couples are dancing to Daniela’s pop/Halloween playlist. She tries to pick songs that talk about monsters and other scary things. Zombie by the Cranberries is always a hit.

  I’m leaning against the doorway between the living and dining rooms when someone taps me on the back. I turn to find Emma dressed as a bloody bride.

  “Hi!” I say. “I’m so glad you made it!”

  She grins. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Thanks so much for inviting me! I hope it’s okay that I brought someone.”

  “Of course! Who did you bring?”
  Emma bites her lip. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  A figure appears from behind Emma. He must have been hiding against the wall while we talked.

  Cameron stands in front of me.

  Dressed as Flynn Rider.

  “Melody, I…”

  Instead of listening to what he has to say, I run out the front door.

  The night air is cool against my bare skin. I should’ve grabbed a coat or more alcohol. I’m not drunk enough to be outside in a dress in October.

  “Melody, please wait.”

  Of course, Cameron followed me outside. I expected nothing less of him.

  “What do you want, Cameron? To accuse me of sleeping with your brother again?”

  Cameron has the decency to look ashamed. “I’m so sorry, Melody. I should have listened to you. I think I was so scared that Jack might be right that I refused to hear you out. I didn’t want to risk getting hurt, but I ended up hurting you in the process.”

  I don’t say anything in response. He did hurt me. He should have listened to me. I’m not ready to forgive him just yet.

  “Jack told me the truth. He bugged the conference room. Apparently, he’s been listening to conversations in there for a long time. I’m an idiot for trusting him, even for a second. I want you to know that I will always be on your side, no matter what, from here on out. If you’ll have me.”

  “Cameron, you were awful to me. I know you were mad at your brother, but you could have given me a chance to explain.”

  “I know, and I will never be able to express how sorry I am for that. I have no excuse. Just know that my brother is done manipulating me. I don’t trust a word that comes out of his mouth.”

  Cameron is sincere, I know that much. And he’s here, dressed as my movie counterpart. My dad said I should give him a chance if he comes to me. After almost a week without hearing from him, I thought Cameron and I were done. Now he’s at a party dressed as Flynn Rider. For me.

  “Okay,” I say quietly. “But you’re on probation, okay? One wrong move and I’m done.”


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