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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

Page 10

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  Before Liam could say something, I spot Tobi. I run to him and embrace him in a huge hug. Of the side of my eye, I see Ty looking at me. He is uncomfortable, good. I unwrap Tobi and walk to the bastard himself.

  “Nice spot. Are you racing today?” Ty asks, lifting his hand to the back of his neck. He is wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans and he looks yummy. I could eat him right here, right now. I look at him with sadness.

  “I don’t know yet. Did you bring my ride as I asked?” I say instead. Ty nods his head, yes and I grin. I’m so excited right now that I jump on him. My legs wrap around his middle and his hands travel to my but. I look at him and smile.

  “I’m sorry, Em. I didn’t want to hurt you. I will do everything for you, just please, forgive me.” He begs and Ty never begs.

  “Everything you said. Well, I have one idea.” I open the palm of my hand and motion for him to give me the keys to his ride.

  “Em, you know that cars are different than motorcycles. I’m not sure you’re ready.” I huff at him and jump off.

  “If you want to lie again then shut your fucking mouths. You said everything and now you are changing your mind. It seems just like you, Ty.” I’m playing him. I want to ride and I don’t know if they have motor races here.

  “Okay, okay. I just want you to be safe, just it. Here take my keys, it’s manual. You sure you can handle this?” He puts keys on my palm, and I grin with excitement.

  “You know I am. Don’t ask stupid questions.” Tobi is looking at us with a grin of his own.

  “Hell yeah, Em! Show them who’s the winner.” Tobi puts his hand in the air as a symbol of liberty. After his enthusiastic shouting, Liam and Zac come to us.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Liam announces.

  “Says who? You?” Ty steps in front of me. He shields me with his body and that annoyed me. I push him right and stand eye to eye with Liam.

  “Watch me.” I wink at him and make my way to the guy who’s wearing a black jacket with the name at the back: Jack. Jack is holding a clipboard so I assume that he is the guy where I should go to sign up for a race.

  “Hi there. I want to race, where I should go to sign in?” I ask with soft voice. Jack turns around and looks at me. Shocked expression creeps on his face. He checks me up and smiles.

  “Are you lost pretty face?” He asks.

  “I want to ride are you deaf? Name Emlyn, Nissan GT-R, I want to race with Liam Braison.” I smirk and Jack gasps.

  “He is the best. You need to pay up.”

  “How much?”

  “$200 for a start, if you lose, you’ll need to pay $500 more for him, and if you win, he will pay you the same amount plus I will give you the bits.” I give him the cash which thankfully been in my bad that Tobi brings me. “You’re next sweetheart.” With that, he leaves, and I march to Ty’s car. Tobi knocks on the window.

  “Listen, you don’t know the grounds, so don’t push too hard. Stay focused and don’t do anything stupid.” I close the window and start the engine. I drive to the start line and a car appears next to mine. I look at the driver and anger envelopes me. This is not Liam, it’s Zac. He smirks at me and I show him my middle finger.

  Beautiful lady comes and stands between our cars. She lifts two flags in the air and asks if we are ready. We nod our head and she put the flags down. We start. I start calmly. I will let him have the first way because he will run the engine too hard while it’s cold and, on the way, back, the engine will refuse to accelerate. Is that guy stupid?

  My scenario was correct. We come to the corner. I put the handbrake on, and the car runs sideways. I fly like a pro I am. I leave Zac in the dust and he tries to overtake me, his car does not have enough power. Only hundreds of yards to finish line, I add more speed and my car flies through the end. People come closer to my car. I leave the car and they whistle and howl. Zac car parks next to mine and he walks to me.

  “Wow. I didn’t know you can do that. That was amazing!” He lifts me off the ground and spins around. I laugh like a child. I feel free. I didn’t know that coming here would bring something to my life, but the truth is that this life is even better than in England. I have my family back; I have a new friend and I can do whatever I want. When I was high in Zac’s arms, I spot Liam with Sophia. She’s sitting in the hood and he is standing between her legs. A wave of jealousy comes unexpectedly. I need to do something to get her mad. Zac puts me down and Tyler steps next to me. His arm falls lazily on my shoulder and he kisses the top of my head.

  “My girl,” he whispers in my ear. I kiss his cheek and decide to warm the atmosphere between us. I jump on his back and he puts me on his shoulders. “This is my girl!” He shouts loudly and the audience erupt in chaos. My grin widens when I spot that Liam jumped away from Sophia and is staring at us. Tyler walks closer to the car and puts me on the hood. I bend down and kiss him. He takes me in his arms and places his hands on my buttocks. The kiss is hot. I become wet in less than a second. Tyler’s hands travel up my body to my breasts. He squeezes one of them and I moan.

  “If I were you, I would leave now…” The voice sounds in my ears.

  “Fuck off mate, we are busy,” Tyler answers between the kisses.

  “Police is coming. They will be here in less than three minutes. Go with Zac, he is waiting.” I look at the intruder and realise that this is Liam, who else could it be. I push Tyler off of me and jump off the hood.

  “Princess come back home. I will drive.” Tyler states.

  “Not yet, Ty. I’m not ready yet. I will text you when I will be at Zac’s.” With that, I turn around and walk to Zac’s car. His grin welcomes me as I step inside.

  “That was hot! I mean the race not your little dry sex on the hood with your brother.” He laughs.

  “We are not related!”

  “I know, I know. I’m wondering why the hell Liam called the cops. What a shithead is calling for them on its own race?”

  “He’s called the police?” I say with disbelief. This bastard did it on purpose.


  We arrive safely at Zac’s place. He leads me through the security checks, and I walk into Liam’s room. Zac goes after that and I decide to take a shower as our Big Liam is not home yet. He probably drives his fiancé or is banging her somewhere. Anger envelopes me. I leave my clothes on the bathroom floor and step into the shower. A hot water splashes my body and I sigh. Why the hell did he called the police? What Zac mean by ‘his race’? And why the hell I feel angry? I don’t understand my own feelings. Is it possible that Liam was jealous of me and Ty? No, that can’t be true because seconds before he nearly fucked his girl on his hood. That’s probably the reason why he didn’t race me. He was with her. I punch the tiled wall and blood escapes my knuckles. Fuck! I welcome the pain with open arms. I hate that even when I think I hate this guy; he always knows how to tempt me.

  I finish the shower and don’t bother to cover myself. He is probably still half inside his fiancé now; I don’t need to cover. I leave the bathroom and walk straight to the bed where my bag is placed. I open it and I swear, I can feel someone looking at me.

  “Do you think that I don’t know that you are here?” I ask the shadows.

  “Basing on your appearance, no you didn’t know.” Liam’s voice beams. I take my PJ’s in one hand and turn around to walk and change in the closet. “Nice show you played today. You forgave him.” At first, I thought that he is talking about race, but his last statement confirms that he’s talking about Tyler.

  “He is my family. I will always forgive him.” I step into the closed and change. I am not ashamed that he saw me naked. He did before, so why bothers? I tiptoe to the bed, but the thought about him calling the police… “Why did you call the police?” I ask. He doesn’t answer for a long minute.

  “I thought that would be fun. Looking at you dry fucking your brother and then your disappointed face… shame I didn’t take a picture.”

  “Yeah, what a shame, but don’t
worry, someone’s probably done that, and it will be viral on Monday.” At that, Liam hurries to my side. I sit down and look up at him.

  “You forgave him about betrayal and can’t forgive me? How pathetic you are? This guy kissed some chick when you were racing and then he used you like a replacement. My face falls. I mean, we said that we would try, and he promised me that he won’t be with other girls, but this is Tyler we’re talking about. I’m a little sad because he lied to me, again but this would mean that I can do whatever I want as well. However, I cannot let this slide so quickly, I need a plan for revenge. “What? You didn’t know? He didn’t tell you huh. How loyal he is to you then?”

  “Tyler can do whatever he wants, I don’t care. We are not in a relationship, and why do you even care. You’ve been nearly fucking your fiancé as well, fuck off!” I cover my face with a blanket and he ripe that away.

  “I don’t know why she’s been there. She never comes to races, never. I didn’t fuck her. She said that we need to talk about our marriage agreement, that’s it! I didn’t even take her home because I was racing here to fucking check, if you are fucking safe, damn you!” I don’t know what his words done to me, but the next second I’m kissing him, hard. Liam’s hand squeeze my ass and he gently lay me down on the bed. He climbs on top of me and kisses me again. Our tongues meet halfway. The kiss is hot as hell and my bottom is shouting at me to give it more attention. As he is reading my mind, Liam tilts my panties aside and his fingers find my clitoris. I moan in ecstasy. This is amazing. I never reacted to someone’s touch like that before. One of his fingers comes inside of me and I see stars. I don’t know why but I’m gonna come soon. I push my hips up and his lips fall on my hard nipple. He sucks it fast and I scream loudly. One of his fingers is still inside me, going in and out, where the second is massaging my clit. I decide to give him something from me and start to unopen his pants. I remove his penis from his boxers and damn, he is huge, like, what the fuck. I don’t have time to check him further because Liam’s lips find me again. I grab his dick and start to move down his length. He groaned.

  “You’re so hot Morpho. Come for me, baby.” His words as a magic spell make me come hard. My vision blurs and everything goes black for a second. I can feel how my clit’s still working. That was amazing. I quickly realise that I’m still holding him in my hand and decide to go down on him. I strongly switch positions. Now I’m on top of him. My fingers travel down his, still dressed body. I pull his pants down to his knees and wrap my lips around his dick. He hisses and his hand grabs my hair. I slowly make my way down, taking him more and more. I feel how his tip is messing with the back of my throat. I want to gag but I stop myself. I slowly go up and fast down again. My tongue is dancing around his tip sucking him gently. He groans.

  “I’m gonna co…” He doesn’t even finish his sentence as his liquid fills my mouth. I swallow it all and lick his dick for the last time. I stand up and my head feel dizzy. I try to grab something to keep myself up, but I fall flat on the floor. Liam stands up quickly.

  “What’s wrong? You’re bleeding.” I feel like something is running from my nose. Blood. I touch my nose and run to the bathroom. “Have I done something wrong? Did I hurt you?” Liam’s concerned voice echoes around me. I cannot focus on him, like something is blocking my concentration. I take some towel and put it to my nose. It becomes red fast. I sit on the clap of the toilet and put my head down.

  “Could you wet the towel with cold water and put it on the back of my neck?” I ask but I didn’t need to because he is already placing a cold compress on my neck. I sit there for a couple more minutes and the bleeding stops. I walk to the mirror and wipe my face clean. Liam is looking at me with concern. “What? Haven’t you seen bleeding nose before?” I ask with a smirk.

  “That wasn’t normal. What’s wrong Em?”

  “What happened to Morpho?” I need to change the subject because he will not stop investigating. “Listen. I’m a little tired. I have so much excitement and stress during those past days. It’s normal, really.” I calm him a bit because his face relaxes. He takes my hand and put me to bed.

  “Right. Have it your way. Go to sleep. I’m gonna take a couch.” I hold his hand a little tighter to stop him.

  “Could you please sleep with me today? I mean next to me. If you want, of course. I know that we’ve just done something really wrong, something that shouldn’t happen at all because you are you and I am me. You have fiancé and all that, but I don’t want to be alone and…”

  “shhh…” Liam takes off his T-shirt and lay down next to me. “Come here,” He wraps his arms around me, and I cuddle to him. I feel safe…I thought and then I fall asleep.

  Chapter 17



  I wake up at night. My arm is numb, I try to flex it, but something is blocking my movements. I look at the factor of this pain and realise that it’s Emlyn. She is so peaceful when she’s sleeping. Her skin is soft when my fingers travel down her arm. She snores quietly and I try to hold a chuckle. I cover her body with a comforter, and she snuggles comfortably, realising my numb arm in process. My throat is on fire, so I decide to go for some water. I stand up and walk to the fridge. To my disappointment, Helga didn’t top up the drinks. Oh yeah, I asked her to not to do that because I didn’t want her to find out about Em. I sigh and walk to the main kitchen. The house is quiet during that time of a night. I stroll down the hallway. A soft light shines from my father office. I determine that I will not go there. Instead, I march straight to the kitchen. I open the fridge and pour some cold water to the glass. I take a gulp and relax.

  “I didn’t expect to see you here.” My father voice echoes in the empty space. Shit.

  “Helga forgot to stock my fridge, so I came here for some water.” I turn to look at him, “Don’t worry, I’m going to bed now.” I revert but his voice makes me pause.

  “I know she’s here, son. What is your plan exactly, because as I remember correctly, I asked you to stay away from this girl? Do you know what your friendship can do to my business?” Fuck. I was careful to not to let him know, she’s here.

  “I remember father, and I also remember what you said about your big plan of destroying her family. I decided that I will help you with that.” I lie.

  “Yeah and what exactly is your plan?” He studies me.

  “As you see, she is not at home. She’s not at home because I told her about the lies, her family was feeding her. She run away from them and I, as a good guy I am, offer her place to stay. Do you know how her father would react when he would find out she was in enemy territory?” My father is listening with excitement. I know it worked because a huge smile appears on his face as he claps his hands in excitement.

  “That’s my boy! But I have a better idea. You will make this girl to fall in love with you. Young girls like her would fall for some cheap bullshit you will tell her. We will act like she means something to us. She doesn’t know yet, how important she is. She will find out soon and when she does, she will choose our family not her. Son, I count on you. This is big. Bigger than you think. This girl… she is a key to everything. Old Tom didn’t keep her without reason, he is not a noble person. We will destroy him with his own weapon.”

  Shit, this didn’t go as I planned. I need to think of something to protect Emlyn from my father, because now, she becomes important to him, and when someone is important to my father, will die sooner rather than later.



  I wake up after what seems like a year of sleep. An arm is holding me in place, but it’s not Ty’s arm. I feel safe and protected now and when I’m with Ty, I feel like used goods or replacement.

  “Good morning,” A hot breath on the back of my neck makes me shiver. I smile to myself because I know this voice and I’m happy to hear it the first thing in the morning. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Mornin’” I answer jumping out of the bed like burned. Liam’s smiling face greets me, a
nd I cover myself because I’m only wearing my short T-shirt which doesn’t cover anything. I probably forgot to dress up properly because of our yesterday escapade. The image of us together from yesterday appeared in my vision. Shit, I’m wet again.

  “You don’t need to cover. Been there done that.” He smirks at me, bastard.

  “Well, I hope I don’t need to remind you that you have a fiancé. This would mean that last night was a mistake and we need to forget about it, period.” I walk into the bathroom.

  “It would be hard to forget about you!” He shouts after me. His words make me grin. I look at myself in the mirror and I look… happy. I don’t remember when I looked like that. My eyes are smiling, the corners of my lips are curled up that much it hurts, and my skin is glowing. Is it possible that someone who you should hate, makes you happy?

  “You would need to because I’m no one’s mistress. I don’t take someone’s’ else’s fiancés.” The reality crashes on me. He has a fiancé. They gonna be married soon. She loves him and if he’s agreeing to marry her, he needs to have feelings for her too. This thought makes my smile turns into a scowl. What the fuck have you done Em? Are you out of your damn mind? He’s the enemy, you promised your father that you’ll stay away from him.

  Liam’s arms wrap around me from behind. “I will never forget.” He kisses the side of my neck.

  “You know it can’t happen again, right? You said it yourself. What happened to ‘you’re disgusting, cover yourself’?” I ask. Liam sighs and steps away from me.

  “I said that because I didn’t want anyone to see you like that. This view was only for my eyes. But you’re right. We cannot be together. I have an agreement with Sophia’s family that I can’t break, and you have… your brother. Don’t think about it too hard. It was only a night of fun, nothing special to repeat.” His face changes from happy to devilish. It was a part of his plan. He played me! I was stupid to succumb to my emotions. He doesn’t like me! Stupid, stupid girl!


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