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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

Page 11

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  “Good. I will take my things then because I’m coming back to my family.” I run to my bag, pack everything and wait for him to open the doors. Liam comes soon and puts his hand on the scanner. The doors open and I step inside.

  “As I said before, I will never forget.” I turn to look at him before the doors close. I spot his, now, sad face and reverse to walk through the tunnel.

  At the end of the corridor, Zac is waiting as always. His face looks concerned.

  “What happened, beautiful?” He asks. My eyes begin to water, and I can’t hold them anymore. I feel disgusted of myself. I never felt that before. I was always confident of my body, of myself. This guy destroyed my self- esteem. Zac arms wrap around me and embrace me in a hug. I sob in his arms for a while. I look at him when the tears dry.

  “I made a mistake. I need to come back home, now.” Zac removes a key from his pocket and shakes them in front of my face.

  “Let’s go then.” With that, we leave his house.

  We arrive at my place. Before I could leave, Zac’s hand covers mine.

  “What happened, Em?” I pause for a moment and take a deep breath. I don’t want to tell him because I’m scared, he will take his side. I’m scared that he will think I’m a slut, and I don’t want that.

  “Nothing. I just miss my family. I thought about it and I’m ready to forgive them. I have only them, you know.” I say instead. Zac studies me for a minute and then sighs.

  “You’ll tell me when you’re ready. You can always count on me. Remember that.” He smiles. I squeeze his hand and step out the car.


  I didn’t expect a billboard with welcome home or some shit sign, but I didn’t expect that my family would not react at all. Maybe They knew that I will come back, or I was out for too short for them to notice. I haven’t seen my father at all. Actually, I hardly saw him from the start. He’s always out or busy. I’m wondering what his business is about, because he was always a busy man, but he was always home before dinner and we ate together. And here, we didn’t have dinner together at all.

  I knock on Ty’s doors and he opens them without his top. I gape at his amazing posture and my mouths waters.

  “Oh, it’s you. Welcome home princess.” He is acting strange. He didn’t invite me inside and he closed the doors behind him. Weird. I study him and I know that he’s hiding someone there.

  “Wow, how enthusiastic. Who’s there?” I reach to open the doors, but he stops me halfway to the handle.

  “No one, princess…” He bends to whisper in my ear, “I have a guest. I didn’t suspect that you’ll come back so soon. I know what I’ve promised you, but you know… you left, and I was lonely...” It hurts. His words hurt. I didn’t expect from him to change. He was always a guy who slept with entire England, but hell… he promised. Of course, he’s trying to blame me for breaking his promise. I’m not mad. I’m not jealous. I’m sad. I’m sad because Liam used me. He’s done exactly the same thing as Tyler. They all treat me like a doll which they can use when they please and throw away when finish playing.

  “It’s okay. I sucked Liam last night, anyway. Have a good day.” I state and march away. His voice calls after me.

  “You did what? Em! Come back!”

  You can shout Ty, but I’m done with you. I’m done with all of you. I will focus on myself because when you give them a finger, they will take a hand. But from now on, I will be the only one responsible for myself. I’m independent. I don’t need any guy to feel beautiful, to feel important or loved. I need only myself.

  I spend all Sunday in the gym. I worked hard on a punching bag, but it doesn’t feel right. I need to blow my steam somewhere else. I take my phone and dial Zac’s number. He answers on the first ring.

  “Hello, beautiful. I didn’t expect your call that soon. How can I help you?” His beaming voice greets me.

  “I need to relax a bit. Do you know some place where I can blow the stem?”

  “I know plenty of places. What do you have in mind?” I smile at his response and give him the details.

  Soon after our conversation, Zac sends me the address. I put my sport clothes on me and leave the house. I take my Kawasaki and drive through the streets. I arrive at some creepy building. I look around and spot Zac lazily laying on the top of his car’s hood.

  “Are you ready for some fight beautiful?” He asks with excitement on his face. I love his attitude. I know he cares about me. He would jump in front of me to cover me from a bullet, I know that, but the thing is that he cares from behind. It’s like he knows when to be overprotective, but he doesn’t cross me. He is always there for me, helping and supporting my stupid ideas. I never had a friend like him before. All boys from our club cared about me, but they didn’t like when I was reckless. They let me kill people, but they didn’t like when I fight for fun. Ridiculous. Because of their reactions, I always run away to the underground fighting club to fight for fun with others, emotionally destroyed people.

  “I’m always ready,” I state.

  “Are you sure that you can fight? Don’t overthink it, I’m just curious. I mean, I saw you with knives and this back kick straight on Sophia’s nose, but this is bigger than some chick fight. Those girls there are professional. They know how to punch, you know?” I laugh at his words. I didn’t answer him, just look at him funny, wink and motion for him to lead the way.

  We walk around the building and stop near the metallic doors. Zac knocked three times with spaces between and then two more times, quicker this time. The doors open and we step inside. A smell of sweat and cigarettes hit my face. We walk through a long corridor and stop near the doorless entrance. I peek inside and my jaw drops. This place is amazing. Many people are gathered around a huge cage cheering the fighters. We walk inside and Zac leads me to a guy who’s standing nearby.

  “Yo man. I have someone for you for today fight.” Zac announces and the guy turn his gaze at me and laugh.

  “You don’t mean this pretty face, do you?” Piece of shit. I will show you a pretty face.

  “Actually…” I disturb, “Yes, he means me. Hello, I’m Em. I want to fight today.” The guy studies me with suspicion. He is quiet for a whole minute and then, nods his head at me.

  “You’re in. I hope you can fight because your opponent is the best. Her rival didn’t show up and this is the fight of the night, so the money is huge. Good luck, you’re the last.” He says and leave us alone. I look at Zac who is now pale.

  “What? You don’t believe in me, do you?” I chuckle and show him to lead the way. He gulped loudly and I follow him to the changing room. We step inside and I start to undress.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. I know her, I mean, the girl you gonna fight. She’s strong and huge. Bigger than you little girl. I don’t want to have problems with your psycho brothers if she’s gonna kill you. They messed up Liam’s car pretty bad last time. He nearly died on the road.” This piece of information makes me stop what I’m doing. I turn to look at Zac.

  “What did you say?”

  “I mean, remember when Liam assumed that you were the one who done something with his car?” I completely forgot about it. “Liam was on the way home when his car exploded. He jumped right before this happened because, damn, thank God that this mother- fucker know his ride. He said the car didn’t sound like always and then he realised that he has a bomb inside, and he jumped out just in time. You didn’t know? I thought that was the reason why you escaped today. I thought that you didn’t believe Liam because of the last news he told you.” Zac looks uncomfortable. I look at him and them down at my shoes. I didn’t know. I remember that Liam said something about his car once, but I just assumed that he was playing me or something. Then the fight happened, and I escaped with Zac to talk our shit out. My brothers tried to kill Liam. But why? What was the reason? I only told them about the pictures and video, but I also told them that I don’t care. They know that shit like that doesn’t bother me. I will need to spea
k with Tobi about it as soon as I come back home today.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know. I will talk with my brothers. This is too much even for them.” I say and start to dress up again. Zac doesn’t say anything more. I finish dressing up and show him that I’m ready.

  We wait outside the changing room for my turn. Finally, the guy from before announces my fight and I step on the ring. I feel like adrenaline pumping in my veins. I’m not scared. I know how to observe my opponent. I was trained to be a killer, so this could mean that I’m a good fighter. I may not know the girl, but I know she is already dead.

  A tall woman steps inside the ring and studies me. She smiles at me sarcastically as she doesn’t believe that I can finish her here and now. I smile in return and the gong sounds. I rise my guard. My right hand protects both my jaw and my right rib. The left one is raised as high as my brow line. We watch ourselves carefully. I see that she’s highhanded. I presume that her left punch is stronger than right one. Her legs are strong but she’s not fast, bad for her, because I am. She makes one step closer to me with her left fist jumping back and forward, she’s playing me. I will wait till her move because I never start first. I know, I attacked Sophia, but she poured a hot coffee on my head, and I used it as an attack.

  Finally, the girl makes her move. Left fist, no surprise here, tries to punch me but I quickly back out. My opponent focused too much on my location and she didn’t saw my right hook coming her way. She shook off after my shot and refocused on me. She tries to strike again but she misses. I use this occasion to blow two fast strikes on her stomach. She escapes from the corner and punch me right under my left eye. Bitch. I touch my skin through the gloves, and I can tell that it would be a nasty thing. I’m furious. I came here to win, so let’s dance baby. I motion for her to come closer. She studies me and she swings to hit me from the right side. I bow low and attack her middle again. She takes a couple of strong hits on her ribs. It’s gonna hurt later, bitch. I can’t hear anything. It’s like we are alone here, just me and her. I need to finish this because it’s taking too long for my standards. She tries to kick my upper tight and I use the situation to jump both legged and kick her right on her stomach, again. I may be small, but stomach and ribs are the most sensitive here. I use her disorientation and kick her halfway round and hit her right in the jaw. She stands for a couple more seconds and fall on the ground with a loud bang.

  The arena erupted with excitement. People throw themselves on the cage and try to touch me. The guy from before comes closer to me and lift my arm in the air. I won bitches! Someone is walking out my opponent and I move to jump on Zac who appears inside the cage. He lifts me off the ground and laughs.

  “OMG! I love you girl. I’m honestly hard right now!” I don’t know why I did what I did but at his words, I kiss him. He is shocked because at the beginning he didn’t move but then the audience whistles and he kisses me back. I know that we are friends and all, but this is only a kiss. I’m so excited that I needed to kiss him because he is the only one who supports me, who is honest with me. We break the kiss and look at each other. I smile at him and he returns the smile. This is friendship, a friendship that would hold us together, no matter what.

  Chapter 18

  Monday morning, a school day. I hate to attend this school for rich dickheads. I wear my uniform and storm downstairs. I haven’t spoken with Tyler yesterday. I have nothing to say to him. I spoke with Tobias and he got upset because I didn’t take him with me to my fight. He’s always been against fights but went with me anyway. As he always said, he was just checkin’ if I was safe. So, imagine his face when he spotted my black eye. Holy hell, he started to panic and wanted to call an ambulance. I will agree with him, the eye is horrible, but I will live.

  I run to my car and wait for Tobi, as he is taking me school today, because I don’t see on my left eye, yeah, it’s that bad, but I heard that the girl is in hospital with six broken ribs. What a shame. Tobias comes and opens the driver side. I step inside the car and we drive off.

  Soon enough, we arrive at school. We walk inside the building and everyone is staring at me, super. I spot Zac near his locker and wave at him. He grins my way and I run to jump into his arms. He spins me around as I laugh.

  “Hello, beautiful. You look awful by the way. Are you okay?” His face change from happy to concern. He blames himself for what happened to me, but it was my idea.

  “I’m fine, really. Don’t blame yourself. It is on me, remember, I wanted it.”

  “Yeah but I took you there,” He says when his fingers travel down my eye. I hiss in pain, because damn hell, it’s painful.

  “Are you two together or something?” Tobias asks. I laugh at him and Zac looks down on his shoes. Strange.

  “Let’s say, we have some fun together, but we are friends,” I state. Someone turns me around absurdly. I stare at the person who did that, and the realisation come down on me, Liam. His angry stare turns shocked when he spots my eye.

  “What happened? Who done that?” Not again, I will not answer his damn questions.

  “Not. Of. Your. Business.” I say slowly. Liam stares me down, but his eyes are soft and for a second I think, I saw interest in them, but the emotion disappeared as quickly as the next arrogant voice fills the hallway, Tyler.

  “Em, what the actual fuck! You weren’t kidding yesterday, were you? You slept with this wanker!” Both me and Zac gasp at the same time. I look at him and his sad eyes stares down. Shit. Liam is still gaping at me and Tobi is smirking in the corner, bastard.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I shout- whisper when Tyler stops in front of me. He stares on my face with disbelief.

  “Was it him? Have he done that to you?” Liam asks. Tyler’s eyes jump from me to him when flexing his jaw. He’s angry, good.

  “Firstly, I haven’t slept with this shithead,” I point my finger at Liam, “Secondly, don’t be so angry when you’re the man whore here, not me. I can sleep with whoever I want because I’m not your property. And thirdly, I was fighting yesterday in the underground club, and I won, so this is the end of this ridiculous discussion.” I explain.

  “You did what!” Both of the alpha shits shout at the same time. I sign loudly and look with pleading eyes on Zac.

  “Okay, okay. Gentleman. Our lady here needs some space from both of you because as I understand this correctly Tyler done some bad shit to her and now doesn’t have a right to talk to her like that. And you Liam… I don’t know what you have done but she was mad yesterday and I would not let you hurt her even if you’re my friend because I, fucking, care about this girl.” Zac’s words melt my heart. Why the guy like him can’t be for me? This world is horrible. “And for the records, we kissed yesterday. I’m telling you know because many people saw that, so it could be hot about it today, and yeah, I took her to this club. Everything clear? Yes, okay so let’s go beautiful, I will walk you to your class.” Zac’s arm wraps around my middle as he rushes me to walk. I gape at him with shock. Why the fuck did he tell them about the kiss?

  “What the actual fuck, Zac?” I ask instead. Zac eyes land on me as hi smirks.

  “No one gonna claim you because I was first. You’re not an object, Em. You deserve someone to stand by your side. And I wanted to see their faces.” He laughs. This bastard. I laugh along with him as we walk to my class.


  The rest of the classes went uneventfully. After school, I walk outside and spot Liam and Sophia talking. Her hand is situated on his chest as he sweet talk to him. Bitch. I hate her. Does she need to be that pathetic. Why should I be the villain? He used me like the last piece of shit, I’m happy to serve him days and nights of explaining himself to her. I march straight to them and she spots me.

  “What do you want bitch?” Ugh. That voice. How is he still not deaf?

  “Hi Liam. Have you slept nice without me by your side, last night?” I say seductively and Sophia gasps.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Did someone hit you too hard
and you dreamed about my man?” She answers. I look at her and smirk.

  “Well, let’s ask Liam because I don’t remember him complaining when he licked me two days ago and then moan my name in ecstasy when I sucked him off.” I kiss Liam on the cheek as he chuckles. He doesn’t care at all what that bitch would think. What a sick relationship.

  “Actually Sophia. I told you a couple days ago that our agreement is over and we’re not gonna get married. You need to understand that sooner rather than later that we are not gonna be together, never.” She gasps and she begins to cry as I stare with my jaw dropped. Are they done? Is it for real? Wait, he said a couple days ago, this means that they weren’t together when we have our… thing. He lied to me that he needs to focus on her, but why? What is his deal?

  I turn to leave them alone and walk slowly to my car. A hand on my shoulder stops me. “Emlyn! Wait?” Liam runs to catch up with me. “We need to talk, now.”

  “No, we don’t. I have nothing to tell you. Go away.”

  “It didn’t look like nothing when you stand your ground in front of her. You wanted to claim me. You were jealous, tell me I’m wrong.”

  “You are. I done that because you used me. I wanted to destroy your agreement with her. I wanted to expose you and your cheating ass.” I hold my head high. “But you lied to me. You’re not together. You used me because you wanted to and use her as an excuse for your actions.”

  “I didn’t lie to you. I have an agreement with her parents, but she’s broken it when she slept with your brother, Tyler.” What the hell?

  “What?” I exclaim.

  “You didn’t know, again. You see, your little brother or boyfriend, he slept with her because he wanted revenge on me. He didn’t know that I don’t give a shit about her and the agreement we both signed specified that she will be the virgin, or the engagement is over. He actually helped me. She was the girl who kissed him on the race.” He informs.


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