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Pretty Dreamer

Page 9

by A. G. Hobson

  “What time should I come back?” I ask in my seductive playful voice

  “I will call you. Coach wants us to be ready for the game. We want another trophy, and he wants to make sure we get it.”

  I grab him and gives him one last smooch. He holds my face and looks into my eyes.

  “I want to tell you something Sienna. But I am nervous.”

  “What?” I search his eyes for a sign that what he is getting ready to share is something I want to hear.

  “I love you Sienna, so much. I have never felt this way about any of the girls I have dated. I want this to last.”

  I am stunned. My mouth won’t open. I figured he loved me but I couldn’t imagine how I would feel when and if he said it. I can’t respond. My heart is fluttering, and my stomach is rumbling with butterflies. He loves me and I want to be with him forever.

  “I love you too Scott. I always have.” I finally say.

  “Good. See you later.” He rubs my arm as he walks away. I keep my eyes glued on him as he disappears into the school.

  I drive home completely in a cloud. When I get there, my parents are watching TV in my favorite spot. Dad has his arm wrapped around mom and she is leaning on his shoulder. When I close the door they look around. Dad attempts to stand.

  “Don’t bother dad. I am just passing through.” I snap.

  “Sienna, when are we going to be able to talk? I really need you to communicate with me.”

  I laugh. My father is a complete joke. Now that he is with mom he wants this great daughter/ father relationship. “Dad, what is the sudden interest in me? You haven’t cared for about what I do for three years now.” I start up the stairs.

  “Sienna… please, I have made a lot of mistakes. Can you please give me one more chance to rectify myself?”

  “I am going to lie down mom.” I dismiss him. I will not dignify him with an answer to this asinine question. “I have to pick Scott up from practice.”

  “Okay baby.” She says in a defeated tone. Dad takes the hint and returns to her side.

  I slam my door and throw myself onto my bed. I kick my healed ankle boots off. I think about how my wardrobe has changed since I have had a boyfriend. I get the reason girls dress this way. I won’t go to the dark side, but I do pick things out more carefully now. I watch a little television while lying on my bed, waiting for Scott to call me. Time goes by and I close my eyes. My thought are totally with him. As soon as I see the back of my lids visions of him flood my mind. I see him laying down on a twin bed. I am firmly planted underneath his arm as it rests behind his head. We are definitely not clothed. He kisses my forehead as if we have just finished. I close my eyes tighter I really want to see where this has been and where it is going. Slowly he rubs my bare back with his free arm. I kiss his chest and we lie there in some sort of afterglow. He caresses me for about fifteen minutes and then suddenly he flips me over and goes straight in for seconds. The emotions I feel in the vision overwhelms me. I feel every thrust of pleasure and every seducing jolt he is unleashing on me. I revel in the beautiful moment we are having. He makes love to me with ease and gentleness. I want this vision to go on but soon it leaves me, I am left looking at the back of my lids again. My eyes spring open and I jump up.

  “No! Come back please?” I shut my eyes and try to force a vision. But it is to no avail. I start to sob. The sensation slowly leaves and I want to experience it in its entirety. The loud ring of my phone startles me and I run to answer.

  “Hello.” I sniff.

  “Hey Snickers. I’m ready for you to come and get me. I am absolutely beat so hurry, okay babe?”

  “I am on my way Scott.” I sniff again.

  “Are you crying Sienna?”

  “No, I was just sleeping. I will be there shortly.” I lie. I hang up and slide my feet back into my ankle boots. I quickly dash down the stairs and out of the door. I race to the school. I can’t wait to see his handsome face.

  When I arrive he is anxiously awaiting. I pull right up to where he is standing. I jump out and hug him. He smells delightful. I kiss him and jump into the passenger side of the truck. He gets in and slides his seatbelt on. He lies his head back on the seat. I look over and his eyes are closed.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “I am super beat. Coach was really hard on us today. I hope I can make it home.” He puts the car in drive and heads out of the parking lot. I stare at him as he handles the SUV. He catches a glimpse of my glare.

  “What?” He laughs.

  “Oh nothing. I was just thinking about us.”

  “What about us?”

  “I really want to go to your house tonight Scott. I want to be with you.”

  He smiles. I can see that his eyes are bloodshot red and if he takes me to his house he wouldn’t be good company. But I don’t care, after that vision I want to experience it. I know it’s wrong and I am probably not ready for such things, but knowing he can touch me like that makes me want it now.

  “I promise we will be together tomorrow babe. I am really tired. I can barely keep my eyes open. I won’t be good company at all. Please don’t be upset with me.”

  “Never Scotty.” I sit back and nestle into my seat. He reaches over, grabs my hand, and slowly lifts it to his lips. He breathes onto it as he drives and rubs them across it gently. The sensation drives me wild. It reminds me of the passion I felt between us in my vision.

  “I can’t wait until tomorrow. I will be in turmoil until then.” I say watching his lips dance along my shivering hand. He places it beside him and holds on to it for the remainder of the ride. When we reach my house he pulls into the driveway.

  I lean over to his side and kiss him. I know he’s way too exhausted to walk me to the door.

  “You don’t have to get out Scott.”

  “Are you sure Sienna? I don’t want your parents to think I don’t have manners.”

  “Screw them Scott, you are super tired. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “I will pick you up at noon. Then after the game, I’m all yours.”

  “Okay Scott. I love you so much.” I say opening the door.

  “I love you too…snicker, Goodnight.” he blows a kiss at me and I pretend to grab it. I know, tongue in cheek, right? Anyway I walk onto my porch and watch as he turns the corner. I enter my house and I am starry eyed. He is the reason I smile now and I want to be with him in every way starting tomorrow.


  Scott is in rare form today. His point guard status is well deserved. He scores 44 points, 11 assists, 2 blocks, 2 steals, and 9 rebounds. Yes, I know the game well now. I have been following closely since it is my wonderful boyfriend’s livelihood. He has a full basketball scholarship to attend Kent State.

  The crowd is roaring as he shows off his perfectly formed muscle and kisses it. He then blows a sweet one in my direction. Every girl in the stands turn to see my reaction. I turn a bright shade of red and offer a gentle smile. He runs up the court and the game is over. The cheerleaders throw their pom-poms up in the air as we win the state championship Division 1 finals. I scan the open arena and it is a grand scene. I look over and Scott’s parents are all smiles. I don’t blame them, he is quite the superstar. I slowly walk to the locker room entrance and wait for him to come out. There are a few of the school’s panting thirsty, basketball girlfriend, wannabe’s waiting. I lean against the wall waiting for him to exit. When the team comes storming by, I stand straight and look over the crowd of hungry Phoenixes. When the herd passes Devin is standing by the door. I nervously look past him for Scott. After he doesn’t exit, I give up and decide to go and wait by his car.

  “Wait Sienna!” Devin yells out. My shoulders quiver at the sound of his voice. I haven’t lay eyes on any of the rat pack since their brazen leader clocked me in the head.

  “Hello Devin.” I say as I slowly turn to greet him. He stuffs his hands into his pocket and approaches me.

  “I wanted to apologize for what happened. I had
no idea that Payton was going to do that.”

  “Well I don’t think you owe me any apologies. And it is over, they were suspended for it and I am really satisfied with that. I want to get pass all of it.”

  “I totally understand Sienna. And to be honest, I am really jealous of you and Scott. That is why I did what I did. I liked you first and I was an idiot to let him know.”

  I hitch an eyebrow. I can’t remember if Scott told me this. “Oh I see. And when was this?”

  “It was a couple of days before the dance. I saw you in gym that Monday. You were playing with your hair. I thought you were so adorable.”

  “So you never noticed me until then?” I ask

  “No. Of course not, but you just never expressed interest and I didn’t want to get blown off. So I asked Scott if you had a boyfriend outside of Fremont like Eva. He laughed and said you don’t date.”

  “Hmmm… really? I honestly didn’t think anyone was interested in me. I have been swooning over Scott since I met him though.”

  “Oh I see. Well I tell you what, if things don’t work out, I am definitely still interested. Even more than before. You have really blossomed since you two have been dating. I like the new you.” He winks. A nervous chill pings back and forth in my belly. Before I can respond Scott comes bursting from the locker room doors. He runs over to me.

  “Sorry Snickers. I had to shower extra hard. I didn’t want you to get a whiff of the work I put in today. I brought extra clothes so I could get straight to us” He kisses my cheek. I lean into his lips and allow them to linger. The feeling is intoxicating. I really love him. My heart could not be more satisfied.

  “Great game Headly. I know Kent was proud of you today. I saw the coach in the stands. He was going nuts.”

  “Thanks Devin. You had a great game also. I know you are happy with the college choice you made also. Where are you guys hanging tonight?” he wraps his arm around my neck and pulls my close. I grab his hand and snag the other around his waist.

  Devin’s eyes shift between us as he answers. “I think coach is taking everyone to Snyder’s. You were showering when he announced it.”

  “Oh okay. Maybe Sienna and I will drop through.” He smirks as he looks down at me.

  “Oh good.” He says.

  “Are we cool Devin?” Scott asks.

  “Yea sure Scott. There is no hard feelings. But…”

  “But what?”

  “Never mind, see around.” He steps up and slaps Scott’s hand. They shake and he keeps me in a firm grip. Devin winks at me as he backs away. I look away. He runs to catch the rest of the team. Scott releases my neck and grabs a hold of my hand. We slowly walk down the hall and out of the building.

  “So have you decided what you would like to do today?”

  I don’t answer right away. I know what I want, but I am not sure I want to divulge my scandalous plan to seduce him just yet. I think for a moment.

  “I am just excited. I get to be alone with you for the first time since the fight. We can do whatever and I will be content.” We rock our interlocked hands as we make our way to his truck.

  He opens the door and I step in. He runs around and joins me. He looks divine in his cream designer button-up and black jeans. Of course he does not leave home without wearing one of his many pairs of converse. Today he is wearing the black and tan ones. This morning I tried my best to look as fabulous as he is. I put on a dark tan blouse that ties at the waist and some cream jeggings. I brought them when aunt Trixie went shopping with me last weekend. I have on a pair of brown leather boots that hugs my calf with a bit of a heel. I styled my hair just like she showed me. I straightened it with the new ceramic flat irons I also got that day. I like that my hair touches just above my shoulder blade. I know Scott likes it too, because he keeps touching it.

  “So I figured we could go to get something to eat and then maybe go see a movie. My parents will be out the rest of the evening, so we could go back to my house after. What time do you have to be home tonight?” He asks with his eyes fixed on the road.

  “I will get there before dawn.” I sarcastically respond.

  “Come on Sienna. Stop torturing your parents for wanting to be together.”

  “Let’s not talk about them tonight Scott. This evening belongs to us.”

  He playfully zips his lips. He drives us to the first destination of the evening. I watch the road as we ride alongside different cars. I think about how my first time will be. I want to get it over with so I can get to the tender moment from my vision. I have no one to talk to about it. Thanks to my relationship with Scott, I no longer have a best friend to spill my deepest secrets to. I didn’t see any of them at the game. But then again I really wasn’t looking for them. We pull into the parking lot of Snyder’s American food and Deserts. I have only been here once before. And that was when we first came to town. Scott turns off the engine and we make our way into the crowded restaurant. When we enter the coach spots us and hurries over.

  “Great job Headly! I thought I was going to blow a blood vessel when you made that 3 pointer in the fourth quarter. You were on fire Scott! I am really going to miss you.” He shakes his hand.

  “Thanks Coach Kevin. I didn’t think it was going to go in. I was kind of excited myself.” He smiles. The coach leads us to room where everyone from Fremont are dining. I feel a sudden ping of nervousness developing deep in my belly. I hold Scott’s arm super tight. We enter and all eyes are on us. I look to the floor hoping not to connect with anyone. We sit at a table in the corner of the room. He pulls my chair out and I sit. He takes a seat directly across from me. He tries to get my attention as he sits but I am watching my boots like we are together. He reaches across the table and lifts my chin.

  “You alright?” he mouths.

  “I’m fine.” I lie. I’m as nervous as a sheep in a room full of wolves. Finally, I scan the area and everyone is here. The rat pack is… of course sitting at the table in the center of the room. I glance over at them and Payton catches my glare. She looks to Avery who eyes me. I turn away.

  “Forget about them. If they even cough in this direction, they won’t be able to cross the stage. And, they can forget about prom. Principal Dillard said he never wanted anything like that to happen again. So any junior or senior that engages in any threatening manner will miss prom. Others will leave Fremont never to return.” He grabs my hand and caresses it. “We can leave if you are uncomfortable.”

  “I’m fine Scott. Let’s just eat and get to the rest of our evening.” I say picking up a menu. Scott waves for the waiter and we order hamburgers and fries. Scott asks for one root beer and two straws. I smile at the adorable gesture, but I really would like my own. We eat and the food is delicious. I made sure I excluded the onions so I could get close to him later. We finish up with two slices of chocolate cake. I am utterly stuffed when he slides the check onto the table between us. Scott pulls out his wallet and pays the bill. He stands and wipes the crumbs from his jeans.

  “I’ll be back Sienna. I have to use the restroom. And then I will be ready to leave, okay?”

  “Alright.” I look myself over to make sure that I was neatly devouring my meal. And I am glad I don’t have a spot on me. I drink some of the water the waiter brought us before desert. When I set the glass down, Eva walks over and sits next to me.

  “Hello Sienna.” She says humbly.

  “Eva?” I say surprised.

  “It is so good to see you out and about.” She fumbles with her fingers as she speaks. “I didn’t expect to see you back so soon.”

  “Well I have to get out eventually. School is very important to me. I don’t like failing.”

  “I know, that’s why I miss having math together. I am not doing so well in Holston’s class. She is such an evil witch.” She tries to smile. “I am so sorry Si-si.” Oh wow, she just hit me with a childhood nickname. I am completely melting at her sadness. She looks like a cute little puppy that is sorry for chewing on the slipper

  “I never wanted things to go that far. I just so angry that you wouldn’t break up with Scott.” She grabs my hand. I want to snatch it back but I haven’t got the heart.

  “Please forgive me, Sienna. I need you. When Devin and I broke up Wednesday, I had to eat a bunch of candy bars alone. I miss having you and Scott. Please can we go back?” I bite my lip and scan the room. Some people are watching others are stuffing their faces.

  “I don’t know Eva. You really crossed the line. I was wrong for dating Scott, but you took things too far.”

  “I know. But I really wanted Scott to be my first. I had been thinking about it a lot. I was ready to be a woman and I could not think of a better candidate.” I look into the air, then left to right. I really can’t stay mad at my egotistical best friend.

  “So what happened between you and Devin?” I smirk. Her eyes grow wide.

  “Does this mean you forgive me?” she grabs both my hands.

  “How could I refuse Evee?” she beams as she jumps up and squeezes me almost to death.

  I cough to let her know she is crushing the goods.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She says as she sits back in the chair. “By the way who have you been shopping with? You look fabulous, almost as fabulous as me.”

  “Aunt Trixie. We connected while I was recovering. I love having her around.”

  “Is Trixie trying to replace me? I am the only best friend of Sienna Young.”

  “No, she is helping me deal with something. And I am glad I have her.”

  “It has been weeks since we have talked. We need to catch up. Where are you guys going after this? I want to hang. I need to catch up on all of the relationship gossip.”

  I bite my lip again. I don’t want to hurt her feelings but I have plans for us tonight that she would definitely not like.

  “Okay, I get it. Maybe I can swing by in the morning. I have to kiss up to your parents anyway.”

  “That will be great.” I turn ad Scott is approaching. I send him the warmest smile and he sends one back. I turn to her and she is staring.


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