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Pretty Dreamer

Page 10

by A. G. Hobson

  “You guys are really all in huh?” she inquires.

  “Yes, I am so happy. I love him so much.” I beam at the thought.

  “I get it.” She sighs. “Have you guys did it?” she shoots.

  “What? Eva why would you ask me that?”

  “Never mind. I will see you tomorrow.” We both stand and embrace one another. She pats my hair. “I love your hair. It is so cute.” She waves at Scott as he approaches. “Bye Scotty.” He waves and pulls me to him.

  “You are such a good person Sienna.”

  “What did I do?”

  “You forgave her, didn’t you?”

  “Yea. I had to she is my only friend.”

  “You have me.”

  “That is so different now. You are my boyfriend and I believe that changes the friendship.”

  “Whatever you say. Let’s go to the movies.” He yanks me away from the table after tossing a five dollar bill on it. I turn and Eva is watching us leave. She sits with Suzy, which is strange. We haven’t spoken with her since ninth grade. I shrug and follow Scott out to the car. We drive around until he finds out what time the movie starts.

  “The Hawk starts at 6:30. So we can go and play some games until then.”

  “What time is it now?”

  “Umm… 4:30.”

  “Let’s just go to your house.”

  “Not in the mood for a movie?”

  “I really want to be alone with you Scott.”

  “Wow Sienna, you have been trying to get to my house since last night. Are you trying to kill me or something?”

  “No, I haven’t been alone with you in a while. I want some alone time with my boyfriend, is that alright?” I turn to him while he is watching the road. He turns sharp and starts toward his house.

  “So where are your parents?” I ask.

  “They are going somewhere exotic. I saw my mom packing a bag before the game. At least they were there. You know?”

  “Yea, I understand. But I know another thing, they are very proud of you.”

  “I guess you can say that. I am not a whiz kid like Doug though.”

  “That doesn’t matter. You get really good grades.” I assure him. But he says nothing more as we drive up to his house and up the drive to the garage. I take a deep breath as he slides the shift to park. I can’t believe that I am really going to do this. I close my eyes and concentrate on us to see if I can get anything from tonight. I get nothing. I sigh and he notices.

  “Bored already? Dang Snickers you are really acting strange. First you are dying to get here now you sigh in disappointment.”

  “No, I was trying something and it didn’t work.” I admit.

  “Enlighten me.” He turns toward me and pulls the keys from the ignition.

  “No it was nothing important. All I want to think about right now is me and you.”

  “Good. I was thinking… tomorrow is my birthday and I was hoping we could do something. What do you think?”

  “Oh god, with everything that has been going on I forgot that tomorrow is your birthday.” I think about Eva. “Oh, I told Eva we could hang out though.”

  “Its fine we can all hang. It’ll be fun.”

  I think for a moment. My plan is perfect. This will be the best birthday preset he could ever imagine. At least I hope. I have never done this before. Oh no, what if I’m terrible at it? I couldn’t be that bad, we do it again and again in the future. I suddenly become more nervous than I have ever been. I made sure I put on my cutest underwear. I am wearing a pair of flirty black boy shorts and a lace black bra to match. My mom would kill me if she knew what I was up to when I asked her to buy them.

  “Okay Scotty. First we are going to watch some television, then we are going to find something that is like cake to sing happy birthday and then at midnight we will kiss like it is New Year’s Eve. How does that sound?”

  “Wonderful.” He hops out of the car and lets me out. We go inside of his house. It is dark when we enter. He starts to flip on lights. He goes straight into the kitchen and begins to grab our goodies for the movie. I’m as nervous as can be. I try to focus, but all I can think about is how his body touched mine. He was so gentle. When I close my eyes to get a better picture, I see it all again. But this time the vision starts with me entering his dorm. My hair is pinned up and I am dressed in shorts and a tank. The events sail along and I am glued to each and every frame until it ends. My insides are boiling and I want to see it again. The intimacy level between us is off the charts. I am so glad Eva never made it that far with my Scott. This moment is mine and I am ready for it to come. I hope I can wait for midnight. I may attack him as soon as we get inside his room.


  The time slowly rolls by. We watch spy show after espionage tale and so on. I throw popcorn into my mouth hoping I will look up and the time will have magically hyper speed along. Each time I glance at him, I can see us intertwined in our love dance. It causes my head to spin and I lie back. Leaning on his elbow, he turns to me and hitches his brow. His sets the popcorn bowl on the bed and asks.

  “Are you bombing on my birthday slash championship winning celebration already?”

  “No. Of course not. I am just waiting to eat that delicious cake your mom surprised you with.”

  “I doubt that.” He points the remote and turns the TV off. “What can I do to make you have fun tonight?”

  “I am having fun.” I look at the clock and it has just turned 10 o’clock. Í am so tired of waiting, I decide to just go for it.

  “Hold that thought.” I say as he begins to speak. I run to his bathroom and search for a clean towel. I dig around inside my purse that I purposely placed in there earlier, and pull out some of the things that I secretly brought along to freshen up. It takes me about twenty minutes to get back to him and he has started watching television again. When I get to the bed, I lean over and kick off my shoes. I sit down slowly and cross my arms. I definitely have zero experience when I comes to the art of seduction, but I am going to put forth my very best effort. I wait for the credits to roll and execute my assault.

  “Okay, what will we watch next?” He points the remote and clicks through several channels. “I was thinking maybe we could look at ‘Scene of the Crime’. It comes on in about ten minutes.”

  I slip the remote from his grip and the television screen goes blank. I carefully toss it onto the floor. He looks at it then me in shock. I stand and walk around to where he is sitting to slowly plant myself beside him. I nervously glare deep into his eyes. When he tries to speak I stop him with my lips. Of course he does not protest. Shaking like a Chihuahua, I place my hands on his shoulder and nudge them. He understands and lies back. We kiss passionately stroking every part of one another. I open my tightly shut eyes to see his beautiful green eyes staring at me. I lean away from him and start to unbutton his shirt. He lies there completely bewildered. He hasn’t caught on quite yet. But he doesn’t move and he dares not stop me. I believe he is just waiting to see where I am going. When I get to the last button on his expensive shirt, he lifts up so I can remove it. I can’t believe I am actually going to do this. I throw the shirt across the room without my eyes leaving his. He takes his hand and slides my hair behind my right ear. I lean into his touch and close my eyes to savor every moment. He strokes my jawline and I quiver from the sensation that I am feeling. He pulls me back to him and our lips touch once more. This time it gets heavy. Our breathing picks up and I slowly lift away to breathe, while still applying softs pecks on his chest. I sit up straight and remove my blouse. He still does not speak. he only watches as I slide out of my jeggings. Finally he becomes aware of my plan. He sits up, grabs my bare shoulders and lies me down. I am so nervous I can’t contain myself and I will not stop shaking. I cross my hands over my chest while his eyes drags up and over my half nude body.

  “You are so beautiful Sienna. I don’t know if I can stop myself tonight with you looking like this.” He whispers to me while tracin
g my thigh with his index finger.

  I open my mouth to speak. I am trembling with fear. “I don’t want you to stop tonight, Scott.” I look away and he grabs my chin between his fingers to bring my eyes back to him.

  “Are you absolutely sure Sienna?” he says softly barely speaking at all.

  “Yes, I want this. I want this more than I have ever wanted anything in my life. I’ve thinking about it for days.” I say trying to whisper. He smiles as he looks me over.

  “So this is for me?” he pops the side of my boy shorts.

  “Yes, I picked them out just for tonight.” I shyly answer.

  “Hmmm. I like them.” He says as he leans in and plants soft kisses on my thigh. Every time his lips touch my skin, I want to scream because it feels so nice. His lips explore my every nook. When they make their way back to my face I am anxiously awaiting them. As we kiss he reaches beneath me and snaps the clasp on my bra. I freeze.

  This is really happening. He notices my tenseness and kisses me softly on the neck. I relax as he slides it off. I cover them for a moment and then I forget all about it. I remove my underwear while he takes off the rest of his things. For a minute I have time to think. But my vision is all I see. I want to feel all of the passion now. When he has completely undressed, he pulls the covers back and slides beneath them. I follow and slide in next to him. “I wish I could give you what you are about to give to me.” He says.

  I squint not knowing what he means. “You’ve been with no one else and I wish I could give that to you.” He says as he kisses my arm.

  “It doesn’t matter. We are here now and that is all I could hope for.” He smirks and then seriousness replaces the half smile. He leans on his arm and turns me toward him. I grab a hand full of his hair and attack him once more. When he pushes me back, I know that it is time. He climbs me and I close my eyes. He kisses my lids knowing that I am bracing myself. He nudges at my thighs and I open them so that he can enter. He starts very gently but the pain is still overwhelming. Tears surface, sliding down the side of my face and onto the pillow. He gently kisses my tears and continues.

  After a while the pain subsides and I feel astounding spurts of pleasure. I recognize them from my vision. He is so gentle with me. It lasts for such a long time. I can’t stand it any longer, the sensations are driving me insane. I close my eyes, squeezing the lids together. He grunts and I feel a warm rush throughout me.

  When it is over he collapses beside me and slides his arm underneath my neck. I begin to sob. The feelings that I am feeling is like nothing I have ever felt in my life. Now I know what it is like to love someone inside and out.

  “Are you okay Sienna.” He asks out of breath.

  “I’m terrific.” I look at the clock. “And happy birthday.”

  “Thank you. That was the best present anyone has ever given me.”

  “I bet you say that to all of the girls.” I turn into his chest and start to rub his amazingly formed abs.

  “No, really. I love you and this evening was like nothing that I’ve experienced before. I have never been in love Sienna.” He says kissing my hair. I look up at him and smile brightly.

  “Maybe you only feel that way because I was a virgin.”

  “I’ve been with a virgin before. And believe me it was nothing like this.”

  “Good, because there is much more where that came from.” I grab him and we indulge on more time.

  I realized that I had fell asleep when I saw that I was in school. I know that my every dream may potentially come true. My eyes pop open and I know that it is Saturday, early Sunday morning. We are still locked in our embrace. I stare at him for a long time. My heart thumps as I relive my evening. It was much more than I could have imagined. Even better than my vision. I lift his arm from my neck to attempt to slide out of the bed.

  “Where are you going?” he sleepily slurs.

  “I need to get ready to go home and you should change your sheets.”

  “You’re right.” He buries his face into the pillow. I go into the bathroom and shower. I slip on his robe and go to find my clothes. He has finally gotten up and started changing his bedding.

  “It will be better next time. I promise.” He says yanking the bedding off and replacing them with fresh ones. I notice how adorable he is with messy hair.

  “It gets better than that?” I ask amazed at how good something so wrong feels so right.

  “Oh yes, much better. See it is painful at first and then when your body gets used to it, it feels very nice.”

  “It felt very nice this time.” I sit on the bed and begin to dress. I watch as he scrambles around cleaning his room and himself. He finally finishes and brushes his hair in place. I am dressed and still sitting on the edge of the bed. He leaves the room and when he reenters he is ready to go.

  “I hope your mom isn’t mad. I need her to like me now.”

  “It’ only 2 AM she want even notice.” I say.

  “Sienna you should start showing your mother a little more respect. She is doing her very best.”

  I look down at my hands and start to fiddle with them. “I know. She just makes me so angry with her silly mistakes. And don’t even get me started on my dad. Besides, if I was too good of a daughter, tonight definitely would not have happened and you could just forget about any future nights.”

  “Wait a minute, let’s not get hasty.” He says yanking me to my feet. We hold hands as we leave the house and get into the SUV.

  The drive home we constantly peek at one another and giggle.

  “You really seduced me Sienna Young. I can’t believe you. I am usually the initiator.”

  “Different things from a different kind of girl.”

  “Oh… indeed.” He laughs. When he pulls up to my house I lean over to him and plant the wettest, deepest, kiss I could drum up.

  “Happy birthday Scotty. I love you.”

  He smiles as he pulls away.

  “Thank you Sienna. I love you too. I am the luckiest guy in Elyria. I won twice today.” He chuckles.

  “I guess you did.” He gets out and walks me up to my door. He softly plants one more on me and we say goodbye.

  I stick my key into the lock and watch as he pulls away. When I can’t see his car anymore I go in. I lean against the door and the lights flips on.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you Sienna!” My mom yells.

  I stand there frozen as my mom lays into me. I fold my arms when she goes on and on about me coming in late. I really don’t know what the big deal is. She has always allowed me to stay out late with Scott and Eva. Now she is screaming like a lunatic while I watch.

  “Sienna answer me now! Where have you been?” she blasts.

  “Mom calm your nerves. I was with Scott.” I roll my eyes and stomp past her. She grabs my arm as I try to escape her wrath.

  “Sienna I am not playing games here. You have been behaving terribly lately. I am sick of it!”

  I yank my arm away and turn to face her. “I have behaving this way for years and you would have noticed if it was not for you checking out of life on us.” I shout. I think my comment hit hard. She knows that she has not been parent of the year. Her look softens and she places her hands on her hips.

  “Well Sienna, I am about to give you what you have been asking for. You want me to “check back into life” here I go…you’re grounded. No Scott, no company, no hanging out, no Trixie! How is that?”

  My eyes bulge. I can’t believe what I am hearing. She is actually grounding me.

  “Mom, how can you ground me for something you have been allowing?” I yell back at her, hoping she changes her mind.

  “You are grounded Sienna and that is final.” I give her one last stomp before disappearing up the stairs and into my room. How can she do this now? And why can’t I see aunt Trixie? This is ridiculous I have to see Scott. I will not be able to stay away.

  I undress and put on my signature tank and pajama pants. I sit at my desk and stare at m
y laptop. I want to do something but not a thing comes to mind. I stare off into the void of the night rehashing my steamy moment with Scott. After all of the times I have come home late from Eva’s and my ton of movie nights with Scott, she grounds me now. This was the most perfect night and now it will be my last. I interlock my arms and slam my head down on top of them. I am such a baby, because for the second time tonight tears stream down my arms spilling onto my desk.

  “Sienna, honey, may I come in?” my dad asks through the door.

  “You are going to do whatever you want anyway dad.” I respond with my head still planted. He turns the knob and carefully enters. I hear the screech of the door as it opens. I don’t look up because I just don’t care.

  “Sweetheart, I heard what happened between you and your mom. I wanted to come and talk about it.”

  “Dad please. I want to be alone. Mom just ruined my life and possibly my relationship.” I hear the bed squeak when he sits. I lift my head and dry my eyes to turn to him. “She has only enforced certain rules dad. And I have followed them mostly. I have taken care of Jarvis when she was too hung over to respond to his wacky breakfast demands. I have been the curator of this house since you left. I haven’t complained once. And now that you are back, she wants to return to her previous status as administrator and rule maker. It’s not fair.”

  He rubs his hands through his bed hair. He pulls his right leg up and rests it on his left knee. I can tell this subject is one he would like to avoid, but it is one that is long overdue.

  “Honey, I am so sorry that I did this to our family. I thought being with Natalie would make me feel better.”

  “Better? What do you mean?”

  “I felt insignificant and useless. I felt age creeping in and destroying my once youthful vibrancy. I thought dating a younger woman would change that. She made me feel like I was superman. After I crossed the line with her, I knew there was no coming back. I hurt so many people I just couldn’t face them all, you guys, my best friend and business partner. So I ran. It was the only choice I had. Then one day I started to miss you all. Especially your mom. She was the only woman I have ever loved. But Natalie was pregnant and I figured there was no hope.” I wiggle in my chair to let him know this conversation is not for my ears.


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