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Shattered: A Salvation Society Novel

Page 7

by Bella Emy

  Chapter Ten

  I’ve totally sold out. I wasn’t going to sign up for the cheerleading team, but I decided to follow Erin and do it, too. And what do you know? I made the team.

  Besides Erin begging me to try out with her, I had hoped I’d be seeing Kalen more this way. Jason told her Kalen was going to join the football team, and since the football players and cheerleaders both spend their afternoons practicing outside on the field, I figured I’d get to see him more.

  I frown, thinking how I haven’t been seeing much of him lately. It sucks, but I knew this would happen all along. I’m sure either Sarah Michaelson or Cynthia Jenkins grabbed his attention. He must have forgotten all about me after seeing how flirty they are. I’m sure they threw themselves all over him at the first chance they got.

  Now I only get to see Kalen for a few moments in the halls every so often, but it’s just not the same. The last time we spoke was on the first day of school.

  It’s now a week later.

  It sucks how things work out. But at least I warned myself before I let it get too far. Sure I have feelings for him and I still really like him, but at least I caught myself before it was too late and I fell for him. Because I could surely tell that’s exactly where it was going to go if I kept at it.

  Maybe I should have texted him when Lexi gave me his number. But would that have made any difference? The Sarahs and Cynthias of this school would have crowded around him like zombies in The Walking Dead, waiting to feast on their next meal.

  “Girl, are you even focused? You have missed that same step for the past five times we’ve been going over this routine,” Erin states. We’re in her basement, practicing our routine for this Friday’s pep rally. I need to learn these moves or I’m going to look like a damn fool out on the gym floor. That’s the last thing I need to do in front of everyone.

  I turn around on my heels and pace back and forth. Finally taking a seat at the table, I say, “I’m sorry, Er. My mind’s not all there. I see the moves in my head now as I’m thinking about it, so I know what I’m supposed to do, but my mind keeps wandering when it’s actually time to do them.”

  She shakes her head. “Woman, you’ve got it bad for this guy.”

  “No… no, I don’t. And hey, who said anything about it being over a guy?” I take a swig from my water bottle and quench my thirst.

  She gives me a smug grin. “Right, well, um, I’ll just ignore your question, but hell yes, you do have it bad. It’s like every time we’re talking about something or doing something important; your mind is on him.”

  “How do you even know who I’m thinking about?” I push. She may have figured out this is all over a guy, but who’s to say it’s Kalen?

  Erin throws her arms up in exasperation. “Girl, I’m not your best friend for no reason. I know it’s Kalen you’re crushing on. Hard. What’s so wrong with that?” She pulls out a chair opposite from me and takes a sip of her own bottle.

  “Erin! Are you down here?” her pops says, racing down the stairs like a herd of cattle.

  “Yeah, Dad. I’m down here with Lex,” she answers. “What’s going on?”

  Mr. Cole’s expression is blank and he only barely smiles at me when he sees me for a second. Something else is on his mind.

  “Have you seen Kennedy at all today? It’s about to be seven o’clock, and she was supposed to get here around four… she’s not answering her phone,” he says.

  Erin and I exchange a look. Then she responds, “No, Dad. I haven’t seen her much. Only a few seconds in the halls during school, but that’s about it.”

  “Hmmm,” he says, leaning against the banister as he reaches the bottom of the stairs. “All right, well see if you can get through to her. Maybe she’ll answer your calls. She’s ignoring your mother and me again, and I’m worried about her.”

  “Already it on it, Dad,” Erin says, pulling out her phone.

  He smiles softly at her. “Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll be upstairs helping Mom wrap up dinner. You will be staying for it, won’t you, Alexa?”

  I nod. “Yes, Mr. Cole. I’ll stay.”

  He smiles at me, his kind, gentle eyes shining through. “Great. I’ll call you girls up when it’s ready. Give or take ten minutes or so.”

  “Okay, Dad,” Erin answers as her father makes his way back up the stairs.

  I pull out my phone and check Facebook and Instagram quickly to see when the last time Kennedy posted was. But she hasn’t posted anything all day.

  “Dammit, she’s at it again,” Erin says, typing frantically on her phone.

  I place mine on the table. “She replied to you?”

  She shakes her head and then puts her phone on top of the table as well. “Fuck, no. I’d probably be one of the last people she’d talk to right now. She’s convinced I’d rat her out.”

  “You would,” I chuckle.

  Now she laughs, too. “Probably, but only because she’s messing with the wrong crowd.”

  “She’s with Tisha again?” I ask.

  Erin nods. “Yup, you guessed it.”

  “How’d you find out?”

  “I have some people following her. She’s on her way back right now, but she went to Tisha’s after school with Piper and Heather.”

  Piper Lawrence and Heather Meyes? Both of those girls were bad news and Tisha’s best friends. Why in the world Kennedy was set on spending her time with them really got me.

  “What the hell is she doing with them?” I ask.

  Erin shrugs. “Who the hell knows? Smoking? Drinking? Messing with much older guys… the list goes on.”

  She’s right. That’s what those girls are known for. I honestly don’t know what’s gotten into Kennedy this year. I get it’s her freshman year, and she’s trying to find her way in with the popular kids, but I don’t think this is the way to do it.

  And just then, the back door opens and in stumbles Kennedy.

  “Well, look who just showed up,” Erin says, looking away from Kennedy and taking a sip of her drink.

  “Shut up… did Mom or Dad ask you where I was?” she throws her backpack on one of the couches and takes a seat in between us.

  Erin scoffs. “Duh… didn’t you get anyone’s calls or texts?”

  Kennedy shrugs. “I purposely put my phone on airplane mode so I wouldn’t be disturbed.”

  Erin’s eyes widen. “Airplane mode? So you wouldn’t be disturbed? Kennedy, what the hell are you thinking? Or I’m sorry, I’m sorry… maybe you weren’t thinking. Dammit, Ken… why are you acting this way, hanging out with a bunch of girls who are only looking for trouble?”

  Kennedy glares at her older sister and then rises from her seat. She slams her hands on the table. “Hey! You’re not my mother, okay? Stop trying to act like you can tell me what to do, and how the fuck do you even know who I was with? It’s none of your business who—”

  “That’s enough, young lady,” Mr. Cole roars from the steps. In all her rage and fit to talk down to her sister, she failed to realize her father was rushing down the stairs. Mrs. Cole walks softly behind him.

  The shocked expression on Kennedy’s face shows she realizes she’s in deep trouble. “Daddy…”

  Erin and I exchange a glance as Mr. Cole walks closer to the table. Shit’s about to hit the fan.

  He crosses his arms across his chest and stares at Kennedy up and down. “You are not allowed to use that language EVER. Do you hear me, Kennedy Cole?”

  Kennedy’s head hangs low. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “As for the way you spoke to your sister, that was uncalled for as well. She’s just looking out for you like I asked her to.”

  Kennedy’s eyes lift up to look into her father’s face. “What?”

  He nods. “Up to your room, miss. You’re grounded.”

  Kennedy scrunches her facial features like she’s having a hard time understanding. “Grounded? For what?”

  “Don’t question your father, Kennedy. We have been worried about you. Not answ
ering your phone when you were supposed to be here hours ago? What do you think this is, young lady?” Mrs. Cole intervenes, stepping forward.

  “But Mom, I—”

  “Not another word, Kennedy. Up to your room,” Mr. Cole says. “And as far as your little friends go, you’re no longer allowed to hang out with them. Straight home after school. Your phone will be turned off for a week,” Mr. Cole adds.

  “This is so unfair!” she fights back.

  “Two weeks!” he says.

  Kennedy opens her mouth to protest, but thankfully, she doesn’t. I can only imagine how much longer he would have added to her punishment if she had said anything more. Instead, she marches up the stairs past both of her parents.

  Chapter Eleven

  Friday night has finally arrived. I can’t say I’ve been counting down the minutes, but okay, I’ve been counting down the minutes. Why am I trying to lie to myself? It’s all I’ve been thinking about. The fact that I may be seeing Kalen tonight is getting me so anxious. Seeing him in the halls for a few minutes here and there every day kind of sucks. I wish he’d talk to me again so badly, but it’s my own fault for pushing him away.

  But every time I see him, looking even more gorgeous than the day before, it makes me realize just how much I want to talk to him and be with him.

  Tonight could be the first time I see him for longer than just a few moments. And since Jason and Erin are going to be hanging out afterward, maybe Kalen will go along, too, and then I’ll be able to join them without it being weird. We’re all just friends hanging out.

  I take a deep breath getting myself mentally prepared for our upcoming routine in just a few minutes. I go through each of the steps in my mind one last time to make sure I don’t make a complete fool of myself. I don’t see him in the crowd, but the bleachers are full of Tranquility Creek students waiting on tonight’s festivities to begin. To the right, a few jocks from the freshman team, sit next to their teammates waiting for the varsity team to come out. They toss a football up in the air, passing the time. To the left, a few of the school’s sleaziest girls gossip and stare at someone to the side.

  I follow their eyes and then I see it. The subject of their conversation: Kalen Starling. Of course, they’re talking about him. And now it makes sense. They’re not making fun of him. Instead, they’re gawking at him.

  I knew it would be just a matter of time before something like this would happen. He’s just too good looking.

  Suddenly, Cynthia Jenkins, the school’s biggest whore rises from her seat and begins walking over to him. She’s taller than most girls and slender. Who am I kidding? Cynthia could pass for a model, so of course, she’s very popular with the boys in our school. Her hair is long and wavy, and her eyes are the color of the ocean. She’s fucking beautiful; why would Kalen stop himself from talking to her?

  I stay hidden from behind the door to the entrance of the gym but keep my eyes glued on her to see what she’s going to do.

  As she reaches him, her flirtatious eyes and giggle make him smile back. I frown as she smiles at him and offers him her hand. My stomach is in knots, and I feel like I want to puke. How can I possibly go out onto the middle of the gym floor and go through the entire routine without tossing my cookies?

  Cynthia flutters her eyelashes, and then Kalen looks away. I make sure to stay away from sight as he scans the gym. What is he searching for? Damn, she’s got pretty eyes and lashes. I wish mine looked like that. They look like they’re about to take flight.

  Her blue eyes shimmer in the gymnasium lights as she winks and turns her body completely toward Kalen.

  This is it. This is the moment I lose him to her. Lose him? Ugh. Listen to me talking like I have him. We’re barely friends, and the way I’ve been so distant to him, we’re practically nothing to one another.

  I hate myself for not being more forward with him. I hate myself for not being as flirtatious as Cynthia Jenkins and just going for the guy I want.

  Suddenly, I see Kalen shaking his head as if saying no. Cynthia pouts her full lips, tilting her head to the side. I seriously wish I could hear what’s going on right now. I would love to know what she just asked him and what he turned down.

  She crosses her arms across her huge chest and in a voice loud enough for the whole state of California to hear, she says, “Forget you, Kalen. You are not worth it!” She spins around on her heels and storms off to her group of hoochies. I have to cover my mouth with my hand to stifle my laughter. That was epic and it gripped the whole attention of the school. I know she’s pissed right now, and by the way she’s strutting her hip out with each step she takes makes it very clear to anyone who is looking… which is everyone in the gymnasium.

  Whatever Kalen said to her sure as hell ticked her off. This is just what I needed to get my nerves in check before going out in front of everyone to perform the routine.

  I turn around and see the rest of the cheerleaders lining up off to the right. It must be just about time to start.

  As if on cue, the sound of feedback coming from the speakers fills the gym. It’s go time.

  My nerves begin fumbling around in the pit of my stomach like a damn football being thrown around as the coach introduces this year’s varsity cheerleading squad.

  Then it hits me… oh my, God… that’s us… me… It’s now.

  I take a deep breath as I follow my teammates out onto the middle of the gymnasium floor. Our uniforms’ blue and gold colors fill the center of the gym; our school colors were chosen to represent the water of the creek. I scan through the crowd once more, and finally, my eyes lock with Kalen. He’s seeing me for the first time, and it’s like a rush of emotions swims through my system. Then he smiles at me, and I feel like a moron, but I can’t stop myself from smiling back. Damn, he’s so fucking beautiful. If the intensity between us is a mere indication of how we feel for one another, then dammit, he’s got to feel as strongly about me as I feel about him. I know I’m just gripping at threads right now, trying to justify how he feels about me, but I can’t help it. I wish he’d just make me his girl more than anything else.

  Erin stands next to me as we begin and go through our entire routine. It’s a miracle I don’t fuck up a single step. I thought for sure I’d mess up the last three steps as I’ve done at every single practice.

  We jump up and down as our routine finally comes to an end. The coach comes running back out to get the crowd cheering for us, but there is really no need for it. Everyone in the stands is already up on their feet, applauding our performance.

  What a fucking relief. I had been so worried for nothing.

  I follow the rest of the girls off the court and line up on the sides as the captains pick up the banner we made for the football team. No more than five seconds later, the football coach comes running out, introducing this year’s team. That’s when Jason and the rest of the guys on the team come running through the banner we’re holding up for them. I wish Kalen would have joined so he could have run through the banner as he’d pass by me. But it’s okay because as the team continues racing through the banner, I look up into the bleachers where Kalen is sitting, and his eyes are still glued on me. We keep exchanging glances between us, but he’s so far, it sucks. I wish he could be standing right next to me.

  After the pep rally, I find myself with Erin, Jason, and Kalen back at the ice cream parlor. In this small town, we don’t have too many places like it, so they make a ton of money. Especially with the kids from school and people vacationing here.

  “You girls did an amazing job,” Jason says after scooping some ice cream into his mouth.

  Kalen nods. “You both really did,” he replies, looking from Erin to me.

  I shy away, but Erin smiles widely. “Thanks, guys! We’re both looking forward to this year and cheering at all the football games my honey’s going to be playing in.” Erin rises from her seat next to Jason to sit on his lap. He chuckles and then they kiss.

  I look over at Kalen, who is cu
rrently taking in my image. It seems like he’s still interested in me, but I don’t really know. Maybe the guy is just trying to be nice.

  I smile back and hope he knows I’m interested in him.

  Jason whispers something in Erin’s ear as her giggles bring both Kalen and I away from our enchanting stares at one another. Erin rises to her feet and says, “Alright, guys. Jay and I are going to his house to watch a movie until I have to be home.”

  “You’re both more than welcome to join us, but you’ll have to sit on the floor while we roam around on the couch,” Jason adds as Erin cracks up and punches him in the arm.

  Kalen and me chuckle, too. Jason makes it so obvious there’s definitely not going to be much movie watching going on at his place.

  Kalen shakes his head at me and then says, “That’s okay, guys. We’re good right here.”

  Jason and Erin wave good-bye, and once again, I’m left alone with the only guy I want to be with.

  And my heart is pounding harder with each glance he gives me.

  And my breath is catching in my throat with every second we’re together.

  God, what is he doing to me?

  I need to get a grip and cool the fuck down. Trying to distract myself, I dip my pink plastic spoon into my cup and scoop some ice cream onto it. From the corner of my eye, I can see him staring at me. He watches intently as I open my mouth and take in the frosty treat. It causes a wave of emotions to flood through me like I’ve never felt before, and I can’t help but slowly turn my head to face him and lock my gaze with his.

  He smiles at me and then bites down onto his lip. Damn, he’s got some nice lips. I want to kiss him so badly.

  I wish I had the nerve to ask him if he’d like a taste of my ice cream, but who am I kidding? I just freeze whenever it comes to him.

  As if reading my brain, he asks, “So, how’ve you been, Lexi?”

  I almost choke as my eyes widen. “Good, you?” Good, and crazy, thinking about you, wishing you’d talk to me every time.


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