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Mail Order Bride: The Irish Runaway

Page 5

by Catherine Harper

  “After what he said to me, no thank you.” Expecting him to give up and walk away, Shannon found him look to the left and right of him and speak in a hushed tone.

  “I don’t like to talk about matters like this out in the hallway. You never know whose listening in.”

  Feeling sorry for him and curious at his actions, she opened the door and waved him in. “Come in then.”

  “Thank you, Ma’am.”

  Watching him walk to the centre of the room and face her, Shannon watched as his eyes fell on her packed bag.

  “Thinking of leaving?”

  Letting out a sigh, Shannon put her back to the door and pushed it closed. “I’d be gone by now, if I’d anywhere to go.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “You want me to leave the room? Now that there’ll be no marriage, I suppose I can’t stay here anymore-”

  Holding up his hands, he exclaimed, “No, that’s not why I’m here.” Holding out the note, he offered it to her one more time. “You don’t mind me being honest, do you?”

  “In what way?”

  “I don’t like to say it, but you’re not the first mail order bride I’ve known to run to their room in a flood of tears. In all my years working here, I’ve seen my fair share of drama-.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  Holding out the letter further, he added, “I do. I know what he said to you, he told me when I carried him to his room in a drunken stupor. The man that wrote this note--was a different man to that. I’ve known Dominic many years and-”

  “But he lied to me, I saw him-”

  “You’re not, Mary, are you?”

  Hearing those words and knowing that he knew the truth, Shannon felt her argument start to lose its power.

  “I’m not one to get involved in anything that’s outside my business, but I think you two have more in common than you think. You came here pretending to be someone else, and so did he. I’m not one to take sides, but I know the man you saw yesterday isn’t the man you think he is.” Leaving it at that, he took the note and pressed it in her hand. “There’s a young man with a parcel in the hallway for you.”

  Shannon watched him leave and stared at the closed door. Looking to the note she carefully opened it.


  I don’t know if you’ll forgive me. But if you can find it in your heart, I’d like to take you out to dinner. Dominic.

  Shannon repeated the words expecting to find some sign of the man she’d met and found none. Now curious, she walked to the door and opened it. Standing in the hallway, she found one of the hotel’s bellboys with a large package in his arms. Waving him in and waiting until he’d gone, she took the lid off the box and stared at the emerald green dress and matching shoes now in front of her.

  Chapter 11

  Shannon stepped out of the elevator that evening and found Dominic waiting for her. Looking impeccably dressed, she hadn’t noticed how handsome he was until this moment. Standing tall with broad shoulders, his stance was a lot straighter than the last time she’s seen him. His blue eyes were also a lot clearer too. Standing nervously, he pulled a small bouquet of flowers from behind his back. Handing them over, he said, “I thought maybe it was better not putting them in a vase.”

  Smiling at his nervous joke, she said, “Probably wise.”

  “You don’t mind me saying this, but you look beautiful in that dress.”

  “This old thing?” Shannon grinned. “I found it in a box in my room.”

  “I hope it fits OK.”


  “I had a little help.” Nodding his head in the receptionist’s direction, Shannon found him nod his head and smile back. “To tell you the truth, I was afraid that I was going to insult you even further by getting the size wrong. But William there, well he-”

  “And the colour?”

  “That was me. I do hope you like it--I just thought with you being a redhead and all, and with an Irish accent that I…”

  Smiling at him as he tried explaining his case, Shannon found herself warming to him. “You did good. It’s beautiful, Dominic.”

  “Thank God for that then. Or this would be a very short first date.”

  “It would.”

  Dominic paused and looked to his feet for a moment. “I don’t know how to say this and I don’t want to ruin this little moment between us, but.”

  “But what?”

  “Well, you know my name, but I don’t know yours.”

  “It’s Shannon.”

  “Shannon. Shannon can we start all over again. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to put yesterday far behind me.”


  “Dominic Campbell,” Dominic smiled. Taking hold of her hand, he put it to his lips and kissed the back of it. “A pleasure to meet you, Shannon…?”

  “Barry. Shannon Barry.” Shannon replied, feeling her cheeks redden.

  “So, Miss Shannon Barry, could I be so bold as to ask as where you’re going tonight?”

  “Tonight? Well, I was supposed to be going to dinner with some tall, dark, stranger. You haven’t seen him anywhere, have you?”

  “I think I did, he left a moment ago.” Dominic cocked his thumb over his shoulder. “Said he couldn’t stay. Between you and me, I think he saw how beautiful you looked tonight and chickened out. Looked like a nervous type of guy.”


  “You know, I’m at a bit of loose end myself. I was just heading out for something to eat; you wouldn’t care to join me, would you?”

  “No thanks, you’re not my type.”


  Hearing his dead pan reply and look on his face, Shannon couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry, Dominic, I couldn’t help it. Yes. Yes, I’d love to go to dinner with you.”

  Holding his hand out, Dominic locked her arm in his and walked them towards the hotel’s front door.

  “We’re not eating in the hotel?”

  “What in that dress? I’d be afraid you’d make all the men’s heads turn and all their ladies jealous. I couldn’t have that happen. Especially with you having to share the hotel with them. No. I’ve got somewhere else I think you’ll like.”

  Pulling the hotel entrance door open, he gestured her to pass in front of him. Standing on the sidewalk, Shannon found a two horse black carriage and driver stand waiting on them.

  “For us?”

  Opening the door, Dominic held her hand and helped her inside. “You didn’t think I’d let you walk, did you?” Reaching across the seat, he took a small parcel and placed it in her hands. “I was afraid you might get a little cold.”

  Shannon opened the box and found a silken shawl inside. Taking it out, she excitedly put it on and got Dominic’s approval.

  “It really suits you. Now let’s go eat.”

  Giving the order to the driver, Dominic slid back in his seat and took hold of her hand. “I do hope you enjoy yourself tonight, I know I’ve got a lot of making up to do. Heck, if I do a good enough job, I might even take your mind off that tall dark stranger of yours.”

  Looking at Dominic’s smiling face, Shannon thought she’d settle for what was beside her. But she wouldn’t let him know that for another while.


  Shannon put down her knife and fork and pushed her plate away a fraction. Looking over at Dominic, she saw him grin at her.

  “I take it, you enjoyed that. I could tell by the lull in the conversation from your side of the table. I told you, you were in for a surprise.”

  “You also could have warned me,” Shannon whispered loudly. “This dress is having its stitching put to the test. You know I swear if I sneezed right now, I think this thing could fall apart.”

  “Let’s hope you sneeze then,” Dominic smiled and topped up her water glass. Beckoning to the waiter, he pointed to their empty plates and at once the table was cleared. Once done the waiter hastily returned with a menu.

  “Would y
ou like to see the dessert menu, Mr Campbell?”

  Seeing Dominic look at her, Shannon shook her head. “Maybe another time, Nathan. I think you’ve filled this young lady to capacity.”

  Watching him smile in reply and leave them, Shannon asked, “You wine and dine many women here? I mean you know all the staff by name and it looks like we’ve got the best table.”

  “I should do, I own it.”

  “What? You’re kidding. You own this restaurant?”

  “Well, that--and the hotel you’re staying in.”

  “As well? I don’t understand. From your letters you said you’d done well with your mining, but you never mentioned real estate.”

  “It was something I’d been keeping out of them. I didn’t think Mary needed to know that yet. Truth be told I never liked mining. After all the work it took finding and taking that gold from the ground, the last thing I wanted to do was invest it back there again. I’ve seen others do that and never recreate their success. The last thing I wanted was to go through all of that again. People say that there’s a fortune in the ground here, but I look at it differently. I say it’s over the ground. Building is where the wealth is in San Francisco now. This town is booming, and with every new person that comes here, that’s another person who’s going to need somewhere to stay and eat. So, why not put my money there, I thought.”

  Shannon listened to the tale and tried to take in what she heard. “I don’t understand? Then why look for a mail order bride? It doesn’t make sense. There must be a hundred women who’d love to be on your arm.”

  “True. But then they all know me for what I have. I wanted a relationship with someone who didn’t know these things. Someone who could like me for being me.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Guess we’re both in the same situation then.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Pushing his glass away so he could take hold of her hand, he said, “Here I am looking at a beautiful woman and I don’t know who she is. I know you’ve read all my letters, which is a bit embarrassing. You, knowing all my innermost secrets and I know nothing about you. Apart from your name.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Well, the first thing that comes to mind is how you came to replace Mary.”

  Feeling a little uncomfortable at first, Shannon pulled her hand to her and found Dominic hold tighter to it.

  “Please, I’m not mad. In fact, I’m glad you did, I was dreading meeting the woman. Don’t get me wrong, she seemed lovely, but the more letters we exchanged the more I knew she was wrong for me.”

  “So, you turning up drunk?”

  “It was my way of trying to repulse her. I would have paid for her fare home. I tried getting in touch with the lady in New York.”


  “Yes, Martha. I sent a telegram to tell her that there was a change of plan. I don’t know if she got the message, but she didn’t reply to it. But by then it was too late. She, or rather, you, were on your way here.”

  Feeling better that things weren’t going sour between them, Shannon asked, “So what do you think my story is?”

  “Hmmm. What would make a woman like you run across the country?” Shannon found him look her over. “There’s something you’re running from.”

  “You’re getting warm.”

  “A man.”

  “He wished, but no.”

  “If it’s not a man, I’d say money. Or maybe looking for a better life. So which is it?”

  Knowing that her life story wouldn’t be the great mystery he was expecting to hear, she came clean. Starting with her life in New York and her brother’s death, she filled him in on why she’d left Ireland and Sean’s insistence that he was taking her home again.

  “So, when Martha gave me the chance to come here as Mary, well I couldn’t say no.”

  “But didn’t you think I’d notice,” Sean asked, pointing out her biggest flaw. “I mean the red-hair for starters. That and Mary had never mentioned Ireland before.”

  “Listening to you put it that way, it does sound crazy. I guess I wasn’t thinking straight. All I knew was I had to put New York and my old life far behind me.”

  “So, where does this put us?” Dominic asked. “Do I seem like the type of man you’d like to be married to?”

  “Well, I have to say it’s a vast improvement on yesterday?”

  “So, you do like me.”

  Shannon smiled at his cockiness. “I never said that.”

  “You said vast. That has to mean you’re looking at me in a whole different way, right?”


  “Maybe nothing, I’m starting to grow on you.”

  Seeing him grin, she couldn’t help herself smiling back. “Alright, maybe.”

  “So, have you any plans for tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I’m taking the first boat back to New York.”

  “You’re too witty for you own good, you know that?”

  “It’s been said before,” Shannon grinned.

  Placing his two hands on the table, he took hold of hers. “Well, Miss smarty pants. I thought maybe I could take you on a tour of this city. Then once you see how great it is here, I might be able to sway you on that, maybe. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds like you fancy me.”

  Dominic laughed and sat back in his seat. “I’m never going to win with you, am I?

  “Let’s see how tomorrow goes and then I’ll decide,” Shannon replied with a smile. Seeing him smile in return, she couldn’t help but feel a connection growing between them.

  Chapter 12

  Taken on a whirlwind ride of the best sightseeing places in San Francisco, Dominic had been true to his word. Dazzling her with sights and another wonderful meal at his restaurant, Shannon found that she hardly had a moment to catch her breath. Leading her back to their transport, he patted her gloved hand and smiled. “You’re going to love this next place.”

  “Where’s that?”

  Helping her back into their buggy, he gave the address to the driver. “The Gardens please, Charles.”

  Taking his seat beside her and taking her arm, she asked, “Where are we going, a park?”

  “Not one like you’ve ever seen before, Shannon. I swear you’ve never seen anything like this.”

  “You think I’ll like it?”

  “Probably not, but I know I will.”

  Shannon punched him playfully in the arm. “I thought this was my day.”

  “And that’s another thing I’m going to have to watch out for,” Dominic said, overplaying his injury and rubbing his arm.

  “What’s that?”

  Taking hold of a piece of her hair, he playfully made a moustache with it. “That fiery red headed temper of yours.”

  On the verge of a witty comeback, she found her chance interrupted as Dominic announced their destination.

  “Last stop of the day, Woodward’s Gardens.”

  Hearing the name, Shannon leaned out to see a large bricked wall ahead of them. Looking down from the large letters that spelled out its name, she found a throng of people making their way in and out through its large iron gates.

  “Come on, we’ve a lot to see.”

  Looking toward Dominic, she found him already dismounted. Standing with his hand held out for her, he eagerly waved her to hurry up. “Come on, we’ve got four acres of amusements to go through.”

  Shannon took his hand and smiled. “I’m beginning to think you did come here for yourself.”


  “Well, with that goofy smile on your face it certainly looks that way.” Waiting until Charles had moved off, they made their way to the entrance and joined the queue.

  “So, how many times have you come here?”

  “Maybe once or twice.”

  Seeing him with his fingers crossed behind his back, she punched him playfully in the arm again. “Liar.”

  “Alright, maybe two or
three times a month.” Holding up his hands as if to explain his case. “Well, I was a single man at the time and you know it can get a bit boring at the weekends.”

  “You said, ‘was a single man.’ Has something changed in your life?”

  Going to the cashier, Dominic paid for two tickets. “Well I…”

  Seeing him stew, she couldn’t help but laugh as his face blushed. “You think you’re doing a good job today?” Not wanting to make his agony last any longer, she continued, “I’m just kidding you, I’m having a great time today.”

  Wiping his forehead, he let out a whistle. “Phew, thank God for that then.”

  “Come on then big kid, what’s your favourite part here,” she asked and linked his arm in hers. Seeing his enthusiasm as he explained all the attractions they’d see, Shannon couldn’t help but fall in love at the little boy that was still inside him.


  “Well, was I right, or was I right?” Dominic asked, before finding a free bench to sit down on. “You didn’t see all that in New York, did you?”

  “You mean some crazy guy putting all this in his garden and opening it to the public? It’s one way to spend your wealth all right.”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “Well, it’s-”

  “And here was me thinking of selling everything and buying a share in this place. Can you imagine it? Me and you working here. You would have to be prepared to work with the monkeys though.”

  Shannon looked at Dominic’s face and found it without a flicker of humour. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “I mean could you imagine all this? If you were to become my wife and all-”

  “You have kept that boat fare to New York somewhere handy, haven’t you? I mean you haven’t bought a dancing bear I should know of.”

  Hearing the comment Dominic couldn’t keep the joke going any longer. Seeing the look on her face, he broke out laughing. “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist it. Honestly you should have seen the look on your face. But, I was thinking of buying a monkey.”

  “Taking care of one ape would be enough.”

  “So, you’ve changed your mind about me.”

  “I never said that.”

  “Your lips might lie, but your eyes don’t.”

  On the verge of coming up with a witty rebuttal, Shannon found Dominic edge closer. Taking a gentle hold of her chin, he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. Moving slowly backwards, he added, “I think the lips are agreeing now too.”



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