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Mail Order Bride: The Irish Runaway

Page 6

by Catherine Harper

Smiling at the comment, she found Dominic move in once more and kiss her. Taking it slower and longer this time, she joined in it as enthusiastically as he did. Pulling away, she looked at the eyes that looked back at her and felt the spark of love she’d felt earlier grow in intensity. Seeing Dominic look like he felt the same, she found them both meet again for another long and lingering kiss. Breaking away after what seemed a lifetime, she found Dominic tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. “You know with all the fortune Robert Woodward spent on this place, there’s no exhibit that could beat what I’m looking at right now.”

  “Not even the dancing bear?”


  “Not even the sea lions?”

  “Not even the sea lions.”

  Taking her hand, Dominic stood up and pulled her to her feet. Holding her close to him, he remarked, “I don’t know about you, but I had a good time today.”

  “Me too.”

  “I’ve also never met anyone like you before.”

  Shannon toyed with her hair coyly. “Never?”

  “You’ve not making this easy for me, Shannon. A few days ago I never even knew you existed, but now, now I couldn’t see myself with anyone but you. I know you came here to be a mail order bride, but I wouldn’t want you to have to stick to that obligation if you didn’t want to. Shannon, what I’m trying to say is…”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes I’d love to marry you. For better for worse, for whatever.”

  Taking her in his arms, he held her tightly. “How does tomorrow sound?”

  “Hmmm, tomorrow…”

  “But if that doesn’t suit. I don’t want to put pressure on you.”

  “I’d marry you right now, Dominic.”

  Shannon found him take her once more in a long and lingering kiss. Coming back up for air, he asked. “You don’t want to see anything more here, do you?”

  “Like you said, they couldn’t find what I have on my arm.”

  Pulling her by the arm towards the exit, he remarked, “Good, because we’ve a lot of organize, a pastor, dress, and what else is there…?”

  “You know if we don’t get it organized by tomorrow there’s always the next day,” Shannon called after him.

  “Not a chance, there’s no way I’m letting any man come and snatch you away from me.”

  Lost in a fit of giggling and swept away in love, Shannon and Dominic ignored all the looks they got as they raced all the way back to their buggy.


  “Congratulations. I knew she was the perfect match for you.” William smiled on hearing the news. “I told him that the first day he met you.” Giving Shannon a wink, he continued, “I told him what a fool he was letting a lady like you slip through his hands.”

  “I know, I know, you were right,” Dominic said, holding up his hands. “So you think you can get things organized by tomorrow.”

  “Have I ever let you down before, Dominic?”

  “Well no, but it’s not every day a man gets married.”

  Shannon watched William smile at her. “You see this? This is what you don’t see. He looks like he has everything under control but--as you can see for yourself--look it would suit you better to get this young lady up to her room. I bet she’d like a good night’s sleep to be at her best.” Turning to Shannon, he continued, “I’ll send one of the bell boys around to the best boutiques in the city and bring back some of their best wedding dresses. Save you the bother of going out.”

  “Thank you, William.”

  “You’re welcome, dear.” Shannon watched him turn to Dominic. “Now let me to do my work and I’ll talk to you later.”

  Leaving them, Dominic remarked, “He likes you. From the first moment he met you he knew you were right for me. If it hadn’t been for him talking sense into me-”

  Shannon didn’t let him finish off the sentence. Taking the lead this time, she kept him silent with a kiss. “Now escort me upstairs. As the man said, I want to be looking my best on my wedding day.”

  “As if you could look any other way,” Dominic said, taking her arm in his and leading her to her room.

  Chapter 13

  “Hello Shannon.”

  Shannon heard the voice behind her and felt her blood run cold. Disbelieving her ears, she turned and found Sean standing in the corner behind her. Stepping out, he made sure her path to the door was blocked.

  “Is that him?”


  “The one you came to marry.” Sean asked, taking the door key and putting it in his waistcoat pocket.

  Scanning the room for any chance of escape, she found him walk closer to her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t give me that bull, Shannon, I know why you’re here. Dominic Campbell, the lady in New York said. Although it took a bit to get it out of her. Three broken fingers before she came up with the name.”

  Going from fear to anger at what might have happed to Martha, Shannon threw herself at him and pounded on his chest. “You monster, what did you do to her.”

  “Sit down.”

  Shannon felt Sean’s strong hands grab her shoulders and shove. Flying backwards, she found herself fall back on the bed.

  “Always like that about you, you always had plenty of spirit in you.”

  Seeing him edge toward the bed, she scurried backwards. “What did you do to Martha?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Oh God, is she dead?”

  “Let’s just say she was very determined that I didn’t find out where you’d gone. I warned her, but she wouldn’t listen. If she’d just handed you over the first time, I wouldn’t have needed to do what I did.”

  Now on the other side of the bed and back on her feet, Shannon asked, “What do you want Sean?”

  “What I’ve always wanted, you.”

  “There’s no way I’m going back to Ireland with you.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “You’ve changed your mind?”

  “Let’s just say I had to use the boat fare for Ireland chasing after you. Right now I’m back where I started, back in this shit hole and broke again.”

  Trying to think with a panicked mind, Shannon tried to find anything that she could to appease him. “My father. Get in touch with him. I bet he’d give you a loan.”

  “What, you want me to tell him that I lost you? That I wasted all his money chasing you down and then go and ask for more?”

  “Well maybe, he might-”

  “You just couldn’t do as you were told, could you? You just couldn’t come home with me. We could have been so happy together.”

  Trying to keep the distance between them, Shannon felt herself backed into a corner. Looking at Sean’s face, she could see a madness she hadn’t noticed earlier. Reaching behind him, she caught a glimpse of shining metal. Holding it in front of him, she stared at the blade of a hunting knife.

  “I swear Sean, I’ll scream.”

  “Go on, do it. You scream and I’ll gut the next person that comes through that door. Maybe I’ll get lucky. Maybe your new fella will be the first to come in?”

  “Please Sean, whatever you want, I’ll do it. I’ll go home with you, whatever, just let me make this up to you. Nobody else has to get hurt.”

  Lowering his knife, he paused. “You’d do that?”

  “Whatever Sean, I’ll go home with you. Make my father do right by you. Whatever the deal was, the land he promised.”

  “And you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your father promised you as part of the deal.”


  “You didn’t think I killed that lady for a piece of land, did you?”

  Hearing of Martha’s fate, Shannon pushed that thought to the back of her mind. Now wasn’t the time to tackle that problem, she had to find some way to get herself out of the room. Right now it was best if she kept him talking.

p; “What did he promise you, Sean?”

  Shannon watched as he reached into a pocket and took out a piece of paper. Tossing it to her, Shannon unwrapped it and read it.

  “I guess he never forgave you and Connor for showing him up. Probably the talk of the parish for a long time. I didn’t think you needed to see that telegram. Once we were home, I’d get twenty acres and a small farm house. Plus, your hand in marriage. But now that’s all gone.”

  “I don’t know what to say-”

  “Still think you can make things better?”

  “What do you want, Sean, money? I can ask Dominic, maybe he might lend you some.”

  “What, borrow money off lover boy? As if that’s going to happen.”

  Raising his knife once more, Sean smiled. “I came here to take you and I’m going to take you.”

  “But you said-”

  “I said I was going to take you; I didn’t say I was taking you anywhere. I didn’t come all the way for nothing.”

  Waving his knife, he smiled. “Strip.”

  Shannon heard the word and for a while couldn’t believe what she’d heard. “What?”

  “You heard me, strip. You didn’t think I came all this way for nothing, did you? As if I could drag you back cross this God forsaken country and then put you on a boat. No, Shannon, if anyone’s to blame for what’s about to happen to you, it’s you. We could have been so good together, but you had to spoil it all.”

  “Sean, please.”

  Holding the blade higher, he waved it at her. “Right now you’ve got two choices, Shannon. Either you take that pretty little dress off, or I’m going to cut it off you.” Shannon looked to the door. “Do it, I dare you. By the time, anyone comes in here you’ll be dead and they’ll be on the sharp end of this knife. So what’s it going to be?”

  Looking to the door once more, she knew she’d no choice. Reaching to her left shoulder, she pulled her dresses strap off it and let it hang. Working on the other side and doing the same, she watched as Sean’s eyes grew larger at the thought of what was yet to come.

  “Looks like even he’s not around to help you.”

  Confused at first, Shannon looked to where Sean was staring and found his eyes fixed on the crucifix that hung around her neck. Conscious that it was her brother’s, she held it tightly in her hand as if to block out what was about to happen. Trying in some way to keep it separate from her, she tore it from her neck.

  “Let me help you with that.” Holding the blade in view, Sean took hold of her and spun her around. Grabbing at her dress, he tore apart the fasteners on the back and let it fall to the floor. “See, that was easy wasn’t it?”

  Shannon felt a finger run down between her shoulder blades. Shaking at his touch, she then felt a warm breath on the back of her neck. “So, how would you like it, slow and steady or rough and fast?” Keeping silent, she felt a hand come around to the front of her and squeeze her chest. “How about we let those tits of yours out?”

  Shannon stared at the pattern of the wallpaper in front of her and focused everything she could on it. Feeling a tear roll down her face, she felt Sean undo her corset. Working slowly, he stopped when he was halfway there and loosened it open. Then taking her by the shoulder, he turned her around and stared at her.

  “Let me see them.”

  Shannon looked at his face and could see that the man she knew was gone; in its place was an animal that had only one thing on its mind. Looking at the eyes filled with lust, she took hold of the cups that supported her chest and pulled them down. Now topless, she watched as he gazed at her breasts.

  “A fine pair if I do say so myself.” Walking forward Sean put his knife in the back of his waist band. Now with both hands free, she found herself pressed back up against the wall as he cupped and kneaded them roughly. Then moving his head down, he sucked and licked at them.

  Turning away, Shannon tried to put the image of what he was doing to the back of her mind. Looking for something to focus on instead, she found she was still holding onto the small metal crucifix. Opening her hand, she stared at it and hoped it would all be over soon.

  Chapter 14

  Dominic hovered his finger over the escalator button and wondered if he’d press it. He’d only seen her five minute ago. Would going back up to sneak another kiss off her seem a bit desperate, he wondered. Deciding that he’d look silly, and possibly interrupt any preparations Shannon was making for their wedding day, he walked out and allowed the doors to close behind him. Wondering how else to spend his last night as a single man, his eyes fell on the sign for the hotel’s bar. He knew it probably wasn’t the best decision to make, but he needed something to calm his mind. Filled with thoughts of their wedding day and hoping everything worked out OK, he knew sleep for going to have a hard time finding him tonight. It wasn’t every day you took a beautiful woman for your wife. Holding that thought, Dominic made for the bar and pulled up a stool.

  Beckoning the barman over to him, he asked. “Whiskey, Robert.”

  With a nod of his head, Robert went to the back counter and looked for a bottle. Rubbing a light dusting of film off it, he took it and placed it on the counter. Picking the bottle up, Dominic gazed at its label and smiled. It was one of the rarest brands of whiskey around, and one he’d thought had long gone.

  “Well, it’s not day every you get married, is it Dominic?” Robert asked.

  Holding the bottle, Dominic said, “Care to join me?”

  “If it’s only one, and you’re asking-”

  “Believe me Robert, it's only one. Anything more and she’ll have my guts for garters.”

  “You’re sounding like a married man already.” Robert smiled and topped up two shot glasses.

  “I guess I am, aren’t I?” Dominic said, picking up his glass. Seeing Robert hold his out, he clinked his glass off it.

  “To a happy marriage,” Robert saluted.

  “A happy marriage.”

  “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  Dominic looked around and found William coming his way.

  “You sure that’s a wise decision? You do remember what happened the last time you were drinking in here?”

  “Believe me, William, it’s my first and last.” Looking to Robert, he nodded for support.

  “True, I’ve got permission to toss him out of here after this,” Robert replied.

  “Good. I’d hate for anything to go wrong after all the preparation I put in this evening. By the way, I ordered those flowers she likes.”

  Dominic nodded. “Thank you. I don’t deserve you, you know that?”

  “You’re right you don’t. Now get to bed and I’ll see you in the morning,” William replied, walking away. Pausing at the door, he turned. “Oh before I forget, did Shannon meet up with her Irish friend?”

  “What Irish friend?”

  “The gentleman that came in earlier, he seemed very happy that she was here. Said he wanted to see her before she got married.”

  Getting off his stool, Dominic put one foot on the floor. “What did he look like?”

  “Average height, black hair, greying a little. Oh, and he had a limp.”

  Hearing the last part Dominic broke into a sprint. Pushing past William, he ran for the stairs.

  Reaching the third floor, Dominic stopped for a moment to catch his breath. Wondering what he’d say to her if he’d let his imagination get the better of him, he put that thought aside and ran to her room. She’d understand his concern. Standing outside, he tapped on it and waited for a reply. Hearing nothing, he put his ear to it and listened. Thinking at first that she’d fallen asleep, he strained to hear a man speaking. “Shannon, are you alright in there?”


  Hearing the woman that he loved on the other side of the door and unable to protect her, he slammed his shoulder into it and bounced off it.


  Using that image to pull strength fro
m places he didn’t know he had, Dominic stepped back, raised his foot and kicked out at the door lock. Relieved to see the door burst open, he found another and larger problem on his hands. Standing facing him, he found Shannon clutching a torn corset to her chest and Sean with a knife to her throat.

  “So this is him. This is the one you ran off to marry,” Sean gloated.

  Dominic walked into the room and pushed the door closed behind him. “And you must be Sean.”

  “Don’t take another step or I’ll cut her, I swear I will.” Turning to Shannon he sneered into her ear. “So, what has this Yank got that I don’t?”

  “Drop the knife, Sean-”

  “And what, you’ll just let me go? I thought he was a clever one, Shannon.”

  Dominic held out his hands to show that they were empty. “Why not be a man and drop the knife. Let’s just settle this between you and me.”

  Waving his knife for effect, Sean said, “Maybe another time, but as you can see my problem isn’t with you, it’s with her. How about you come back in half an hour after we finish our business? What do you think Shannon?”

  “I don’t think you’d last that long, Sean.”

  Dominic heard the reply and looked at her. Seeing a look of fear on her face earlier, he found it replaced with a look of defiance. Wondering what was going on in her head, he watched as she turned and rammed a small metallic object into Sean’s eye. Seeing him distracted and his hands go to his face, Dominic ran at him and took him down. Knocking the knife from his hand, he pulled the man toward him and sent his head back toward the floor with a punch. Holding his fist and wanting to inflict more pain, he watched as Sean’s head fell slack to the side.

  Climbing off the body, Dominic turned and found William appear at the door beside Shannon. Looking at the scene for a second and guessing at what had happened, Dominic watched him take his jacket and place it around her shoulders. Joining the pair, he threw his arms around her and held her tight. Now safely in his arms, he felt her knees buckle as the shock of everything settled in. Scooping her up and taking her in his arms, he looked to William.

  “Any room’s free?”

  “Two doors down, I’ll keep an eye on him until the local law turns up.”

  “Thanks, William.”

  Carrying her in his arms, Dominic made his way to the empty room and turned the handle. Once inside he turned on the light and placed her on the bed. Pulling back the bedclothes, he helped her cover herself and made her comfortable. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked at how small and fragile she now seemed and wiped away a tear. He couldn’t believe how close he’d come to losing her. In only a few short days this complete stranger had come into his life and changed it forever. Bending down, Dominic kissed her on the forehead and kept his lips there. Feeling his heart swell, he took them away and looked at the eyes that gazed back at him.


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