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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7)

Page 10

by SJ McCoy

  Skye opened the door and smiled up at them. “Can we go to the beach now?”

  “In a little while, sweetie. Did you wash your hands?”

  “Can’t reach.”

  Elle took her back inside to wash them and when they came out again, Donovan unscrewed the lock on the door. It was an easy fix, to put the button in the unlocked position and then tighten the screw so that it stayed there.

  He looked up when he was done. They were both standing in the hallway watching him. He smiled as a thought struck him.

  “What?” asked Elle.

  “It’s dumb, but I was thinking this is where we first met.”

  She laughed. “We met outside first.”

  “I know, but when Skye wanted to come in to use the bathroom was the first time we were alone together, the three of us.”

  Elle met his gaze. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking, and he wasn’t sure why he was even talking. He was relieved when Skye tugged at his hand.

  “Let’s make a picnic!”

  The house was nice enough, but it wasn’t that big. The kitchen had everything he needed, but there wasn’t room in it for the three of them. He lifted Skye up and set her down on one of the stools at the counter that divided the kitchen from the dining area. He waited until Elle was beside her before going to open the fridge.

  He stared at its contents, hoping he’d be able to put together a picnic they’d both enjoy.

  “Do you like apples?”

  “I like chocolate.” Skye smiled at him, and Elle chuckled.

  “She likes apples, too.”

  “Only in little pieces,” said Skye.

  He raised an eyebrow at Elle.

  “I slice them for her. I can do it.”

  “That’s okay.” He took out a couple of apples and set them on the counter. “What about sandwiches? Do you like ham? Cheese?”

  “I like PB and J.”

  He should have known. He looked at Elle again, wondering if that would meet with her approval.

  “You like cheese, too,” she told Skye.

  “But PB and J is my favorite.”

  “I’m sure Donovan doesn’t—”

  Ah. That was it. She thought he wouldn’t have them. He winked at Skye. “PB and J are my favorite, too. Does Mommy like them?”

  Skye nodded. “She does.”

  “Well, okay then.” He grinned at Elle as he took out a jar of peanut butter and another of jelly and set them on the counter.

  Elle laughed. “And here I was thinking that you were this sophisticated lawyer who wouldn’t have such things in his fridge.”

  He laughed with her. “I am a sophisticated lawyer, thank you very much. But I still enjoy comfort food.” He winked at Skye again. “Mac and cheese is another one of my favorites.”

  Skye grinned. “Me too!”

  Elle met his gaze and smiled. “In that case, I might invite you over to dinner after all.”

  His pulse quickened, and he raised his eyebrows at her. He might have asked her to be his girlfriend, but he didn’t know how things would go from here—how much she’d want to see him, or what she’d be happy to do with him.

  She shrugged. “I don’t have any experience hosting fancy dinner parties for sophisticated lawyers, but I make a mean PB and J, and the best mac and cheese. Just ask Skye.”

  Skye smiled up at her and nodded. “Mommy makes the best mac and cheese.” Her smile faded as she turned back to Donovan. “She makes you eat veggies, too, though.”

  Donovan had to laugh at the expression on her little face.

  “I don’t like veggies. Do you?”

  He hesitated, knowing that he should pick a careful path, even though he didn’t want to lie. “They’re not my favorites, but I do like eating them.”

  Skye made a face. “Why? I don’t.”

  “Because they’re good for you. They help your bones and your muscles and—”

  “I like muscles. You have big muscles. Do you eat lots of veggies?”

  He chuckled and glanced at Elle, who was smiling at him through pursed lips. “I do.”

  Skye heaved a big sigh. “Okay then. Veggies in the picnic.”

  Elle looked as though she was trying not to laugh.

  It didn’t take long to put a picnic together and pack it into a small cooler. He was glad that he’d bought juice when he shopped yesterday. Skye was thrilled to see the little bottles and asked if she could have one of her own.

  When they were ready, he went and got Skye’s stroller from the truck. He unfolded it and clicked down the lock next to the wheel with his toe.

  When he looked up, he caught Elle watching him with a weird look on her face.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked as Skye climbed in.

  She nodded and smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Great. Here, give me the cooler. It should fit under her seat.”

  Donovan slid it under with a smile. “It fits perfectly. That’s why I bought this one. It’s just the right size. Hang on. I’ll just get us a blanket.” When he came back out, he tucked that under Skye’s seat, too. “Okay. Are we ready?”

  “Yay!” shouted Skye. “Time to go to the beach.”

  Elle nodded and pushed the stroller out of the driveway. Donovan hurried after her, wondering what was bothering her, but not sure that he should ask.

  ~ ~ ~

  They had a great time at the beach. Skye ran and laughed and threw pebbles into the water. She laughed even harder when Donovan chased her and caught her. He swung her up onto his shoulders and pranced around like a pony. Elle watched them in wonder. It made her heart happy to see her daughter so happy. It made her happy to be here, spending the afternoon with such a great guy as Donovan. But it kind of made her sad, too. Why couldn’t she have chosen someone like him to start with?

  If this were really her life—if he were Skye’s father—she’d be truly happy. She’d feel like she’d gotten it right. But she’d messed up. She’d chosen Tristan.

  “Come on, Mommy!” Skye came running back to her, reaching for her hand. Then she grabbed Donovan’s, too. “I want to fly!”

  Elle gave her a puzzled look, but Donovan understood. He swung her arm, lifting her feet off the ground.

  “Mommy!” Skye scowled at her. “You both have to do it, or I can’t fly!”

  “Sorry, sweetie.” This time she swung Skye’s arm at the same time Donovan did, and Skye giggled as she lifted both her feet off the ground. “I can fly! Just like with Grandma and Grandpa.”

  Elle smiled, and they continued the game all the way along the beach until they reached the rocks and turned back. Skye was loving every minute of it. Donovan looked like he was enjoying it, too. Elle wanted to, but she was stuck in her head. She hated that she hadn’t even known what Skye meant at first. Of course, she knew the game—but only from being a kid herself. Her mom and dad used to swing her like that. From what Skye had said, her mom and Cal must do it with her. Elle and Tristan had never done it with Skye, though. She glanced over at Donovan, wondering why he was so familiar with it. He didn’t have kids—she was ninety-nine percent sure that he would have told her if he did. But he was used to being around them, there was no question about that. Did he have an ex-girlfriend who had a kid? Was that why?

  She pursed her lips. She was not going to let herself go down the road of wondering if he was some kind of creep—if there was some reason he went after girls with little kids. That was so not fair. And it said more about her distrusting nature than it did about him. He was wonderful. What she needed to do was ask him.

  They sat on the blanket to eat their picnic, and Skye came and snuggled against her. “I like it here, Mommy. Can we come back soon?”

  “We can, sweetheart.”

  “Grandma and Grandpa live by the beach now. I wish we lived near the beach.”

  Elle smiled to herself. She wasn’t going to say anything to Skye yet, but if they took her mom’s rental house over here, they would live by the beach. She loo
ked at Donovan. They’d live right by him, too. Her mom’s rental was only one street over from his place. She wondered how he’d feel about that.

  He caught her watching him and popped his last bite of sandwich into his mouth. “What?” he asked with a grin. “Do I have jelly on my face?”

  She laughed. “No. You’re good.”

  He held her gaze and smiled. “I feel good. This is a great time. Thanks for coming.”

  “Thanks for inviting us.”

  “We don’t have to go home yet, do we?” Skye looked so sad at the thought.

  “Not yet, sweetie. But we will in a while. You need your nap.”

  “But I don’t want to.”

  Elle sighed. She knew Skye would kick up a fuss when it was time to go, but she didn’t want to get into it yet.

  Donovan gave her an inquiring look. She could tell he wanted to say something that he didn’t want Skye to hear. She shrugged.

  He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and got to his feet. “Sorry, ladies. I just need to take this.”

  Elle sighed as she watched him go. She didn’t think that he was doing a Tristan; he wasn’t walking away so that he could text some other girl. But it still didn’t feel great. She wished that he wanted to be here with her and Skye so much that the people in his phone could wait a while. She knew that was dumb, but she’d never been anyone’s priority like that.

  She pulled her own phone out of Skye’s bag when it beeped with a text. She might as well see who did want to talk to her. Her chest filled with a rush of warmth when she saw his name on the display

  Donovan: Sorry. I know it’s weird to text. But I didn’t want to ask in front of her.

  She can take her nap in the spare room if you like. I was hoping that you guys

  would stick around for the day.

  She looked over at him. He was standing by the water’s edge, smiling at her. He cocked his head to one side and nodded hopefully.

  She laughed and texted him back.

  Elle: I’d love to. And you know she would. I just didn’t want you to think you were stuck with us.

  Donovan: I want to spend as much of the weekend as I can with my girlfriend.

  If you still want to be my girlfriend?

  She looked up at him again when she read it. The way he smiled chased away any doubts. He wasn’t just talking the talk. He was trying to reassure her, not persuade her.

  Elle: I do. I like it. I just don’t want you to feel stuck with us.

  Donovan: I don’t. Can I come back now?

  She laughed and looked up at him and nodded. He was right. They didn’t need to keep texting. They needed to get on with enjoying the day—together.

  ~ ~ ~

  Skye’s eyes were drooping by the time they got back to the house. Elle unfastened her from the stroller and picked her up, but she turned and held her arms out to Donovan. She kept surprising him by how affectionate she was toward him.

  Elle seemed surprised, too. But he got the feeling that she liked it. She wasn’t concerned that her daughter was showing him affection—more like she couldn’t quite believe that he was showing Skye some. He didn’t want to let himself start thinking about her ex and how he’d been with Skye. The little he knew so far made him want to punch the bastard.

  Skye snuggled her head against his shoulder, and he headed straight upstairs with her. He opened the door to the spare room, grateful that he’d spent some time tidying it before the guys came over—and that he’d changed the sheets after Brayden slept here.

  “Will this be okay?” he asked Elle.

  She didn’t get the chance to answer before Skye looked up at him with a sleepy smile. “Is this my room? It’s nap time.”

  Elle smiled at them. “You can take your nap here. But when you wake up, you shout for me, okay?”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  She wriggled to get down and kicked her shoes off. Then she climbed onto the bed, and Donovan headed for the door. “See you later, Dondervan.”

  He turned back and smiled at her. “Sleep tight, Skye.”

  She held her little arms up to him, and he went back to hug her.

  “I love you, Dondervan.”

  He closed his eyes and held her a little tighter. She was such a sweet kid with so much love to give. It made his heart swell that she’d say that to him so soon. He had to clear his throat before he could answer. “I love you, too, Skye.”

  She planted a kiss on his cheek and wriggled under the covers, then held her arms up to Elle. “I love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you, too, sweet pea.”

  Donovan paused at the door. The sight of the two of them like that, their arms wrapped around each other, did strange things to his insides. He wanted to sit back down and hold them both. He wanted to be part of that hug and to tell them that the tough times were behind them now—that he’d make sure of it. He wanted to tell them that he loved them. And that thought brought him back to his senses, and he slipped out the door and went back downstairs.

  He went into the kitchen and emptied the cooler, throwing things away, just doing busy work. It was one thing for Skye to say that she loved him. It was probably pushing it that he’d told her he loved her, too. He did, but she was easy to fall in love with. He frowned. Her mom was, too. But he couldn’t claim that he loved her. He was falling for her. But that didn’t mean he should dive in head first. That wouldn’t be right—not for any of them.

  He looked up when he heard her come back downstairs. “Is she okay?”

  Elle smiled. “She’s fast asleep already. I think all the fresh air at the beach wore her out.”

  “It’ll do her good. Do you want a drink?”


  He opened the fridge. “There’s more juice or soda.” He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Beer? Wine?”

  “Oh. I wasn’t thinking a drink, drink. You have one if you want one, but I’ll take a soda.”

  He set two sodas on the counter and filled two cups with ice from the fridge. He stopped when he realized she was watching him with a frown. “You don’t want ice?”

  “No. It’s not that.”

  “What then?”

  “You have a beer if you want one. I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I should have driven my car over. I can call a cab to take us back, though.”

  “It’s fine. I don’t want a beer. I just … it dawned on me that I didn’t know if you drink, or if you’d want …”

  She nodded. “I don’t drink much. I like a glass of wine when I go out, but that’s about it.” She smiled, and he felt his face respond in kind. He couldn’t help it when she looked like that. “I’ve never been a big drinker, but since Skye … I wouldn’t want to be drunk-in-charge of a three-year-old.”

  He chuckled. “No, you need your wits about you with her.”

  She watched him pour the sodas. “You should have whatever you want, though.”

  He pushed one of them in front of her and took a big drink from the other. Then, he set it down with a smile. “I am. Do you want to go sit in the living room? I was going to say outside, but we shouldn’t while Skye’s asleep.”

  “No.” She made a face. “Don’t laugh at me, but I use a baby monitor at my mom’s. If I want to go sit out back, I can take it and still hear her if she needs me.”

  “Why would I laugh? That’s a smart idea.”

  She followed him through to the living room, and he looked around, wondering how it would look to her. It was nicely furnished—much better than the apartment he’d been in. This place was higher end than the apartment. He wondered if it would reinforce her impression of him as a sophisticated lawyer—or put him more in the PB and J league. He wasn’t sure which would be better. They were both parts of who he was, but neither of them defined him.

  He sat down at one end of the sofa. That left her with the other end or two armchairs to choose from. He didn’t know which she’d go for and had to smile when she took the other end of the sofa.

p; He turned to face her. “Thanks for coming, and thanks for sticking around.”

  She nodded happily. “Thanks for having us.”

  He chuckled.


  “We sound weird, making polite conversation.”

  “Yeah. I guess we do.” She shrugged. “I’m nervous.”

  “Me too.”

  “You are? Why? I would never have guessed. You seem so sure of yourself.”

  “I am. I’m sure of myself. I’m not so sure of you—of what you’re thinking or what you want, and I don’t want to mess it up.”

  To his relief, she smiled. “I told you earlier. I think you’re awesome. I like you. And you’re so good with Skye.”

  “She’s awesome. She’s a great little kid.”

  Her smile faded. “And you’d know. You’re used to little kids, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah.” He didn’t get why that would be a problem, but it seemed to be.


  “Why … what?”

  “What little kids do you know?”

  “Oh!” He should have realized. “Sorry. I have a bunch of nephews and nieces. I … my parents … my sister raised me. She’s much older. After my parents died, she took me and my other two sisters in. They have kids, too.” He shrugged. “My life has always had lots of little people running around in it. Sorry. I told you that when you were here for the party—that I love little kids and they usually love me. But I never explained.” He gave her a rueful smile. “I don’t go around looking for little kids to play with.”

  She let out a short laugh.

  He narrowed his eyes at her and tried to scowl over his smile. “You didn’t think …?”

  She laughed out loud. “Not really. Just for a minute. You’re so good with Skye. And the stroller and the cooler—you’re obviously not a novice. What was I supposed to think? Either you have kids—”

  “No! I don’t. And I’d have told you if I did.”

  She nodded rapidly. “I know. I didn’t really think that. But the options were either you had kids, you had a girlfriend with a kid, or for some reason you like women with kids.”

  He shook his head and blew out a sigh. “And which did you think was most likely?”


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