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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7)

Page 11

by SJ McCoy

  She shrugged and smiled. “I decided that since I didn’t like any of those options—and I do like you—the best thing to do would be to ask you.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  “Yeah. Me, too.”

  “Well, just so we’re straight. I don’t have any kids. I’ve never had a girlfriend who had a kid—before.” Her eyes widened at that, but he wanted to keep making the point that even if it didn’t feel like she was yet—to either of them—he wanted her to be his girlfriend. He caught her gaze and held it as he smiled. “I do like a woman with a kid, though. Not in general,” he clarified quickly. “I mean, one woman in particular.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She was smiling again now. Apparently, liking where he was going.

  “Yeah. I do. I like her a lot. I think she’s kind of wary. I think she’s had a tough time with men in the past. But I like her—she’s a sweetheart, and hot, too.” He winked at her. “And her little girl’s a sweetheart as well.”

  Her chest rose and fell as she looked back at him. He wanted to move closer. Wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her. A Sunday afternoon, a beautiful girl, and a sofa sounded like a great combination. But he couldn’t, wouldn’t hurry her. He smiled as a thought struck him.

  “Do you have any advice for me?”

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “I mean, I’ve never dated a woman with a child before, and I really don’t want to mess it up. I like her a lot.”

  Her smile encouraged him.

  “What do you think I should do?”

  She chuckled. “Do you think she knows how much you like her?”

  “I hope so.”

  She pursed her lips. “It’d probably be better to show her, than to rely on hope. Single moms can be a bit wary, you know. It can be hard for them to believe that a guy really does like them, even if he thinks he’s made it clear.”

  “Okay. Got it.” He was thrilled that she was playing along. “How do you think I can show her?”

  She edged closer to him on the sofa, and he met her in the middle. “You could kiss her,” she breathed.

  He closed his arms around her and held her against him as he slanted his mouth over hers. Her arms came up around his shoulders and he tangled his fingers in her hair.

  He had to shift his hips away from her. The way she felt in his arms—so soft and trusting, had him hard and eager. But no way was he going to betray her trust. He was going to take this slowly. And damn, just kissing her was a pleasure in itself.

  Chapter Ten

  Elle went back into the breakroom and sat down with a sigh. She knew she was lucky to have been able to come home and not only stay with her mom, but also walk straight into a job here at the salon with her. She loved her work—and she was good at it. She knew she was. But this place meant long hours and hard work. She wasn’t a stranger to either. She’d never been afraid of hard work. She just wished the hours weren’t so long. Not for herself. But for Skye.

  Skye loved going to Jackie’s. She had some nice little friends there. Elle just wished that she got more time with her. Her mom came in and sat down across the table from her.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  “I’m good. Just thinking how lucky I am to have you. And in case I haven’t told you, I’m very grateful for everything that you’ve done for me—everything that you do.”

  “Aww, sweetheart. I’m just glad to have you back here. You know that. I’m glad you’re back, and you know I’m hoping that you’ll find a way to be happy here—you and Skye.”

  “Thanks, Mom. We’re getting there.”

  “Anything in particular making you happy?” Her mom didn’t manage to hide her smile. “Anyone?”

  Elle shrugged. She wasn’t sure what to say about Donovan. Her mom already knew that she liked him and that they’d been hanging out—as friends.

  “Okay. I won’t push. As long as you promise you’ll tell me as soon as there’s anything to tell.”

  Elle thought about it. She could tell her that Donovan had asked her to be his girlfriend. She should definitely tell her that Skye had told him that she loved him—and that he’d said he loved her, too! Her heart melted a little bit just remembering that—Donovan sitting on the bed, all tall, and dark, and handsome, with Skye looking so small, and blonde, and cute, wrapped up in his arms. She met her mom’s gaze.

  “Okay. How about you promise to tell me when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks, Mom. That’s a promise I can make.”

  “As long as it’s one you can keep, too.”

  “I will.”

  “Anyway. While we’ve got a minute, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”


  “Do you want the house at Four Mile?”

  She pursed her lips.

  “Yes or no. They’re going to be moving out, and if you don’t want it, I’ll ask Austin to list it again.” She gave Elle a stern look. “You know I want you to have it. I don’t care if you can’t afford it. That doesn’t bother me in the slightest. But I want you to make your mind up. You take it now, or you won’t be able to for another year.”

  Elle sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Is Cal’s place ready?”


  “Because I think when it is, you’ll be moving in with him.”

  Her mom shrugged. “We’ll have to wait and see about that. But we’re talking about you, not me.”

  “I know, but it kind of is about you. If you’re staying on this side of the lake then I’m more inclined to stay here, too.”

  Her mom smiled. “In that case, why don’t we both just be honest? I think, hope, want to believe, that yes, before long, I’ll be living on that side of the lake. There, I said it out loud.” She laughed. “So, will you at least make it worth my having tempted fate for and say that you’ll come over there, too?”

  Elle smiled. “Yeah! I will. We were at the beach over there at the weekend and Skye loved it so much. I know she’d love to be right there close to the water—and of course, close to you.”

  Her mom clapped her hands together. “Aww, Elle! I’m so happy.” She chuckled. “In fact, I’m so happy that I’m going to give you a pass about being at the beach over there at the weekend. Well, almost a pass. Just put me out of my misery—were you over there with Donovan?”

  Elle nodded, wondering how she’d managed to let that slip.

  “Okay. You can tell me the rest when you want to, as long as it’s soon. For now, I’ll stick with loving that you’re going to take the house. And I’ll just mention in passing that I like Donovan. I think he’s a good guy. And so does Cal.”

  “He does? I thought he was keeping an eye on him?”

  “Oh, he is, but I’ve been asking him about the guys he works with. He gets all frowny when he thinks about Donovan and you in the same conversation, but when he talks about him as one of the guys at work, he thinks a lot of him.”

  Elle breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good to know.”

  Her mom raised an eyebrow. “Because you trust his judgment?”


  “Or because you and Donovan are seeing each other, and you need to know that Cal will be okay with it?”

  She met her mom’s gaze.

  “Sorry. I said I’d leave it be. But I think he will be okay with it.” She chuckled. “You know—in case it ever happens.”

  Elle had to laugh with her. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Mom. I don’t want to rush anything, and Donovan’s cool with that. We’re taking our time, figuring it out.”

  “That’s good.” Her mom frowned. “Can I ask you one more thing before I let it go?”

  Elle rolled her eyes. “Maybe. Depending on what it is.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but this is important to me. Your dad’s supposed to be coming this weekend again, isn’t he?”

  Elle made a face. “In theory, yeah. But we’ll see.”

  “I know, I know. But … I
feel silly. But what I’m worried about is, if your dad’s coming and you and Donovan are an item—if you’re going to introduce him to them—would you mind …” She shook her head. “I feel stupid even saying it, but it’s important.”

  Elle touched her arm. “Don’t, Mom. I think I know what you mean. If I was going to introduce him to Dad as someone I’m seeing, you’d like me to introduce him to you guys that way, too.”

  Her mom made a face and nodded. “I’m sorry. It’s just your dad …”

  “Don’t you be sorry. I get it. Really, I do. I know you don’t like me to say it, but Dad’s a jerk. And don’t worry. When I’m ready to step up and say that Donovan is my boyfriend, and to introduce him to my family, you’ll be first. You’re most important to me. You and Cal. Even though you already know Donovan. I don’t plan to introduce him to Dad and Maddie, and I’ve told him that. And it’s not because I’m uncertain about him—it’s because they’re not that important to me. And besides—I just have this feeling that they won’t show up again. I’ve told Donovan that, too.”

  Her mom nodded. “I’m sorry he lets you down so much.”

  “Honestly? I’m not. I don’t mind him not showing. What annoys me is him saying that he will and then not following through. I’d be much happier if he said he was never going to come again.”



  “He’s your father.”


  Her mom blew out a sigh. “No way am I getting into an argument with you about him.”

  “Good.” Elle smiled at her. “Let’s forget about him and move on. “How long do you think it’ll be until I can take the house at Four Mile?”

  Her mom grinned at her. “They’re moving out right away. They’re going back to San Francisco like I thought. So, once it’s been cleaned and inspected and done, it’s yours any time you like!”

  Elle wriggled a little happy dance in her seat. “Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.”

  “I try.”

  “What kind of down payment do you need?”

  Her mom blew out a sigh.

  “I’m serious, Mom.”

  The doorbell rang, and her mom smiled. “I guess we’ll have to talk about it later.”

  “We will! I’m not taking the place if you—”

  Her mom waved a hand at her. “Okay! Now get out there. I’m taking a break.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “Are you coming?”

  Donovan frowned at his computer and looked up at Brayden. “Where?”

  “To the salon. I’m going for my haircut.”

  “Oh.” Donovan checked his watch. “Yeah. Give me a minute.”

  Leanne popped her head around the door that led to her office from his. “Whatever you think you need to finish before you go, forget it!”

  Donovan chuckled. “It’s fine. I’m only shutting down.”

  “Good.” Leanne came in and grinned at Brayden. “Good job, Bray. I keep trying to send him off to see her. I’m glad you figured out a way to do it.”

  Donovan smirked at the hint of color that rose on Brayden’s cheeks. He didn’t know how to handle Leanne—to be fair, not many people did. She was a full-on, in-your-face kind of personality—not the sort that Brayden was used to.

  She came and stood over his desk and peered at the screen. “I thought you were shutting down.”

  “I am. I’m just saving the files first. I appreciate that you’re in a hurry to get me out of here, but you don’t want me to lose the list of registrations, do you?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay. Smartass.” She turned to Brayden. “I used to be his boss, you know.”

  Brayden shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that.

  Donovan just laughed. “You still are. I just know that you don’t tolerate fools—and you’ve got no time for pussies. If I meekly went along with everything you said, we’d both think I was one or the other.”

  She laughed and slapped his shoulder. “Damned straight we would. But I wasn’t just messing with you. There’s something I want to talk to you about. About me not being your boss anymore.”

  Donovan’s heart sank. What did she mean? Leanne had brought him up here with her when she made the move from Stein and Harrison. If she wasn’t going to be his boss anymore, did that mean she no longer needed him?

  He stared at her, but she just laughed again. “Oh, for God’s sake! Don’t look at me like that! I’m not talking about firing you, I’m talking about giving you more autonomy around here. But we can talk about it tomorrow. Brayden needs a haircut.”

  Brayden raised his hand to his head with a puzzled look.

  Leanne just laughed. “Jeez! You two are as bad as each other. Go! The pair of you. And don’t worry—you,” she looked at Brayden, “are cute just the way you are. And you are looking at a promotion and more responsibility if you want it. But for now, go see Elle!”

  Once they were out in the parking lot, Brayden gave him a puzzled look. “Do you really think she thinks I’m cute?”

  Donovan laughed. “She wouldn’t say it if she didn’t. But I wouldn’t go reading anything into it. Believe me, you don’t want Ryan on your back. Lee’s just like that. She speaks her mind. If someone’s cute—guy or girl—she’ll say so. If she thinks they’re dumb, she’ll say that, too. She takes some getting used to.”

  Brayden nodded. “Yeah. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to her. You’ve worked with her for years, right?”

  “Yep. She hired me right out of law school. I was scared of her for the first week, but then I figured out that I needed to just get over it. She’s not mean, she’s not a bitch—even though she can come across that way sometimes. She’s incredibly smart and she gets shit done. I’m lucky that we work well together.”

  “Probably because you’re incredibly smart and you get shit done, too.”

  Donovan smiled. “That’s high praise coming from you.”

  Brayden shrugged. “I don’t see it as praise. Just a statement of fact. Anyway, what’s the deal when we go to the salon?”

  “I don’t even know yet. I just wanted to make the most of the opportunity to see her again. We’ve been talking on the phone, but she works till late and then she has to see to Skye afterward.” He blew out a sigh. “And her dad’s supposed to be coming again this weekend. So, I don’t know when I’ll get to see her.”

  Brayden smiled. “I’m just glad I can help. You’re a lot happier since you asked her out.”

  “I am.” Donovan chuckled. “Even though we haven’t actually gone out yet, and I have no idea when we’ll be able to.”

  Brayden checked his watch. “Maybe you can stick around tonight? Come have some dinner with me until she’s finished work. That way you’re still on this side of the lake and you have an excuse to stop in and see her before you go home. That’s the only bad thing about you living over at Four Mile now, I guess. It’s not like you’re just around the corner and could pop in casually.”

  “I know. I’ve even been second guessing myself on taking that place.”

  “No! No way, dude. Your place is awesome.”

  When they got to the salon, Donovan let Brayden go in ahead of him. He and Elle had hung out at the park again with Skye on Monday and talked on the phone the last couple nights. But they didn’t have any plans. It was okay, he knew her dad was coming, and he knew he’d have to be patient with her. He hoped that seeing him here would be a pleasant surprise for her.

  She was sweeping around her chair, and the way she smiled when she spotted him told him that it was a very pleasant surprise to see him. Her eyes seemed to shimmer as she came over to the desk to greet them.



  They just stood there, staring into each other’s eyes until Brayden cleared his throat, and Elle let out a nervous giggle.

  “Sorry, Brayden. Come and sit down.” Just as she started walking toward the chair in front of the window, her mom came out of a door at the back.
She beamed at Donovan when she saw him.

  “Well, hello, Dondervan!”

  He gave her a wry smile. From the few times he’d met her, he liked her, but he had a feeling she was about to put him on the spot. He braced himself.

  “Hi, Ms. Clarke.”

  She grinned. “Teresa, please.”

  He nodded.

  “And what are you doing here? Have you come for— Oh.” Her smile faded when she saw Brayden, who was just sitting down in Elle’s chair.

  “I came in with Brayden.”

  “I see.” She didn’t look so happy anymore. Then she smiled again and winked at him before turning to Elle. “Is there any chance you could run down to the wholesalers for me before they close?”

  Elle looked down at Brayden and then back at her mom. “I don’t have time. I have Brayden and then Mr. Owens is coming in, and by the time I’m done with him I’ll have to get Skye. I could go early in the morning—before I drop her off.”

  Her mom was already walking over to her, smiling at Brayden as she went. “How about I take care of your appointments and you go now? I can pick Skye up if you’re not back in time.”

  Elle glanced over at him. She looked confused and little bit wary. “I … I guess …”

  Her mom didn’t even give her time to finish. “Thanks, so much sweetheart.” She grinned at Donovan. “Would you mind going with her? There are a couple of heavy boxes in this order.”

  He couldn’t help smiling back at her as she winked again. “Of course. I’d be happy to help. We can take the truck if you like?” he asked Elle.

  She looked from him to her mom and back again, still confused but not totally against the idea. “Okay. Just let me get my things.”

  Once she’d disappeared though the door to the back, her mom grinned at him and spoke in a stage whisper. “I’ll call her in about fifteen minutes to let her know that I forgot that the wholesalers closes early on Wednesdays. But you should head out Route Twenty just in case. If you’re still in town, she might say she has to come straight back.”

  Donovan stared at her in disbelief but recovered quickly. “Thanks! Are you sure …?” He already knew it was a dumb question; she wouldn’t have set this up if she minded. “I’ll get her back in time to pick Skye up.”


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